980 resultados para Stochastic transport equation


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É presentada nesta dissertação uma análise espectral das equações de transporte de nêutrons, independente do tempo, em geometria unidimensional e bidimensional, na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN), utilizando o modelo de uma velocidade e multigrupo, considerando meios onde ocorrem o fenômeno da fissão nuclear. Esta análise espectral constitui-se na resolução de problemas de autovalores e respectivos autovetores, e reproduz a expressão para a solução geral analítica local das equações SN (para geometria unidimensional) ou das equações nodais integradas transversalmente (geometria retangular bidimensional) dentro de cada região homogeneizada do domínio espacial. Com a solução geral local determinada, métodos numéricos, tais como os métodos de matriz de resposta SN, podem ser derivados. Os resultados numéricos são gerados por programas de computadores implementados em MatLab, versão 2012, a fim de verificar a natureza dos autovalores e autovetores correspondentes no espaço real ou complexo.


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Projetos de reatores nucleares foram classificados em quatro gerações (Gen) pelo Departamento de Energia dos Estados Unidos da América (DOE), quando o DOE introduziu o conceito de reatores de geração IV (Gen IV). Reatores Gen IV são um conjunto de projetos de reator nuclear, em sua maioria teóricos, atualmente sendo pesquisados. Entre os projetos Gen IV, incluem-se os projetos dos ADS (Accelerator Driven Systems), que são sistemas subcríticos estabilizados por fontes externas estacionárias de nêutrons. Estas fontes externas de nêutrons são normalmente geradas a partir da colisão de prótons com alta energia contra os núcleos de metais pesados presentes no núcleo do reator, fenômeno que é conhecido na literatura como spallation, e os prótons são acelerados num acelerador de partículas que é alimentado com parte da energia gerada pelo reator. A criticalidade de um sistema mantido por reações de fissão em cadeia depende do balanço entre a produção de nêutrons por fissão e a remoção por fuga pelos contornos e absorção de nêutrons. Um sistema está subcrítico quando a remoção por fuga e absorção ultrapassa a produção por fissão e, portanto, tende ao desligamento. Entretanto, qualquer sistema subcrítico pode ser estabilizado pela inclusão de fontes estacionárias de nêutrons em seu interior. O objetivo central deste trabalho é determinar as intensidades dessas fontes uniformes e isotrópicas de nêutrons, que se deve inserir em todas as regiões combustíveis do sistema, para que o mesmo estabilize-se gerando uma distribuição prescrita de potência elétrica. Diante do exposto, foi desenvolvido neste trabalho um aplicativo computacional em linguagem Java que estima as intensidades dessas fontes estacionárias de nêutrons, que devem ser inseridas em cada região combustível para que estabilizem o sistema subcrítico com uma dada distribuição de potência definida pelo usuário. Para atingir este objetivo, o modelo matemático adotado foi a equação unidimensional de transporte de nêutrons monoenergéticos na formulação de ordenadas discretas (SN) e o convencional método de malha fina diamond difference (DD) foi utilizado para resolver numericamente os problemas SN físicos e adjuntos. Resultados numéricos para dois problemas-modelos típicos são apresentados para ilustrar a acurácia e eficiência da metodologia proposta.


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We show that miscible two-layer free-surface flows of varying viscosity down an inclined substrate are different in their stability characteristics from both immiscible two-layer flows, and flows with viscosity gradients spanning the entire flow. New instability modes arise when the critical layer of the viscosity transport equation overlaps the viscosity gradient. A lubricating configuration with a less viscous wall layer is identified to be the most stabilizing at moderate miscibility (moderate Peclet numbers). This also is in contrast with the immiscible case, where the lubrication configuration is always destabilizing. The co-existence that we find under certain circumstances, of several growing overlap modes, the usual surface mode, and a Tollmien-Schlichting mode, presents interesting new possibilities for nonlinear breakdown. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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DNS data of a laboratory-scale turbulent lifted hydrogen jet flame has been analyzed to show that this flame has mixed mode combustion not only at the flame base but also in downstream locations. The mixed mode combustion is observed in instantaneous structures as in earlier studies and in averaged structure, in which the predominant mode is found to be premixed combustion with varying equivalence ratio. The non-premixed combustion in the averaged structure is observed only in a narrow region at the edge of the jet shear layer. The analyzes of flame stretch show large probability for negative flame stretch leading to negative surface averaged flame stretch. The displacement speed-curvature correlation is observed to be negative contributing to the negative flame stretch and partial premixing resulting from jet entrainment acts to reduce the negative correlation. The contribution of turbulent straining to the flame stretch is observed to be negative when the scalar gradient aligns with the most extensive principal strain rate. The physics behind the negative flame stretch resulting from turbulent straining is discussed and elucidated through a simple analysis of the flame surface density transport equation. © 2014 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The flame surface density approach to the modeling of premixed turbulent combustion is well established in the context of Reynolds-averaged simulations. For the future, it is necessary to consider large-eddy simulation (LES), which is likely to offer major advantages in terms of physical accuracy, particularly for unsteady combustion problems. LES relies on spatial filtering for the removal of unresolved phenomena whose characteristic length scales are smaller than the computational grid scale. Thus, there is a need for soundly based physical modeling at the subgrid scales. The aim of this paper is to explore the usefulness of the flame surface density concept as a basis for LES modeling of premixed turbulent combustion. A transport equation for the filtered flame surface density is presented, and models are proposed for unclosed terms. Comparison with Reynolds-averaged modeling is shown to reveal some interesting similarities and differences. These were exploited together with known physics and statistical results from experiment and from direct numerical stimulation in order to gain insight and refine the modeling. The model has been implemented in a combustion LES code together with standard models for scalar and momentum transport. Computational results were obtained for a simple three-dimensional flame propagation test problem, and the relative importance of contributing terms in the modeled equation for flame surface density was assessed. Straining and curvature are shown to have a major influence at both the resolved and subgrid levels.


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A model for scattering due to interface roughness in finite quantum wells (QWs) is developed within the framework of the Boltzmann transport equation and a simple and explicit expression between mobility limited by interface roughness scattering and barrier height is obtained. The main advantage of our model is that it does not involve complicated wavefunction calculations, and thus it is convenient for predicting the mobility in thin finite QWs. It is found that the mobility limited by interface roughness is one order of amplitude higher than the results derived by assuming an infinite barrier, for finite barrier height QWs where x = 0.3. The mobility first decreases and then flattens out as the barrier confinement increases. The experimental results may be explained with monolayers of asperity height 1-2, and a correlation length of about 33 angstrom. The calculation results are in excellent agreement with the experimental data from AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs QWs.


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The transport processes of components in capillary electrochromatographic column was investigated based on the basic model of relaxation theory. A principal transport equation of chromatographic relaxation theory was established and mathematical expressions for eluting curves were obtained under the situations of both capillary electrophoresis and chromatography. Characteristics of peak symmetry and its effecting factors are discussed. Tailing peaks, symmetrical peaks and fronting peaks would be observed simultaneously, which was further proved with reversed capillary electrochromatographic experiments.


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The Mathematical modeling of multiphase fluid flow is an important aspect of basin simulation, and also is a topic of geological frontier. Based on coupling relation of temperature, pressure and fluid flow, this dissertation discusses the modeling which conform to geological regularities of fluid migration. The modeling that is multi-field and multiphase includes heat transport equation, pressure evolvement equation, solution transport equation and fluid transport equation. The finite element method is effective numerical calculation methods. Author applies it to solve modeling and implements the finite element program, and the modeling is applied to Ying-Qiong Basin. The channels of fluid vertical migration are fault, fracture and other high penetrability area. In this thesis, parallel fracture model and columnar channel model have been discussed, and a characteristic time content and a characteristic space content been obtained to illustrate the influences of stratigraphic and hydrodynamic factors on the process. The elliptoid fracture model is established and its approximately solution in theory is gotten. Three kinds of modeling are applied to analyze the transient variation process of fluid pressure in the connected permeable formations. The elliptoid fracture model is the most similar geology model comparing with the other fracture models so the research on this fracture model can enhance the understanding to fluid pressure. In the non-hydrodynamic condition, because of the difference between water density and nature gas density, nature gas can migrate upon by float force. A one-dimension mathematical model of nature gas migration by float force is established and also applied to analyze the change in the saturation of gas. In the process of gas migration its saturation is non-continuous. Fluid flow is an important factor which influences the distribution of the temperature-field, the change of temperature can influence fluid property (including density, viscidity, and solubility),a nd the temperature field has coupling relations to the fluid pressure field. In this dissertation one-dimension and two-dimension thermal convection modeling is developed and also applied to analyze convective and conductive heat transfer. Author has established one-dimension and two-dimension mathematical modeling in which fluid is a mixture of water and nature gas based on the coupling relation between temperature and pressure, discussed mixture fluid convection heat transfer in different gas saturation, and analyzed overpressure form mechanism. Based on geothermal abnormity and pore pressure distribution in Dongfong 1-1, Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea, one-dimension mathematical modeling of coupling temperature and pressure is established. The modeling simulates the process that fluid migrates from deep to shallow and overpressure forms in shallow. When overpressure is so large that fractures appear and overpressure is released. As deep fluid flow to shallow, the high geothermal then forms in shallow. Based on the geological characteristics in Ya13-1, two-dimension mathematical modeling of coupling temperature and pressure is established. Fluid vertically flows in fault and then laterally migrates in reservoir. The modeling simulates the geothermal abnormity and pore pressure distribution in reservoir.


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Using the approximate high-frequency asymptotic methods to solve the scalar wave equation, we can get the eikonal equation and transport equation. Solving the eikonal equation by the method of characteristics provides a mathematical derivation of ray tracing equations. So, the ray tracing system is folly based on the approximate high-frequency asymptotic methods. If the eikonal is complex, more strictly, the eikonal is real value at the rays and complex outside rays, we can derive the Gaussian beam. This article mainly concentrates on the theory of Gaussian beam. To classical ray tracing theory, the Gaussina beam method (GBM) has many advantages. First, rays are no longer required to stop at the exact position of the receivers; thus time-consuming two-point ray tracing can be avoided. Second, the GBM yields stable results in regions of the wavefield where the standard ray theory fails (e.g., caustics, shadows zones and critical distance). Third, unlike seismograms computed by conventional ray tracing techniques, the GBM synthetic data are less influenced by minor details in the model representation. Here, I realize kinematical and dynamical system, and based on this, realize the GBM. Also, I give some mathematical examples. From these examples, we can find the importance and feasibility of the ray tracing system. Besides, I've studied about the reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous S-electromagnetic wave at the interface of conductive media. Basing on the difference of directions of phase shift constant and attenuation constant when the electromagnetic wave propagates in conductive medium, and using the boundary conditions of electromagnetic wave at the interface of conductive media, we derive the reflection coefficient of inhomogeneous S-electromagnetic wave, and draw the curves of it. The curves show that the quasi total reflection will occur when the electromagnetic wave incident from the medium with greater conductivity to the medium with smaller conductivity. There are two peak, values at the points of the critical angles of phase shift constant and attenuation constant, and the reflection coefficient is smaller than 1. This conclusion is different from that of total reflection light obviously.


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Gough, John, (2004) 'Holevo-Ordering and the Continuous-Time Limit for Open Floquet Dynamics', Letters in Mathematical Physcis 67(3) pp.207-221 RAE2008


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The time reversal of stochastic diffusion processes is revisited with emphasis on the physical meaning of the time-reversed drift and the noise prescription in the case of multiplicative noise. The local kinematics and mechanics of free diffusion are linked to the hydrodynamic description. These properties also provide an interpretation of the Pope-Ching formula for the steady-state probability density function along with a geometric interpretation of the fluctuation-dissipation relation. Finally, the statistics of the local entropy production rate of diffusion are discussed in the light of local diffusion properties, and a stochastic differential equation for entropy production is obtained using the Girsanov theorem for reversed diffusion. The results are illustrated for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.


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A novel multiscale model of brittle crack propagation in an Ag plate with macroscopic dimensions has been developed. The model represents crack propagation as stochastic drift-diffusion motion of the crack tip atom through the material, and couples the dynamics across three different length scales. It integrates the nanomechanics of bond rupture at the crack tip with the displacement and stress field equations of continuum based fracture theories. The finite element method is employed to obtain the continuum based displacement and stress fields over the macroscopic plate, and these are then used to drive the crack tip forward at the atomic level using the molecular dynamics simulation method based on many-body interatomic potentials. The linkage from the nanoscopic scale back to the macroscopic scale is established via the Ito stochastic calculus, the stochastic differential equation of which advances the tip to a new position on the macroscopic scale using the crack velocity and diffusion constant obtained on the nanoscale. Well known crack characteristics, such as the roughening transitions of the crack surfaces, crack velocity oscillations, as well as the macroscopic crack trajectories, are obtained.


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A new multi-scale model of brittle fracture growth in an Ag plate with macroscopic dimensions is proposed in which the crack propagation is identified with the stochastic drift-diffusion motion of the crack-tip atom through the material. The model couples molecular dynamics simulations, based on many-body interatomic potentials, with the continuum-based theories of fracture mechanics. The Ito stochastic differential equation is used to advance the tip position on a macroscopic scale before each nano-scale simulation is performed. Well-known crack characteristics, such as the roughening transitions of the crack surfaces, as well as the macroscopic crack trajectories are obtained.


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In all but the most sterile environments bacteria will reside in fluid being transported through conduits and some of these will attach and grow as biofilms on the conduit walls. The concentration and diversity of bacteria in the fluid at the point of delivery will be a mix of those when it entered the conduit and those that have become entrained into the flow due to seeding from biofilms. Examples include fluids through conduits such as drinking water pipe networks, endotracheal tubes, catheters and ventilation systems. Here we present two probabilistic models to describe changes in the composition of bulk fluid microbial communities as they are transported through a conduit whilst exposed to biofilm communities. The first (discrete) model simulates absolute numbers of individual cells, whereas the other (continuous) model simulates the relative abundance of taxa in the bulk fluid. The discrete model is founded on a birth-death process whereby the community changes one individual at a time and the numbers of cells in the system can vary. The continuous model is a stochastic differential equation derived from the discrete model and can also accommodate changes in the carrying capacity of the bulk fluid. These models provide a novel Lagrangian framework to investigate and predict the dynamics of migrating microbial communities. In this paper we compare the two models, discuss their merits, possible applications and present simulation results in the context of drinking water distribution systems. Our results provide novel insight into the effects of stochastic dynamics on the composition of non-stationary microbial communities that are exposed to biofilms and provides a new avenue for modelling microbial dynamics in systems where fluids are being transported.


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Small-scale physical and numerical experiments were conducted to investigate the local concentration of waves (monochromatic and group) due to abrupt change of nearshore bathymetry in alongshore direction. Wave run-up motions along the shoreline were measured using an image analysis technique to compare localized concentration of wave energy, when waves propagate a over bathymetry composing rhythmic patterns of mild/steep slope bottom configurations. Measured alongshore variation of maximum wave run-up heights showed significant peak near the boundary, which has sudden alongshore change of depth, both under monochromatic and group wave trains. This phenomenon is found to be due to interaction of waves with neashore currents, which is further enhanced by excitation of long wave components by breaking of group waves. Furthermore, this paper discusses results of preliminary experiments carried out to test the effectiveness of several shore protection structure layouts in mitigating such wave concentrations. Numerical simulations were performed by using a model developed based on Nwogu (1993) Boussinesq-type equations; coupled with a transport equation to model energy dissipation due to wave breaking.