100 resultados para Silenciamento


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Oncobiologia – Mecanismos Moleculares do Cancro, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Celular, Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2016.


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RESUMO: Este artigo propõe analisar a representação da mulher diaspórica no romance Brick Lane (2003), de Monica Ali. A personagem feminina em questão é representada por uma bangladeshiana que se muda para a Inglaterra após um casamento arranjado com Chanu, também bangladeshiano, que vivia em Londres. O objetivo desse artigo é investigar de que maneira a protagonista é representada no romance, tendo em vista não só sua experiência em Londres, mas também sua vida em Bangladesh, seu país de origem. A metodologia de investigação baseia-se em textos teóricos que discutem a objetificação da mulher, silenciamento e tentativas de agência desenvolvidos por Ashcroft (1998), Bhabha (1991), Said (2007), Spivak (1987) e outros. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que a subjetividade da protagonista é construída a partir de uma mulher submissa, sem ambições para uma mulher moderna e independente.


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This paper aims to provoke a reflection, in the light of Discourse Analysis, on advertising campaigns in defense of breastfeeding. We understand that a discussion on this discourse, which is becoming more popular in society, deserves a review, especially when the subject seems to transpose the field of the debatable, since it is given as non-controversial. What stands as problematic – which does not relate to the benefits of breastfeeding – is the existence, in these campaigns, of a social problem concerning the treatment that the female body receives when public policies come into play, taking as their responsibility a choice that should be left exclusively to women. The discussion focuses on a discursive practice of expropriation of the mother’s own body when public authorities unilaterally support the discourse of breastfeeding, publicly exposing, through the unsaid, the women who, by choice or impossibility, do not breastfeed. This discursive order conveys questionable judgments on the good mother (the one who gives herself entirely to maternity) and the bad mother (the one who, by choosing not to breastfeed, is seen as less dedicated to the child and, even worse, as the one that deprives her child of better health). The campaigns that comprise the corpus of this study reveal silencing practices that cause a complex process of non-autonomy of women over their own bodies.


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No romance, Capitu faz referência a uma construção social quetem a ver com a distinção masculino/feminino, colocando a mulher numa posição de inferioridade e veiculando uma imagem negativa dessa mulher – adúltera. Vista pelos críticos como o motivo da ruína emocional do narrador, Capitu é um produto do discurso falocêntrico, o qual enxerga a mulher a partir de uma cultura patriarcal impregnada de valores que só a desmerecem. Propomo-nos a examinar até que ponto a mulher está sujeita a um sistema moral, de que ela participa de forma passiva, na medida em que não detém a palavra, mas ao contrário é falada.


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The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of Brazilian women’s search for equality, concerning cultural and social areas over five centuries. Oppression, submission and silence used to be common words for women during this period in the history. The extreme patriarchal system and the sexism in different areas of society prevented the female rights from expressing their opinions. This study process involved the research on significant articles, books and magazines related to gender equalities. The present achievements of women in the country are due to the work of feminist movements supported in Cultural Studies and Gender Theories that led women to represent an equal role in the society. As a result, women in the twentieth century got rid of the sexist oppression and besides producing remarkable writings, they improved their identities revealing themselves as skilful people able to contribute to the literary canon as well as diligent professional in education, politics and different areas of society in the postwar period.


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This paper seeks to analyze the statements of a teacher of basic education in the city of Cocalinho-MT on homosexuality. I try to identify possible ideological traits through the theoretical framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 2003a), with support from Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 1994). The analytical categories used are representational meaning, interdiscursivity and ideational metafunction. The studies of Rios (2009), Louro (2000, 2010) and Borrillo (2009) are used for the conceptualization of issues related to gender, sexuality and homophobia. The results show the presence of discourses that contribute to the strengthening of homophobia as oppressive naturalized practice, as the silencing of diversity discourse, the heteronormative and the nuclear family discourse. I make a reflection, to deconstruct these discourses that we educators can take advantage of rights and duties without hiding in a heteronormative profile for fear of suffer with the physical and psychological prejudice.