974 resultados para Selective analysis


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Chiral auxiliaries are used for NMR spectroscopic study of enantiomers. Often the presence of impurities, severe overlap of peaks, excessive line broadening and complex multiplicity pattern restricts the chiral analysis using 1D H-1 NMR spectrum. There are few approaches to resolve the overlapped peaks. One approach is to use suitable chiral auxiliary, which induces large chemical shift difference between the discriminated peaks (Delta delta(R,S)) and minimize the overlap. Another direction of approach is to design appropriate NMR experiments to circumvent some of these problems, viz, enhancing spectral resolution, unravelling the superimposed spectra of enantiomers, and reduction of spectral complexity. Large number of NMR techniques, such as two dimensional selective F-1 decoupling, RES-TOCSY, multiple quantum detection, frequency selective homodecoupling, band selective homodecoupling, broadband homodecoupling, etc. have been reported for such a purpose. Many of these techniques have aided in chiral analysis for molecules of diverse functionality in the presence of chiral auxiliaries. The present review summarizes the recently reported NMR experimental methodologies, with a special emphasis on the work carried out in authors' laboratory.


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In the present study, we have made an effort to develop the novel synthetic antioxidants and antimicrobials with improved potency. The novel benzofuran-gathered C-2,4,6-substituted pyrimidine derivatives 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 6a, 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e, 6f, 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e, 7f, 8a, 8b, 8c, 8d, 8e, 8f, 9a, 9b, 9c, 9d, 9e, 9f were synthesized by simple and efficient four-step reaction pathway. Initially, o-alkyl derivative of salicylaldehyde readily furnish corresponding 2-acetyl benzofuran 2 in good yield, upon the treatment with potassium tertiary butoxide in the presence of molecular sieves. Further, Claisen-Schmidt condensation with aromatic aldehydes via treatment with thiourea followed by coupling reaction with different sulfonyl chlorides afforded target compounds. The structures of newly synthesized compounds were confirmed by IR, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, mass, and elemental analysis and further screened for their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. The results showed that the synthesized compounds 8b, 8e, 9b, and 9e produced significant antioxidant activity with 50% inhibitory concentration higher than that of reference, whereas compounds 7d and 7c produced dominant antimicrobial activity at concentrations 1.0 and 0.5mg/mL compared with standard Gentamicin and Nystatin, respectively.


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Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a key reactive oxygen species and a messenger in cellular signal transduction apart from playing a vital role in many biological processes in living organisms. In this article, we present phenyl boronic acid-functionalized quinone-cyanine (QCy-BA) in combination with AT-rich DNA (exogenous or endogenous cellular DNA), i.e., QCy-BA subset of DNA as a stimuli-responsive NIR fluorescence probe for measuring in vitro levels of H2O2. In response to cellular H2O2 stimulus, QCy-BA converts into QCy-DT, a one-donor-two-acceptor (D2A) system that exhibits switch-on NIR fluorescence upon binding to the DNA minor groove. Fluorescence studies on the combination probe QCy-BA subset of DNA showed strong NIR fluorescence selectively in the presence of H2O2. Furthermore, glucose oxidase (GOx) assay confirmed the high efficiency of the combination probe QCy-BA subset of DNA for probing H2O2 generated in situ through GOx-mediated glucose oxidation. Quantitative analysis through fluorescence plate reader, flow cytometry and live imaging approaches showed that QCy-BA is a promising probe to detect the normal as well as elevated levels of H2O2 produced by EGF/Nox pathways and post-genotoxic stress in both primary and senescent cells. Overall, QCy-BA, in combination with exogenous or cellular DNA, is a versatile probe to quantify and image H2O2 in normal and disease-associated cells.


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Signal processing techniques play important roles in the design of digital communication systems. These include information manipulation, transmitter signal processing, channel estimation, channel equalization and receiver signal processing. By interacting with communication theory and system implementing technologies, signal processing specialists develop efficient schemes for various communication problems by wisely exploiting various mathematical tools such as analysis, probability theory, matrix theory, optimization theory, and many others. In recent years, researchers realized that multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel models are applicable to a wide range of different physical communications channels. Using the elegant matrix-vector notations, many MIMO transceiver (including the precoder and equalizer) design problems can be solved by matrix and optimization theory. Furthermore, the researchers showed that the majorization theory and matrix decompositions, such as singular value decomposition (SVD), geometric mean decomposition (GMD) and generalized triangular decomposition (GTD), provide unified frameworks for solving many of the point-to-point MIMO transceiver design problems.

In this thesis, we consider the transceiver design problems for linear time invariant (LTI) flat MIMO channels, linear time-varying narrowband MIMO channels, flat MIMO broadcast channels, and doubly selective scalar channels. Additionally, the channel estimation problem is also considered. The main contributions of this dissertation are the development of new matrix decompositions, and the uses of the matrix decompositions and majorization theory toward the practical transmit-receive scheme designs for transceiver optimization problems. Elegant solutions are obtained, novel transceiver structures are developed, ingenious algorithms are proposed, and performance analyses are derived.

The first part of the thesis focuses on transceiver design with LTI flat MIMO channels. We propose a novel matrix decomposition which decomposes a complex matrix as a product of several sets of semi-unitary matrices and upper triangular matrices in an iterative manner. The complexity of the new decomposition, generalized geometric mean decomposition (GGMD), is always less than or equal to that of geometric mean decomposition (GMD). The optimal GGMD parameters which yield the minimal complexity are derived. Based on the channel state information (CSI) at both the transmitter (CSIT) and receiver (CSIR), GGMD is used to design a butterfly structured decision feedback equalizer (DFE) MIMO transceiver which achieves the minimum average mean square error (MSE) under the total transmit power constraint. A novel iterative receiving detection algorithm for the specific receiver is also proposed. For the application to cyclic prefix (CP) systems in which the SVD of the equivalent channel matrix can be easily computed, the proposed GGMD transceiver has K/log_2(K) times complexity advantage over the GMD transceiver, where K is the number of data symbols per data block and is a power of 2. The performance analysis shows that the GGMD DFE transceiver can convert a MIMO channel into a set of parallel subchannels with the same bias and signal to interference plus noise ratios (SINRs). Hence, the average bit rate error (BER) is automatically minimized without the need for bit allocation. Moreover, the proposed transceiver can achieve the channel capacity simply by applying independent scalar Gaussian codes of the same rate at subchannels.

In the second part of the thesis, we focus on MIMO transceiver design for slowly time-varying MIMO channels with zero-forcing or MMSE criterion. Even though the GGMD/GMD DFE transceivers work for slowly time-varying MIMO channels by exploiting the instantaneous CSI at both ends, their performance is by no means optimal since the temporal diversity of the time-varying channels is not exploited. Based on the GTD, we develop space-time GTD (ST-GTD) for the decomposition of linear time-varying flat MIMO channels. Under the assumption that CSIT, CSIR and channel prediction are available, by using the proposed ST-GTD, we develop space-time geometric mean decomposition (ST-GMD) DFE transceivers under the zero-forcing or MMSE criterion. Under perfect channel prediction, the new system minimizes both the average MSE at the detector in each space-time (ST) block (which consists of several coherence blocks), and the average per ST-block BER in the moderate high SNR region. Moreover, the ST-GMD DFE transceiver designed under an MMSE criterion maximizes Gaussian mutual information over the equivalent channel seen by each ST-block. In general, the newly proposed transceivers perform better than the GGMD-based systems since the super-imposed temporal precoder is able to exploit the temporal diversity of time-varying channels. For practical applications, a novel ST-GTD based system which does not require channel prediction but shares the same asymptotic BER performance with the ST-GMD DFE transceiver is also proposed.

The third part of the thesis considers two quality of service (QoS) transceiver design problems for flat MIMO broadcast channels. The first one is the power minimization problem (min-power) with a total bitrate constraint and per-stream BER constraints. The second problem is the rate maximization problem (max-rate) with a total transmit power constraint and per-stream BER constraints. Exploiting a particular class of joint triangularization (JT), we are able to jointly optimize the bit allocation and the broadcast DFE transceiver for the min-power and max-rate problems. The resulting optimal designs are called the minimum power JT broadcast DFE transceiver (MPJT) and maximum rate JT broadcast DFE transceiver (MRJT), respectively. In addition to the optimal designs, two suboptimal designs based on QR decomposition are proposed. They are realizable for arbitrary number of users.

Finally, we investigate the design of a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) modulated filterbank transceiver (DFT-FBT) with LTV scalar channels. For both cases with known LTV channels and unknown wide sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) statistical channels, we show how to optimize the transmitting and receiving prototypes of a DFT-FBT such that the SINR at the receiver is maximized. Also, a novel pilot-aided subspace channel estimation algorithm is proposed for the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with quasi-stationary multi-path Rayleigh fading channels. Using the concept of a difference co-array, the new technique can construct M^2 co-pilots from M physical pilot tones with alternating pilot placement. Subspace methods, such as MUSIC and ESPRIT, can be used to estimate the multipath delays and the number of identifiable paths is up to O(M^2), theoretically. With the delay information, a MMSE estimator for frequency response is derived. It is shown through simulations that the proposed method outperforms the conventional subspace channel estimator when the number of multipaths is greater than or equal to the number of physical pilots minus one.


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Au colloids were prepared by irradiation with a Nd:YAG laser. Au nanoparticles were characterized by absorption spectra, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. It is found that the wavelength of the laser has no effect on the size but the number of the Au nanoparticles. By irradiating a transparent silica gel doped with gold ions with the focused laser in the gel and subsequent exposing in air, a space-selective pattern of letter "P" consisting of Au nanoparticles was observed inside the silica gel.


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Abstract—Fisheries often target individuals based on size. Size-selective fishing can create selection differentials on life-history traits and, when those traits have a genetic basis, may cause evolution. The evolution of life history traits affects potential yield and sustainability of fishing, and it is therefore an issue for fishery management. Yet fishery managers usually disregard the possibility of evolution, because little guidance is available to predict evolutionary consequences of management strategies. We attempt to provide some generic guidance. We develop an individual-based model of a population with overlapping generations and continuous reproduction. We simulate model populations under size-selective fishing to generate and quantify selection differentials on growth. The analysis comprises a variety of common life-history and fishery characteristics: variability in growth, correlation between von Bertalanffy growth parameters (K and L∞), maturity rate, natural mortality rate (M), M/K ratio, duration of spawning season, fishing mortality rate (F), maximum size limit, slope of selectivity curve, age at 50% selectivity, and duration of fishing season. We found that each characteristic affected the magnitude of selection differentials. The most vulnerable stocks were those with a short spawning or fishing season. Under almost all life-history and fishery characteristics examined, selection differentials created by realistic fishing mortality rates are considerable.


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The east and west coast populations of wild Penaeus monodon in India were genetically characterized by RAPD analysis using six highly polymorphic primers reported earlier. The average genetic similarities within populations, based on profiles generated by all the six primers, were 0.828 and 0.851 for the east and west coast populations, respectively, values with individual primers ranging from 0.744 to 0.889. The average genetic similarity between populations across all the primers was 0.774. The number of bands found to be polymorphic were 38 (51.35%) and 37 (50.68%) in the east and west coast populations, respectively. Primer 5 yielded the highest level of polymorphism (63.63%) in the east coast population whereas primer 3 yielded the lowest level of polymorphism (36.36%) in the west coast population. The study reveals the existence of genetic variation in P. monodon stocks providing scope for genetic improvement through selective breeding. It also provides baseline data for future work on population structure analysis of P. monodon.


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A PCR survey for Sox genes in a young tetraploid fish Tor douronensis (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) was performed to access the evolutionary fates of important functional genes after genome duplication caused by polyploidization event. Totally 13 Sox genes were obtained in Tor douronensis, which represent SoxB, SoxC and SoxE groups. Phylogenetic analysis of Sox genes in Tor douronensis provided evidence for fish-specific genome duplication, and suggested that Sox19 might be a teleost specific Sox gene member. Sequence analysis revealed most of the nucleotide substitutions between duplicated copies of Sox genes caused by tetraploidization event or their orthologues in other species are silent substitutions. It would appear that the sequences are under purifying selective pressure, strongly suggesting that they represent functional genes and supporting selection against all null allele at either of two duplicated loci of Sox4a, Sox9a and Sox9b. Surprising variations of the intron length and similarities of two duplicated copies of Sox9a and Sox9b, suggest that Tor douronensis might be an allotetraploidy.


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A macro matrix solid-phase dispersion (MSPD) method was developed to extract 266 pesticides from apple juice samples prior to gas chromatography-mass selective detection (GC-MSD) determination. A 10 g samples was mixed with 20 g diatomaceous earth. The mixture was transferred into a glass column. Pesticide residues were leached with a 160 mL hexane-dichloromethane (1:1) at 5 mL/min. Two hundred and sixty-six pesticides were divided into three groups and detected by GC-MSD under selective ion monitoring. The proposed method takes advantage of both liquid-liquid extraction and conventional MSPD methods. Application was illustrated by the analysis of 236 apple juice samples produced in Shaanxi province China mainland this year. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pen shell (Atrina pectinata Linnaeus) can be distinguished into four forms based on the morphololgic characteristics. Genetic similarity, and heterogeneity were analyzed among the four forms by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique using 24 10-nucleotide-long primers. Of these primers, 22 pruners produced well-identifiable RAPD band patterns. Significant differences in RAPD band patterns were revealed among the four forms. A total of 198 polymorphic fragments were scored from 22 pruners. and they are specific for one form, shared by two or three forms. Several pruners, such as S451, S453 S463 S464, S470. S473 and S474, produced abundant band patterns and provided sufficient information for reliable discrimination of the four forms. The average genetic distances and phylogenetic relationships were calculated and analyzed according to the distinguishable fragments. The data indicate that pen shells of form G and form Y are similar not only among individuals within the same form, but also between individuals from the two forms, and that shells of form T and form S are highly divergent. The constructed phylogenetic free matches the average genetic distances. Three clusters were clearly distinguishable, in which two were corresponding to form S and form T respectively and one included forms G and Y. This Study will be benefit to further studies oil the taxonomy and selective breeding of Pinnid species. It is suggested that the four forms of pen shell should be categorized to at least two species taxonomically.


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Mitochondrial DNA ND5/6 region was studied by PCR-RFLP analysis among ten representative strains belonging to three subspecies (Cyprinus carpio carpio, Cyprinus carpio haematopterus and Cyprinus carpio rubrofuscus) of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). A total of 2.4 kb fragment was amplified and subjected to restriction endonuclease analysis with nine restriction endonucleases subsequently. The results indicated that each subspecies owned one hyplotype and four restriction enzymes (Dde I, HaeIII, Taq I and Mbo I) produced diagnostic restriction sites which could be used for discriminating the three subspecies and as molecular genetic markers for assistant selective breeding of common carp.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers specific for one, two or three clones have been identified from five gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) using RAPD markers developed earlier. In this study, three RAPD markers (RA1-PA, RA2-EF and RA4-D) produced by Opj-1, and two RAPD DNA fragments (RA3-PAD and RA5-D) produced by Opj-7, were selected for molecular cloning and sequencing. Sequence data indicated that there were identical 801-bp nucleotide sequences in the shared marker RA1-PA cloned respectively from clones P and A, and the shared marker RA2-EF (which was cloned from clones E and F), were also of identical 958-by nucleotide sequences. The nucleotide sequences of the shared marker RA3-PAD fragments were also similar for 1181 by among clones P, A and D. The specific fragment RA4-D was composed of 628 bp, and the fragment RA5-D from clone D contained 385 nucleotides. According to the nucleotide sequences, we designed and synthesized five pairs of sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) primers to identify the specific fragments in these gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp. Only individuals from clones P and A amplified a specific band using a pair of SCI-PA primers synthesized according to the marker RA1-PA sequences, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clones D, E and F. The PCR products amplified using SC2-EF and SC3-PAD primers were as expected. Furthermore, the pair of SC4-D primers amplified specific bands only in individuals from clone D, although weak bands could be produced in all individuals of the five clones when lower annealing temperatures were used. However, an additional pair of SC5-D primers designed from the RA5-D marker sequences could amplify a DNA band in individuals from clones P, A and D, and the same weak band was produced in clone E, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clone F. Searches in GenBank revealed that the 385-bp DNA fragment from RA5-D was homologous to the 5' end of gonadotropin I beta subunit 2 gene and growth hormone gene. No homologous sequences were found for other markers in GenBank. The SCAR markers identified in this study will offer a powerful, easy, and rapid method for discrimination of different clones and for genetic analyses that examine their origins and unique reproductive modes in crucian carp. Furthermore, they will likely benefit future selective breeding programs as reliable and reproducible molecular markers. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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VSR4 links use graded index multimode fibers (GIMMFs) as the transmission medium with operation wavelength 850nm. For cost reasons, VCSEL has been selected as the optical source to VSR4. The minimum bandwidth specification for 62.5um GIMMF in VSR4 is only 400 MHz(.)km for over-filled-launch (OFL) condition. The distance of 300 meters is limited over transmission rates of 1.25Gbit/s on the basis of this specification. In order to overcome the OFL bandwidth limit by selective excitation of a limited number of modes, conditioned launch technique is investigated. In this paper, based on a comprehensive dispersion theory of GIMMF, a model is built to simulate the transmission of optical signal in GIMMFs and a comparison between OFL and conditioned launch is analyzed. The result can be the guidelines for the best choice of techniques for various LAN and interconnect systems also.


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This paper describes the design and fabrication process of a two-dimensional GaAs-based photonic crystal nanocavity and analyzes the optical characterization of cavity modes at room temperature. Single InAs/InGaAs quantum dots (QDs) layer was embedded in a GaAs waveguide layer grown on an Al0.7Ga0.3As layer and GaAs substrate. The patterning of the structure and the membrane release were achieved by using electron-beam lithography, reaction ion etching, inductively coupled plasma etching and selective wet etching. The micro-luminescence spectrum is recorded from the fabricated nanocavities, and it is found that some high-order cavity modes are clearly observed besides the lowest-order resonant mode is exhibited in spite of much high rate of nonradiative recombination. The variance of resonant modes is also discussed as a function of r/a ratio and will be used in techniques aimed to improve the probability of achieving spectral coupling of a single QD to a cavity mode.


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Magnetic nanoparticles of nickel substituted cobalt ferrite (NixCo1-xFe2O4:0 <= x <= 1) have been synthesized by co-precipitation route. Particles size as estimated by the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the strongest X-ray diffraction (XRD) peak and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques was found in the range 18-28 +/- 4 nm. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis confirms the presence of Co, Ni, Fe and oxygen as well as the desired phases in the prepared nanoparticles. The selective area electron diffraction (SAED) analysis confirms the crystalline nature of the prepared nanoparticles. Data collected from the magnetization hysteresis loops of the samples show that the prepared nanoparticles are highly magnetic at room temperature. Both coercivity and saturation magnetization of the samples were found to decrease linearly with increasing Ni-concentration in cobalt ferrite. Superparamagnetic blocking temperature as determined from the zero field cooled (ZFC) magnetization curve shows a decreasing trend with increasing Ni-concentration in cobalt ferrite nanoparticles. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.