974 resultados para Stingless bee honey


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Ethnopharmacological relevance: The pharmacological activity of geopropolis collected by stingless bees (important and threatened pollinators), a product widely used in folk medicine by several communities in Brazil, especially in the Northeast Region, needs to be studied. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antinociceptive activity of Melipona scutellaris geopropolis (stingless bee) using different models of nociception. Material and methods: The antinociceptive activity of the ethanolic extract of geopropolis (EEGP) and fractions was evaluated using writhing induced by acetic acid, formalin test, carrageenan-induced hypernociception, and quantification of IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha. The chemical composition was assessed by quantification of total flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Results: EEGP and its hexane and aqueous fractions showed antinociceptive activity. Both EEGP and its aqueous fraction presented activity in the mechanical inflammatory hypernociception induced by the carrageenan model, an effect mediated by the inhibition of IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha. The chemical composition of EEGP and its hexane and aqueous fractions showed a significant presence of phenolic compounds and absence of flavonoids. Conclusion: Our data indicate that geopropolis is a natural source of bioactive substances with promising antinociceptive activity. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aim of the present study was to characterize the variation of the chemical profiles among workers in different colonies of the stingless bee Melipona marginata. We used gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (CG-MS) and multivariate analysis of the bees' chemical from three colonies of two localities in southeast Brazil. The results showed that cuticular hydrocarbon profiles clearly separated distinct colonies. We show here the importance of using the chemical analyses for characterization of colony membership, in addition of the traditional techniques of diversity analyses.


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Ziel der Dissertation war es, eine Gesamtbetrachtung der altägyptischen Bienenhaltung zu geben, die Bedeutung der Biene herauszuarbeiten und den Gebrauch des Honigs im alten Ägypten vorzustellen. Darüber hinaus wurde die Herkunft und Zusammensetzung des Honigs untersucht sowie ein Vergleich mit der Bienenhaltung in den Nachbarländern gezogen. rnrnDie Biene ist mehrfach als Symbol oder Dekorationselement vorzufinden. Bereits am Ende des Alten Reiches, einem Zeitpunkt, als sich die Domestikation der Bienen nachweisen läßt, treten Figurenzylinder, Stempelsiegel-Amulette und Amulettanhänger mit dem Bildnis der Biene auf. Auf diesen Zeugnissen repräsentierte sie Schutz, Fruchtbarkeit, Regeneration und Todesüberwindung. Diesen Eigenschaften lagen wahrscheinlich die Beobachtungen der verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien der Honigbiene vom Ei über die mumienartige Larve bis zur Imago sowie ihre intensive Brutpflege zugrunde. rnrnÜber den Arbeitsablauf und die Organisation des Imkereibetriebes gaben vor allem die Topfaufschriften deutliche Hinweise. Für die Produktion des Honigs waren Imker verantwortlich, die sowohl im Staats- als auch im Tempeldienst stehen konnten. Sie waren in die Struktur der Warenschatzhäuser eingebunden. Meines Erachtens war die Imkerei stärker verbreitet als es die wenigen Quellen erahnen lassen. Denn allein für den Tempelkult wurden große Honigmengen benötigt. Neben den offiziellen Imkern des Königs und der Göttertempel muß es deshalb auch eine private Bienenhaltung gegeben haben. Wahrscheinlich betrieben mehrere Berufsgruppen aus dem Bereich der Landwirtschaft sowie Beamte und Schreiber, die über Land verfügten, eine eigene Honigproduktion. Dies ist aus den Angaben der Steuereinnahmen zu schließen, unter denen sich Produkte der Bienenwirtschaft befanden. rnrnDa aus dem pharaonischen Ägypten keine Berichte über den Ablauf der Bienenhaltung überliefert sind und archäologisch bislang keine Bienenstände in situ belegt sind, wurden vor allem die Beschreibungen griechischer und römischer Autoren sowie der Fund des Bienenhauses aus Tel Rehov in Israel als Vergleichsmaterial herangezogen.rnrnHonig war im pharaonischen Ägypten ein wertvoller Süßstoff, deshalb war die Biene auch in wirtschaftlicher Hinsicht wichtig und ihre ab der 5. Dynastie bildlich nachweisbare Domestikation führte zu höheren Honigerträgen. Honig war neben Fruchtsirup aus Datteln, Feigen oder Johannisbrotfrucht der einzige Süßstoff, da Zuckerrohr und Rübenzucker noch nicht bekannt waren. rnVerschiedene Honigsorten und -begriffe sind nachweißbar. Während bj.t allgemein den Honig bezeichnet, ist mit sn-bj.t Wabenhonig gemeint. Hinzu kommen verschiedene Adjektive, die die Honigsorte näher bestimmen. So wird roter (dSr.t), weißer (HD.t), flüssiger (stf), fester (gmgm), guter (nfr.t) und alter (is.t) unterschieden. rnAls Heilmittel findet Honig in zahlreichen medizinischen Rezepten Verwendung. In dieser Arbeit werden Augenkrankheiten und Fleischwunden näher behandelt. Eine große Rolle kam dem Honig im Götterkult zu. Die zahlreichen Opferstiftungen und Festkalender lassen auf eine üppige Verwendung sowohl im täglichen Tempelritual als auch bei Festen schließen. Durch das Opfern von Honig wollte der König seine Herrschaft über Ägypten sowie die Fruchtbarkeit des Landes sichern. rn


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Funding: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 613960 (SMARTBEES) (http://www.smartbees-fp7.eu/) and Veterinary Medicines Directorate, Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Project # VM0517) (https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/veterinary-medicines-directorate). CHM was supported by a Biosciences Knowledge Transfer Network Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (KTN-BBSRC CASE) Studentship (BB/L502467/1) (http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge Mr Sebastian Bacz’s expert help and advice with beekeeping.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of honey from different entomological sources which were harvested in the dry season of 2008-2009 from distinct mesoregions of the State of Alagoas in the North East of Brazil. Honey produced by five different species of bees, even from the same region and season, showed a statistically significant difference (p <0.05) in the content of phenols, flavonoids and antioxidants, with higher levels of these compounds found in honey produced by Plebeia spp. and A. mellifera. Honey from stingless bees was quite different from that of A. mellifera, especially from the Plebeia spp. A dendrogram of the five species of bees showed the formation of 3 groups, one being formed by Apis mellifera, one by the genus Melipona (M. subnitida, M. quadrifasciata and M. scutellaris) and another formed by Plebeia spp.


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This paper presents a new algorithm based on honey-bee mating optimization (HBMO) to estimate harmonic state variables in distribution networks including distributed generators (DGs). The proposed algorithm performs estimation for both amplitude and phase of each harmonics by minimizing the error between the measured values from phasor measurement units (PMUs) and the values computed from the estimated parameters during the estimation process. Simulation results on two distribution test system are presented to demonstrate that the speed and accuracy of proposed distribution harmonic state estimation (DHSE) algorithm is extremely effective and efficient in comparison with the conventional algorithms such as weight least square (WLS), genetic algorithm (GA) and tabu search (TS).


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This paper presents an efficient algorithm for multi-objective distribution feeder reconfiguration based on Modified Honey Bee Mating Optimization (MHBMO) approach. The main objective of the Distribution feeder reconfiguration (DFR) is to minimize the real power loss, deviation of the nodes’ voltage. Because of the fact that the objectives are different and no commensurable, it is difficult to solve the problem by conventional approaches that may optimize a single objective. So the metahuristic algorithm has been applied to this problem. This paper describes the full algorithm to Objective functions paid, The results of simulations on a 32 bus distribution system is given and shown high accuracy and optimize the proposed algorithm in power loss minimization.


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Report of field observations April 2007 to September 2011


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Reproductive isolation between closely related species is often incomplete. The Western honey bee, Apis mellifera, and the Eastern hive bee, A. cerana have been allopatric for millions of years, but are nonetheless similar in morphology and behaviour. During the last century the two species were brought into contact anthropogenically, providing potential opportunities for interspecific matings. Hybrids between A. mellifera and A. cerana are inviable, so natural interspecific matings are of concern because they may reduce the viability of A. cerana and A. mellifera populations – two of the world's most important pollinators. We examined the mating behaviour of A. mellifera and A. cerana queens and drones from Caoba Basin, China and Cairns, Australia. Drone mating flight times overlap in both areas. Analysis of the spermathecal contents of queens with species-specific genetic markers indicated that in Caoba Basin, 14% of A. mellifera queens mated with at least one A. cerana male, but we detected no A. cerana queens that had mated with A. mellifera males. Similarly, in Cairns, no A. cerana queens carried A. mellifera sperm, but one third of A. mellifera queens had mated with at least one A. cerana male. No hybrid embryos were detected in eggs laid by interspecifically-mated A. mellifera queens in either location. However A. mellifera queens artificially inseminated with A. cerana sperm produced inviable hybrid eggs, or unfertilised drones. This suggests that reproductive interference will impact the viability of honey bee populations wherever A. cerana and A. mellifera are in contact. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Bees are well known for being industrious pollinators. Some species, however, have taken to invading the nests of other colonies to steal food, nest material or the nest site itself. Despite the potential mortality costs due to fighting with an aggressive opponent, the prospects of a large bounty can be worth the risk. In this review, we aim to bring together current knowledge on intercolony fighting with a view to better understand the evolution of warfare in bees and identify avenues for future research. A review of literature reveals that at least 60 species of stingless bees are involved in heterospecific conflicts, either as attacking or victim colonies. The threat of invasion has led to the evolution of architectural, behavioural and morphological adaptations, such as narrow entrance tunnels, mud balls to block the entrance, decoy nests that direct invaders away from the brood chamber, fighting swarms, and soldiers that are skilled at immobilising attackers. Little is known about how victim colonies are selected, but a phylogenetically controlled analysis suggests that the notorious robber bee Lestrimelitta preferentially attacks colonies of species with more concentrated honey. Warfare among bees poses many interesting questions, including why species differ so greatly in their response to attacks and how these alternative strategies of obtaining food or new nest sites have evolved.


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A swarm is a temporary structure formed when several thousand honey bees leave their hive and settle on some object such as the branch of a tree. They remain in this position until a suitable site for a new home is located by the scout bees. A continuum model based on heat conduction and heat generation is used to predict temperature profiles in swarms. Since internal convection is neglected, the model is applicable only at low values of the ambient temperature T-a. Guided by the experimental observations of Heinrich (1981a-c, J. Exp. Biol. 91, 25-55; Science 212, 565-566; Sci. Am. 244, 147-160), the analysis is carried out mainly for non-spherical swarms. The effective thermal conductivity is estimated using the data of Heinrich (1981a, J. Exp. Biol. 91, 25-55) for dead bees. For T-a = 5 and 9 degrees C, results based on a modified version of the heat generation function due to Southwick (1991, The Behaviour and Physiology of Bees, PP 28-47. C.A.B. International, London) are in reasonable agreement with measurements. Results obtained with the heat generation function of Myerscough (1993, J. Theor. Biol. 162, 381-393) are qualitatively similar to those obtained with Southwick's function, but the error is more in the former case. The results suggest that the bees near the periphery generate more heat than those near the core, in accord with the conjecture of Heinrich (1981c, Sci. Am. 244, 147-160). On the other hand, for T-a = 5 degrees C, the heat generation function of Omholt and Lonvik (1986, J. Theor. Biol. 120, 447-456) leads to a trivial steady state where the entire swarm is at the ambient temperature. Therefore an acceptable heat generation function must result in a steady state which is both non-trivial and stable with respect to small perturbations. Omholt and Lonvik's function satisfies the first requirement, but not the second. For T-a = 15 degrees C, there is a considerable difference between predicted and measured values, probably due to the neglect of internal convection in the model.


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Despite a multitude of environmental stressors, the Varroa mite is still regarded as the greatest cause of honey bee mortality in its invaded range. Breeding honey bees that are resistant to the mite is an important area of research. This thesis aimed to gain a better understanding of the grooming and hygienic behaviours of Russian honey bees (RHB). The effect of a break in the synchrony of a mite’s life cycle on reproductive success was tested through brood inoculation experiments. Mites released by hygienic behaviour and forced to enter a new cell are less likely to lay male offspring. Through laboratory cage assays it was found that daughter mites are more susceptible to grooming behaviour. A new method of marking Varroa mites was developed which would enable a single cohort of mites to be followed after inoculation. A strong brood removal trait was noticed in RHB colonies, therefore they were tested for Varroa sensitive hygienic (VSH) behaviour. RHB demonstrated levels of VSH as high as the USDA line bred specifically for this behaviour. In addition the same QTL found to be responsible for the trait in VSH bees, was associated with VSH in RHB stock. Previous work showed that the ratio of older mites to total trapped mites (O/T) in the debris of honey bee colonies demonstrated the strongest association with colony infestation. This research showed that O/T is associated with VSH and brood removal behaviour. In addition, bees that displayed high levels of VSH in this study were also more likely to spend a longer amount of time grooming in laboratory assays. This indicates that both grooming and hygienic behaviours play important roles in the resistance of RHB stock. Their likelihood to be expressed by other stocks is discussed and recommendations for further research are provided.


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The economically most important honey bee species, Apis mellifera, was formerly considered to be parasitized by one microsporidian, Nosema apis. Recently, [Higes, M., Martin, R., Meana, A., 2006. Nosema ceranae, a new microsporidian parasite in honeybees in Europe, J. Invertebr. Pathol. 92, 93-95] and [Huang, W.-F., Jiang, J.-H., Chen, Y.-W., Wang, C.-H., 2007. A Nosema ceranae isolate from the honeybee Apis mellifera. Apidologie 38, 30-37] used 16S (SSU) rRNA gene sequences to demonstrate the presence of Nosema ceranae in A. mellifera from Spain and Taiwan, respectively. We developed a rapid method to differentiate between N. apis and N. ceranae based on PCR-RFLPs of partial SSU rRNA. The reliability of the method was confirmed by sequencing 29 isolates from across the world (N = 9 isolates gave N. apis RFLPs and sequences, N = 20 isolates gave N. ceranae RFLPs and sequences; 100%, correct classification). We then employed the method to analyze N = 115 isolates from across the world. Our data, combined with N = 36 additional published sequences demonstrate that (i) N. ceranae most likely jumped host to A. mellifera, probably within the last decade, (ii) that host colonies and individuals may be co-infected by both microsporidia species, and that (iii) N. ceranae is now a parasite of A. mellifera across most of the world. The rapid, long-distance dispersal of N. ceranae is likely due to transport of infected honey bees by commercial or hobbyist beekeepers. We discuss the implications of this emergent pathogen for worldwide beekeeping. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Deformed wing virus (DWV) represents an ideal model to study the interaction between mode of transmission and virulence in honey bees since it exhibits both horizontal and vertical transmissions. However, it is not yet clear if venereal-vertical transmission represents a regular mode of transmission for this virus in natural honey bee populations. Here, we provide clear evidence for the occurrence of high DWV titres in the endophallus of sexually mature drones collected from drone congregation areas (DCAs). Furthermore, the endophallus DWV titres of drones collected at their maternal hives were no different from drones collected at nearby DCAs, suggesting that high-titre DWV infection of the endophallus does not hinder the ability of drones to reach the mating area. The results are discussed within the context of the dispersal of DWV between colonies and the definition of DWV virulence with respect to the transmission route and the types of tissues infected.