991 resultados para Sperm preservation


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Fisheries models have traditionally focused on patterns of growth, fecundity, and survival of fish. However, reproductive rates are the outcome of a variety of interconnected factors such as life-history strategies, mating patterns, population sex ratio, social interactions, and individual fecundity and fertility. Behaviorally appropriate models are necessary to understand stock dynamics and predict the success of management strategies. Protogynous sex-changing fish present a challenge for management because size-selective fisheries can drastically reduce reproductive rates. We present a general framework using an individual-based simulation model to determine the effect of life-history pattern, sperm production, mating system, and management strategy on stock dynamics. We apply this general approach to the specific question of how size-selective fisheries that remove mainly males will impact the stock dynamics of a protogynous population with fixed sex change compared to an otherwise identical dioecious population. In this dioecious population, we kept all aspects of the stock constant except for the pattern of sex determination (i.e. whether the species changes sex or is dioecious). Protogynous stocks with fixed sex change are predicted to be very sensitive to the size-selective fishing pattern. If all male size classes are fished, protogynous populations are predicted to crash even at relatively low fishing mortality. When some male size classes escape fishing, we predict that the mean population size of sex-changing stocks will decrease proportionally less than the mean population size of dioecious species experiencing the same fishing mortality. For protogynous species, spawning-per-recruit measures that ignore fertilization rates are not good indicators of the impact of fishing on the population. Decreased mating aggregation size is predicted to lead to an increased effect of sperm limitation at constant fishing mortality and effort. Marine protected areas have the potential to mitigate some effects of fishing on sperm limitation in sex-changing populations.


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The studies provided data on the spoilage pattern of Otolithus argenteus during low temperature preservation. Changes in the total volatile bases, hypoxanthine, tyrosine, salt soluble nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, pH, peroxide value, free fatty acids and thiobarbituric acid number along with organoleptic score have been reported. Organoleptically, fish stored at +20 degree C remained in acceptable condition upto 12 days while for those stored at 0 degree C in ice upto 19 days. Of the various indices tested Hypoxanthine, salt soluble nitrogen and total volatile bases nitrogen, in the order of merit can be used as freshness tests for refrigerated fish.


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The preservation of prawns with boric acid, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, sodium bisulphite, ascorbic acid, citric ascorbic acid mixture, acronise pd, foromycin and penicillin have been investigated. Acronise pd, foromycin and citric ascorbic acid mixture in the order named proved the most effective inhibitors of growth of the natural mixture flora at temperatures between -18°C and 28°C; while foromycin inhibited yeast growth and sodium bisulphite and boric acid retarded melanosis. Acronise pd caused marked inhibition of bacterial growth in 5 to 50 per ml concentration, when used as an immersion medium for 10 to 15 minutes. The other chemicals used exerted a less intense action or were without any effect.


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A review of the literature on fish processing will reveal that most of the important developments have taken place during the last twenty years. Sustained work by teams of scientists in different parts of the world, has not only contributed much to our knowledge of the chemistry and technology of fish but also resulted in revolutionary changes in the methods of preservation and processing of fishery products.


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Koura (1963) reporting the results of the comparative studies on different preservation methods of cotton twines stated that "by the difference of rotting in the different waters, not ever one method may be the most economical one". The observations were simultaneously made at Alexandria in Egypt in the sub-tropical region and Cuxhaven in the estuary of the River Elbe in the temperate zone. The course of weathering and effect of immersion in water of man-made fibres have also been mentioned in this communication. Subsequently work on similar lines were extended to Cochin in the tropical region with Cuxhaven and Hamburg as the other places of observation and the results of these studies are presented in this paper.


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Preliminary investigations on the effect of irradiation on commercially important fish and shell fish like silver pomfret, Bombay duck and prawns were conducted. Irradiated samples had an extended storage life compared to their respective controls even though yellowish or brownish discoloration occurred earlier in irradiated fish. Irradiation enhanced the rate of drip formation. Brine treatment prior to irradiation retarded this rate. Pre-blanching was found to further extend the storage life of irradiated fish.


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Microbiological investigation of fresh and frozen fishes such as pomfret, surmai and mackerel was carried out under various conditions of preservation. Glazing, block-freezing and preservation in gunny bag were affected. Determination of bacterial load and isolation, identification and classification of the resistant bacteria were made. Spore-formers of Subtilis mesentericus group were found to be resistant to freezing as well as glazing by ascorbic acid, citric acid and sodium nitrite except a mixture of sodium chloride and glucose. Bacterial load was reduced to a good extent and maintained low till the end of frozen storage period.


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Organoleptic observations of quick, slow and block frozen, glazed and stored fish were recorded at regular intervals. Glazing was renewed at intervals of four weeks. Development of yellow discolouration in the case of white pomfret was followed. Keeping quality of glazed fish was better than unglazed frozen fish. Yellow discolouration could be controlled by ascorbic acid for 42 months and by a mixture of sodium chloride and glucose for 52 months.


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The changes occurring in moisture, thiamine, riboflavin niacin, phosphorus, iron and calcium in pomfret, surmai and frozen mackerel, glazed with ascorbic acid, citric acid, sodium chloride, glucose, sodium nitrite and kept under frozen storage were studied up to 6 months and results reported.


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Except for the preliminary studies at Torry Research Station in Scotland, no results have been reported on the succession of the bacterial flora during the storage of fish in chilled water. The present work was undertaken to elucidate the dynamics of bacterial population changes in chilled fresh water under comparable conditions of storage in melting ice (+1° to +3°C.) which has been earlier studied by de Silva in 1960.


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Experiments were conducted to develop and standardize the protocols for cryopreservation of sperm of common carp, Cyprinus carpio and also for using the cryopreserved sperm for fertilization of eggs. Nine extender solutions as Alsever's solution, kurokura-1, kurokura-2, urea egg-yolk, egg-yolk citrate, 0.6% glucose, 0.9% NaCl, Ma and Mb, and five cryoprotectants namely ethanol, methanol, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), dimethylamine (DMA) and glycerol were tested. The cryoprotectants were mixed at 10% concentration of the extenders (v/v) to make the cryodiluents. Milt and cryodiluents were mixed at a ratio of 1:9 for Alsever's solution, kurokura-1, kurokura-2, 0.6% glucose and 0.9% NaCl, 1:4 for urea egg-yolk, egg-yolk citrate, Ma and Mb. Among the cryodiluents Alsever's solution mixed with either ethanol or methanol was found to be suitable and it produced more than 90% and 80% spermatozoan motility at equilibrium and post-thaw periods, respectively. Kurokura-1 and kurokura-2 when mixed with the same cryoprotectants showed good spermatozoan motility at equilibrium period (80-90%) but the motility was reduced (30-55%) at post-thaw state. Other extenders did not produce acceptable sperm-motility and in some cases the frozen milt became clotted. Different dilution ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:5, 1:7, 1:9, 1:12, 1:15, 1:20) were formulated for obtaining a suitable milt dilution, the dilution ratio of 1: 9 (milt : cryodiluent) demonstrated the highest post-thaw spermatozoan motility (80%) in Alserver's solution. The optimum concentration of cryoprotectants in the cryodiluents was determined, 10% concentration level was found to be effective to produce the highest number of spermatozoan motility in comparison to the other concentrations (5%, 15%, 20% 30%). Sperm preserved with the cryodiluent Alsever's solution along with either methanol or ethanol was found to be effective to fertilize eggs and produce hatchlings. The hatching rates ranged between 1.48% and 14.76%, compare to control. The fish produced through use of cryopreserved sperm and normal sperm were found to grow well and no significant (P<0.05) growth difference was observed between them. In case of silver barb, Barbonymus gonionotus, sperm tested against six extenders such as egg-yolk citrate, urea-egg-yolk, kurokura-1, kurokura-2, 0.9% NaCl and modified fish ringer (MFR) solution. Cryoprotectants used were the same as those of C. carpio. Milt was diluted with the cryodiluent at a ratio of 1:4 for egg-yolk citrate and urea-egg-yolk, 1:5 for kurokura-1 and 1:9 for 0.9% NaCl, MFR and kurokura-2. The cryoprotectant concentration was maintained at 10% of the extender (v/v) in all the cases. Among the extenders, egg-yolk citrate and urea-egg-yolk mixed with 10% DMSO, methanol and ethanol produced 50% post-thaw spermatozoan motility, whereas DMA and glycerol provided only 10% motility. Trials on milt dilution ratio and cryoprotectant concentration are being conducted. Fertilization trials are also underway.