103 resultados para Sclerotinia Sclerotiorum


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The microorganism Sclerotinia was isolated from roots of Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni in plantations in the northwest of Parana and submitted to the cultivation in the presence of extracts and vegetable balsams of Tarragon (Artemisia draconculus), Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Manjerona (Origanum majorona), Mint citrata (Mintpiperita var. citrata), Purple Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), Andiroba (Carapa guanensis) and Copaíba (Copaifera reticulata Ducke). The first five oils were extracted by steam drags, after the drying of the vegetable in greenhouse with circulation of air at 45°C. The last two were used in natura. A suspension (100ìl) of fungus previously cultivated, was added to each plate. The results show that after 7 days of incubation the thyme oils 10ìl, purple basil 25ìl, manjerona 25ìl, mint citrata 50ìl, tarragon 50ìl were capable to inhibit the growth of Sclerotinia, while the andiroba oil only reached this result with 200ìl. The copaiba balsam, even in the concentration of 500ìl, was unable to inhibit the growth of the microorganism.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Von Leslie C. Coleman


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Von Dr. Otto Appel und Dr. Werner Friedrich Bruck


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Sclerotinia smilacinae E.J.Durand, determined by R. P. Korf


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A partir do Miracil D, um derivado hidroximetílico (Hycanthone) pode ser obtido através da atividade biológica do Aspergillus sclerotiorum. Êste derivado mostrou-se muito ativo quando administrado a camundongos, hamsters e macacos Cebus experimentalmente infectados com Schistosoma mansoni. Ensaios clínicos com o Hycanthone foram feitos em 52 pacientes com esquistossomose mansoni ativa. A droga foi administrada, nas doses de 2 e 3 mg/kg/ dia, junto com um anti-ácido, duas vêzes ao dia, durante 5 dias consecutivos. Com exceção de 2 casos, todos os pacientes completaram o tratamento. Náusea e/ou vômito, anorexia, tonturas e cefaléia foram os efeitos colaterais mais comuns. Atividade terapêutica foi avaliada através de repetidos exames de fezes (4 a 6) e uma biópsia retal realizada a partir do 4.° mês após o tratamento. As percentagens de cura foram de 83,3 e 80,0% com o esquema de 2 e 3 mg/kg, respectivamente. Os dados laboratoriais e clínicos sôbre a atividade esquistossomicida do Hycanthone até agora obtidos mostram a necessidade de novos ensaios com êste promissor medicamento.


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Mites and the mammal pathogenic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum are the major components of bat guano microbiota. Interactions between mites and H. capsulatum were evaluated under laboratory conditions. Acarid mites, mainly Sancassania sp., were the most abundant microarthropod in the sampled guano of the Mexican bat Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana and, based on its morphology, Sancassania sp. was similar to the cosmopolitan species Sancassania sphaerogaster. The mycophagous and vectoring activities of this mite were tested for H. capsulatum and two other fungal species, Sporothrix schenckii (pathogenic) and Aspergillus sclerotiorum (non-pathogenic). S. ca. sphaerogaster was able to reproduce in H. capsulatum and S. schenckii colonies, multiplying in great numbers under controlled fungal mycelial-phase culture conditions. H. capsulatum colonies were completely destroyed after 14 days of in vitro interaction with mites. In contrast, S. ca. sphaerogaster did not reproduce in A. sclerotiorum cultures. S. ca. sphaerogaster was found vectoring H. capsulatum, but not the two other fungal species studied.


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The plant cuticle composed of cutin, a lipid-derived polyester, and cuticular waxes covers the aerial portions of plants and constitutes a hydrophobic extracellular matrix layer that protects plants against environmental stresses. The botrytis-resistant 1 (bre1) mutant of Arabidopsis reveals that a permeable cuticle does not facilitate the entry of fungal pathogens in general, but surprisingly causes an arrest of invasion by Botrytis. BRE1 was identified to be long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase2 (LACS2) that has previously been shown to be involved in cuticle development and was here found to be essential for cutin biosynthesis. bre1/lacs2 has a five-fold reduction in dicarboxylic acids, the typical monomers of Arabidopsis cutin. Comparison of bre1/lacs2 with the mutants lacerata and hothead revealed that an increased permeability of the cuticle facilitates perception of putative elicitors in potato dextrose broth, leading to the presence of antifungal compound(s) at the surface of Arabidopsis plants that confer resistance to Botrytis and Sclerotinia. Arabidopsis plants with a permeable cuticle have thus an altered perception of their environment and change their physiology accordingly.


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The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that whole living hyphal of marine fungi Aspergillus sclerotiorum CBMAI 849 and Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186 were immobilized on support matrices of silica gel, silica xerogel and/or chitosan. P. citrinum immobilized on chitosan catalyzed the quantitative reduction of 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-ethanone (1) to the enantiomer (S)-1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-ethanol (3b), with excellent enantioselectivity (ee > 99%, yield = 95%). Interestingly, ketone 1 was reduced with moderate selectivity and conversion to alcohol 3b (ee = 69%, c 40%) by the free mycelium of P. citrinum. This free mycelium of P. citrinum catalyzed the production of the (R)-alcohol 3a, the antipode of the alcohol produced by the immobilized cells. P. citrinum immobilized on chitosan also catalyzed the bioreduction of 2-chloro-1-phenylethanone (2) to 2-chloro-1-phenylethanol (4a,b), but in this case without optical selectivity. These results showed that biocatalytic reduction of ketones by immobilization hyphal of marine fungi depends on the xenobiotic substrate and the support matrix used. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nine marine fungi (Aspergillus sclerotiorum CBMAI 849, Aspergillus sydowii Ce19, Beauveria felina CBMAI 738, Mucor racemosus CBMAI 847, Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186, Penicillium miczynskii Ce16, P. miczynskii Gc5, Penicillium oxalicum CBMAI 1185, and Trichoderma sp. Gc1) catalyzed the asymmetric bioconversion of iodoacetophenones 1-3 to corresponding iodophenylethanols 6-8. All the marine fungi produced exclusively (S)-ortho-iodophenylethanol 6 and (S)-meta-iodophenylethanol 7 in accordance to the Prelog rule. B. felina CBMAI 738, P. miczynskii Gc5, P. oxalicum CBMAI 1185, and Trichoderma sp. Gc1 produced (R)-para-iodophenylethanol 8 as product anti-Prelog. The bioconversion of para-iodoacetophenone 3 with whole cells of P. oxalicum CBMAI 1185 showed competitive reduction-oxidation reactions.


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Nine strains of marine-derived fungi (Aspergillus sydowii Ce15, A. sydowii Ce19, Aspergillus sclerotiorum CBMAI 849, Bionectria sp. Ce5, Beauveria felina CBMAI 738, Cladosporium cladosporioides CBMAI 857, Mucor racemosus CBMAI 847, Penicillium citrinum CBMAI 1186, and Penicillium miczynskii Gc5) were screened, catalyzing the asymmetric bioreduction of 1-(4-methoxyphenyl) ethanone 1 to its corresponding 1-(4-methoxyphenyl) ethanol 2. A. sydowii Ce15 and Bionectria sp. Ce5 produced the enantiopure (R)-alcohol 2 (>99% ee) in accordance with the anti-Prelog rule and, the fungi B. felina CBMAI 738 (>99% ee) and P. citrinum CBMAI 1186 (69% ee) in accordance with the Prelog rule. Stereoselective bioreduction by whole cells of marine-derived fungi described by us is important for the production of new reductases from marine-derived fungi.


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O mofo-branco causado por Sclerotinia slerotiorum é uma das doenças mais destrutivas do feijoeiro. Agentes de controle biológico (ACB) vêm sendo usados com sucesso para o controle do patógeno em diversos países. Entre estes, Coniothyrium minitans tem se destacado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da temperatura sobre o crescimento de isolados do antagonista. O experimento foi composto de 15 isolados de C. minitans e cinco temperaturas (15, 20, 25, 30 e 35ºC) em câmaras de crescimento na ausência de luz. Foram feitas quatro repetições para cada isolado e temperatura, sendo cada repetição composta por uma placa de Petri. Os diâmetros da colônia no sentido transversal e longitudinal de crescimento foram medidos após 4, 7, 11, 14 e 19 dias, quando as primeiras repetições atingiram o crescimento máximo. O efeito da temperatura sobre o crescimento radial dos isolados de C. minitans foi semelhante. A temperatura ideal de crescimento variou de 18 a 19ºC para todos isolados e nas temperaturas de 30 e 35ºC não houve crescimento. Ainda não existem estudos acerca da utilização do antagonista em condições brasileiras. Essa espécie é resistente à decomposição por luz, porém é sensível a altas temperaturas, como verificado. Portanto, C. minitans tem potencial para ser usado nos cultivos de outono-inverno no Centro-sul do Brasil, onde as temperaturas são mais amenas. Os isolados de C. minitans serão avaliados quanto à capacidade parasítica de escleródios e apotécios do patógeno em condições de campo em cultivos de feijão de outono-inverno.