982 resultados para Small hydropower plants


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Tem crescido a demanda por energia em todo o mundo. No Brasil, com o aquecimento da economia aumentam ainda mais as pressões. O parque gerador Brasileiro é fortemente baseado na geração hidrelétrica, que representa aproximadamente 77,6% da oferta de geração de eletricidade. Entre os impactos ambientais gerados pela construção de barragens e reservatórios de aproveitamentos hidrelétricos está a mudança do regime fluvial de jusante, a chamada vazão remanescente. Entre outros, esta vazão deve garantir as condições adequadas à sobrevivência e continuação das espécies e dos ecossistemas, associando as necessidades humanas, ambientais e as características de cada região. Tomou-se como objeto de análise dois estudos de caso, a pequena central hidrelétrica (PCH) Santa Gabriela, localizada no rio Correntes, na divisa entre os estados de Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul e a usina hidrelétrica (UHE) Batalha, situada no rio São Marcos, na divisa entre os estados de Minas Gerais e Goiás. Embora o assunto seja discutido amplamente pela comunidade técnica e acadêmica, não há ainda nos marcos legais Brasileiros associados, uma definição explícita de critérios ou limites para estabelecimento da vazão remanescente. Em geral, as legislações estaduais estabelecem valores máximos outorgáveis determinados a partir de percentuais da curva de permanência (Q90, Q95) ou da vazão mínima anual de sete dias de duração e tempo de recorrência de 10 anos Q7,10, garantindo consequentemente as vazões mínimas remanescentes. Essas metodologias implicam num único valor fixo para a vazão ao longo do ano, o que não condiz com a realidade do regime hidrológico natural. Estudos atuais apontam para um hidrograma ecológico, que represente a variação das vazões entre os meses de estiagem e cheia. Assim, a metodologia envolveu a comparação entre critérios de outorga utilizados em alguns estados Q90, Q95 e Q7,10 e métodos citados na literatura para estudo da vazão ecológica (Tennant, Texas, Vazão Base e Perímetro Molhado) e as Resoluções referentes à Declaração de Reserva de Disponibilidade Hídrica (DRDH) das usinas, que especificam a vazão remanescente nas fases de enchimento e operação, emitidas pela Agência Nacional de Águas (ANA). Observaram-se valores de vazões substancialmente diferenciados entre os seis métodos empregados. Cabe destacar, que representa um avanço a publicação do Manual de Estudos de Disponibilidade Hídrica para Aproveitamentos Hidrelétricos (ANA, 2009), que visa à padronização dos documentos para fins obtenção da DRDH e da outorga do uso do potencial de energia hidráulica em corpo de água de domínio da União. Assim, o empreendedor poderá propor e negociar a demanda hídrica para as necessidades ambientais com as autoridades competentes, o que deverá ser discutido em reunião técnica inicial que deverá contar com a participação da Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), ANA, órgão ambiental, empreendedor e a empresa responsável pelos estudos ambientais.


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A batch type rotary drum dryer for the production of fish meal suitable for operation in the fishing villages of India has been designed, fabricated and operated successfully. The dyer can be used for production of fish meal from whole lean fish or press-cake from fish body oil extraction plants. The time taken to reach a moisture level below 10% is 5-8 hours depending upon the type of material fed into the dryer.


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In addition to the three RNA polymerases (RNAP I-III) shared by all eukaryotic organisms, plant genomes encode a fourth RNAP (RNAP IV) that appears to be specialized in the production of siRNAs. Available data support a model in which dsRNAs are generated by RNAP IV and RNA-dependent RNAP 2 (RDR2) and processed by DICER (DCL) enzymes into 21- to 24-nt siRNAs, which are associated with different ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins for transcriptional or posttranscriptional gene silencing. However, it is not yet clear what fraction of genomic siRNA production is RNAP IV-dependent, and to what extent these siRNAs are preferentially processed by certain DCL(s) or associated with specific AGOs for distinct downstream functions. To address these questions on a genome-wide scale, we sequenced approximately 335,000 siRNAs from wild-type and RNAP IV mutant Arabidopsis plants by using 454 technology. The results show that RNAP IV is required for the production of >90% of all siRNAs, which are faithfully produced from a discrete set of genomic loci. Comparisons of these siRNAs with those accumulated in rdr2 and dcl2 dcl3 dcl4 and those associated with AGO1 and AGO4 provide important information regarding the processing, channeling, and functions of plant siRNAs. We also describe a class of RNAP IV-independent siRNAs produced from endogenous single-stranded hairpin RNA precursors.


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The function of plant genomes depends on chromatin marks such as the methylation of DNA and the post-translational modification of histones. Techniques for studying model plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana have enabled researchers to begin to uncover the pathways that establish and maintain chromatin modifications, and genomic studies are allowing the mapping of modifications such as DNA methylation on a genome-wide scale. Small RNAs seem to be important in determining the distribution of chromatin modifications, and RNA might also underlie the complex epigenetic interactions that occur between homologous sequences. Plants use these epigenetic silencing mechanisms extensively to control development and parent-of-origin imprinted gene expression.


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The aquatic ecosystem of the Upper Victoria Nile is part of a wider complex of water bodies (lakes and rivers) in Uganda that is of immense socioeconomic importance, especially the fisheries. A source of food, income, energy, irrigation and drinking water, the protection, sustainable use and management of the Upper Victoria Nile water resources are vital to Uganda's economy. The Upper Victoria Nile,due to its abundance of socio-economic benefits,provides a significant contribution to Uganda's economy. The fisheries contribute to the sector as a major source of the export earnings, second to coffee (NEMA,1996), sustain small fishing villages,provide income and generally improve nutrition. Apart from the socio-economic significance of the fisheries,the riverine features of the Upper Victoria Nile, especially its hydropower potential,distinguish this river from the rest of the aquatic ecosystems in the country.


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Stable nitrogen isotope signatures of major sources of mineral nitrogen ( mineralization of soil organic nitrogen, biological N-2 fixation by legumes, annual precipitation and plant litter decomposition) were measured to relatively define their individual contribution to grass assimilation at the Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem, Qinghai, China. The results indicated that delta N-15 values (- 2.40 parts per thousand to 0.97 parts per thousand) of all grasses were much lower than those of soil organic matter (3.4 +/- 0.18 parts per thousand) and mineral nitrogen ( ammonium and nitrate together,7.8 +/- 0.57 parts per thousand). Based on the patterns of stable nitrogen isotopes, soil organic matter (3.4 +/- 0.18 parts per thousand), biological N-2 fixation (0 parts per thousand), and precipitation (- 6.34 +/- 0.24 parts per thousand) only contributed to a small fraction of nitrogen requirements of grasses, but plant litter decomposition (- 1.31 +/- 1.01 parts per thousand) accounted for 67%.


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Chungui Lu, Olga A. Koroleva, John F. Farrar, Joe Gallagher, Chris J. Pollock, and A. Deri Tomos (2002). Rubisco small subunit, chlorophyll a/b-binding protein and sucrose : fructan-6-fructosyl transferase gene expression and sugar status in single barley leaf cells in situ. Cell type specificity and induction by light. Plant Physiology, 130 (3) pp.1335-1348 Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Plants exhibit different developmental strategies than animals; these are characterized by a tight linkage between environmental conditions and development. As plants have neither specialized sensory organs nor a nervous system, intercellular regulators are essential for their development. Recently, major advances have been made in understanding how intercellular regulation is achieved in plants on a molecular level. Plants use a variety of molecules for intercellular regulation: hormones are used as systemic signals that are interpreted at the individual-cell level; receptor peptide-ligand systems regulate local homeostasis; moving transcriptional regulators act in a switch-like manner over small and large distances. Together, these mechanisms coherently coordinate developmental decisions with resource allocation and growth.


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As alterações climáticas emergentes têm um grande impacto no crescimento e desenvolvimento de espécies florestais, nomeadamente em espécies de valor industrial e medicinal, como é o caso do eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulus) e da moringa (Moringa oleifera). Assim, é urgente conhecer as respostas fisiológicas e entender as variações que ocorrem nos perfis metabólicos de espécies vegetais. Neste trabalho, plantas jovens de Eucalyptus globulus foram expostas a radiação UVB (12kJ/m2) e foram avaliadas as respostas fisiológicas e o perfil metabólico, um e onze dias após a aplicação da radiação. A dose de UVB usada não afetou as reações fotoquímicas nem as trocas gasosas, contudo ao nível do metabolismo do carbono (AST e amido) e do conteúdo de pigmentos verificaram-se pequenas alterações (AST e pigmentos). Através da análise do perfil metabólico de E. globulus foram encontrados compostos voláteis e semi-voláteis pertencentes às famílias dos terpenos, sesquiterpenos e aldeídos. Em geral, os sesquiterpenos e os álcoois monoterpénicos apresentaram uma tendência para manter e, em alguns casos, diminuir com o stress, enquanto que o grupos dos aldeídos aumentou e os monoterpenos apresentaram um comportamento mais heterogéneo. O E. globulus mostrou ser uma espécie tolerante à aplicação da dose de UVB usada neste trabalho. Por outro lado, plantas jovens de M. oleifera foram expostas a défice hídrico (DH). Um grupo de plantas foi recolhido um dia após o final da exposição e o outro grupo após onze dias do final da exposição. Foi avaliado o perfil metabólico desta espécie através de GC/MS. Os dados cromatográficos indicaram que em condições de stress (DH(1) e DH(11)), as quantidades de compostos associados a vias primárias e secundárias de defesa (como os alcanos, álcoois, ácidos carboxílicos, esteróis, aminoácidos e açucares) sofreram algumas alterações. As plantas analisadas 11 dias após a remoção do stress mostraram maiores variações do perfil de metabolitos. No entanto, tanto um como onze dias após a remoção do stress, as plantas apresentaram a formação de novos rebentos. Apesar do perfil de metabolitos ter sofrido algumas alterações, por não se registarem casos de morte, conclui-se que as plantas de moringa mostraram ser tolerantes aos tratamentos aplicados.


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In the present experiment, we studied the interaction between copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) in strawberry plants grown in nutrient solutions containing different concentrations of Fe. Plants grown in the absence of iron (Fe0) had the characteristic symptoms of Fe deficiency, with smaller chlorotic leaves, less biomass, acidification of the nutrient solution, and roots that were smaller and less ramified, while no symptoms of Fe deficiency were observed in plants grown with Fe. A greater amount of Cu was found in roots of chlorotic plants than in those grown with Fe, while plants grown with 20M of Fe (Fe20) in the nutrient solution had a greater amount of Fe compared with plants from the other treatments. Chlorotic plants (Fe0) and plants grown with the greatest level of Fe (Fe20) had a greater root ferric chelate reductase (FC-R; EC activity compared with the other treatments with 5 or 10M Fe in the nutrient solution. The same pattern was obtained for relative FC-R mRNA concentration and for the sum of Fe and Cu contents in shoots (leaves plus crowns). The DNA obtained from amplification of the FC-R mRNA was cloned and several of the inserts analysed by single strand confirmation polymorphism (SSCP). Although there were different SSCP patterns in the Fe20 treatment, all the inserts that were sequenced were very similar, excluding the hypothesis of more than one FC-R mRNA species being present. The results suggest that Cu as well as Fe is involved in FC-R expression and activity, although the mechanism involved in this regulation is unknown so far. Both small contents of Fe and Cu in plants led to an over-expression of the FC-R gene and enhanced FC-R activity in strawberry roots.


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A discussion of the most interesting results obtained in our laboratories, during the supercritical CO(2) extraction of bioactive compounds from microalgae and volatile oils from aromatic plants, was carried out. Concerning the microalgae, the studies on Botryococcus braunii and Chlorella vulgaris were selected. Hydrocarbons from the first microalgae, which are mainly linear alkadienes (C(23)-C(31)) with an odd number of carbon atoms, were selectively extracted at 313 K increasing the pressure up to 30.0 MPa. These hydrocarbons are easily extracted at this pressure, since they are located outside the cellular walls. The extraction of carotenoids, mainly canthaxanthin and astaxanthin, from C. vulgaris is more difficult. The extraction yield of these components at 313 K and 35.0 MPa increased with the degree of crushing of the microalga, since they are not extracellular. On the other hand, for the extraction of volatile oils from aromatic plants, studies on Mentha pulegium and Satureja montana L were chosen. For the first aromatic plant, the composition of the volatile and essential oils was similar, the main components being the pulegone and menthone. However, this volatile oil contained small amounts of waxes, which content decreased with decreasing particle size of the plant matrix. For S. montana L it was also observed that both oils have a similar composition, the main components being carvacrol and thymol. The main difference is the relative amount of thymoquinone, which content can be 15 times higher in volatile oil. This oxygenated monoterpene has important biological activities. Moreover, experimental studies on anticholinesterase activity of supercritical extracts of S. montana were also carried out. The supercritical nonvolatile fraction, which presented the highest content of the protocatechuic, vanilic, chlorogenic and (+)-catechin acids, is the most promising inhibitor of the enzyme butyrylcholinesterase. In contrast, the Soxhlet acetone extract did not affect the activity of this enzyme at the concentrations tested. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An overview of the studies carried out in our laboratories on supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of volatile oils from seven aromatic plants: pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium L.), fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), savory (Satureja fruticosa Beguinot), winter savory (Satureja montana L.), cotton lavender (Santolina chamaecyparisus) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris), is presented. A flow apparatus with a 1 L extractor and two 0.27 L separators was built to perform studies at temperatures ranging from 298 to 353 K and pressures up to 30.0 MPa. The best compromise between yield and composition compared with hydrodistillation (HD) was achieved selecting the optimum experimental conditions of extraction and fractionation. The major differences between HD and SFE oils is the presence of a small percentage of cuticular waxes and the relative amount of thymoquinone, an oxygenated monoterpene with important biological properties, which is present in the oils from thyme and winter savory. On the other hand, the modeling of our data on supercritical extraction of volatile oil from pennyroyal is discussed using Sovova's models. These models have been applied successfully to the other volatile oil extractions. Furthermore, other experimental studies involving supercritical CO2 carried out in our laboratories are also mentioned.


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Coal contains trace elements and naturally occurring radionuclides such as 40K, 232Th, 238U. When coal is burned, minerals, including most of the radionuclides, do not burn and concentrate in the ash several times in comparison with their content in coal. Usually, a small fraction of the fly ash produced (2-5%) is released into the atmosphere. The activities released depend on many factors (concentration in coal, ash content and inorganic matter of the coal, combustion temperature, ratio between bottom and fly ash, filtering system). Therefore, marked differences should be expected between the by-products produced and the amount of activity discharged (per unit of energy produced) from different coal-fired power plants. In fact, the effects of these releases on the environment due to ground deposition have been received some attention but the results from these studies are not unanimous and cannot be understood as a generic conclusion for all coal-fired power plants. In this study, the dispersion modelling of natural radionuclides was carried out to assess the impact of continuous atmospheric releases from a selected coal plant. The natural radioactivity of the coal and the fly ash were measured and the dispersion was modelled by a Gaussian plume estimating the activity concentration at different heights up to a distance of 20 km in several wind directions. External and internal doses (inhalation and ingestion) and the resulting risk were calculated for the population living within 20 km from the coal plant. In average, the effective dose is lower than the ICRP’s limit and the risk is lower than the U.S. EPA’s limit. Therefore, in this situation, the considered exposure does not pose any risk. However, when considering the dispersion in the prevailing wind direction, these values are significant due to an increase of 232Th and 226Ra concentrations in 75% and 44%, respectively.


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Abiotic factors are considered strong drivers of species distribution and assemblages. Yet these spatial patterns are also influenced by biotic interactions. Accounting for competitors or facilitators may improve both the fit and the predictive power of species distribution models (SDMs). We investigated the influence of a dominant species, Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum, on the distribution of 34 subordinate species in the tundra of northern Norway. We related SDM parameters of those subordinate species to their functional traits and their co-occurrence patterns with E. hermaphroditum across three spatial scales. By combining both approaches, we sought to understand whether these species may be limited by competitive interactions and/or benefit from habitat conditions created by the dominant species. The model fit and predictive power increased for most species when the frequency of occurrence of E. hermaphroditum was included in the SDMs as a predictor. The largest increase was found for species that 1) co-occur most of the time with E. hermaphroditum, both at large (i.e. 750 m) and small spatial scale (i.e. 2 m) or co-occur with E. hermaphroditum at large scale but not at small scale and 2) have particularly low or high leaf dry matter content (LDMC). Species that do not co-occur with E. hermaphroditum at the smallest scale are generally palatable herbaceous species with low LDMC, thus showing a weak ability to tolerate resource depletion that is directly or indirectly induced by E. hermaphroditum. Species with high LDMC, showing a better aptitude to face resource depletion and grazing, are often found in the proximity of E. hermaphroditum. Our results are consistent with previous findings that both competition and facilitation structure plant distribution and assemblages in the Arctic tundra. The functional and co-occurrence approaches used were complementary and provided a deeper understanding of the observed patterns by refinement of the pool of potential direct and indirect ecological effects of E. hermaphroditum on the distribution of subordinate species. Our correlative study would benefit being complemented by experimental approaches.


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Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) conjugation affects a broad range of processes in plants, including growth, flower initiation, pathogen defense, and responses to abiotic stress. Here, we investigate in vivo and in vitro a SUMO conjugating enzyme with a Cys to Ser change in the active site, and show that it has a dominant negative effect. In planta expression significantly perturbs normal development, leading to growth retardation, early flowering and gene expression changes. We suggest that the mutant protein can serve as a probe to investigate sumoylation, also in plants for which poor genetic infrastructure precludes analysis via loss-of-function mutants.