954 resultados para Strand break repair
Genetic instability can be induced by unusual DNA structures and sequence repeats. We have previously demonstrated that a large palindrome in the mouse germ line derived from transgene integration is extremely unstable and undergoes stabilizing rearrangements at high frequency, often through deletions that produce asymmetry. We have now characterized other palindrome rearrangements that arise from complex homologous recombination events. The structure of the recombinants is consistent with homologous recombination occurring by a noncrossover gene conversion mechanism in which a break induced in the palindrome promotes homologous strand invasion and repair synthesis, similar to mitotic break repair events reported in mammalian cells. Some of the homologous recombination events led to expansion in the size of the palindromic locus, which in the extreme case more than doubled the number of repeats. These results may have implications for instability observed at naturally occurring palindromic or quasipalindromic sequences.
Recombinational repair of double-stranded DNA gaps was investigated in Ustilago maydis. The experimental system was designed for analysis of repair of an autonomously replicating plasmid containing a cloned gene disabled by an internal deletion. It was discovered that crossing over rarely accompanied gap repair. The strong bias against crossing over was observed in three different genes regardless of gap size. These results indicate that gap repair in U. maydis is unlikely to proceed by the mechanism envisioned in the double-stranded break repair model of recombination, which was developed to account for recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Experiments aimed at exploring processing of DNA ends were performed to gain understanding of the mechanism responsible for the observed bias. A heterologous insert placed within a gap in the coding sequence of two different marker genes strongly inhibited repair if the DNA was cleaved at the promoter-proximal junction joining the insert and coding sequence but had little effect on repair if the DNA was cleaved at the promoter-distal junction. Gene conversion of plasmid restriction fragment length polymorphism markers engineered in sequences flanking both sides of a gap accompanied repair but was directionally biased. These results are interpreted to mean that the DNA ends flanking a gap are subject to different types of processing. A model featuring a single migrating D-loop is proposed to explain the bias in gap repair outcome based on the observed asymmetry in processing the DNA ends.
Aims: To analyse the expression of proteins involved in DNA double strand break detection and repair in the luminal and myoepithelial compartments of benign breast lesions and malignant breast tumours with myoepithelial differentiation. Methods: Expression of the ataxia telangiectasia (ATM) and p53 proteins was immunohistochemically evaluated in 18 benign and malignant myoepithelial tumours of the breast. Fifteen benign breast lesions with prominent myoepithelial compartment were also evaluated for these proteins, in addition to those in the MRE11-Rad50-NBS1 (MRN) complex, and the expression profiles were compared with those seen in eight independent non-cancer (normal breast) samples and in the surrounding normal tissues of the benign and malignant tumours examined. Results: ATM expression was higher in the myoepithelial compartment of three of 15 benign breast lesions and lower in the luminal compartment of eight of these lesions compared with that found in the corresponding normal tissue compartments. Malignant myoepithelial tumours overexpressed ATM in one of 18 cases. p53 was consistently negative in benign lesions and was overexpressed in eight of 18 malignant tumours. In benign breast lesions, expression of the MRN complex was significantly more reduced in myoepithelial cells (up to 73%) than in luminal cells (up to 40%) (p = 0.0005). Conclusions: Malignant myoepithelial tumours rarely overexpress ATM but are frequently positive for p53. In benign breast lesions, expression of the MRN complex was more frequently reduced in the myoepithelial than in the luminal epithelial compartment, suggesting different DNA repair capabilities in these two cell types.
To better understand the evolution of mitochondrial (mt) genomes in the Acari (mites and ticks), we sequenced the mt genome of the chigger mite, Leptotrombidium pallidum (Arthropoda: Acari: Acariformes). This genome is highly rearranged relative to that of the hypothetical ancestor of the arthropods and the other species of Acari studied. The mt genome of L. pallidum has two genes for large subunit rRNA, a pseudogene for small subunit rRNA, and four nearly identical large noncoding regions. Nineteen of the 22 tRNAs encoded by this genome apparently lack either a T-arm or a D-arm. Further, the mt genome of L. pallidum has two distantly separated sections with identical sequences but opposite orientations of transcription. This arrangement cannot be accounted for by homologous recombination or by previously known mechanisms of mt gene rearrangement. The most plausible explanation for the origin of this arrangement is illegitimate inter-mtDNA recombination, which has not been reported previously in animals. In light of the evidence from previous experiments on recombination in nuclear and mt genomes of animals, we propose a model of illegitimate inter-mtDNA recombination to account for the novel gene content and gene arrangement in the mt genome of L. pallidum.
Topoisomerase 1 (Top1), a Type IB topoisomerase, functions to relieve transcription- and replication-associated torsional stress in DNA. Top1 cleaves one strand of DNA, covalently associates with the 3’ end of the nick to form a Top1-cleavage complex (Top1cc), passes the intact strand through the nick and finally re-ligates the broken strand. The chemotherapeutic drug, Camptothecin, intercalates at a Top1cc and prevents the crucial re-ligation reaction that is mediated by Top1, resulting in the conversion of a nick to a toxic double-strand break during DNA replication or the accumulation of Top1cc. This mechanism of action preferentially targets rapidly dividing tumor cells, but can also affect non-tumor cells when patients undergo treatment. Additionally, Top1 is found to be elevated in numerous tumor tissues making it an attractive target for anticancer therapies. We investigated the effects of Top1 on genome stability, effects of persistent Top1-cleavage complexes and elevated Top1 levels, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that increased levels of the Top1cc resulted in a five- to ten-fold increase in reciprocal crossovers, three- to fifteen fold increase in mutagenesis and greatly increased instability within the rDNA and CUP1 tandem arrays. Increased Top1 levels resulted in a fifteen- to twenty-two fold increase in mutagenesis and increased instability in rDNA locus. These results have important implications for understanding the effects of CPT and elevated Top1 levels as a chemotherapeutic agent.
Riboflavin is a vitamin very important in aerobic organisms, as a precursor of many coenzymes involved in the electron transporter chain. However, after photosensitization of riboflavin with UV or visible light, it generates reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can oxidize the DNA. The repair of oxidative lesions on DNA occurs through the base excision repair pathway (BER), where APE1 endonuclease plays a central role. On the other hand, the nucleotide excision repair pathway (NER) repairs helix-distorting lesions. Recently, it was described the participation of NERproteins in the repair of oxidative damage and in stimulation of repair function fromAPE1. The aim of this research was to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of photosensitized riboflavin (RF*) in cells proficient and deficient in NER, correlating with APE1 expression. For this propose, the cells were treated with RF* and it was performed the cell viability assay, extraction of whole proteins, cells fractionation, immunoblotting, indirect immunofluorescence and analysis of polymorphisms of BER gens. The results evidenced that cells deficient in XPA and CSB proteins were more sensitive to RF*. However, XPC-deficient cells presented similar resistance to MRC5- SV cells, which is proficient in NER. These results indicate that XPA and CSB proteins have an important role on repair of oxidative lesions induced by RF*. Additionally, it was evidenced that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in BER enzymes may influence in sensitivity of NER-deficient cell lines. Concerning the APE1 expression, the results showed that expression of this protein after treatment with RF* only changed in XPC-deficient cells. Though, it was observed that APE1 is recruited and is bound to chromatin in MRC5-SV and XPA cells after treatment with RF*. The results also showed the induction of DNA damage after treatment with RF*, through the analysis of-H2AX, since the treatment promoted an increase of endogenous levels of this phosphorylated protein, which acts signaling double strand-break on DNA. On the other hand, in XPC-deficient cells, regardless of resistance of RF*, the endogenous levels of APE1 are extremely reduced when compared with other cell lines and APE1 is not bound to chromatin after treatment with RF*. These results conclude that RF* was able to induce cell death in NERdeficient cells, where XPA and CSB cells were more sensitive when compared with MRC5-SV and XPC-deficient cells. This last result is potentially very interesting, since XPC-deficient cell line presents low levels of APE1. Additionally, the results evidenced that APE1 protein can be involved in the repair of oxidative damage induced by RF*, because APE1 is recruited and bound strongly to chromatin after treatment.
Las quinolonas son uno de los tipos de antibióticos cuyas tasas de resistencia se han visto incrementadas en los últimos años. A nivel molecular, bloquean a las topoisomerasas tipo II generando cortes de doble cadena (double strand breaks, DSBs) en el ADN. Se ha propuesto que estos DSBs podrían tener un doble papel, como mediadores de su efecto bactericida y también como responsables de desencadenar los mecanismos de resistencia y tolerancia a las quinolonas. En el presente trabajo hemos estudiado la implicación de los mecanismos de reparación de DSBs en la sensibilidad a las quinolonas: reanudación de horquillas de replicación paradas dependiente de recombinación (RFR), inducción de la respuesta SOS, reparación por síntesis translesional (TLS) y escisión de nucleótidos (NER). Para ello, en los laboratorios de la Universidad Europea de Madrid, se han analizado las concentraciones mínimas inhibitorias (CMIs) de tres quinolonas diferentes en mutantes procedentes de varias colecciones de cultivos tipo de Escherichia coli. Mutantes en recA, recBC, priA y lexA mostraron una disminución significativa de la CMI a todas las quinolonas. No se observaron cambios significativos en estirpes mutantes en los mecanismos de reparación por TLS y NER. Estos datos indican que, en presencia de quinolonas, los mecanismos de RFR y la inducción de la respuesta SOS estarían implicados en la aparición de mecanismos de sensibilidad a quinolonas.
Monte Carlo track structures (MCTS) simulations have been recognized as useful tools for radiobiological modeling. However, the authors noticed several issues regarding the consistency of reported data. Therefore, in this work, they analyze the impact of various user defined parameters on simulated direct DNA damage yields. In addition, they draw attention to discrepancies in published literature in DNA strand break (SB) yields and selected methodologies. The MCTS code Geant4-DNA was used to compare radial dose profiles in a nanometer-scale region of interest (ROI) for photon sources of varying sizes and energies. Then, electron tracks of 0.28 keV-220 keV were superimposed on a geometric DNA model composed of 2.7 × 10(6) nucleosomes, and SBs were simulated according to four definitions based on energy deposits or energy transfers in DNA strand targets compared to a threshold energy ETH. The SB frequencies and complexities in nucleosomes as a function of incident electron energies were obtained. SBs were classified into higher order clusters such as single and double strand breaks (SSBs and DSBs) based on inter-SB distances and on the number of affected strands. Comparisons of different nonuniform dose distributions lacking charged particle equilibrium may lead to erroneous conclusions regarding the effect of energy on relative biological effectiveness. The energy transfer-based SB definitions give similar SB yields as the one based on energy deposit when ETH ≈ 10.79 eV, but deviate significantly for higher ETH values. Between 30 and 40 nucleosomes/Gy show at least one SB in the ROI. The number of nucleosomes that present a complex damage pattern of more than 2 SBs and the degree of complexity of the damage in these nucleosomes diminish as the incident electron energy increases. DNA damage classification into SSB and DSB is highly dependent on the definitions of these higher order structures and their implementations. The authors' show that, for the four studied models, different yields are expected by up to 54% for SSBs and by up to 32% for DSBs, as a function of the incident electrons energy and of the models being compared. MCTS simulations allow to compare direct DNA damage types and complexities induced by ionizing radiation. However, simulation results depend to a large degree on user-defined parameters, definitions, and algorithms such as: DNA model, dose distribution, SB definition, and the DNA damage clustering algorithm. These interdependencies should be well controlled during the simulations and explicitly reported when comparing results to experiments or calculations.
Summary : Clinical evidence indicates that tumors recurring within previously irradiated fields are highly invasive and metastatic, suggesting a role of the tumor stroma in this effect. Angiogenesis plays a critical role in tumor progression. Ionizing radiation is known to induce apoptosis of angiogenic endothelial cells, while the effect on quiescent endothelial cells and de novo angiogenesis is not well characterized. We recently observed that irradiation of normal tissue prevents tumor- and growth factor-induced angiogenesis. The main aim of my thesis work was to characterize the mechanisms of radiation-mediated inhibition of angiogenesis. To this purpose we used a combination of in vivo and ex vivo studies on irradiated healthy tissue, and in vitro irradiation experiments using angiogenesis models and isolated endothelial cells. We found that irradiation did not induce endothelial cell apoptosis and did not disrupt quiescent vessels within irradiated skin. Radiation reduced the recruitment of leukocytes to angiogenic Matrigel plugs, but this effect was rather secondary to decreased angiogenesis, as exogenous addition of leucocytes to Matrigel plugs did not rescue the angiogenesis defects. To ascertain the direct effect of radiation on endothelial cells, we used the mouse aortic ring assay to test the sprouting capacity of irradiated endothelial cells ex vivo and in vitro, and found that irradiation completely suppressed endothelial cell sprouting. Using HUVEC cells, we showed that irradiation of quiescent confluent endothelial cells did not induce cell death but suppressed subsequent migration and cell proliferation and induced senescence. By Western blotting, we observed a rapid and sustained increase in p21 levels, previously shown to be activated by p53 in response to double strand break, and mediating senescence in human cells. Current experiments focus on the mechanism of sustained p21 upregulation and its role in reduced migration. Inhibition of endothelial cell migration and proliferation by radiation may explain reduced angiogenesis in tumors growing in previously irradiated fields.
Recombinant human adenovirus (Ad) vectors are being extensively explored for their use in gene therapy and recombinant vaccines. Ad vectors are attractive for many reasons, including the fact that (1) they are relatively safe, based on their use as live oral vaccines, (2) they can accept large transgene inserts, (3) they can infect dividing and postmitotic cells, and (4) they can be produced to high titers. However, there are also a number of major problems associated with Ad vectors, including transient foreign gene expression due to host cellular immune responses, problems with humoral immunity, and the creation of replication competent adenoviruses (RCA). Most Ad vectors contain deletions in the E1 region that allow for insertion of a transgene. However, the E1 gene products are required for replication and thus must be supplied in trans by a helper ceillille that will allow for the growth and packaging of the defective virus. For this purpose the 293 cell line (Graham et al., 1977) is used most often; however, homologous recombination between the vector and the cell line often results in the generation of RCA. The presence of RCA in batches of adenoviral vectors for clinical use is a safety risk because tlley . may result in the mobilization and spread of the replication-defective vector viruses, and in significant tissue damage and pathogenicity. The present research focused on the alteration of the 293 cell line such that RCA formation can be eliminated. The strategy to modify the 293 cells involved the removal of the first 380 bp of the adenovirus genome through the process of homologous recombination. The first step towards this goal involved identifying and cloning the left-end cellular-viral jUl1ction from 293 cells to assemble sequences required for homologous recombination. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to clone the junction, and the clone was verified through sequencing. The plasn1id PAM2 was then constructed, which served as the targeting cassette used to modify the 293 cells. The cassette consisted of (1) the cellular-viral junction as the left-end region of homology, (2) the neo gene to use for positive selection upon tranfection into 293 cells, (3) the adenoviral genome from bp 380 to bp 3438 as the right-end region of homology, and (4) the HSV-tk gene to use for negative selection. The plasmid PAM2 was linearized to produce a double strand break outside the region of homology, and transfected into 293 cells using the calcium-phosphate technique. Cells were first selected for their resistance to the drug G418, and subsequently for their resistance to the drug Gancyclovir (GANC). From 17 transfections, 100 pools of G418f and GANCf cells were picked using cloning lings and expanded for screening. Genomic DNA was isolated from the pools and screened for the presence of the 380 bps using PCR. Ten of the most promising pools were diluted to single cells and expanded in order to isolate homogeneous cell lines. From these, an additional 100 G41Sf and GANef foci were screened. These preliminary screening results appear promising for the detection of the desired cell line. Future work would include further cloning and purification of the promising cell lines that have potentially undergone homologous recombination, in order to isolate a homogeneous cell line of interest.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Artemis, a member of the SNM1 gene family, is one of the six known components of the non-homologous end joining pathway. It is a multifunctional phospho-protein that has been shown to be modified by the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PIKs) DNA-PKcs, ATM and ATR in response to a variety of cellular stresses. Artemis has important roles in V(D)J recombination, DNA double strand breaks repair and damage-induced cell-cycle checkpoint regulation. The detailed mechanism by which Artemis mediates its functions in these cellular pathways needs to be further elucidated. My work presented here demonstrates a new function for Artemis in cell cycle regulation as a component of Cullin-based E3 ligase complex. I show that Artemis interacts with Cul4A-DDB1 ligase complex via a direct interaction with the substrate-specific receptor DDB2, and deletion mapping analysis shows that part of the Snm1 domain of Artemis is responsible for this interaction. Additionally, Artemis also interacts with p27, a substrate of Cul4A-DDB1 complex, and both DDB2 and Artemis are required for the degradation of p27 mediated by this complex. Furthermore, I show that the regulation of p27 by Artemis and DDB2 is critical for cell cycle progression in normally proliferating cells and in response to serum withdrawal. Finally, I provide evidence showing that Artemis may be also a part of other Cullin-based E3 ligase complexes, and it has a role in controlling p27 levels in response to different cellular stress, such as UV irradiation. These findings suggest a novel pathway to regulate p27 protein level and define a new function for Artemis as an effector of Cullin-based E3-ligase mediated ubiquitylation, and thus, a cell cycle regulator in proliferating cells.
The energy and specific energy absorbed in the main cell compartments (nucleus and cytoplasm) in typical radiobiology experiments are usually estimated by calculations as they are not accessible for a direct measurement. In most of the work, the cell geometry is modelled using the combination of simple mathematical volumes. We propose a method based on high resolution confocal imaging and ion beam analysis (IBA) in order to import realistic cell nuclei geometries in Monte-Carlo simulations and thus take into account the variety of different geometries encountered in a typical cell population. Seventy-six cell nuclei have been imaged using confocal microscopy and their chemical composition has been measured using IBA. A cellular phantom was created from these data using the ImageJ image analysis software and imported in the Geant4 Monte-Carlo simulation toolkit. Total energy and specific energy distributions in the 76 cell nuclei have been calculated for two types of irradiation protocols: a 3 MeV alpha particle microbeam used for targeted irradiation and a 239Pu alpha source used for large angle random irradiation. Qualitative images of the energy deposited along the particle tracks have been produced and show good agreement with images of DNA double strand break signalling proteins obtained experimentally. The methodology presented in this paper provides microdosimetric quantities calculated from realistic cellular volumes. It is based on open-source oriented software that is publicly available.
Telomeres are specialized DNA/protein complexes that comprise the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. The highly expressed Ku heterodimer, composed of 70 and 80 Kd subunits (Ku70 and Ku80), is the high-affinity DNA binding component of the DNA-dependent protein kinase. Ku is critical for nonhomologous DNA double-stranded break repair and site-specific recombination of V(D)J gene segments. Ku also plays an important role in telomere maintenance in yeast. Herein, we report, using an in vivo crosslinking method, that human and hamster telomeric DNAs specifically coimmunoprecipitate with human Ku80 after crosslinking. Localization of Ku to the telomere does not depend on the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic component. These findings suggest a direct link between Ku and the telomere in mammalian cells.