924 resultados para Social case work.


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Malgré une demande croissante dans le secteur du travail domestique et un poids économique mondial considérable, les travailleuses domestiques migrantes demeurent parmi les plus précaires et les plus exploitées de la planète. Invisibles, isolées et travaillant pour des particuliers dans des résidences privées, elles échappent aux catégories traditionnelles d’emploi. Ces travailleuses se retrouvent alors à évoluer en marge du cadre légal ou encore, elles peinent à faire appliquer correctement les lois conçues pour les protéger. Ce mémoire cherche donc à analyser les manières d’envisager le droit afin de garantir un réel accès à la justice pour les travailleuses domestiques migrantes. En abordant d’abord les obstacles systémiques qui font échec à la réglementation du secteur domestique à travers le monde, cette recherche démontre une inadéquation du droit traditionnel à la réalité des travailleuses par l’analyse des effets de la réglementation canadienne qui leur est applicable. À la lumière de la récente Convention concernant le travail décent pour les travailleuses et travailleurs domestiques, ce mémoire démontre qu’une conceptualisation du droit basée sur le pluralisme juridique fournit des alternatives aux travailleuses domestiques migrantes pour accéder à la justice. Ultimement, l’empowerment de ces travailleuses par leur inclusion dans le dialogue social couplé à une réglementation adaptée à leur réalité permettra d’assurer une protection efficace de leurs droits.


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Este estudio de caso hace principal énfasis en las estrategias de inclusión contenidas en la Política Pública de Mujer y Género y la Política Pública de Juventud con el fin de identificar su efectividad dentro del contexto Distrital y Local. Dicha identificación se realiza a través de la revisión de los programas específicos ejecutados entre 2006 a 2010, contenidos en los planes de desarrollo Distritales y Locales dirigidos a los grupos poblacionales específicos mujeres y jóvenes en el espacio público de la ciudad de Bogotá. Acto seguido, se centra la atención en el objeto de análisis de este trabajo, el Parque Lineal El Virrey Norte, en donde se establece la existencia o inexistencia de acciones concretas de inclusión social de carácter Distrital para contrarrestar el fenómeno de segregación socioespacial existente en la capital desde hace varios años, como se señala al inicio del trabajo. Finalmente, se analizan las Encuestas Bienales de Cultura de los años 2007 y 2009 realizadas por el Observatorio de Culturas con el objeto de comparar las tendencias existentes en la ciudad y en la localidad Chapinero, donde se localiza el espacio público significativo analizado en este estudio de caso, de las mujeres y jóvenes directamente relacionadas con inclusión social.


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El interés de este artículo es evaluar el tema de la construcción de “una opinión pública” ilustrada como camino de consolidación de la democracia moderna en Colombia. Este aspecto constituye un elemento fundante, pues integra la complejidad de la democracia a través del diálogo entre sistema y mundo de la vida. Igualmente, desde la opinión pública y sus posibilidades, puede evaluarse la consolidación democrática como prueba de funcionamiento del conjunto de las instituciones sociales, en su búsqueda de libertades en ámbitos de eficiencia, justicia y armonía social; en el sentido de una democracia deliberativa-radical, y siguiendo a Amartya Sen, por un desarrollo como libertad. En el caso colombiano, con las debilidades de su estructura estatal, fenómenos como el narcotráfico y la lucha guerrillera, el precario desarrollo de una ilustración entre la población, y en particular la inequidad económica y social, se erigen como impedimentos en el proceso de construcción de una opinión pública madura, beligerante y decisoria.-----This article aims at evaluating the topic of “public opinion” construction illustrated as a road toward modern democracy consolidation in Colombia. This aspect constitutes a basis element, because integrates democracy complexity through a dialog between life system and life world. Furthermore, from the public opinion and its potentialities, the democratic consolidation can be evaluated as evidencing that social institutions work as a group on seeking freedom in the realms of efficiency, justice, and social harmony; within the meaning of a radical-deliberative democracy and following Amartya Sen in the pursuance of development as freedom. As for Colombia with the government structures’ weaknesses, phenomena such as narcotrafic and guerrilla group fight, poor development of population literacy and particularly, the social and financial inequity arise as impairments to the process of building a mature and belligerent public opinion with decisionmaking power.


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Proposta d’un Servei d’Assessorament Pedagògic dirigit a tots els agents educatius d’un mateix territori. Una metodologia breu on l’usuari és la clau per canviar aquelles situacions conflictives o no grates, amb el suport i l’ajuda d’un equip multidisciplinari, per tal de copsar tots els punts de vista necessaris per fer el canvi


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Aborda-se a temática das estruturas de valores e consequente impacto nas atitudes e comportamentos na sociedade em geral e no trabalho em particular. Uma amostra diversificada de 157 participantes, recrutada em diferentes meios sociais, variando assim em termos etários, de qualificações académicas, de classe social e de simpatia partidária, respondeu a um questionário sobre valores, valores de trabalho e orientações políticas. Primeiro, verificámos que as orientações político-ideológicas são estruturadas em duas dimensões correlacionadas mas independentes: a esquerda-direita e o autoritarismo-liberdade. Também verificámos que diferentes dimensões supraordenadas de valores do modelo de valores universais de Schwartz estruturam os valores de trabalho e as orientações político-ideológicas, com impactos específicos sobre as funções laborais desejáveis e as preferências socioeconómico-culturais. Finalmente, os efeitos das dimensões de classe social (detenção de capital e qualificação académica) sobre as orientações político-ideológicas sugerem que as dimensões direita-esquerda e autoritarismo-liberdade, apesar de estarem correlacionadas, têm motivações e origens sociológicas diferentes.


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Classical risk assessment approaches for animal diseases are influenced by the probability of release, exposure and consequences of a hazard affecting a livestock population. Once a pathogen enters into domestic livestock, potential risks of exposure and infection both to animals and people extend through a chain of economic activities related to producing, buying and selling of animals and products. Therefore, in order to understand economic drivers of animal diseases in different ecosystems and to come up with effective and efficient measures to manage disease risks from a country or region, the entire value chain and related markets for animal and product needs to be analysed to come out with practical and cost effective risk management options agreed by actors and players on those value chains. Value chain analysis enriches disease risk assessment providing a framework for interdisciplinary collaboration, which seems to be in increasing demand for problems concerning infectious livestock diseases. The best way to achieve this is to ensure that veterinary epidemiologists and social scientists work together throughout the process at all levels.


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För att få drömjobbet inom en konkurrenskraftig bransch som grafiskdesign krävs det lilla extra. Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta redapå vad detta extra är och därigenom underlätta för arbetssökandegrafiska designers på vägen till drömjobbet.Genom tre djupgående intervjuer med anställda på medelstora byråer iMellansverige undersöktes vad arbetsgivare uppskattar och förväntar sigav en arbetssökande grafisk designer. Frågeställningen behandladeportfolions framtid med branschens digitalisering som bakgrund, samthur en arbetssökande fångar arbetsgivarens intresse.Resultatet visar att även om portfolion utgör en stor del av underlaget förrekrytering av personal, är personen bakom portfolion och vad den haratt berätta om innehållet det som är viktigast. En portfolio som intebeskriver sammanhang duger inte som marknadsföringsmaterial. Attvårda det personliga varumärket framstår som viktigt för framgång. Dendigitala portfolion dominerar marknaden, men fysiska arbetsproverupplevs som ett möjligt sätt att stå ut från mängden. Digitala nätverkmottas positivt av branschen, men webbplatser anses ha mer substans.


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The social work education literature on the preparation of students for their first practice learning placement, and the support needs of such students once in placement, tend to include implicit assumptions that the students being placed are novice practitioners, with little experience of working in social welfare agencies. Although there are some students for whom these assumptions are undoubtedly correct, another common phenomenon is that practice experience often leads to practitioners enrolling in professional degrees to qualify as a social worker. As credit for prior work experience in social welfare settings has only recently become possible for Australian social work students, we routinely work with aggrieved students who believe they should be exempted from placements, some of whom subsequently find the transition from experienced practitioner to student on placement somewhat difficult. This paper reports on a study which sought to explore the specific needs of experienced practitioners who become social work students on practice learning placements, with the aim of developing procedural recommendations for the placement and support of such students in the future. One of our findings was that several of the students continued to identify as practitioners, albeit in a different agency or programme from their normal place of employment, rather than take on the student identity. The implications of this for the development of practice learning opportunities for students who are experienced practitioners will be discussed.


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Case management is the process by which most known sex offenders who live in the community are currently supervised. However, by itself, case management has been shown to have only a modest impact on rates of re-offending, and it is only when case work and/or treatment sessions are introduced, that the benefits become apparent. This paper considers how routinely collecting and feeding back standardized data about client progress towards supervisory goals can be integrated into the offender supervision and case management process. Based on methods that have been shown to be associated with enhanced outcomes in mental health, it is suggested that the implementation of feedback approaches have the potential to both enhance the case management process and improve the effectiveness of those policies which require it.


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This study examines the mediating effects of cognitive trust and affective trust on the relationship between supervisors' participative leadership behavior and subordinate work outcomes, using data obtained from 247 dyads in a manufacturing organization located in mainland China. Structural equation modeling revealed that while affective trust fully mediated the relationships between participative leadership of supervisor and subordinate job performance and organizational citizenship behavior, cognitive trust had non-significant effects. These findings underscore the importance of interpersonal interactions between the supervisor and subordinate for engendering subordinate work outcomes. They also lend support to the exchange (relationship)-based explanation as to how trust enhances the response of subordinates to the participative leadership behavior of their immediate supervisor, given that affective trust involves a process of social exchange between both parties over an extended period of time. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.


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Esta obra tem como tema central a abordagem da política nacional de conciliação implementada pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça, bem como a sua adoção pelo TJRS. Em razão da mudança comportamental da sociedade nas últimas décadas, decorrente de vários fatores, entre eles: a evolução do Estado liberal para o Estado democrático de direito, a constitucionalização dos direitos fundamentais e o acesso à justiça, entre outros, ocorreu o aumento da demanda judicial, gerando problemas na prestação jurisdicional, como morosidade do sistema e difícil acesso ao Poder Judiciário. Assim, no auge da crise do Poder Judiciário, através da emenda constitucional nº 45, foi criado o Conselho Nacional de Justiça, com o objetivo de tornar a prestação jurisdicional, de forma moral, eficiente e efetiva. O Conselho Nacional de Justiça, como integrante do Poder Judiciário, visando, através de uma política pública nacional, a maximizar a prestação jurisdicional e oferecer uma justiça mais célere e justa, através da resolução número 125, determinou a implantação da política Nacional da Conciliação. Desse modo, o Poder Judiciário, utilizando os métodos alternativos de solução de conflitos, a conciliação e a mediação, espera oferecer uma jurisdição mais rápida, contribuir para a pacificação social e diminuir o número de ações judiciais, com a implementação da política Nacional da Conciliação. O Tribunal de Justiça gaúcho, visando a cumprir as determinações da Resolução n. 125 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça, instalou no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul quatro centrais de conciliação e mediação, entre elas a Central Judicial de Conciliação e Mediação da comarca de Pelotas. Os resultados apresentados por esse órgão demonstram que as conciliações, embora não apresentem um número expressivo, têm se revelado um mecanismo célere e eficaz, na busca da resolução de conflitos e pacificação social.


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To present research had for objective to study the quality of the employment in the maturation Laboratories and larviculture of the Beach of Barreta/RN, adopting for so much the criteria used by Reinecke(1999) to characterize a quality employment: surrender, benefits non salary, regularity and work reliability and of the wage, contractual status, social protection, work day, intensity of the work, risk of accidents and of occupational diseases, involvement in linked decisions to the section work, possibility for the development of professional qualifications. Of the exam of the data it was verified that the generated employments are considered employments of good quality. However, this result should be analyzed to the light of a context of extreme informality and of precarization of the work. Therefore, the results should be relativized. He/she/you imports to retain that one of the limitations of the study resides in the impossibility of generalizing the data for the whole section of the sea carcinicultura. In spite of that fact, he/she is considered that the objectives of the research were assisted fully and that the characterization of the profile of the employment generated by the section of the shrimpculture it is extremely important for the drawing of public politics gone back to foment this activity.