996 resultados para Sowing.


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Pratylenchus thornei is a major pathogen of wheat in Australia. Two glasshouse experiments with four wheat cultivars that had different final populations (Pf) of P. thornei in the field were used to optimise conditions for assessing resistance. With different initial populations (Pi) ranging up to 5250 P. thornei/kg soil, Pf of P. thornei increased to 16 weeks after sowing, and then decreased at 20 weeks in some cultivar x Pi combinations. The population dynamics of P. thornei up to 16 weeks were best described by a modified exponential equation P f (t) = aP i e kt where P f (t) is the final population density at time t, P i is the initial population density, a is the proportion of P i that initiates population development, and k is the intrinsic rate of increase of the population. The cultivar GS50a had very low k values at Pi of 5250 and 1050 indicating its resistance, Suneca and Potam had high k values indicating susceptibility, whereas intolerant Gatcher had a low value at the higher Pi and a high value at the lower Pi. Nitrate fertiliser increased plant growth and Pf values of susceptible cultivars, but in unplanted soil it decreased Pf. Nematicide (aldicarb 5 mg/kg soil) killed P. thornei more effectively in planted than in unplanted soil and increased plant growth particularly in the presence of N fertiliser. In both experiments, the wheat cultivars Suneca and Potam were more susceptible than the cultivar GS50a reflecting field results. The method chosen to discriminate wheat cultivars was to assess Pf after growth for 16 weeks in soil with Pi ~1050–5250 P. thornei/kg soil and fertilised with 200 mg NO3–N/kg soil.


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In semi-arid sub-tropical areas, a number of studies concerning no-till (NT) farming systems have demonstrated advantages in economic, environmental and soil quality aspects over conventional tillage (CT). However, adoption of continuous NT has contributed to the build-up of herbicide resistant weed populations, increased incidence of soil- and stubble-borne diseases, and stratification of nutrients and organic carbon near the soil surface. Some farmers often resort to an occasional strategic tillage (ST) to manage these problems of NT systems. However, farmers who practice strict NT systems are concerned that even one-time tillage may undo positive soil condition benefits of NT farming systems. We reviewed the pros and cons of the use of occasional ST in NT farming systems. Impacts of occasional ST on agronomy, soil and environment are site-specific and depend on many interacting soil, climatic and management conditions. Most studies conducted in North America and Europe suggest that introducing occasional ST in continuous NT farming systems could improve productivity and profitability in the short term; however in the long-term, the impact is negligible or may be negative. The short term impacts immediately following occasional ST on soil and environment include reduced protective cover, soil loss by erosion, increased runoff, loss of C and water, and reduced microbial activity with little or no detrimental impact in the long-term. A potential negative effect immediately following ST would be reduced plant available water which may result in unreliability of crop sowing in variable seasons. The occurrence of rainfall between the ST and sowing or immediately after the sowing is necessary to replenish soil water lost from the seed zone. Timing of ST is likely to be critical and must be balanced with optimising soil water prior to seeding. The impact of occasional ST varies with the tillage implement used; for example, inversion tillage using mouldboard tillage results in greater impacts as compared to chisel or disc. Opportunities for future research on occasional ST with the most commonly used implements such as tine and/or disc in Australia’s northern grains-growing region are presented in the context of agronomy, soil and the environment.


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Assessing the impacts of climate variability on agricultural productivity at regional, national or global scale is essential for defining adaptation and mitigation strategies. We explore in this study the potential changes in spring wheat yields at Swift Current and Melfort, Canada, for different sowing windows under projected climate scenarios (i.e., the representative concentration pathways, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). First, the APSIM model was calibrated and evaluated at the study sites using data from long term experimental field plots. Then, the impacts of change in sowing dates on final yield were assessed over the 2030-2099 period with a 1990-2009 baseline period of observed yield data, assuming that other crop management practices remained unchanged. Results showed that the performance of APSIM was quite satisfactory with an index of agreement of 0.80, R2 of 0.54, and mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) of 529 kg/ha and 1023 kg/ha, respectively (MAE = 476 kg/ha and RMSE = 684 kg/ha in calibration phase). Under the projected climate conditions, a general trend in yield loss was observed regardless of the sowing window, with a range from -24 to -94 depending on the site and the RCP, and noticeable losses during the 2060s and beyond (increasing CO2 effects being excluded). Smallest yield losses obtained through earlier possible sowing date (i.e., mid-April) under the projected future climate suggested that this option might be explored for mitigating possible adverse impacts of climate variability. Our findings could therefore serve as a basis for using APSIM as a decision support tool for adaptation/mitigation options under potential climate variability within Western Canada.


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Radiant spring frosts occurring during reproductive developmental stages can result in catastrophic yield loss for wheat producers. To better understand the spatial and temporal variability of frost, the occurrence and impact of frost events on rain-fed wheat production was estimated across the Australian wheatbelt for 1957–2013 using a 0.05 ° gridded weather data set. Simulated yield outcomes at 60 key locations were compared with those for virtual genotypes with different levels of frost tolerance. Over the last six decades, more frost events, later last frost day, and a significant increase in frost impact on yield were found in certain regions of the Australian wheatbelt, in particular in the South-East and West. Increasing trends in frost-related yield losses were simulated in regions where no significant trend of frost occurrence was observed, due to higher mean temperatures accelerating crop development and causing sensitive post-heading stages to occur earlier, during the frost risk period. Simulations indicated that with frost-tolerant lines the mean national yield could be improved by up to 20 through (i) reduced frost damage (~10 improvement) and (ii) the ability to use earlier sowing dates (adding a further 10 improvement). In the simulations, genotypes with an improved frost tolerance to temperatures 1 °C lower than the current 0 °C reference provided substantial benefit in most cropping regions, while greater tolerance (to 3 °C lower temperatures) brought further benefits in the East. The results indicate that breeding for improved reproductive frost tolerance should remain a priority for the Australian wheat industry, despite warming climates.


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Heat stress can cause sterility in sorghum and the anticipated increased frequency of high temperature events implies increasing risk to sorghum productivity in Australia. Here we summarise our research on specific varietal attributes associated with heat stress tolerance in sorghum and evaluate how they might affect yield outcomes in production environments by a crop simulation analysis. We have recently conducted a range of controlled environment and field experiments to study the physiology and genetics of high temperature effects on growth and development of sorghum. Sorghum seed set was reduced by high temperature effects (>36-38oC) on pollen germination around flowering, but genotypes differed in their tolerance to high temperature stress. Effects were quantified in a manner that enabled their incorporation into the APSIM sorghum crop model. Simulation analysis indicated that risk of high temperature damage and yield loss depended on sowing date, and variety. While climate trends will exacerbate high temperature effects, avoidance by crop management and genetic tolerance seems possible.


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Water availability is a major limiting factor for wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in rain-fed agricultural systems worldwide. Root architecture has important functional implications for the timing and extent of soil water extraction, yet selection for root traits in wheat breeding programs has been largely limited due to the lack of suitable phenotyping methods. The aim of this research was to develop a low-cost high-throughput phenotyping method to facilitate selection for desirable root traits. We developed a method to assess ‘seminal root angle’ and ‘seminal root number’ in seedlings – two proxy traits associated to root architecture of mature wheat plants (1). The method involves measuring the angle between the first pair of seminal roots and the number of roots of wheat seedlings grown in transparent pots (Figure 1). Images captured at 5 to 10 days after sowing are analyzed to calculate seminal root angle and number. Performing this technique under “speed breeding” conditions (plants grown at a density of 600 plants / m2, under controlled temperature and constant light) allows the selection based on the desired root traits of up to 5 consecutive generations within 12 months. Alternatively, when focusing only on germplasm screening, up to 52 successive phenotypic assays can be conducted within 12 months. This approach has been shown to be highly reproducible, it requires little resource (time, space, and labour) and can be used to rapidly enrich breeding populations with desirable alleles for narrow root angle and a high number of seminal roots to indirectly target the selection of deeper root system with higher branching at depth. Such root characteristics are highly desirable in wheat to cope with the climate model projections, especially in summer rainfall dominant regions including some Australian, Indian, South American and African cropping regions, where winter crops mainly rely on deep stored water.


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The European aspen (Populus tremula) is a keystone species for biodiversity in boreal forests. However, the future of aspen may be threatened, because large aspens have mostly been removed from managed forests, whereas regeneration and the long-term persistence of mature trees are subjects of concern in protected areas. Aspen is a pioneer tree, and it can reproduce both sexually by seed and asexually by root suckers. Through asexual reproduction aspen forms clones, groups of genetically identical trees (ramets). In my thesis, I have studied the structure of aspen populations in terms of number, size, clonal and demographic properties. Additionally, I have investigated the emergence and survival of seedlings as well as the seed quantity and quality in crosses between the European and hybrid aspen. To study the regeneration and population structure, mature aspens were recorded in old-growth and managed forests in eastern Finland based on a large-scale inventory (11 400 ha). In addition, small aspen trees were surveyed on sample plots. Clonal structure was investigated both by morphological characters and by DNA-based markers (microsatellites). Seedling emergence and survival was studied with two sowing experiments. With crosses between European and hybrid aspens we wanted to study whether elevated temperatures due to climate change would benefit the different crosses of European and hybrid aspen unequally and thus affect the gene flow between the two species. The average volumes of mature aspen were 5.3 m3/ha in continuous old-growth, and 0.8 m3/ha in managed forests. Results indicate also that large aspen trees in managed forests are a legacy of the past less intensively managed forest landscapes. Long-term persistence of aspen in protected areas can only be secured by restoration measures creating sufficiently large gaps for regeneration. More emphasis should be given to sparing aspens in thinnings and to retaining of mature aspens in regeneration cutting in managed forests. Aspen was found to be spatially aggregated in the landscape. This could be explained by site type, disturbance history and / or limitations in seed dispersal. Clonal structure does not explain the spatial aggregation, since average size of the clones was only 2.3 ramets, and most clones (70 %) consisted of just one ramet. The small size of the clones suggests that most of them are relatively young. Therefore, sexual reproduction may be more common than has previously been thought. Seedling emergence was most successful in mineral soil especially, when the site had been burned. Only few seedlings occurred on humus. Survival of the seedlings was low, and strongly dependent on moisture, but also on seedbed conditions. The seeds were found to maintain their germinability longer than has earlier been thought to be possible. Interspecific crosses produced more seeds with higher quality than intraspecific crosses. When temperature was elevated, germination of hybrid aspen seeds increased more than seeds from P. tremula x P. tremula crosses. These results suggest that hybrid aspen may have a significant genetic impact on the European aspen, and this effect may become strengthened by climate warming.


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We describe the on-going design and implementation of a sensor network for agricultural management targeted at resource-poor farmers in India. Our focus on semi-arid regions led us to concentrate on water-related issues. Throughout 2004, we carried out a survey on the information needs of the population living in a cluster of villages in our study area. The results highlighted the potential that environment-related information has for the improvement of farming strategies in the face of highly variable conditions, in particular for risk management strategies (choice of crop varieties, sowing and harvest periods, prevention of pests and diseases, efficient use of irrigation water etc.). This leads us to advocate an original use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). We believe our demand-driven approach for the design of appropriate ICT tools that are targeted at the resource-poor to be relatively new. In order to go beyond a pure technocratic approach, we adopted an iterative, participatory methodology.


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Tank irrigation systems in the semiarid regions of India are discussed in this paper. To optimize the grain yield of rice, it is essential to start the agricultural operations in the second week of July so that favorable climatic conditions will prevail during flowering and yield formation stages. Because of low inflow during the initial few weeks of the crop season, often farmers are forced to delay planting until sufficient sowing rain and inflow have occurred or to adopt deficit irrigation during this period. The delayed start affects the grain yield, but will lead to an improved irrigation efficiency. A delayed start of agricultural operations with increased irrigation efficiency leads to the energy resources becoming critical during the peak requirement week, particularly those of female labor and animal power. This necessitates augmenting these resources during weeks of their peak use, either by reorganizing the traditional methods of cultivation or by importing from outside the system.


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El zapallo Spaghetti, cultivo vigoroso de clima templado, constituye una alternativa productiva interesante y novedosa para nuestro país. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del mulching y de la densidad sobre el rendimiento total, el peso medio y el calibre de los frutos. El estudio se llevó a cabo en Azul sobre un suelo Argiudol típico en camellones de 0,80 m de ancho con diferentes densidades de siembra. Se realizó una fertilización profunda en bandas de 0,80 m con fosfato diamónico, controlando las malezas en forma química, manual y mecánicamente, y las plagas haciendo aplicaciones preventivas de insecticidas y fungicidas. La siembra manual se efectuó el 2 de noviembre y los tratamientos fueron: densidades de siembra de 20, 15, 10 y 5 mil pl/ha (D1, D2, D3 y D4), con y sin mulching. Se trabajó con 32 parcelas y cada una tenía tres surcos de seis metros de longitud separados entre si por 2m. Se realizaron cuatro cosechas al llegar a la madurez completa (15/2, 29/2, 7/3 y 3/4). Los calibres evaluados fueron: (1) 2,2 kg, (2) 1,7 kg; (3) 1,3 kg y (4) 0,8 kg / fruto. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó un modelo de bloques completamente aleatorizados con parcelas sub-divididas. En la parcela principal se evaluó el efecto del mulching, en la subparcela la densidad y la interacción de mulching por densidad, y en la subsubparcelas las diferentes cosechas. La cosecha total mostró diferencias significativas para el efecto del mulching, obteniéndose 71,90 t/ha (a) (con mulching) y 62,02 t/ha (b) (sin mulching); para cada densidad se detectaron diferencias significativas para el efecto mulching: D1: 84,45 t/ha (a), D2: 76,47 t/ha (ab); D3: 65,14 t/ha (b) y D4: 61,55 t/ha (b). Se observaron diferencias significativas en el número de frutos cosechados: con mulching (51.667 frutos/ha) y sin mulching (44.167 frutos/ha), y para las diferentes densidades: D1: 54.167 (a); D2: 50.000 (ab); D3: 47.700 (ab) y D4: 40.833 (b) t/ha. La composición de calibres de frutos cosechados fue el mismo para todos los tratamientos y cosechas.


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The apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata, was imported into Japan and cultured extensively for food in the early 1980s. Not long after, escaped or discarded snails became feral and started feeding on rice seedlings and other aquatic plants. This was especially noted in Kyushu in southern Japan. Snails are still proliferating, but the area of damaged rice is not increasing as fast, mainly because of the success of snail control. Currently, the most effective methods of avoiding damage to rice are keeping water shallow, transplanting older seedlings and, in some cases, using molluscicides or repellents. However, these methods have almost no effect on damage by snail feeding when rice fields are flooded. The apple snail is believed to be the most important obstacle to the spread of direct-sowing culture of rice in Kyushu. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has launched a national project for the integrated management of the snail under direct sowing culture of rice in Kyushu. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has launched a national project for the integrated management of the snail under direct-sowing rice culture. Some recent results from this project are briefly reviewed in this paper.


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浑善达克沙地位于内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒高原中部,是我国温带草原区最主要的沙地之一。由于沙质土壤特性和大陆性季风气候等自然条件的限制,长期过度放牧导致了沙地植被退化、固定沙丘活化等一系列环境问题,进而威胁到区域生态安全和可持续发展。恢复和重建退化了的沙地植被,防止沙漠化的进一步扩大已经刻不容缓。 本论文的目的是揭示沙地植被类型与环境的生态关系、沙地植物群落结构特点以及播种时期对沙地人工草地青贮玉米产量的影响,为在沙漠化防治中选择合适的治沙物种、制定合理的植被恢复方案、确定符合当地气候特点的人工草地最佳播种时间等提供理论依据。论文包括三方面的内容:1浑善达克沙地中部丘间低地植物群落分布与土壤环境因子关系;2浑善达克沙地中部植物群落物种多样性与土壤环境因子关系;3播期对浑善达克沙地青贮玉米产量的影响。 对在浑善达克沙地中部丘间低地上获取的102个植物群落样方进行了分析,按照样方中建群种和优势种的重要值把它们归属于28个植物群落类型。对102个群落样方进行去趋势典范对应分析(DCCA),结果表明DCCA排序轴第一轴主要代表地下水位的变化梯度;第二轴主要代表土壤的全氮含量和有机质含量的变化梯度;第三轴则代表土壤溶液的酸碱度值,即地下水位、土壤有机质、全氮含量和土壤溶液酸碱度影响沙地丘间低地植物群落的分布格局。 对流动-半流动沙丘、固定沙丘、丘间低地和淖尔边缘湖沼等四种生境的物种多样性研究结果表明,分布在流动沙丘-半流动沙丘的植物群落的物种丰富度指数和物种多样性指数最低,生态优势度指数较高,均匀度指数相对较高;固定沙丘的物种丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数较高,优势度指数较低;丘间低地和淖尔边缘湖沼的植物群落的物种丰富度指数,多样性指数低于固定沙丘的,但是高于流动-半流动沙丘的,优势度指数高于固定沙丘的,均匀度指数低于流动-半流动沙丘的。各个指数和土壤环境因子的相关分析表明,土壤溶液的酸碱度、土壤全氮和有机质含量与物种多样性有着较强的相关关系。 人工草地青贮玉米分期播种的实验结果显示:随着播期的推迟,英红玉米的地上生物量由2453±161kg/hm2降至1055±68kg/hm2;巴贮玉米的地上生物量由2159±65kg/hm2降至1016±70kg/hm2。两个品种的叶面积和株高都随着播期的推迟逐渐下降。5月27日和6月4日播种的青贮玉米的株高、叶面积和地上生物量显著高于6月11日和6月18日播种的青贮玉米的株高、叶面积和地上生物量(p<0.05)。实验结果表明将当前生产实践中播种时间由6月中旬提前至5月底和6月初可以显著提高种植青贮玉米的产量。


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Mangroves play an important role in creating habitats for a diverse community of organisms ranging from bacteria and fungi to fishes and mammals. They grow in intertidal flats, estuaries and offshore islands. In the Philippines, mangrove forests have dramatically decreased in area since the start of the century, and therefore there is a need to reforest. However, first mangrove nurseries must be established since they serve as sources of planting materials for different mangrove species. Furthermore, nurseries would mean a sustainable source of livelihood for coastal communities because of continuous demand for propagules. A brief account is given of procedures as to the establishment of a mangrove nursery, describing the construction of a nursery, preparation of potting materials, seed collection, seed sowing, and maintenance and protection. Details are provided of the most common true mangrove species in the Philippines. The mangrove nursery is a place for raising and tending seedlings until they are ready for permanent planting. The establishment of mangrove nurseries is in line with government s efforts to rehabilitate the coastal and mangrove ecosystems.


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确定植物生长与土壤水关系调控起始期是可持续利用土壤水资源的基础。以柠条为研究对象,采用中子仪对黄土丘陵半干旱区撂荒地,1~5年生柠条林生长和土壤水分进行长期定位观测和分析。结果表明:1 a内,随着时间推移,柠条利用土壤水分深度从播种时的表层土壤增加到220 cm;随着林龄增加,除丰水年2年生柠条林地土壤储水量增加外,柠条利用土壤水分深度和耗水量增加,林地土壤储水量下降。在2004年生长末期,3年生柠条林地100 cm土层的土壤含水量低于萎蔫系数,4年生柠条林地土壤旱化加剧,柠条生长与土壤水关系调控起始期是第5年。此时需要调控柠条生长与土壤水关系,采取措施降低柠条水分耗水量,实现土壤水资源可持续利用。


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以典型半干旱区干湿砂质新成土(Ust-Sandic Entisols)为供试土壤进行田间试验,研究地膜覆盖、施氮及补充灌水量对春玉米(Zea maysL.)产量、土壤矿质氮(NO3--N和NH4+-N)及氮素平衡的影响。结果表明,0—100 cm土体范围内,随着土层加深,播前和收获后土壤NO3--N含量呈降低趋势,NH4+-N有所增加,但变幅不大;总矿质氮量(NO3--N和NH4+-N)表现为下降。说明地膜覆盖和施氮并没有使NO3--N深层累积量增加,这可能与土壤本身供氮能力严重不足有关。与不施氮相比,施氮各处理氮肥表观损失量增加;与不覆膜相比,作物氮素累积量比不覆膜显著增加(P<0.05)。在低灌(80 mm)覆膜和高灌(160 mm)覆膜条件下,玉米的氮肥利用率均比不覆膜提高了18.8%,说明覆膜低灌在相同施氮条件下,可节约80 mm灌水。但低灌(80 mm)与高灌(160 mm)不覆膜间氮肥利用率差异不显著,表明在相同施氮条件下,覆膜可有效提高氮肥利用率,减少氮素损失。综合考虑子粒产量和氮肥利用率,"覆膜+补灌80 mm+施氮90 kg/hm2"可能为本试验条件下较优的栽培模式。