974 resultados para Shear flow


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We study the dynamical properties of the homogeneous shear flow of inelastic dumbbells in two dimensions as a first step towards examining the effect of shape on the properties of flowing granular materials. The dumbbells are modelled as smooth fused disks characterized by the ratio of the distance between centres (L) and the disk diameter (D), with an aspect ratio (L/D) varying between 0 and 1 in our simulations. Area fractions studied are in the range 0.1-0.7, while coefficients of normal restitution (e(n)) from 0.99 to 0.7 are considered. The simulations use a modified form of the event-driven methodology for circular disks. The average orientation is characterized by an order parameter S, which varies between 0 (for a perfectly disordered fluid) and 1 (for a fluid with the axes of all dumbbells in the same direction). We investigate power-law fits of S as a function of (L D) and (1 - e(n)(2)) There is a gradual increase in ordering as the area fraction is increased, as the aspect ratio is increased or as the coefficient of restitution is decreased. The order parameter has a maximum value of about 0.5 for the highest area fraction and lowest coefficient of restitution considered here. The mean energy of the velocity fluctuations in the flow direction is higher than that in the gradient direction and the rotational energy, though the difference decreases as the area fraction increases, due to the efficient collisional transfer of energy between the three directions. The distributions of the translational and rotational velocities are Gaussian to a very good approximation. The pressure is found to be remarkably independent of the coefficient of restitution. The pressure and dissipation rate show relatively little variation when scaled by the collision frequency for all the area fractions studied here, indicating that the collision frequency determines the momentum transport and energy dissipation, even at the lowest area fractions studied here. The mean angular velocity of the particles is equal to half the vorticity at low area fractions, but the magnitude systematically decreases to less than half the vorticity as the area fraction is increased, even though the stress tensor is symmetric.


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The origin of hydrodynamic turbulence in rotating shear flow is a long standing puzzle. Resolving it is especially important in astrophysics when the flow's angular momentum profile is Keplerian which forms an accretion disk having negligible molecular viscosity. Hence, any viscosity in such systems must be due to turbulence, arguably governed by magnetorotational instability, especially when temperature T greater than or similar to 10(5). However, such disks around quiescent cataclysmic variables, protoplanetary and star-forming disks, and the outer regions of disks in active galactic nuclei are practically neutral in charge because of their low temperature, and thus are not expected to be coupled with magnetic fields enough to generate any transport due to the magnetorotational instability. This flow is similar to plane Couette flow including the Coriolis force, at least locally. What drives their turbulence and then transport, when such flows do not exhibit any unstable mode under linear hydrodynamic perturbation? We demonstrate that the three-dimensional secondary disturbance to the primarily perturbed flow that triggers elliptical instability may generate significant turbulent viscosity in the range 0.0001 less than or similar to nu(t) less than or similar to 0.1, which can explain transport in accretion flows.


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A comprehensive exact treatment of free surface flows governed by shallow water equations (in sigma variables) is given. Several new families of exact solutions of the governing PDEs are found and are shown to embed the well-known self-similar or traveling wave solutions which themselves are governed by reduced ODEs. The classes of solutions found here are explicit in contrast to those found earlier in an implicit form. The height of the free surface for each family of solutions is found explicitly. For the traveling or simple wave, the free surface is governed by a nonlinear wave equation, but is arbitrary otherwise. For other types of solutions, the height of the free surface is constant either on lines of constant acceleration or on lines of constant speed; in another case, the free surface is a horizontal plane while the flow underneath is a sine wave. The existence of simple waves on shear flows is analytically proved. The interaction of large amplitude progressive waves with shear flow is also studied.


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In order to study the memory of the larger eddies in turbulent shear flow, experiments have been conducted on plane turbulent wakes undergoing transition from an initial (carefully prepared) equilibrium state to a different final one, as a result of a nearly impulsive pressure gradient. It is shown that under the conditions of the experiments the equations of motion possess self-preserving solutions in the sense of Townsend (1956), but the observed behaviour of the wake is appreciably different when the pressure gradient is not very small, as the flow goes through a slow relaxation process before reaching final equilibrium. Measurements of the Reynolds stresse show that the approach to a new equilibrium state is exponential, with a relaxation length of the order of 103 momentum thicknesses. It is suggested that a flow satisfying the conditions required by a self-preservation analysis will exhibit equilibrium only if the relaxation length is small compared with a characteristic streamwise length scale of the flow.


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In a recent experiment on laser beam transmission through an absorbing gas, the critical Reynold's number for the flow, induced by the heating of the gas, to become turbulent was found to be less than 30, which is many orders of magnitude smaller than that for pure shear flow in pipes. It is shown here that a Rayleigh number is the more appropriate criterion to characterize the stability of flow in this situation, and its value estimated in two limiting cases is found to bracket the expected critical Rayleigh number for vertical concentric cylinders.


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String theory and gauge/gravity duality suggest the lower bound of shear viscosity (eta) to entropy density (s) for any matter to be mu h/4 pi k(B), when h and k(B) are reduced Planck and Boltzmann constants respectively and mu <= 1. Motivated by this, we explore eta/s in black hole accretion flows, in order to understand if such exotic flows could be a natural site for the lowest eta/s. Accretion flow plays an important role in black hole physics in identifying the existence of the underlying black hole. This is a rotating shear flow with insignificant molecular viscosity, which could however have a significant turbulent viscosity, generating transport, heat and hence entropy in the flow. However, in presence of strong magnetic field, magnetic stresses can help in transporting matter independent of viscosity, via celebrated Blandford-Payne mechanism. In such cases, energy and then entropy produces via Ohmic dissipation. In,addition, certain optically thin, hot, accretion flows, of temperature greater than or similar to 10(9) K, may be favourable for nuclear burning which could generate/absorb huge energy, much higher than that in a star. We find that eta/s in accretion flows appears to be close to the lower bound suggested by theory, if they are embedded by strong magnetic field or producing nuclear energy, when the source of energy is not viscous effects. A lower bound on eta/s also leads to an upper bound on the Reynolds number of the flow.


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We investigate the evolution of magnetohydrodynamic (or hydromagnetic as coined by Chandrasekhar) perturbations in the presence of stochastic noise in rotating shear flows. The particular emphasis is the flows whose angular velocity decreases but specific angular momentum increases with increasing radial coordinate. Such flows, however, are Rayleigh stable but must be turbulent in order to explain astrophysical observed data and, hence, reveal a mismatch between the linear theory and observations and experiments. The mismatch seems to have been resolved, at least in certain regimes, in the presence of a weak magnetic field, revealing magnetorotational instability. The present work explores the effects of stochastic noise on such magnetohydrodynamic flows, in order to resolve the above mismatch generically for the hot flows. We essentially concentrate on a small section of such a flow which is nothing but a plane shear flow supplemented by the Coriolis effect, mimicking a small section of an astrophysical accretion disk around a compact object. It is found that such stochastically driven flows exhibit large temporal and spatial autocorrelations and cross-correlations of perturbation and, hence, large energy dissipations of perturbation, which generate instability. Interestingly, autocorrelations and cross-correlations appear independent of background angular velocity profiles, which are Rayleigh stable, indicating their universality. This work initiates our attempt to understand the evolution of three-dimensional hydromagnetic perturbations in rotating shear flows in the presence of stochastic noise.


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The structure-rheology relationship in the shear alignment of a lamellar fluid is studied using a mesoscale model which provides access to the lamellar configurations and the rheology. Based on the equations and free energy functional, the complete set of dimensionless groups that characterize the system are the Reynolds number (rho gamma L-2/mu), the Schmidt number (mu/rho D), the Ericksen number (mu(gamma)/B), the interface sharpness parameter r, the ratio of the viscosities of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts mu(r), and the ratio of the system size and layer spacing (L/lambda). Here, rho and mu are the fluid density and average viscosity, (gamma) over dot is the applied strain rate, D is the coefficient of diffusion, B is the compression modulus, mu(r) is the maximum difference in the viscosity of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts divided by the average viscosity, and L is the system size in the cross-stream direction. The lattice Boltzmann method is used to solve the concentration and momentum equations for a two dimensional system of moderate size (L/lambda = 32) and for a low Reynolds number, and the other parameters are systematically varied to examine the qualitative features of the structure and viscosity evolution in different regimes. At low Schmidt numbers where mass diffusion is faster than momentum diffusion, there is fast local formation of randomly aligned domains with ``grain boundaries,'' which are rotated by the shear flow to align along the extensional axis as time increases. This configuration offers a high resistance to flow, and the layers do not align in the flow direction even after 1000 strain units, resulting in a viscosity higher than that for an aligned lamellar phase. At high Schmidt numbers where momentum diffusion is fast, the shear flow disrupts layers before they are fully formed by diffusion, and alignment takes place by the breakage and reformation of layers by shear, resulting in defects (edge dislocations) embedded in a background of nearly aligned layers. At high Ericksen number where the viscous forces are large compared to the restoring forces due to layer compression and bending, shear tends to homogenize the concentration field, and the viscosity decreases significantly. At very high Ericksen number, shear even disrupts the layering of the lamellar phase. At low Ericksen number, shear results in the formation of well aligned layers with edge dislocations. However, these edge dislocations take a long time to anneal; the relatively small misalignment due to the defects results in a large increase in viscosity due to high layer stiffness and due to shear localization, because the layers between defects get pinned and move as a plug with no shear. An increase in the viscosity contrast between the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts does not alter the structural characteristics during alignment. However, there is a significant increase in the viscosity, due to pinning of the layers between defects, which results in a plug flow between defects and a localization of the shear to a part of the domain.


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The room temperature creep behaviors of Ce-based bulk metallic glasses were examined by the use of nanoindentation. The creep rate and creep rate sensitivity of Ce-based BMGs were derived from indentation creep curves. The low creep rate sensitivity of Ce-based BMGs indicates that the room temperature creep is dominated by localized shear flow. The experimental creep curves can be described by a generalized Kelvin model. Furthermore, the creep retardation spectrum is calculated for the Ce-based metallic glasses. The results showed that creep retardation spectrum consists of two relatively separated peaks with the well defined characteristic relaxation times.


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基于剪切流动腔技术,以微球作为受力载体,设计了一套可用于研究表面固定化配基与目标分子特异性相互作用力的实验和分析方法,并以人免疫球蛋白G (human IgG)和羊抗人免疫球蛋白G(goat anti-human IgG)分别作为模型配基和模型目标分子进行了研究.基于平面Poiseuille层流模型设计了流场参数,以数值计算结果验证了设计的合理性.使用牛血清白蛋白(BSA)作为非特异性对照,判断微球与基片表面的结合力来自配基和目标分子的生物特异性相互作用,并由进一步的目标分子灭活对比实验确认了这一结论.实验观察到微球与基片表面的结合力受到配基面密度的影响,说明发生结合的是多对而非单对蛋白质分子.将95%的微球被剥离时对应的壁面剪切率设定为临界剪切率,由大量实验结果拟合得到了临界剪切率与配基面密度间的定量关系.在受力分析模型中,考虑到多分子的结合,以及分子键位置不同造成的力臂长度的差异,最终计算得到单对配基与目标分子的平均结合力约为342pN.


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Rossby waves are the most important waves in the atmosphere and ocean, and are parts of a large-scale system in fluid. The theory and observation show that, they satisfy quasi-geostrophic and quasi-static equilibrium approximations. In this paper, solitary Rossby waves induced by linear topography in barotropic fluids with a shear flow are studied. In order to simplify the problem, the topography is taken as a linear function of latitude variable y, then employing a weakly nonlinear method and a perturbation method, a KdV (Korteweg-de Vries) equation describing evolution of the amplitude of solitary Rossby waves induced by linear topography is derived. The results show that the variation of linear topography can induce the solitary Rossby waves in barotropic fluids with a shear flow, and extend the classical geophysical theory of fluid dynamics.


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The hierarchial structure and mathematical property of the simplified Navier-Stokesequations (SNSE) are studied for viscous flow over a sphere and a jet of compressible flu-id. All kinds of the hierarchial SNSE can be divided into three types according to theirmathematical property and also into five groups according to their physical content. Amultilayers structure model for viscous shear flow with a main stream direction is pre-sented. For the example of viscous incompressible flow over a flat plate there existthree layers for both the separated flow and the attached flow; the character of thetransition from the three layers of attached flow to those of separated flow is elucidated.A concept of transition layer being situated between the viscous layer and inviscidlayer is introduced. The transition layer features the interaction between viscous flow andinviscid flow. The inner-outer-layers-matched SNSE proposed by the present author inthe past is developed into the layers matched (LsM)-SNSE.


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