987 resultados para Structural modeling of digital informational environments


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In an effort to develop a fully computerized approach for structural synthesis of kinematic chains the steps involved in the method of structural synthesis based on transformation of binary chains [38] have been recast in a format suitable for implementation on a digital computer. The methodology thus evolved has been combined with the algebraic procedures for structural analysis [44] to develop a unified computer program for structural synthesis and analysis of simple jointed kinematic chains with a degree of freedom 0. Applications of this program are presented in the succeeding parts of the paper.


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The assembly of influenza A virus at the plasma membrane of infected cells leads to release of enveloped virions that are typically round in tissue culture-adapted strains but filamentous in strains isolated from patients. The viral proteins hemagglutinin (HA), neuraminidase (NA), matrix protein 1 (M1), and M2 ion channel all contribute to virus assembly. When expressed individually or in combination in cells, they can all, under certain conditions, mediate release of membrane-enveloped particles, but their relative roles in virus assembly, release, and morphology remain unclear. To investigate these roles, we produced membrane-enveloped particles by plasmid-derived expression of combinations of HA, NA, and M proteins (M1 and M2) or by infection with influenza A virus. We monitored particle release, particle morphology, and plasma membrane morphology by using biochemical methods, electron microscopy, electron tomography, and cryo-electron tomography. Our data suggest that HA, NA, or HANA (HA plus NA) expression leads to particle release through nonspecific induction of membrane curvature. In contrast, coexpression with the M proteins clusters the glycoproteins into filamentous membrane protrusions, which can be released as particles by formation of a constricted neck at the base. HA and NA are preferentially distributed to differently curved membranes within these particles. Both the budding intermediates and the released particles are morphologically similar to those produced during infection with influenza A virus. Together, our data provide new insights into influenza virus assembly and show that the M segment together with either of the glycoproteins is the minimal requirement to assemble and release membrane-enveloped particles that are truly virus-like.


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The constitutive model for a magnetostrictive material and its effect on the structural response is presented in this article. The example of magnetostrictive material considered is the TERFENOL-D. As like the piezoelectric material, this material has two constitutive laws, one of which is the sensing law and the other is the actuation law, both of which are highly coupled and non-linear. For the purpose of analysis, the constitutive laws can be characterized as coupled or uncoupled and linear or non linear. Coupled model is studied without assuming any explicit direct relationship with magnetic field. In the linear coupled model, which is assumed to preserve the magnetic flux line continuity, the elastic modulus, the permeability and magneto-elastic constant are assumed as constant. In the nonlinear-coupled model, the nonlinearity is decoupled and solved separately for the magnetic domain and the mechanical domain using two nonlinear curves, namely the stress vs. strain curve and the magnetic flux density vs. magnetic field curve. This is performed by two different methods. In the first, the magnetic flux density is computed iteratively, while in the second, the artificial neural network is used, where in the trained network will give the necessary strain and magnetic flux density for a given magnetic field and stress level. The effect of nonlinearity is demonstrated on a simple magnetostrictive rod.


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A generalized technique is proposed for modeling the effects of process variations on dynamic power by directly relating the variations in process parameters to variations in dynamic power of a digital circuit. The dynamic power of a 2-input NAND gate is characterized by mixed-mode simulations, to be used as a library element for 65mn gate length technology. The proposed methodology is demonstrated with a multiplier circuit built using the NAND gate library, by characterizing its dynamic power through Monte Carlo analysis. The statistical technique of Response. Surface Methodology (RSM) using Design of Experiments (DOE) and Least Squares Method (LSM), are employed to generate a "hybrid model" for gate power to account for simultaneous variations in multiple process parameters. We demonstrate that our hybrid model based statistical design approach results in considerable savings in the power budget of low power CMOS designs with an error of less than 1%, with significant reductions in uncertainty by atleast 6X on a normalized basis, against worst case design.


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The pH dependent reversible association-dissociation reaction of α- and β-lipovitellins from egg yolk has been studied by 1H NMR and fluorescence probe methods. Increased mobility of the choline methyl groups has been demonstrated on dissociation. The lipid methylene resonance of β-lipovitellin shows clear doublet character suggesting that the fatty acid chains exist in distinct environments. The high field component increases with temperature but is suppressed on treatment with pronase, suggesting a significant role for proteins in maintaining the differences in lipid environments. 1-Anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate has been shown to bind less effectively to the monomeric lipovitellins. This is in agreement with earlier results suggesting that dissociation may be accompanied by increased hydration and conformational changes.


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The notion of optimization is inherent in protein design. A long linear chain of twenty types of amino acid residues are known to fold to a 3-D conformation that minimizes the combined inter-residue energy interactions. There are two distinct protein design problems, viz. predicting the folded structure from a given sequence of amino acid monomers (folding problem) and determining a sequence for a given folded structure (inverse folding problem). These two problems have much similarity to engineering structural analysis and structural optimization problems respectively. In the folding problem, a protein chain with a given sequence folds to a conformation, called a native state, which has a unique global minimum energy value when compared to all other unfolded conformations. This involves a search in the conformation space. This is somewhat akin to the principle of minimum potential energy that determines the deformed static equilibrium configuration of an elastic structure of given topology, shape, and size that is subjected to certain boundary conditions. In the inverse-folding problem, one has to design a sequence with some objectives (having a specific feature of the folded structure, docking with another protein, etc.) and constraints (sequence being fixed in some portion, a particular composition of amino acid types, etc.) while obtaining a sequence that would fold to the desired conformation satisfying the criteria of folding. This requires a search in the sequence space. This is similar to structural optimization in the design-variable space wherein a certain feature of structural response is optimized subject to some constraints while satisfying the governing static or dynamic equilibrium equations. Based on this similarity, in this work we apply the topology optimization methods to protein design, discuss modeling issues and present some initial results.


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Angiogenin belongs to the Ribonuclease superfamily and has a weak enzymatic activity that is crucial for its biological function of stimulating blood vessel growth. Structural studies on ligand bound Angiogenin will go a long way in understanding the mechanism of the protein as well as help in designing drugs against it. In this study we present the first available structure of nucleotide ligand bound Angiogenin obtained by computer modeling. The importance of this study in itself notwithstanding, is a precursor to modeling a full dinucleotide substrate onto Angiogenin. Bovine Angiogenin, the structure of which has been solved at a high resolution, was earlier subjected to Molecular Dynamics simulations for a nanosecond. The MD structures offer better starting points for docking as they offer lesser obstruction than the crystal structure to ligand binding. The MD structure with the least serious short contacts was modeled to obtain a steric free Angiogenin - 3' mononucleotide complex structure. The structures were energetically minimized and subjected to a brief spell of Molecular Dynamics. The results of the simulation show that all the li,ligand-Angiogenin interactions and hydrogen bonds are retained, redeeming the structure and docking procedure. Further, following ligand - protein interactions in the case of the ligands 3'-CMP and 3'-UMP we were able to speculate on how Angiogenin, a predominantly prymidine specific ribonuclease prefers Cytosine to Uracil in the first base position.


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A novel methodology for modeling the effects of process variations on circuit delay performance is proposed by relating the variations in process parameters to variations in delay metric of a complex digital circuit. The delay of a 2-input NAND gate with 65nm gate length transistors is extensively characterized by mixed-mode simulations which is then used as a library element. The variation in saturation current Ionat the device level, and the variation in rising/falling edge stage delay for the NAND gate at the circuit level, are taken as performance metrics. A 4-bit x 4-bit Wallace tree multiplier circuit is used as a representative combinational circuit to demonstrate the proposed methodology. The variation in the multiplier delay is characterized, to obtain delay distributions, by an extensive Monte Carlo analysis. An analytical model based on CV/I metric is proposed, to extend this methodology for a generic technology library with a variety of library elements.


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Joint experimental and theoretical work is presented on two quadrupolar D-pi-A-pi-D chromophores characterized by the same bulky donor (D) group and two different central cores. The first chromophore, a newly synthesized species with a malononitrile-based acceptor (A) group, has a V-shaped structure that makes its absorption spectrum very broad, covering most of the visible region. The second chromophore has a squaraine-based core and therefore a linear structure, as also evinced from its absorption spectra. Both chromophores show an anomalous red shift of the absorption band upon increasing solvent polarity, a feature that is ascribed to the large, bulky structure of the moleCules. For these molecules, the basic description of polar solvation in terms of a uniform reaction field fails. Indeed, a simple extension of the model to account for two independent reaction fields associated with the two molecular arms quantitatively reproduces the observed linear absorption and fluorescence as well as fluorescence anisotropy spectra, fully rationalizing their nontrivial dependence on solvent polarity. The model derived from the analysis of linear spectra is adopted to predict nonlinear spectra and specifically hyper-Rayleigh scattering and two-photon absorption spectra. In polar solvents, the V-shaped chromophore is predicted to have a large HRS response in a wide spectral region (approximately 600-1300 nm). Anomalously large and largely solvent-dependent HRS responses for the linear chromophores are ascribed to symmetry lowering induced by polar solvation and amplified in this bulky system by the presence of two reaction fields.


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Background: We highlight an unrecognized physiological role for the Greek key motif, an evolutionarily conserved super-secondary structural topology of the beta gamma-crystallins. These proteins constitute the bulk of the human eye lens, packed at very high concentrations in a compact, globular, short-range order, generating transparency. Congenital cataract (affecting 400,000 newborns yearly worldwide), associated with 54 mutations in beta gamma-crystallins, occurs in two major phenotypes nuclear cataract, which blocks the central visual axis, hampering the development of the growing eye and demanding earliest intervention, and the milder peripheral progressive cataract where surgery can wait. In order to understand this phenotypic dichotomy at the molecular level, we have studied the structural and aggregation features of representative mutations. Methods: Wild type and several representative mutant proteins were cloned, expressed and purified and their secondary and tertiary structural details, as well as structural stability, were compared in solution, using spectroscopy. Their tendencies to aggregate in vitro and in cellulo were also compared. In addition, we analyzed their structural differences by molecular modeling in silico. Results: Based on their properties, mutants are seen to fall into two classes. Mutants A36P, L45PL54P, R140X, and G165fs display lowered solubility and structural stability, expose several buried residues to the surface, aggregate in vitro and in cellulo, and disturb/distort the Greek key motif. And they are associated with nuclear cataract. In contrast, mutants P24T and R77S, associated with peripheral cataract, behave quite similar to the wild type molecule, and do not affect the Greek key topology. Conclusion: When a mutation distorts even one of the four Greek key motifs, the protein readily self-aggregates and precipitates, consistent with the phenotype of nuclear cataract, while mutations not affecting the motif display `native state aggregation', leading to peripheral cataract, thus offering a protein structural rationale for the cataract phenotypic dichotomy ``distort motif, lose central vision''.