949 resultados para Stress Scales Dass
The genomic era revolutionized evolutionary biology. The enigma of genotypic-phenotypic diversity and biodiversity evolution of genes, genomes, phenomes, and biomes, reviewed here, was central in the research program of the Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, since 1975. We explored the following questions. (i) How much of the genomic and phenomic diversity in nature is adaptive and processed by natural selection? (ii) What is the origin and evolution of adaptation and speciation processes under spatiotemporal variables and stressful macrogeographic and microgeographic environments? We advanced ecological genetics into ecological genomics and analyzed globally ecological, demographic, and life history variables in 1,200 diverse species across life, thousands of populations, and tens of thousands of individuals tested mostly for allozyme and partly for DNA diversity. Likewise, we tested thermal, chemical, climatic, and biotic stresses in several model organisms. Recently, we introduced genetic maps and quantitative trait loci to elucidate the genetic basis of adaptation and speciation. The genome–phenome holistic model was deciphered by the global regressive, progressive, and convergent evolution of subterranean mammals. Our results indicate abundant genotypic and phenotypic diversity in nature. The organization and evolution of molecular and organismal diversity in nature at global, regional, and local scales are nonrandom and structured; display regularities across life; and are positively correlated with, and partly predictable by, abiotic and biotic environmental heterogeneity and stress. Biodiversity evolution, even in small isolated populations, is primarily driven by natural selection, including diversifying, balancing, cyclical, and purifying selective regimes, interacting with, but ultimately overriding, the effects of mutation, migration, and stochasticity.
The interaction of both natural conditions and anthropogenic environmental impacts can lead to different soft-bottom macrobenthic distribution patterns. Soft-bottom macrobenthic community was analysed at different taxonomic scales in order to evaluate whether diverse subset of organisms respond to the variability of the environmental pressures (natural and human induced) showing or not similar distribution patterns. Therefore, this long-term survey had been focused on a heterogeneous area, where both anthropogenic and natural stress may affect the community. Three perpendicular transects to the coast were established and stations at 4, 10 and 15 m depths were sampled at each transect twice a year (summer- winter) from 2004 to 2009. Non-parametric multivariate techniques were used to analyse soft-bottom macrobenthic community distribution and its relation to the environmental factors. Similar distribution patterns between investigated taxonomic levels were detected and they were mainly related to depth.
While studies concerned with migration and the welfare, or migration and stress, have been focusing on either notions of a welfare-magnet or issues related to PTSDs, representing an overt research focus on migration from poorer to richer nations, none have explored the possible role of chronic stress as an underlying trigger for wishing to escape the welfare society. This study explores just this, elaborating upon the lifestyle-concept. Using the latest financial crisis as a theoretical turning point, a comparative case study was performed with Swedish migrant entrepreneurs in Costa del Sol, as compared to previously performed studies from the area. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were carried out with different actors for the purpose of triangulation. Statistics were used for an elementary understanding, in a mixed method design. Analysis was performed on macro to micro scales, providing findings in line with previous research on lifestyle-migration. New findings however include a recognition of long-term exposure to stress as an underlying trigger for wishing to escape the welfare-society, as well as the perception of the holiday-destination as the antithesis to stress making it the preferred choice for relocation. The paper concludes that if stress push people away from Sweden, it can be considered global in scope.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos investigar a presença de manifestações psicossomáticas em estudantes universitários, a partir da identificação e da prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e stress entre outros transtornos; identificar sinais e sintomas de ansiedade, depressão e stress em universitários portugueses; e correlacionar os sinais e sintomas entre si. Utilizou-se o método quantitativo descritivo de corte transversal. Como meio de investigação, foram utilizados três instrumentos: O Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado de Spilberber IDATE, a Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress EADS-21 (DASS) e o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp ISSL. A amostra resultou em 147 universitários de primeiro ingresso na universidade com idade variando entre 18 e 26 anos da Universidade do Algarve Ualg (Portugal), em seus diversos cursos. Os dados obtidos foram analisados e correlacionados com o auxilio do software estatístico SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), versão 19.0 para Windows, utilizando a análise estatística descritiva de frequência e média, Teste T de Student e ANOVA. Os resultados apontaram uma amostra em sua maioria de mulheres, solteiras, que saíram da casa dos pais para estudar e que no momento da coleta dos dados não exerciam atividades de trabalho, apenas estudavam. Houve presença de indicadores de ansiedade, depressão e stress, sendo o nível de ansiedade encontrado moderado e vinculado à probabilidade de depressão associada. Em relação a manifestações psicossomáticas, foi identificada uma dificuldade em auto-avaliação da presença destas, porém entendeu-se que há associação de manifestações psicossomáticas em relação aos sintomas de stress, ansiedade e depressão, encontrados. Levantou-se a hipótese de associação desses sintomas com a situação atual de crise econômica que passa a sociedade portuguesa, principalmente no período de coleta desses dados. Assim, verificou-se um possível estado de vulnerabilidade nesta população com alguma dificuldade em se adaptar às novas exigências de vida, necessitando então de medidas preventivas que auxiliem a adaptação e reestruturação do estilo de vida desses estudantes.
Background: Peanut allergy (PA) is known to impact on quality of life (QoL) of the sufferer, but little research has focused on all family members. We therefore sought to establish the impact of PA on QoL and reported anxiety of children with clinically confirmed PA, their parents and older siblings. Methods: Forty-six families, who had a child with PA, completed QoL (PedsQLTM or WHOQOL-BREF), anxiety (SCAS or STAI) and perceived stress (PSS) scales. PA children completed a PA specific QoL questionnaire (Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2003;14:378). Parents and sibling also completed QoL proxy questionnaires for the PA child (PedsQLTM, Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2003;14:378). Results: Mothers rated their own psychological (P < 0.01) and physical (P < 0.05) QoL significantly worse than fathers rated theirs, and had higher scores than fathers for anxiety (P < 0.05) and stress (P < 0.001). Children with PA had significantly poorer physical health-related QoL (P < 0.05), QoL within school (P < 0.01) and general QoL (P < 0.05) than their siblings did, and greater separation anxiety (P < 0.05). The majority of differences were between girls with PA and female siblings. Mothers felt that there was a greater impact on QoL for their PA child, compared with that reported by siblings, fathers or the PA children themselves (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Mothers report that they have significantly poorer QoL and suffer more anxiety and stress than fathers do; this inter-parental difference may be an important feature of family stress caused by PA. Siblings have a similar view of how QoL affects the PA child as the PA child does, while mothers may possibly overestimate this impact.
Background: This study examines perceived stress and its potential causal factors in nurses. Stress has been seen as a routine and accepted part of the healthcare worker’s role. The lack of research on stress in nurses in Ireland motivated this study. Aims: The aims of this study are to examine the level of stress experienced by nurses working in an Irish teaching hospital, and investigate differences in perceived stress levels by ward area and associations with work characteristics. Method: A cross-sectional study design was employed, with a two-stage cluster sampling process. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data and nurses were investigated across ten different wards using the Nursing Stress Scale and the Demand Control Support Scales. Results: The response rate was 62%. Using outpatients as a reference ward, perceived stress levels were found to be significantly higher in the medical ward, accident and emergency, intensive care unit and paediatric wards (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between the wards with regard to job strain, however, differences did occur with levels of support; the day unit and paediatric ward reporting the lowest level of supervisor support (p<0.01). A significant association was seen between the wards and perceived stress even after adjustment (p<0.05). Conclusion: The findings suggest that perceived stress does vary within different work areas in the same hospital. Work factors, such as demand and support are important with regard to perceived stress. Job control was not found to play an important role.
Objectivos: O presente estudo avaliou a relação entre diversos aspectos objectivos e subjectivos inerentes às experiências de combate/guerra e sintomatologia associada à Perturbação Pós-Stress Traumático. Os instrumentos de auto-resposta utilizados na colheita dos dados foram analisados quanto às suas principais propriedades psicométricas. Métodos: A amostra foi composta por 105 combatentes da Guerra Colonial Portuguesa. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos de avaliação: um questionário sóciodemográfico de auto-resposta para a caracterização da amostra, o Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (para militares), o Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire, o Questionário de Experiências de Combate e duas escalas do Deployment Risk and Resilience Inventory, nomeadamente a Difficult Livings and Working Environment Scale e a Perceived Threat Scale. Resultados: O estudo das qualidades psicométricas dos instrumentos apresenta uma consistência interna superior a .86 e uma estabilidade temporal superior a .79. A análise factorial do Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire apresenta bons valores na medida de Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin e no teste de esfericidade de Bartlett. Na rotação de Varimax é extraído um factor, predizendo a sua unidimensionalidade, que explica cerca de 70% da variância total do questionário. Os resultados relativos à validade divergentediscriminante indicam, por si só, que esta se apresenta de forma clara entre os instrumentos estudados (PCL-M, PDEQ, DLWES e PTS) no subgrupo com PTSD, com excepção da verificada entre o PCL-M e o PDEQ.. Quanto à validade de critério, constatam-se diferenças entre os subgrupos com e sem PTSD. Através do método da regressão linear múltipla, duas das seis variáveis têm, isoladamente, um peso preditivo significativo para a PTSD, nomeadamente a frequência de exposição a situações típicas e objectivas de combate/ guerra e os desconfortos diários durante a(s) comissão(ões). Ao considerarmos as variáveis no seu conjunto, aquelas que mais contribuem são a dissociação peritraumática e os desconfortos diários durante a(s) comissão(ões). Conclusão: Constata-se que os factores peritraumáticos em estudo desempenham um importante papel no desenvolvimento da sintomatologia inerente à PTSD. /
Introdução. Os estilos educativos parentais enquanto clima educativo geral apresentam um forte impacto em diferentes resultados desenvolvimentais (e.g., sintomatologia depressiva/ansiosa e auto estima) da criança/jovem. Podem ser estudados de um ponto de vista dimensional, considerando, por exemplo, as dimensões Controlo/Sobreproteção e Suporte, ou categorial, seguindo, por exemplo, a abordagem de Baumrind, e Maccoby e Martin. Neste estudo pretendemos: verificar se existem diferenças por género e idade, nas dimensões Suporte Emocional, Sobreproteção e Rejeição (EMBU-A) (cada progenitor separadamente), na sintomatologia depressiva/ansiosa e na auto estima; avaliar se existem diferenças nas dimensões do EMBU-A, entre progenitores, na amostra total e por género; explorar associações entre as variáveis centrais do estudo (estilos educativos, sintomatologias e auto estima) e variáveis sociodemográficas, também nas três amostras; explorar diferenças entre quatro grupos criados (Pai-Filho, Pai-Filha; Mãe-Filho e Mãe-Filha) nas dimensões do EMBU-A; combinando a Sobreproteção e o Suporte Emocional (EMBU-A), e definindo os estilos educativos parentais autoritário, autoritativo, permissivo e negligente, calcular a prevalência dos mesmos na nossa amostra (por Pai e por Mãe) e explorar as suas associações com as sintomatologias e com a auto estima (separadamente, por progenitor). Metodologia. A nossa amostra é constituída por 284 adolescentes (idade média = 14,5; DP = 1,68; raparigas, n = 171, 60,2%). Todos preencheram um protocolo composto por um questionário sociodemográfico, pela Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale (RSES), pelo DASS-21 e pelo Parental Rearing Style Questionnaire for use with Adolescents (EMBU-A/A). Resultados. De salientar o facto de os adolescentes percecionarem a mãe como apresentando valores mais elevados em todas as dimensões do EMBU-A, por comparação com o pai. Da mesma forma, ainda que com diferentes padrões de associação conforme o género, é de salientar a associação entre níveis maiores de Suporte emocional e níveis mais baixos de sintomatologia depressiva/ansiosa e stress, e a associação entre as dimensões Sobreproteção e Rejeição e níveis superiores desses resultados. Uma mais baixa escolaridade do pai associa-se a menor Suporte emocional e uma maior escolaridade da mãe a maior Sobreproteção. Uma díade constituída por progenitor e adolescente do género masculino apresenta resultados inferiores em todas as dimensões do EMBU-A, por comparação com díades formadas por mãe-filho/filha. O estilo Autoritativo é o mais prevalente na nossa amostra (em ambos os progenitores) e o estilo Autoritário é aquele que se associa a pontuações mais elevadas de psicopatologia e a uma menor auto estima. Discussão. De uma forma, genérica os resultados seguem de perto a literatura e revelam a associação entre valores mais elevados na dimensão Suporte emocional e níveis mais baixos de psicopatologia e stress, e a associação entre as dimensões Sobreproteção e Rejeição e níveis superiores desses resultados. Igualmente, o estilo educativo Autoritário está claramente associado a piores resultados nessas mesmas variáveis. São discutidas algumas implicações, no que toca a programas psicoeducativos/educação parental. / Introduction. As a general educational environment, parental rearing styles have a strong impact in different outcomes of development of the child or teenager (e.g. symptoms of depression/ anxiety and self-esteem). These can be studied from a dimensional point of view considering for example the dimensions Control/Overprotection and Support or from a categorical point of view following for example the approach of Baumrind and Maccoby and Martin. This study aims at checking whether there are differences of gender and age in the dimensions of Emotional Support, Overprotection and Rejection (EMBU-A) (each parent separately) in depressive symptoms/anxiety and self esteem; assessing whether there are differences in the dimensions of the EMBU-A, between parents in the total sample and by gender; exploring associations between the study’s main variables (rearing styles, symptomatology and self esteem) and sociodemographic variables, also in the three samples; exploring differences between the four groups created (Father-Son, Father-Daughter, Mother-Son and Mother-Daughter) in the dimensions of the EMBU-A, combining Overprotection and Emotional Support(EMBU-A) and defining the authoritarian, authoritative, indulgent, and neglectful parental rearing styles. The aim is also to estimate the prevalence of these in our sample (by Father and Mother) and explore their associations to the symptomatology and self esteem (separately, per parent). Methodology. Our sample is composed of 284 teenagers (average age = 14,5; DP = 1,68; girls, n = 171, 60,2%). All participants filled in a protocol of questionnaires consisting of a set of socio demographic questions by Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale (RSES), by DASS-21 and by Parental Rearing Style Questionnaire for use with Adolescents (EMBU-A/A). Outcomes. It is important to emphasize the fact that teenagers perceive their mother as having higher values in all the EMBU-A dimensions compared to their father. In the same way, though with different patterns of association according to gender, it is important to emphasize the association of higher levels of Emotional Support and lower levels of depressive/anxious symptomathology and stress and the association of Overprotection and Rejection and higher levels of those outcomes. A father’s lower level of education is associated to a lower Emotional Support while a mother’s higher level of education is associated to a greater Overprotection. A dyad composed of male parent and male teenager presents lower outcomes in all EMBU-A dimensions if compared to dyads composed of mother-son/daughter. The authoritative style is the most prevalent in our sample (in both parents) and the authoritarian style is the one associated to higher scores of psychopathology and lower levels of self esteem. Debate. In general, the outcomes closely follow the literature review and reveal the association of higher values in the Emotional Support dimension and lower levels of psychopathology and stress and also the association of the dimensions of Overprotection and Rejection and higher levels of those outcomes. Equally, the authoritarian rearing style is clearly associated to the worst outcomes in those same variables. Some implications are discussed as far as psychoeducational programmes and parental rearing are concerned.
Introdução: A presença do diagnóstico de autismo numa criança é algo marcante no seio familiar. Implica inúmeros desafios para os seus pais/progenitores, podendo influenciar os objetivos delineados para as suas vidas e a satisfação na relação conjugal. Os nossos objetivos foram: caraterizar progenitores de crianças com autismo quanto aos objetivos de vida e satisfação na vida conjugal e explorar as associações existentes entre estas duas variáveis (e com variáveis sociodemográficas e relativas ao apoio recebido). Não deixamos de explorar os níveis de depressão, ansiedade, e stress, vivenciados por estes pais. Metodologia: 66 progenitores (sexo feminino, n = 52, 78,8%; idade média, M = 40,2, DP = 6,45) de crianças com autismo preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, o Teste dos objetivos de vida/PIL-R, a Escala de Avaliação da Satisfação em Áreas da Vida Conjugal/EASAVIC e a Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21/DASS-21. Resultados: Os progenitores revelaram valores médios de objetivos de vida (PIL-R). Foi na dimensão vivencial (PIL-R) e nas dimensões Comunicação e Intimidade Emocional (satisfação em áreas da vida conjugal/EASAVIC) que os progenitores apresentaram valores médios mais elevados. No caso da DASS-21, foi na escala Stress que os progenitores apresentaram valores mais elevados. Porém, em todas as dimensões da DASS-21, os níveis encontrados foram normais. Não se verificaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas por sexo em todas as dimensões do PIL-R, da EASAVIC e DASS-21. Ambas as dimensões do PIL-R, dimensional e existencial, bem como a sua pontuação total mostraram estar associadas com todas as dimensões da EASAVIC (satisfação em áreas da vida conjugal). As três dimensões da DASS-21 (Depressão, Ansiedade e Stress) revelaram estar associada (negativamente) com praticamente todas as dimensões da EASAVIC e do PIL-R. Os progenitores que pertenciam a associações de apoio apenas se diferenciaram dos progenitores que pertenciam a um grupo (de apoio e partilha) numa rede social na dimensão Ansiedade, com estes últimos a apresentarem um nível mais elevado. Discussão: Neste estudo (ainda que numa amostra de tamanho reduzido), inovador pelo tema explorado, os níveis dos objetivos de vida e de satisfação em áreas da vida conjugal (bem como de sintomas de psicopatologia) pareceram “não sofrer” o impacto associado ao facto dos progenitores terem um filho com autismo. Os objetivos de vida mantidos por estes pais influenciam a sua satisfação com a vida conjugal e vice-versa, indicando a importância das equipas que trabalham com estes pais não esquecerem a promoção destas variáveis. / Introduction: The presence of the diagnosis of autism in a child is something remarkable in the family. Involves many challenges for parents/progenitors, which can influence the goals they define in their lives and their satisfaction with the marital relationship. Our objectives were to characterize parents of children with autism on the objectives of life and satisfaction with marital life and explore the associations between these two variables (and with sociodemographic and support variables). We will not forget to explore the levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, experienced by these parents. Methodology: 66 parents (females, n = 52, 78.8%, mean age, M = 40.2, SD = 6.45) of children with autism completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Test of Life Goals/PIL-R, the Areas of Marital Satisfaction Rating Scale/EASAVIC and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale-21/DASS-21. Results: Parents showed a mean value of life goals (PIL-R). Was in the experiential dimension (PIL-R) and the Communication and Emotional Intimacy dimensions (satisfaction in areas of marital life/EASAVIC) that the parents presented higher mean values. Regarding DASS-21, Stress was the scale in which the parents had higher values. However, in all the DASS-21, levels were “normal”. There were no statistically significant differences by gender in all the PIL-R, EASAVIC and DASS-21 scales. Both dimensions of the PIL-R, dimensional and existential, as well as the total score were found to be associated with all the dimensions of EASAVIC (satisfaction in areas of marital life). The three dimensions of the DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety and Stress) revealed to be associated (negatively) with virtually all dimensions of the EASAVIC and the PIL-R. Parents who belonged to associations only differed from the parents from a social network group (of support and sharing) in the anxiety dimension, with the later presenting an higher level. Discussion: In this study (even if in a small sample size), innovative by the theme explored, levels of life goals and satisfaction in areas of marital life (as well as symptoms of psychopathology) seemed not to suffer from the impact of the parents having a child with autism. The life goals held by these parents influence their satisfaction with marital life and vice versa, indicating the importance of teams working with these parents of not forgetting the promotion of these variables.
A população “sem-abrigo” e todos os problemas envolventes, como a pobreza e a exclusão social apresentam uma complexidade cada vez mais inquietante e preocupante na nossa sociedade. O fenómeno multifacetado dos sem-abrigo constitui um grave problema social. A pertinência deste estudo prende-se com a escassez de investigação relativa à população sem-abrigo e perceber melhor a sua complexidade, nomeadamente no que respeita à caracterização psicológica dos indivíduos sem-abrigo. Neste sentido, o presente estudo tem como objectivo conhecer melhor esta população através da recolha de informação relativa aos seus receios, valores, prazeres, percepção do motivo da sua situação, consumo de substâncias psicotrópicas, contacto com a família e amigos. Paralelamente pretendemos avaliar os sentimentos de vergonha (em função de experiências negativas precoces), de paranóia e emoções negativas (depressão, ansiedade e stress) nesta população específica e analisar a relação entre estas variáveis. A amostra é constituída por 56 sujeitos na condição de sem-abrigo, com uma média de idade de 40,86 e de 7 anos de escolaridade, sendo a maioria (n=49) do sexo masculino. O protocolo de avaliação, para além do questionário psicossocial desenvolvido para o efeito, incluía ainda escalas para medir a Depressão, Ansiedade e Stress (DASS-21), Vergonha Externa (OAS), Vergonha Interna (ISS) e Paranóia (GPS). Os dados do nosso estudo permitiram pôr em evidência algumas das dificuldades mais significativas dos sem-abrigo, nomeadamente, as rupturas dos laços familiares, o desemprego e a toxicodependência entre outros. Constatámos que os sem-abrigo da nossa amostra apresentam valores médios mais elevados de paranóia, vergonha externa e interna, quando comparados com os valores da população normal. Verifica-se ainda que quando mais escolarizada é a nossa amostra, menor sintomatologia depressiva e relacionada com o stress apresenta. Encontrámos correlações significativas positivas e moderadas entre as variáveis em estudo. Dada a escassez de investigação em indivíduos sem-abrigo, e apesar das limitações inerentes a este estudo, esperamos ter dado um contributo para alargar o conhecimento deste complexo fenómeno, nomeadamente no que respeita à caracterização psicológica destes indivíduos. / The homeless population and all the related issues such as poverty and social exclusion are a complex and increasingly worrying concern of our society. The multifaceted phenomenon of homelessness is a serious social problem. The relevance of this study relates to the scarcity of research on the homeless population and to better understand its complexity, particularly the psychological characteristics of the homeless individuals. As such, this study aims to better understand this population by collecting information on their fears, values, pleasures, perception of the reason for their situation, consumption of psychotropic substances, contact with family and friends. Simultaneously we intend to evaluate the feelings of shame (due to early negative experiences), paranoia and negative emotions (depression, anxiety and stress) in this specific population as well as analyse the relationship between these variables. The study sample is based on 56 individuals in the condition of homelessness, mostly male (n = 49), with an average age of 40.86 and 7 years of schooling. In addition to the psychological questionnaire developed for this purpose, the evaluation protocol also included scales to measure Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS-21), External Shame (OAS), Internal Shame (ISS) and Paranoia (GPS). The data in our study allowed to highlight some of the most significant problems of homelessness, including disruption of family ties, unemployment, drug abuse and others. We learnt that the homeless in our sample have a higher average number of paranoia, internal and external shame, when compared to the normal population. We have also found that the more educated our sample is, the less are the depressive symptoms and stress-related features. Among the studied variables, we have found significant positive and moderate correlations. Given the scarcity of research on homeless individuals and despite the limitations of this study, we hope to have contributed to increase the knowledge on this complex phenomenon, especially concerning the psychological characterization of these individuals.
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A subfilter-scale (SFS) stress model is developed for large-eddy simulations (LES) and is tested on various benchmark problems in both wall-resolved and wall-modelled LES. The basic ingredients of the proposed model are the model length-scale, and the model parameter. The model length-scale is defined as a fraction of the integral scale of the flow, decoupled from the grid. The portion of the resolved scales (LES resolution) appears as a user-defined model parameter, an advantage that the user decides the LES resolution. The model parameter is determined based on a measure of LES resolution, the SFS activity. The user decides a value for the SFS activity (based on the affordable computational budget and expected accuracy), and the model parameter is calculated dynamically. Depending on how the SFS activity is enforced, two SFS models are proposed. In one approach the user assigns the global (volume averaged) contribution of SFS to the transport (global model), while in the second model (local model), SFS activity is decided locally (locally averaged). The models are tested on isotropic turbulence, channel flow, backward-facing step and separating boundary layer. In wall-resolved LES, both global and local models perform quite accurately. Due to their near-wall behaviour, they result in accurate prediction of the flow on coarse grids. The backward-facing step also highlights the advantage of decoupling the model length-scale from the mesh. Despite the sharply refined grid near the step, the proposed SFS models yield a smooth, while physically consistent filter-width distribution, which minimizes errors when grid discontinuity is present. Finally the model application is extended to wall-modelled LES and is tested on channel flow and separating boundary layer. Given the coarse resolution used in wall-modelled LES, near the wall most of the eddies become SFS and SFS activity is required to be locally increased. The results are in very good agreement with the data for the channel. Errors in the prediction of separation and reattachment are observed in the separated flow, that are somewhat improved with some modifications to the wall-layer model.