686 resultados para Shirley


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Introduction: Interventions that prevent healthcare-associated infections should lead to fewer deaths and shorter hospital stays. Cleaning hands with soap and water or alcohol rub is an effectiveway to prevent the transmission of organisms, but compliance is sometimes low. The National Hand Hygiene Initiative in Australia aimed to improve hand hygiene compliance among healthcare workers, with the goal of reducing rates of healthcare-associated infections. Methods: We examined if the introduction of the National Hand Hygiene Initiative was associated with a change in infection rates. Monthly infection rates for six types of healthcare-associated infections were examined in 38 Australian hospitals across six states. Infection categories were: bloodstream infections, centralline associated bloodstream infections, methicillin-resistant and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia and surgical site infections. Results: The National Hand Hygiene Initiative was associated with a statistically significant reduction in infection rates in 11 out of 23 state and infection combinations studied. There was no change in infection rates for nine combinations, and there was an increase in three infection rates in South Australia. Conclusions: The intervention was associated with reduced infection rates in many cases. The lack of improvement in nine cases may have been because they already had effective initiatives before the national initiative’s introduction.


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Welcome to Informed Learning. If you have opened this book, it is probably because you are interested in how people learn. It may also be because you are interested in how learners interact with their information environment and would like to help them do so in ways that help them learn better. What should we teach and how, so that our students will use information successfully, creatively and responsibly in their journey as lifelong learners? Informed learning provides a unique perspective on helping students become successful learners in our rapidly evolving information environments. It presents a new framework for informed learning, that will enable teachers, librarians, researchers and teacher-researchers to work together as they continue to respond to the need to help students use information to learn. Do you want to help your students engage with the information practices of their discipline or chosen profession? Are you looking for ideas to invigorate and refresh your curriculum? Are you looking for ways to help your students write better essays or search the internet more successfully? Are you looking for strategies to enhance your research supervision? Are you trying to discover how information literacy and information literacy education can contribute to academic curriculum? Informed Learning can help you. Informed learning is using information, creatively and reflectively, in order to learn. It is learning that draws on the different ways in which we use information in academic, professional and community life; and it is learning that draws on emerging understanding of our varied experiences of using information to learn. Indeed, we cannot learn without using information. It is problemetising the interdependence between information use and learning that is the foundation of this book. Most of the time we take for granted that aspect of learning which we call information use. What might happen to the learning experience if we attend to it? Informed Learning examines research into the experience of using information to learn in academic, workplace and community contexts, that can be used to inform learning and learning design at many levels. It draws on contemporary higher education teaching and learning theory to suggest ways forward for a learning agenda that values the need for engaging with the wider world of information. In doing so, it offers a new and unified framework for implementing curriculum that recognises the importance of successful, creative and reflective information use as a strategy for learning as well as a learning outcome; and proposes a research agenda that will continue to inform learning. Informed Learning reconceptualises information literacy as being about engaging in information practices in order to learn; engaging with the different ways of using information to learn. Based on the author’s work in developing the seven faces of information literacy, it proposes the need for teaching and learning to 1) bring about new ways of experiencing and using information, and 2) engage students with those information practices relevant to their discipline or profession. This book is written for a diverse audience of educators from many disciplines, curriculum designers, researchers, and administrators. While this book both establishes a new approach to learning design and an associated research agenda, it is also intended to be practical. I have sought to ground the ideas in practice through: • using Steve and Jane as academics from different disciplines on a journey; experiencing the implementation of informed learning; • using examples from the literature and personal experience; • using reflective questions towards the end of each chapter. In this book you will find many examples of how people experience information use as they go about learning in different contexts. The research reported here shows that as people go about learning they interact with information in different ways. They may be learning about a content area in a formal context, they may be engaged in informal learning as they go about their everyday work, or they may be learning through doing original research. The emphasis on experience and ways of seeing comes from the work of researchers into student learning such as Ference Marton, Paul Ramsden, Shirley Booth, Michael Prosser, Keith Trigwell and others who have shown that, if we are to help students learn, we must first be aware of how they experience those aspects of the world about which they are learning. Different ways of reading this book The first three chapters of this book establish the broad theoretical framework for informed learning; and the remaining chapters consider the out workings of this in a range of contexts. If you want to browse the general directions of this book, read the narratives at the start of each chapter. If you want to see how the book might influence your practice, read the narratives and the reflective questions at the end of each chapter. If you want to help your students become informed learners in their discipline or profession, focus on chapters one, two, three and five. If you are looking for help with students engaged in information practices such as internet searching or essay writing, focus on chapters one, three and four. If you are interested in informed learning in the community or workplace, focus on chapters one, two, three and six. If you want to help your research students become informed learners, focus on chapters one, two, three, seven and eight. If you are working with colleagues to promote information literacy education and are looking for ideas, read chapter nine. If you are interested in researching informed learning read chapter ten


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In recent years accounting education has seen numerous changes to the way financial accounting is taught. These changes reflect the demands of an ever-changing business world, opportunities created by new technology and instructional technologies, and an increased understanding of how students learn. The foundation of Financial Accounting is based on a number of unique principles and innovations in accounting education. The objective of Financial Accounting is to provide students with an understanding of those concepts that are fundamental to the preparation and use of accounting information. Most students will forget procedural details within a short period of time. On the other hand, concepts, if well taught, should be remembered for a lifetime. Concepts are especially important in a world where the details are constantly changing. Students learn best when they are actively engaged. The overriding pedagogical objective of Financial Accounting is to provide students with continual opportunities for active learning. One of the best tools for active learning is strategically placed questions. Discussions are framed by questions, often beginning with rhetorical questions and ending with review questions, and our analytical devices, called decision-making toolkits, use key questions to demonstrate the purpose of each.


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The business value of IT (BVIT) has been a prominent and central research topic in the IS discipline. Due to continuous and unpredictable technology and business changes, a more dynamic perspective on IT business value that includes organizational learning is required. We suggest that simple rules heuristics can address this challenge. The simple rules heuristics approach has been introduced by Eisenhardt and co-authors (Bingham & Eisenhardt, 2011; Bingham, Eisenhardt, & Furr, 2007; Eisenhardt & Sull, 2001) to better understand strategic decision making for capturing superabundant, heterogeneous, fastmoving opportunities. They argue that explicit organizational learning can translate accumulated experience into increasingly effective heuristics for strategic processes in highvelocity environments. We make three main contributions by exploring the suitability of a simple rules heuristics approach for the creation of IT business value: (1) we propose six types of simple rules heuristics for capturing IT-based opportunities in dynamic environments, including synergy heuristics as specifically relevant in an IT context, (2) we show how a simple rules heuristics approach can advance our understanding of dynamics and organizational learning for BVIT, and; (3) we introduce the strategic logic of opportunity to BVIT.


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Objective: The positioning and meaning of palliative care within the healthcare system lacks clarity which adds a level of complexity to the process of transition to palliative care. This study explores the transition to the palliative care process in the acute care context of metastatic melanoma. Method: A theoretical framework drawing on interpretive and critical traditions informs this research. The pragmatism of symbolic interactionism and the critical theory of Habermas brought a broad orientation to the research. Integration of the theoretical framework and grounded-theory methods facilitated data generation and analysis of 29 interviews with patients, family carers, and healthcare professionals. Results: The key analytical findings depict a scope of palliative care that was uncertain for users of the system and for those working within the system. Becoming “palliative” is not a defined event; nor is there unanimity around referral to a palliative care service. As such, ambiguity and tension contribute to the difficulties involved in negotiating the transition to palliative care. Significance of Results: Our findings point to uncertainty around the scopes of practice in the transition to palliative care. The challenge in the transition process lies in achieving greater coherency of care within an increasingly specialized healthcare system. The findings may not only inform those within a metastatic melanoma context but may contribute more broadly to palliative practices within the acute care setting.


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This chapter interrogates what recognition of prior learning (RPL) can and does mean in the higher education sector—a sector in the grip of the widening participation agenda and an open access age. The chapter discusses how open learning is making inroads into recognition processes and examines two studies in open learning recognition. A case study relating to e-portfolio-style RPL for entry into a Graduate Certificate in Policy and Governance at a metropolitan university in Queensland is described. In the first instance, candidates who do not possess a relevant Bachelor degree need to demonstrate skills in governmental policy work in order to be eligible to gain entry to a Graduate Certificate (at Australian Qualifications Framework Level 8) (Australian Qualifications Framework Council, 2013, p. 53). The chapter acknowledges the benefits and limitations of recognition in open learning and those of more traditional RPL, anticipating future developments in both (or their convergence).


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Vibrational relaxation measurements on the CO asymmetric stretching mode (similar to 1980 cm(-1)) of tungsten hexacarbonyl (W(CO)(6)) as a function of temperature at constant density in several supercritical solvents in the vicinity of the critical point are presented. In supercritical ethane, at the critical density, there is a region above the critical temperature (Tc) in which the lifetime increases with increasing temperature. When the temperature is raised sufficiently (similar to T-c + 70 degrees C), the lifetime decreases with further increase in temperature. A recent hydrodynamic/thermodynamic theory of vibrational relaxation in supercritical fluids reproduces this behavior semiquantitatively. The temperature dependent data for fixed densities somewhat above and below the critical density is in better agreement with the theory. In fluoroform solvent at the critical density, the vibrational lifetime also initially increases with increasing temperature. However, in supercritical CO2 at the critical density, the temperature dependent vibrational lifetime decreases approximately linearly with temperature beginning almost immediately above T-c. The theory does not reproduce this behavior. A comparison between the absolute lifetimes in the three solvents and the temperature trends is made.


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Pro gradu -työni käsittelee ranskalaisen nykykirjallisuuden yhteiskunnallista suuntausta, jota kirjallisuudentutkija Ruth Cruickshank kutsuu fin de millénaire -kirjallisuudeksi. Tutkimani teokset ovat Frédéric Beigbederin Au secours pardon (2007), Marie Darrieussecqin Truismes (1996) ja Michel Houellebecqin La Possibilité d'une île (2005). Pohdin, millaisena ja millaisin keinoin teokset kuvaavat seksuaalisuutta ja sen tulevaisuudennäkymiä kulutusyhteiskunnassa, ja millaisiin yhteiskunnallisiin olosuhteisiin niiden havainnot perustuvat. Hahmottelen reittejä, joita pitkin globaalin mittakaavan yhteiskunnalliset muutokset vaikuttavat ihmisten intiimeihin tunteisiin ja ihmissuhteisiin. Seksuaalisuuden tarkastelun avulla osoitan, että ranskalaisessa nykykirjallisuudessa ilmenee varsin yhteneviä näkemyksiä ja uhkakuvia aikamme sosiaalisesta todellisuudesta. Tällä tavoin tarkennan ja vankennan vielä hajanaista fin de millénaire -käsitettä. Fin de millénaire -kirjallisuuden oma lajityyppi on massakulttuurin, esimerkiksi viihteen ja mainosten, kielestä vaikutteita ammentava dystopian ja satiirin liitto. Kuten Cruickshank kirjoittaa, fin de millénaire -kirjallisuus heijastaa Ranskassa vuosituhannen vaihteessa korostunutta tunnetta käännekohtaan saapumisesta. Dystopian ohella voidaankin puhua myös apokalyptisesta tekstistä, etenkin siksi, että teokset tarjoavat niukasti ratkaisuja kuvaamiinsa ongelmiin. Eritoten Houellebecqin ja Beigbederin teokset käsittelevät tarpeiden luomista kuluttajille seksuaalivietin ja seksuaalisen kilpailun avulla. Kutsun tätä järjestelmää halutaloudeksi, ja käytän sen toiminnan analysoimisessa apuna Michel Foucault'n käsityksiä vallasta ja Jean Baudrillardin käsityksiä kulutusyhteiskunnasta. Halutalouden sosiaalisia seurauksia ovat vieraantuminen, seksuaalisten hierarkioiden jyrkentyminen ja valinnanvapauden kaventuminen. Teosten kuvaamassa yhteiskunnassa erilaiset esimerkiksi sukupuolen, iän ja ulkonäön perusteella rakentuvat seksuaaliset hierarkiat käyvät yhä merkittävämmiksi. Au secours pardon ja La Possibilité d'une île kuvaavat tapahtumaketjua, jossa etenkin heteromiehistä yhä useampi luisuu seksuaaliseen kurjuuteen muun muassa naisten emansipaation sekä yleisen nuoruuden ja kauneuden palvonnan myötä. Truismesissa taas kuvitellaan yhteiskunta, johon feminismi ei ole päässyt vaikuttamaan mutta pornoistuminen on; naisten ruumiista on tullut miesten yhteistä omaisuutta ja seksuaalinen väkivalta on arkipäivää. Sen maailmassa viehättävä ulkonäkö on naisille miltei elinehto. Yleistäen Houellebecqin ja Beigbederin teokset edustavat miesnäkökulmaa ja Darrieussecqin teos naisnäkökulmaa. Teosten näkemyksiä naisten ja miesten välisistä valtasuhteista pohdin naisten seksuaalisesta vallasta kirjoittaneen Henry Laasasen käyttökelpoisten käsitteiden avulla. Kolmea teosta yhdistävät kuvaukset kulttuurista, jossa ihmissuhteet ovat kaupankäyntiä ja seksuaalinen viehätysvoima määrittelee ihmisen arvon. Darrieussecqin teos on lähitulevaisuuteen sijoittuva dystopia, jossa Beigbederin ja Houellebecqin kuvaama arvoliberalismia ja taloudellista liberalismia yhdistävä kulttuuri on vaihtunut uuskonservatiiviseen ja kaksinaismoralistiseen, naisia räikeästi sortavaan yhteiskuntaan. Teoksen kertoja vähättelee itseensä kohdistuvia koskemattomuuden loukkauksia ja pahoittelee kertomuksensa käänteiden säädyttömyyttä varsinkin kuvatessaan omaa haluaan ja seksuaalista subjektiuttaan. Katson teoksen kritisoivan kirjallisuudentutkija Shirley Ann Jordanin termein poliittisen korrektiuden tyranniaa ja peräänkuuluttavan suoraa puhetta pornografiasta ja naisen halusta. Seksuaalisuus toimii tutkimuksessani lähtökohtana, jonka avulla teoksista nousee esiin julma ja rakkaudeton, säälimättömän kilpailun ja väkivallan täyttämä yhteiskunta. Viime kädessä teosten kuvaama maailmanloppu on se, että rakkaus katoaa ihmisten välisistä suhteista, koska rakkaudessa ei ole voiton tavoittelun kannalta mitään järkeä. Satiirin keinojen, kuten päättymättömän ja monikerroksisen ironian, yhdistyminen dystopiaan pelastaa teokset osoittelevalta moralisoinnilta ja tekee niistä toimivaa yhteiskunnallista kirjallisuutta.


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A tese tem por objetivo primordial observar a construção identitária de mestiças fidalgas nos romances Wide Sargasso Sea (1966), de Jean Rhys, True Women (1993), de Janice Windle, e Rosaura: a enjeitada (1883), de Bernardo Guimarães, considerando três fatores distintos: o multiculturalismo e a interracialização no século XIX; a tentativa de as protagonistas se passarem como caucasianas perante elites locais; a reprimida identificação das mestiças escravocratas com classes menos abastadas. Observam-se os pontos de convergência e divergência entre as obras estudadas, uma vez que o autor brasileiro discute a identidade como fator hereditário e nacional, enquanto as demais autoras a interpretam como construto cultural subjetivo. De modo geral, a pesquisa demonstra como estes autores resistem ao cientificismo que vislumbra o mestiço como ser degenerado, metabólica e ontologicamente desequilibrado, procurando advogar-lhe a imagem de modo distinto. Visto que Wide Sargasso Sea e True Women são releituras de obras oitocentistas, o trabalho também contempla relações intertextuais em dois vetores: o primeiro, voltado para relação entre hipertexto e hipotexto, e o segundo, voltado para a eventual relação entre Guimarães e as obras relidas por Rhys e Windle


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Phosphorescence has been observed in a highly purified fluid solution of naphthalene in 3-methylpentane (3-MP). The phosphorescence lifetime of C10H8 in 3-MP at -45 °C was found to be 0.49 ± 0.07 sec, while that of C10D8 under identical conditions is 0.64 ± 0.07 sec. At this temperature 3-MP has the same viscosity (0.65 centipoise) as that of benzene at room temperature. It is believed that even these long lifetimes are dominated by impurity quenching mechanisms. Therefore it seems that the radiationless decay times of the lowest triplet states of simple aromatic hydrocarbons in liquid solutions are sensibly the same as those in the solid phase. A slight dependence of the phosphorescence lifetime on solvent viscosity was observed in the temperature region, -60° to -18°C. This has been attributed to the diffusion-controlled quenching of the triplet state by residual impurity, perhaps oxygen. Bimolecular depopulation of the triplet state was found to be of major importance over a large part of the triplet decay.

The lifetime of triplet C10H8 at room temperature was also measured in highly purified benzene by means of both phosphorescence and triplet-triplet absorption. The lifetime was estimated to be at least ten times shorter than that in 3-MP. This is believed to be due not only to residual impurities in the solvent but also to small amounts of impurities produced through unavoidable irradiation by the excitation source. In agreement with this idea, lifetime shortening caused by intense flashes of light is readily observed. This latter result suggests that experiments employing flash lamp techniques are not suitable for these kinds of studies.

The theory of radiationless transitions, based on Robinson's theory, is briefly outlined. A simple theoretical model which is derived from Fano's autoionization gives identical result.


The blue color of oxygen is mostly derived from double transitions. This paper presents a theoretical calculation of the intensity of the double transition (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg)←(X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-), using a model based on a pair of oxygen molecules at a fixed separation of 3.81 Å. The intensity enhancement is assumed to be derived from the mixing (a 1Δg) (a 1Δg) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σu-) and (a 1Δg) (1Δu) ~~~ (X 3Σg-) (X 3Σg-). Matrix elements for these interactions are calculated using a π-electron approximation for the pair system. Good molecular wavefunctions are used for all but the perturbing (B 3Σu-) state, which is approximated in terms of ground state orbitals. The largest contribution to the matrix elements arises from large intramolecular terms multiplied by intermolecular overlap integrals. The strength of interaction depends not only on the intermolecular separation of the two oxygen molecules, but also as expected on the relative orientation. Matrix elements are calculated for different orientations, and the angular dependence is fit to an analytical expression. The theory therefore not only predicts an intensity dependence on density but also one on phase at constant density. Agreement between theory and available experimental results is satisfactory considering the nature of the approximation, and indicates the essential validity of the overall approach to this interesting intensity enhancement problem.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivos verificar a possível associação entre violência intrafamiliar sofrida por adolescentes e estado nutricional. Foram investigadas as prevalências de agressão verbal, violências física, abuso psicológico e de estado nutricional inadequado dos adolescentes. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo observacional de corte transversal numa amostra de 201 adolescentes de 10 a 19 anos cadastrados no Programa Bolsa Família e monitorados pelo Serviço de Nutrição de uma unidade de saúde do município do Rio de Janeiro. Junto aos adolescentes foi realizada avaliação antropométrica, e para a determinação do estado nutricional foi analisado o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) pelo parâmetro adotado pela OMS a partir de 2007. A violência familiar foi investigada por meio de dois instrumentos. O Conflict Tactics Scales Form R (CTS1) foi utilizado para avaliar os conflitos intrafamiliares no relacionamento entre pais e filhos e a escala de violência psicológica contra adolescentes para identificar a presença de violência psicológica contra os adolescentes. Além disso, foram avaliadas outras co-variáveis que pudessem influenciar a associação entre violência e situação nutricional da população estudada como informações sobre maturação sexual, sócio-demográficas e percepção corporal. No que diz respeito ao IMC, foram identificados 4,5% de baixo peso, 13,4% de sobrepeso e 5% de obesidade. No que se refere à violência familiar, foram observados 83,1% de agressão verbal, 50,2% de violência psicológica, 32,8% de agressão física grave e 48,3% de abuso físico menor. Através da regressão linear múltipla foi observada um associação entre violência familiar e o IMC em adolescentes do sexo feminino. A presença de agressão verbal perpetrada tanto pelo pai como pela mãe está relacionado ao IMC de forma estatisticamente significativa para as meninas. Já para os adolescentes masculinos não foi encontrada nenhuma associação significativa entre os diferentes tipos de violência familiar e o IMC, mas aponta para a redução do IMC. Outras estratégias de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa devem ser realizadas para esclarecer sobre os efeitos desfavoráveis do abuso verbal sobre o IMC junto aos pais e a sociedade já que a agressão verbal é um tipo de abuso normalmente utilizado no ambiente familiar e considerado como algo natural e aceitável


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Esta tese trata da construção de sentidos e significados no estilo natural de alimentação. Parte do princípio que simbolizar é uma forma de organizar a vida, que funde as dimensões do singular e do coletivo, em um corpo socialmente informado. Explora a conceituação e a desnaturalização, nos termos de Luz e de Bourdieu, como estratégias metodológicas, para fundamentar um trabalho de campo com naturistas, veganos e adeptos da alimentação do vivo, todos agrupados na categoria de análise de práticas de alimentação urbana natural. Explora a prática de bricolagem como estratégia de construção simbólica na prática e discute seu efeito ora favorável, ora não, no enfrentamento da crise acirrada pela desigualdade social. Chegamos a três grupos de sentidos na análise interpretativa: o de Natureza re-sacralizada, o de impureza atribuído à carne vermelha e ao de liberdade expresso na reprodução do movimento social urbano denominado contracultura. Todos se apresentam entrelaçados em um sistema de símbolos construídos em um campo específico, segundo regras de um jogo construído também no campo, que confere forças aos agentes, e seguem interesses diversos. Concluímos que uma análise interpretativa contribui na organização das trocas simbólicas, que diferentemente das trocas monetárias, demanda um conhecimento do campo específico e das relações sociais em que são (re)produzidos os sentidos e significados no estilo natural. Consideramos que assim contribuímos para a inserção das ciências sociais no campo da nutrição.


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Esta investigação objetivou a eficácia antimicrobiana de agentes desinfetantes utilizados na desinfecção dos instrumentos endodônticos, durante o período transoperatório do tratamento endodôntico. A atividade antimicrobiana dos desinfetantes álcool isopropílico, acetona e ácido peracético (PAA) foi avaliada sobre microrganismos planctônicos através de teste de contato (time kill assay), utilizando inóculo de 9,9 X 109 a 1,2 X 1012 unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) e por determinação da concentração bactericida mínima (CBM), usando inóculo de aproximadamente 106 UFC. Os agentes químicos também foram avaliados sobre Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) ATCC 29212 cultivada em matriz de dentina (ex vivo) visando a formação de biofilme. O biofilme (organismos sésseis) microbiano foi removido com limas tipo Kerr (LK), até as lâminas estarem visualmente preenchidas. As LK contaminadas foram usadas como carreadores (logo após a contaminação ou secas dentro de uma câmara de fluxo laminar por 10 minutos). As LK carreadoras foram imersas em álcool isopropílico ou acetona ambos a 80%, ou em Ácido peracético 2%, por 30 ou 60 segundos. As limas foram posteriormente colocadas em tubos de ensaio contendo caldo Enterococcosel para observar o crescimento dos enterococos viáveis. Depois, os experimentos in vivo foram realizados com LK contaminadas por material necrótico pulpar da região cervical de dentes indicados para tratamento endodôntico. As LK contaminadas foram imersas, por 30 ou 60 segundos, em 80% de acetona ou 80% de álcool isopropílico ou 2% de PAA. As limas foram então inoculadas em tubos de ensaio contendo meio tioglicolato. Os organismos que cresceram, foram identificados após o tratamento com PAA. A corrosão mediada pelos agentes químicos também foi testada, após a incubação de LK de aço inoxidável e de NiTi por 60 minutos, medindo o peso das LK antes e depois da imersão e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Todos os agentes químicos foram capazes de eliminar ou reduzir a viabilidade das bactérias de espécies planctônicas Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas, embora a atividade dos produtos químicos sobre E. faecalis sésseis em testes de carreadores de LK demonstrou que o álcool isopropílico ou acetona foram incapazes de eliminar a contaminação bacteriana, especialmente, quando as limas foram secas previamente à exposição aos produtos químicos, por 15 ou 30 segundos. O PAA demonstrou a melhor atividade antimicrobiana e eliminou a viabilidade das células sésseis E. faecalis de ambas as limas endodônticas tipo K úmidas ou secas, após exposição por 15 segundos (100% de eliminação). Os experimentos desenvolvidos in vivo demonstraram que o PAA foi o agente mais eficaz (p<0,05), capaz de eliminar a viabilidade dos organismos em 92% das LK imersas depois de 60 segundos, quando comparado com acetona (64%) ou com álcool isopropílico (50%). O crescimento microbiano após o contato com o PAA demonstrou que somente o grupo dos Lactobacillus sp foi resistente a essa substância química. Os agentes químicos não demonstraram ser corrosivos, após a imersão por 1 hora, tanto por pesagem quanto por MEV. Foi observado que o PAA foi o agente mais eficaz para ser utilizado como desinfetante de instrumentos, durante o período transoperatório do tratamento endodôntico.


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Este trabalho visa ao estudo da dinamicidade linguística do português contemporâneo, por meio da observação de neologismos lexicais coletados na imprensa escrita. Levando em consideração o aspecto ideológco da linguagem, busca acompanhar a atuação do falante em relação à produção de novas palavra, os motivos pelos quais surgem e o grau de resistência ao seu uso. Objetiva analisar os principais processos de formação de vocábulos em língua portuguesa e identificar os mais produtivos no âmbito do corpus. Ademais, pretende demonstrar as etapas distintas dos processos de inovação e adoção dos neologismos, sobre os quais incidem vários fatores de ordem social, ressaltando a importância da contextualização do vocábulo, cujo exame deve ocorrer sempre à luz dos aspectos discursivos. E, como objetivo último, busca analisar até que ponto as mudanças vivenciadas pela sociedade brasileira estão se refletindo em nossa língua


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Hoje, a literatura é bastante limitada no que se refere a estudos sobre a influência da mídia no consumo de alimentos, especialmente se pretendemos articular cultura e saúde. Neste estudo, buscamos compreender a prática discursiva presente na publicidade televisiva de um refrigerante a partir do olhar de diversos segmentos da sociedade. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, que parte de um filme publicitário de um refrigerante muito consumido. Realizamos dez grupos focais envolvendo profissionais e estudantes do campo da Nutrição e da Comunicação e prestadores de serviços de limpeza de uma universidade, num total de 74 participantes. Entre os temas que surgiram a partir da análise do material oriundo dos grupos focais e tomando por referência teórica autores como Bourdieu, Bauman e Ayres, destacamos a recontextualização e a fragmentação da vida humana e, em seu interior, da alimentação dita saudável na prática discursiva publicitária, neste momento em que, no Brasil, a prevalência de obesidade e de outras doenças crônico-degenerativas a ela associada encontra-se em elevação e onde há movimentos na sociedade militando pela regulamentação da publicidade de alimentos industrializados. Parece-nos que, ao reduzir o ser humano à condição de consumidor tentando levá-lo para o mundo idealizado dos sonhos, colocam-se os objetivos de aumento de vendas e de lucros acima daqueles relativos à promoção de saúde, à boa alimentação e ao bem viver. A indústria de alimentos juntamente com as agências de publicidade operam fenômenos inerentes a esse modelo de financiamento da televisão através da publicidade que reforçam perspectivas fragmentárias, recontextualizadas e conflituosas de pensar a saúde, a alimentação e a vida. Não contribuem, ou mesmo, dificultam a construção de projetos de felicidade num mundo mais justo e humano.