Diets based on virgin olive oil or fish oil but not on sunflower oil prevent age-related alveolar bone resorption by mitochondrial-related mechanisms.

Autoria(s): Bullón, Pedro; Battino, Maurizio; Varela-López, Alfonso; Pérez-López, Patricia; Granados-Principal, Sergio; Ramírez-Tortosa, María C; Ochoa, Julio J; Cordero, Mario D; González-Alonso, Adrián; Ramírez-Tortosa, César L; Rubini, Corrado; Zizzi, Antonio; Quiles, José L





BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES Aging enhances frequency of chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases or periodontitis. Here we reproduced an age-dependent model of the periodontium, a fully physiological approach to periodontal conditions, to evaluate the impact of dietary fat type on gingival tissue of young (6 months old) and old (24 months old) rats. METHODS/FINDINGS Animals were fed life-long on diets based on monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) as virgin olive oil, n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-6PUFA), as sunflower oil, or n-3PUFA, as fish oil. Age-related alveolar bone loss was higher in n-6PUFA fed rats, probably as a consequence of the ablation of the cell capacity to adapt to aging. Gene expression analysis suggests that MUFA or n-3PUFA allowed mitochondria to maintain an adequate turnover through induction of biogenesis, autophagy and the antioxidant systems, and avoiding mitochondrial electron transport system alterations. CONCLUSIONS The main finding is that the enhanced alveolar bone loss associated to age may be targeted by an appropriate dietary treatment. The mechanisms involved in this phenomenon are related with an ablation of the cell capacity to adapt to aging. Thus, MUFA or n-3PUFA might allow mitochondrial maintaining turnover through biogenesis or autophagy. They might also be able to induce the corresponding antioxidant systems to counteract age-related oxidative stress, and do not inhibit mitochondrial electron transport chain. From the nutritional and clinical point of view, it is noteworthy that the potential treatments to attenuate alveolar bone loss (a feature of periodontal disease) associated to age could be similar to some of the proposed for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, a group of pathologies recently associated with age-related periodontitis.

Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't;

This study was supported by I+D grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (AGL2008-01057) and the Autonomous Government of Andalusia (AGR832)


Bullón P, Battino M, Varela-López A, Pérez-López P, Granados-Principal S, Ramírez-Tortosa MC, et al. Diets based on virgin olive oil or fish oil but not on sunflower oil prevent age-related alveolar bone resorption by mitochondrial-related mechanisms. PLoS ONE.2013; 8(9):e74234

1932-6203 (Online)

1932-6203 (Print)







Public Library of Science


PloS One


Acceso abierto

Palavras-Chave #Aging #Envejecimiento #Alveolar Bone #Hueso Alveolar #Diet #Dieta #Fatty Acids #Ácidos Grasos #Periodontitis #Periodontitis #Sunflower #Girasol #Vegetable Oils #Aceites Vegetales #Animals #Animales #Resorción Ósea #Dietary Fats #Grasas en la Dieta #Aceites de Pescado #Male #Masculino #Mitocondrias #Aceites Vegetales #Rats #Ratas #Ratas Wistar #Proceso Alveolar #Medical Subject Headings::Organisms::Eukaryota::Animals #Medical Subject Headings::Diseases::Musculoskeletal Diseases::Bone Diseases::Bone Resorption #Medical Subject Headings::Technology, Industry, Agriculture::Food and Beverages::Food::Dietary Fats::Dietary Fats, Unsaturated #Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Lipids::Oils::Fish Oils #Medical Subject Headings::Check Tags::Male #Medical Subject Headings::Anatomy::Cells::Cellular Structures::Intracellular Space::Cytoplasm::Cytoplasmic Structures::Organelles::Mitochondria #Medical Subject Headings::Chemicals and Drugs::Lipids::Oils::Plant Oils #Medical Subject Headings::Organisms::Eukaryota::Animals::Chordata::Vertebrates::Mammals::Rodentia::Mole Rats #Medical Subject Headings::Organisms::Eukaryota::Animals::Chordata::Vertebrates::Mammals::Rodentia::Muridae::Murinae::Rats::Rats, Wistar #Medical Subject Headings::Anatomy::Musculoskeletal System::Skeleton::Bone and Bones::Skull::Facial Bones::Jaw::Alveolar Process


