983 resultados para Stores, Retail--Egypt--Karanis (Extinct city)


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In this paper, the p-median model is used to find the location of retail stores that minimizes CO2 emissions from consumer travel. The optimal location is then compared with the existing retail location,and the excess CO2 emissions compared with the optimal solution is calculated. The results show that by using the environmentally optimal location, CO2 emissions from consumer travel could be reduced by approximately 25percent. 


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Transportation is seen as one of the major sources of CO2 pollutants nowadays. The impact of increased transport in retailing should not be underestimated. Most previous studies have focused on transportation and underlying trips, in general, while very few studies have addressed the specific affects that, for instance, intra-city shopping trips generate. Furthermore, most of the existing methods used to estimate emission are based on macro-data designed to generate national or regional inventory projections. There is a lack of studies using micro-data based methods that are able to distinguish between driver behaviour and the locational effects induced by shopping trips, which is an important precondition for energy efficient urban planning. The aim of this study is to implement a micro-data method to estimate and compare CO2 emission induced by intra-urban car travelling to a retail destination of durable goods (DG), and non-durable goods (NDG). We estimate the emissions from aspects of travel behaviour and store location. The study is conducted by means of a case study in the city of Borlänge, where GPS tracking data on intra-urban car travel is collected from 250 households. We find that a behavioural change during a trip towards a CO2 optimal travelling by car has the potential to decrease emission to 36% (DG), and to 25% (NDG) of the emissions induced by car-travelling shopping trips today. There is also a potential of reducing CO2 emissions induced by intra-urban shopping trips due to poor location by 54%, and if the consumer selected the closest of 8 existing stores, the CO2 emissions would be reduced by 37% of the current emission induced by NDG shopping trips.


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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine empirically the relationship between psychic distance and adaptation of the retail offer across a range of countries.

Design/methodology/approach – Data were collected using a mail survey of randomly selected non-food retailers that operated stores in at least three foreign countries.

Findings – Findings of this study suggest that a substantial proportion of retail offer adaptation is explained by psychic distance. In particular, differences in market structure, business practices and language between the home and foreign market significantly increase the extent to which retailers adapt their offer.

Research limitations/implications – The research findings may be limited in terms of their generalisability across retail sectors, as the study focused on non-food retailers only.

Practical implications – These results have implications for researchers and managers in suggesting that we need to go beyond consumer behaviour differences to explain fully the degree to which international firms standardise or adapt their strategies in foreign markets.

Originality/value – Much of the existing research into standardisation and adaptation is limited in terms of geographic scope and a focus on the marketing strategies of manufacturing and export firms. Thus, this paper addresses a substantial gap in existing research by empirically examining the relationship between psychic distance and adaptation in a retail context and across a range of countries.


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The purpose of our study was to examine what women shoppers seek in establishing relationships with sales associates and stores. Based on 70+ personal interviews in 4 countries, we found that women seek a variety of relationship types. It is incumbent upon the retailer and sales associates to assess each customer and determine the level and type of interaction each customer is seeking. "One size does not fit all" when it comes to forging relationships with customers.


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A relationship of economic osmosis is noticed between an airline and the country whose flag it flies. Economic impact studies prepared by government organisations and airline managements usually point out the economic benefits of setting up a new airline or flying a new route. These benefits arise for the airline’s home base by way of greater connectivity with the world and include a number of tangibles such as growth in tourism, increase in retail revenue from transit passengers, access to cargo transport for importers and exporters, employment opportunities and a host of indirect benefits that the local populace can gain from exposure to other countries and cultures. One also notices two very important intangibles associated with an airline and the nation of origin- national pride and national security. This paper analyses the remarkable success story of mutual growth shared by Emirates, the airline and Dubai, the city, over the past twenty-five years and the opportunities that the success of this duo signifies for others in the region.


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Retail productivity measurement has commonly used ratios of outputs, such as sales, and input factors like capital and labour to measuredifferent facets of productivity. However, these store-specific ratios are also likely to be influenced by other context-specific factors affectingthe reliability and validity of these measures. This paper contributes to the research on productivity measurement by developing and testing acomposite set of measures for retail productivity including exogenous factors. The empirical work is based on pharmacists in New Zealand(354) and Australia (336) using an instrument that is pretested in Canada (74) for both its external and internal validity. The data wereanalysed using LISREL to create comprehensive models of the relationships between and among the identified productivity factors. Thestudy revealed that some competitive factors and demand-related factors play a significant role in the productivity of the stores in both NewZealand and Australia. This implies that correct measurement of retail productivity must include exogenous factors to be accurate. Thetheoretical and managerial implications of these results are discussed.


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We develop a model to study shelf space allocation in retail. Retailers compete for consumers not only choosing prices but also by the space allocated to each product on shelves. Our approach depart from the existing literature on shelf allocation, as we model the problem of price setting and shelf allocation in an oligopolistic retail market. We present a simple model of retail competition in which prices are dispersed in the crosssection of stores but shelf allocation is not.


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Neste estudo verifica-se a influência da qualidade do atendimento na decisão de compra de planos pós-pagos de telefonia móvel celular, bem como a existência de uma correlação entre o grau de conhecimento que o consumidor já possui sobre o serviço antes de adquiri-lo e a importância atribuída ao auxílio do vendedor no momento da compra. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa com pessoas que adquiriram planos pós-pagos nas lojas de uma operadora de telefonia móvel na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, por meio da qual foram analisados: o grau de conhecimento prévio dos compradores sobre os serviços, o grau de satisfação com o atendimento, a importância atribuída ao auxílio do vendedor para a tomada de decisão de compra, entre outros indicadores. A etapa quantitativa foi precedida de uma fase qualitativa, a fim de levantar os atributos considerados importantes pelos clientes para medir a qualidade de atendimento e, com base neles, construídos os questionários que, depois de aplicados e analisados, resultaram na constatação de uma correlação positiva entre a percepção de qualidade no atendimento e a decisão de compra. Os resultados são discutidos, bem como as implicações acadêmicas e gerenciais.


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Esta pesquisa objetivou compreender o comportamento de compra de vestuário de jovens de baixa renda, residentes em três bairros periféricos da cidade de São Paulo. A metodologia utilizada baseou-se em entrevistas em profundidade e amostra de 30 jovens mulheres, de 18 a 24 anos, com renda familiar mensal entre 3 e 7 salários mínimos. Além disso, realizou-se uma simulação de compra, com a pesquisadora acompanhando a visita a uma loja escolhida pelas jovens e verificando seu comportamento de compra. A perspectiva de análise foi a do interacionismo simbólico, que busca identificar os significados simbólicos, subjacentes às escolhas das marcas e dos produtos de consumo. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam uma riqueza de significados simbólicos associados às marcas de vestuário, que envolvem as decisões e escolhas de consumo das jovens. Também mostrou que além das marcas preferidas, as jovens escolhem as lojas pela localização, sortimento de produtos, preço e atendimento.


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In this study we present the analysis of the human remains from tomb K93.12 in the Ancient Egyptian necropolis of Dra’ Abu el-Naga, located opposite the modern city of Luxor in Upper Egypt on the western bank of the Nile. Archaeological findings indicate that the rock tomb was originally built in the early 18th dynasty. Remains of two tomb-temples of the 20th dynasty and the looted burial of the High Priest of Amun Amenhotep have been identified. After the New Kingdom the tomb was reused as a burial place until the 26th dynasty. The skeletal and mummified material of the different tomb areas underwent a detailed anthropological and paleopathological analysis. The human remains were mostly damaged and scattered due to extensive grave robberies. In total, 79 individuals could be partly reconstructed and investigated. The age and sex distribution revealed a male predominance and a high percentage of young children (< 6 years) and adults in the range of 20 to 40 years. The paleopathological analysis showed a high prevalence of stress markers such as cribra orbitalia in the younger individuals, and other pathological conditions such as dental diseases, degenerative diseases and a possible case of ankylosing spondylitis. Additionally, 13 mummies of an intrusive waste pit could be attributed to three different groups belonging to earlier time periods based on their style of mummification and materials used. The study revealed important information on the age and sex distribution and diseases of the individuals buried in tomb K93.12.


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This paper discusses the issue of upgrading industrial clusters from the perspective of external linkages. It is taken for granted that in most developing countries, due to the limited domestic market and poor traditional commercial networks, industrial clusters are able to upgrade only when they are involved in global value chains. However, the rise of China’s industrial clusters challenges this view. Historically, China has had a lot of industrial clusters with their own traditional commercial networks. This fact combined with its huge population resulted in the formation of a unique external linage to China’s industrial clusters after the socialist planning period ended. In concrete terms, since the 1980s, a traditional commercial institution . the transaction market . began to appear in most clusters. These markets within the clusters get connected to those in the cities due to interaction between traditional merchants and local governments. This has resulted in the formation of a powerful market network-based distribution system which has played a crucial role for China’s industrial clusters in responding to exploding domestic demand. This paper explains these features in detail, using Yiwu China Commodity City as a case study.


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Current worldwide building legislation requirements aim to the design and construction of technical services that reduce energy consumption and improve indoor hygrothermal conditions. The retail sector in Spain, with a lot of outdated technical systems, demands energy conservation measures in order to reduce the increasingly electrical consumption for cooling. Climatic separation with modern air curtains and advanced hygrothermal control systems enables energy savings and can keep suitable indoor air temperature and humidity of stores with intense pedestrian traffic, especially when located in hot humid climates. As stated in the article, the energy savings in commercial buildings with these systems exceeds 30%


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“Quien contamina, paga“, con esta premisa surgió la idea de este Trabajo Fin de Máster, en adelante TFM, cuyo objetivo era identificar medidas alternativas reales para una optimización del proceso actual de gestión de residuos sólidos urbanos ante una sociedad cada vez más superpoblada y con mayores ratios de consumo. Cada español genera anualmente un volumen de 485 Kg de residuos, de los cuales únicamente el 33 % son reciclados y pueden volver a un flujo normal de uso, especialmente preocupante durante los últimos años es el auge de los productos envasados, tanto de bebidas como de alimentos , cuya utilización se ha duplicado en la última década. La motivación de este trabajo Fin de Máster ha sido la de poner de manifiesto que la sostenibilidad con el medioambiente puede ir de la mano de la rentabilidad y del progreso. Durante este TFM se ha estudiado y analizado la viabilidad económica de implantación de un nuevo modelo de depósito, devolución y retorno en el mercado retail español y como con la adopción de este nuevo sistema se pueden lograr beneficios tanto para el propio minorista, como para el medio ambiente con ratios de reciclado superiores al 98%. La preocupación por el medio ambiente empieza a ser una constante entre los consumidores españoles y dicha preocupación comienza a ser influenciadora en las decisiones de compra (productos eco, sostenibilidad…). Nuestra propuesta consiste en dotar a los principales distribuidores del sector retail español de un sistema de depósito, devolución y retorno para envases de bebidas capaz de generar diferenciación, innovación y rentabilidad frente a la competencia. Dicho sistema consiste en pagar un depósito por cada envase de bebida que se adquiera y su correspondiente devolución en la siguiente compra, una vez que se devuelva vacío al establecimiento. Para ello se ha analizado el sector de la distribución en España, especialmente la distribución de bebidas. Se trata de un sector muy competitivo, que presenta varios formatos en función del tamaño del establecimiento (Hipermercados, Supermercados, tiendas tradicionales). Las principales empresas distribuidoras (Carrefour, Mercadona, Alcampo, Eroski, DIA) se encuentran en procesos de cambios estratégicos para lograr atraer a más consumidores hacia sus tiendas, por lo que nuestra propuesta podrá añadir valor a la hora de influenciar en la decisión del lugar de compra. En nuestro caso, nos dirigiremos principalmente a las grandes empresas distribuidoras, Hipermercados de más de 2.500 m2 ,que cuentan con más de 500 puntos de venta y distribución donde existe la posibilidad real de implantar un SDDR. Además se ha realizado un estudio de mercado sobre la influencia de dicho sistema en el consumidor final, donde se ha detectado dos segmentos principales cuya decisión de compra se vería muy influenciada por la implantación de un SDDR, un segmento Sénior, entre 45-54 años, preocupados por el medio ambiente y con poder adquisitivo suficiente como para que el pago del depósito no sea bloqueante, y un segmento Junior, entre 18-24 años, también muy concienciado el medio ambiente, de capacidad económica menor pero qué influye en la decisión de compra de sus progenitores. Para llevar a cabo este plan de negocio será necesario una inversión inicial de 57.000 €, con unas expectativas de recuperación de dicha inversión en el primer año y una TIR del 56%, presentando un VAN de 127.961 € para los 7 años de vida del proyecto. Para dar a conocer a los clientes del Hipermercado los beneficios de utilizar un sistema SDDR, se realizarán campañas de marketing a través de diferentes canales, promociones de apertura, acciones de marketing exteriores y planes de fidelización. La organización e implantación en el Hipermercado será muy sencilla con roles claramente diferenciados, únicamente involucraría a unos 9 recursos definidos y en aproximadamente 3 meses desde el inicio del proyecto ya se podría ofertar dicho servicio a los clientes del Hipermercado. Además se han analizado los principales riesgos a los que se enfrentaría el negocio, ponderándose en una matriz impacto-probabilidad. Se han establecido medidas correctoras en el caso que dicho riesgo aflore. Habrá que tener especialmente precaución con la pérdida de ventas durante el arranque del negocio en el caso que esto ocurra, por lo que se deberá controlar el gasto, fomentar la captación de clientes y mantener un fondo de maniobra lo suficientemente elevado como para absorber dicho riesgo.---ABSTRACT---“Polluters pay”, with this premise this TFM aimed at identifying real alternative measures for optimization of the current process of solid waste management in a crowded society and with greater consumption ratios. Spaniards generates an annual volume of 485 kg of waste; only 33 % are recycled and can return to a normal flow. Specially concern is the increased of packaged product in recent years, mainly drink and food, their use has been duplicated in the last decade. The motivation for this Thesis was to highlight that sustainability, profitability and progress can go together. During this TFM has been studied and analyzed the economic feasibility of implementing a new model of deposit , refund and return in the Spanish retail market and as with the adoption of this new system can achieve benefits for the retailer itself therefore to the environment with ratios above 98% recycled. Concern for the environment is becoming a constant among Spanish consumers , and this concern is becoming influencer in purchasing decisions ( eco, sustainability ... ) . Our proposal is to provide the main distributors of the Spanish retail sector a system of deposit, refund and return for beverage containers capable of generating differentiation, innovation and profitability over the competition. This system is to pay a deposit for each beverage container they purchase and their corresponding return in the next purchase, once they return empty to the establishment. For this we have analyzed the distribution sector in Spain, especially the distribution of beverages. This is a highly competitive industry, which features various formats depending on the size of establishments (hypermarkets, supermarkets, traditional shops). The main distribution companies (Carrefour, Mercadona, Alcampo, Eroski, DIA) are in the process of strategic changes in order to attract more consumers to their stores, so that our approach can add value in influencing the decision of place shopping. In our case, we will go mainly to large distributors, Hypermarkets of over 2,500 m2, which have more than 500 outlets and distribution where there is a real possibility of implementing a SDDR. It has also conducted a market study on the influence of that system on the final consumer, which has detected two main segments whose purchasing decisions would be greatly influenced by the introduction of a SDDR, a Senior segment, 45-54 years concerned about the environment and purchasing power enough that the deposit is not blocking, and a Junior Segment, aged 18-24, also concern with environment, lower economic capacity but what influences the decision purchase of their parents). To carry out this business plan will require an initial investment of 57,000 €, with expectations of recovery of such investment in the first year and an IRR of 56%, with an NPV of € 127,961 for the 7 years of the project . To publicize hypermarket customers the benefits of using a SDDR system, marketing campaigns conducted through different channels, opening promotions, marketing activities and external loyalty schemes. The organization and implementation in the Hypermarket is easy with distinct roles, involve only about 9 resourced and in about 3 months from the start of the project and could offer this service to customers in the hypermarket. We have also analyzed the main risks and established corrective measures to surface that risk . We should take caution with lost sales during startup of the business, such as control spending, customer retention and maintaining enough working capital.


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Left to right: Res. of Geo. W. Hoy, Manchester, Mich.; Res. of G.R. Palmer, Manchester, Mich.; Res. of J.D. Van Duyn, Exchange St. Mich.; Res. of W.H. Pottle, Exchange Place, Manchester, Mich., cash dealer in dry goods, small wares, gents furnishing goods &c.; Res. & brick yard of Wm S. Carr, Manchester, Mich.; C.Lehn, dealer in groceries, provisions, notions &c., Manchester, Mich.; Wm. Kirchgesser, prop'r of Manchester City Bakery & wholesale & retail dealer in crackers, fine ornamental cakes, confectionery &c., Manchester, Mich.; Store & Res., Bridgewater Station, by Henry Guthardt & Sons. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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Includes Hull Brothers Grocers; Chas. H. Werner Crockery and Glassware; Staplin Florist; American Music Company, Michell's. Stamped on verso: Alvord & Co., 55 Rowland St., Detroit, Mich.