772 resultados para Secret sharing scheme
This paper proposes a dynamic scheduler that supports the coexistence of guaranteed and non-guaranteed bandwidth servers to efficiently handle soft-tasks’ overloads by making additional capacity available from two sources: (i) residual capacity allocated but unused when jobs complete in less than their budgeted execution time; (ii) stealing capacity from inactive non-isolated servers used to schedule best-effort jobs. The effectiveness of the proposed approach in reducing the mean tardiness of periodic jobs is demonstrated through extensive simulations. The achieved results become even more significant when tasks’ computation times have a large variance.
This paper proposes a new strategy to integrate shared resources and precedence constraints among real-time tasks, assuming no precise information on critical sections and computation times is available. The concept of bandwidth inheritance is combined with a greedy capacity sharing and stealing policy to efficiently exchange bandwidth among tasks, minimising the degree of deviation from the ideal system's behaviour caused by inter-application blocking. The proposed capacity exchange protocol (CXP) focus on exchanging extra capacities as early, and not necessarily as fairly, as possible. This loss of optimality is worth the reduced complexity as the protocol's behaviour nevertheless tends to be fair in the long run and outperforms other solutions in highly dynamic scenarios, as demonstrated by extensive simulations.
Dynamically reconfigurable SRAM-based field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) enable the implementation of reconfigurable computing systems where several applications may be run simultaneously, sharing the available resources according to their own immediate functional requirements. To exclude malfunctioning due to faulty elements, the reliability of all FPGA resources must be guaranteed. Since resource allocation takes place asynchronously, an online structural test scheme is the only way of ensuring reliable system operation. On the other hand, this test scheme should not disturb the operation of the circuit, otherwise availability would be compromised. System performance is also influenced by the efficiency of the management strategies that must be able to dynamically allocate enough resources when requested by each application. As those resources are allocated and later released, many small free resource blocks are created, which are left unused due to performance and routing restrictions. To avoid wasting logic resources, the FPGA logic space must be defragmented regularly. This paper presents a non-intrusive active replication procedure that supports the proposed test methodology and the implementation of defragmentation strategies, assuring both the availability of resources and their perfect working condition, without disturbing system operation.
Ramsey pricing has been proposed in the pharmaceutical industry as a principle to price discriminate among markets while allowing to recover the (fixed) R&D cost. However, such analyses neglect the presence of insurance or the fund raising costs for most of drug reimbursement. By incorporating these new elements, we aim at providing some building blocks towards an economic theory incorporating Ramsey pricing and insurance coverage. We show how coinsurance affects the optimal prices to pay for the R&D investment. We also show that under certain conditions, there is no strategic incentive by governments to set coinsurance rates in order to shift the financial burden of R&D. This will have important implications to the application of Ramsey pricing principles to pharmaceutical products across countries.
The Janssen-Cilag proposal for a risk-sharing agreement regarding bortezomib received a welcome signal from NICE. The Office of Fair Trading report included risk-sharing agreements as an available tool for the National Health Service. Nonetheless, recent discussions have somewhat neglected the economic fundamentals underlying risk-sharing agreements. We argue here that risk-sharing agreements, although attractive due to the principle of paying by results, also entail risks. Too many patients may be put under treatment even with a low success probability. Prices are likely to be adjusted upward, in anticipation of future risk-sharing agreements between the pharmaceutical company and the third-party payer. An available instrument is a verification cost per patient treated, which allows obtaining the first-best allocation of patients to the new treatment, under the risk sharing agreement. Overall, the welfare effects of risk-sharing agreements are ambiguous, and care must be taken with their use.
Consider the problem of scheduling a task set τ of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a t-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform where tasks may access multiple shared resources. The multiprocessor platform has m k processors of type-k, where k∈{1,2,…,t}. The execution time of a task depends on the type of processor on which it executes. The set of shared resources is denoted by R. For each task τ i , there is a resource set R i ⊆R such that for each job of τ i , during one phase of its execution, the job requests to hold the resource set R i exclusively with the interpretation that (i) the job makes a single request to hold all the resources in the resource set R i and (ii) at all times, when a job of τ i holds R i , no other job holds any resource in R i . Each job of task τ i may request the resource set R i at most once during its execution. A job is allowed to migrate when it requests a resource set and when it releases the resource set but a job is not allowed to migrate at other times. Our goal is to design a scheduling algorithm for this problem and prove its performance. We propose an algorithm, LP-EE-vpr, which offers the guarantee that if an implicit-deadline sporadic task set is schedulable on a t-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform by an optimal scheduling algorithm that allows a job to migrate only when it requests or releases a resource set, then our algorithm also meets the deadlines with the same restriction on job migration, if given processors 4×(1+MAXP×⌈|P|×MAXPmin{m1,m2,…,mt}⌉) times as fast. (Here MAXP and |P| are computed based on the resource sets that tasks request.) For the special case that each task requests at most one resource, the bound of LP-EE-vpr collapses to 4×(1+⌈|R|min{m1,m2,…,mt}⌉). To the best of our knowledge, LP-EE-vpr is the first algorithm with proven performance guarantee for real-time scheduling of sporadic tasks with resource sharing on t-type heterogeneous multiprocessors.
O projeto, financiado pelo Programa Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida, decorreu entre 1 de agosto de 2011 e 31 de julho de 2013 e foi coordenado pelo Instituto de Administração Pública de Praga, tendo como parceiros a Escola de Economia e Direito de Berlim, a Escola Nacional de Administração Pública da Polónia e o INA, de Portugal. A coordenação portuguesa do estudo esteve a cargo da Prof. Doutora Helena Rato e da Dra. Matilde Gago, com a colaboração do Prof. Doutor César Madureira e da Dra. Margarida Quintela, ex investigadores do INA, atualmente na DGAEP.
A correlation and predictive scheme for the viscosity and self-diffusivity of liquid dialkyl adipates is presented. The scheme is based on the kinetic theory for dense hard-sphere fluids, applied to the van der Waals model of a liquid to predict the transport properties. A "universal" curve for a dimensionless viscosity of dialkyl adipates was obtained using recently published experimental viscosity and density data of compressed liquid dimethyl (DMA), dipropyl (DPA), and dibutyl (DBA) adipates. The experimental data are described by the correlation scheme with a root-mean-square deviation of +/- 0.34 %. The parameters describing the temperature dependence of the characteristic volume, V-0, and the roughness parameter, R-eta, for each adipate are well correlated with one single molecular parameter. Recently published experimental self-diffusion coefficients of the same set of liquid dialkyl adipates at atmospheric pressure were correlated using the characteristic volumes obtained from the viscosity data. The roughness factors, R-D, are well correlated with the same single molecular parameter found for viscosity. The root-mean-square deviation of the data from the correlation is less than 1.07 %. Tests are presented in order to assess the capability of the correlation scheme to estimate the viscosity of compressed liquid diethyl adipate (DEA) in a range of temperatures and pressures by comparison with literature data and of its self-diffusivity at atmospheric pressure in a range of temperatures. It is noteworthy that no data for DEA were used to build the correlation scheme. The deviations encountered between predicted and experimental data for the viscosity and self-diffusivity do not exceed 2.0 % and 2.2 %, respectively, which are commensurate with the estimated experimental measurement uncertainty, in both cases.
The increasing and intensive integration of distributed energy resources into distribution systems requires adequate methodologies to ensure a secure operation according to the smart grid paradigm. In this context, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems are an essential infrastructure. This paper presents a conceptual design of a communication and resources management scheme based on an intelligent SCADA with a decentralized, flexible, and intelligent approach, adaptive to the context (context awareness). The methodology is used to support the energy resource management considering all the involved costs, power flows, and electricity prices leading to the network reconfiguration. The methodology also addresses the definition of the information access permissions of each player to each resource. The paper includes a 33-bus network used in a case study that considers an intensive use of distributed energy resources in five distinct implemented operation contexts.
Despite the abundant literature in knowledge management, few empirical studies have explored knowledge management in connection with international assignees. This phenomenon has a special relevance in the Portuguese context, since (a) there are no empirical studies concerning this issue that involves international Portuguese companies; (b) the national business reality is incipient as far as internationalisation is concerned, and; (c) the organisational and national culture presents characteristics that are distinctive from the most highly studied contexts (e.g., Asia, USA, Scandinavian countries, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Germany, England and Russia). We examine the role of expatriates in transfer and knowledge sharing within the Portuguese companies with operations abroad. We focus specifically on expatriates’ role on knowledge sharing connected to international Portuguese companies and our findings take into account organizational representatives’ and expatriates’ perspectives. Using a comparative case study approach, we examine how three main dimensions influence the role of expatriates in knowledge sharing among headquarters and their subsidiaries (types of international assignment, reasons for using expatriation and international assignment characteristics). Data were collected using semi‐structured interviews to 30 Portuguese repatriates and 14 organizational representatives from seven Portuguese companies. The findings suggest that the reasons that lead Portuguese companies to expatriating employees are connected to: (1) business expansion needs; (2) control of international operations and; (3) transfer and knowledge sharing. Our study also shows that Portuguese companies use international assignments in order to positively respond to the increasingly decaying domestic market in the economic areas in which they operate. Evidence also reveals that expatriation is seen as a strategy to fulfill main organizational objectives through their expatriates (e.g., business internationalization, improvement of the coordination and control level of the units/subsidiaries abroad, replication of aspects of the home base, development and incorporation of new organizational techniques and processes). We also conclude that Portuguese companies have developed an International Human Resources Management strategy, based on an ethnocentric approach, typically associated with companies in early stages of internationalization, i.e., the authority and decision making are centered in the home base. Expatriates have a central role in transmitting culture and technical knowledge from company’s headquarters to the company’s branches. Based on the findings, the article will discuss in detail the main theoretical and managerial implications. Suggestions for further research will also be presented.
The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is a cornerstone of the European Union's policy to combat climate change and its key tool for reducing industrial greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively. The purpose of the present work is to evaluate the influence of CO2 opportunity cost on the Spanish wholesale electricity price. Our sample includes all Phase II of the EU ETS and the first year of Phase III implementation, from January 2008 to December 2013. A vector error correction model (VECM) is applied to estimate not only long-run equilibrium relations, but also short-run interactions between the electricity price and the fuel (natural gas and coal) and carbon prices. The four commodities prices are modeled as joint endogenous variables with air temperature and renewable energy as exogenous variables. We found a long-run relationship (cointegration) between electricity price, carbon price, and fuel prices. By estimating the dynamic pass-through of carbon price into electricity price for different periods of our sample, it is possible to observe the weakening of the link between carbon and electricity prices as a result from the collapse on CO2 prices, therefore compromising the efficacy of the system to reach proposed environmental goals. This conclusion is in line with the need to shape new policies within the framework of the EU ETS that prevent excessive low prices for carbon over extended periods of time.
In recent years, vehicular cloud computing (VCC) has emerged as a new technology which is being used in wide range of applications in the area of multimedia-based healthcare applications. In VCC, vehicles act as the intelligent machines which can be used to collect and transfer the healthcare data to the local, or global sites for storage, and computation purposes, as vehicles are having comparatively limited storage and computation power for handling the multimedia files. However, due to the dynamic changes in topology, and lack of centralized monitoring points, this information can be altered, or misused. These security breaches can result in disastrous consequences such as-loss of life or financial frauds. Therefore, to address these issues, a learning automata-assisted distributive intrusion detection system is designed based on clustering. Although there exist a number of applications where the proposed scheme can be applied but, we have taken multimedia-based healthcare application for illustration of the proposed scheme. In the proposed scheme, learning automata (LA) are assumed to be stationed on the vehicles which take clustering decisions intelligently and select one of the members of the group as a cluster-head. The cluster-heads then assist in efficient storage and dissemination of information through a cloud-based infrastructure. To secure the proposed scheme from malicious activities, standard cryptographic technique is used in which the auotmaton learns from the environment and takes adaptive decisions for identification of any malicious activity in the network. A reward and penalty is given by the stochastic environment where an automaton performs its actions so that it updates its action probability vector after getting the reinforcement signal from the environment. The proposed scheme was evaluated using extensive simulations on ns-2 with SUMO. The results obtained indicate that the proposed scheme yields an improvement of 10 % in detection rate of malicious nodes when compared with the existing schemes.
IEEE 802.11 is one of the most well-established and widely used standard for wireless LAN. Its Medium Access control (MAC) layer assumes that the devices adhere to the standard’s rules and timers to assure fair access and sharing of the medium. However, wireless cards driver flexibility and configurability make it possible for selfish misbehaving nodes to take advantages over the other well-behaving nodes. The existence of selfish nodes degrades the QoS for the other devices in the network and may increase their energy consumption. In this paper we propose a green solution for selfish misbehavior detection in IEEE 802.11-based wireless networks. The proposed scheme works in two phases: Global phase which detects whether the network contains selfish nodes or not, and Local phase which identifies which node or nodes within the network are selfish. Usually, the network must be frequently examined for selfish nodes during its operation since any node may act selfishly. Our solution is green in the sense that it saves the network resources as it avoids wasting the nodes energy by examining all the individual nodes of being selfish when it is not necessary. The proposed detection algorithm is evaluated using extensive OPNET simulations. The results show that the Global network metric clearly indicates the existence of a selfish node while the Local nodes metric successfully identified the selfish node(s). We also provide mathematical analysis for the selfish misbehaving and derived formulas for the successful channel access probability.
The shifted Legendre orthogonal polynomials are used for the numerical solution of a new formulation for the multi-dimensional fractional optimal control problem (M-DFOCP) with a quadratic performance index. The fractional derivatives are described in the Caputo sense. The Lagrange multiplier method for the constrained extremum and the operational matrix of fractional integrals are used together with the help of the properties of the shifted Legendre orthonormal polynomials. The method reduces the M-DFOCP to a simpler problem that consists of solving a system of algebraic equations. For confirming the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed scheme, some test problems are implemented with their approximate solutions.
This paper analyzes the signals captured during impacts and vibrations of a mechanical manipulator. The Fourier Transform of eighteen different signals are calculated and approximated by trendlines based on a power law formula. A sensor classification scheme based on the frequency spectrum behavior is presented.