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Following work on tantalum and chromium implanted flat M50 steel substrates, this work reports on the electrochemical behaviour of M50 steel implanted with tantalum and chromium and the effect of the angle of incidence. Proposed optimum doses for resistance to chloride attack were based on the interpretation of results obtained during long-term and accelerated electrochemical testing. After dose optimization from the corrosion viewpoint, substrates were implanted at different angles of incidence (15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°) and their susceptibility to localized corrosion assessed using open-circuit measurements, step by step polarization and cyclic voltammetry at several scan rates (5–50 mV s-1). Results showed, for tantalum implanted samples, an ennoblement of the pitting potential of approximately 0.5 V for an angle of incidence of 90°. A retained dose of 5 × 1016 atoms cm-2 was found by depth profiling with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. The retained dose decreases rapidly with angle of incidence. The breakdown potential varies roughly linearly with the angle of incidence up to 30° falling fast to reach -0.1 V (vs. a saturated calomel electrode (SCE)) for 15°. Chromium was found to behave differently. Maximum corrosion resistance was found for angles of 45°–60° according to current densities and breakdown potentials. Cr+ depth profiles ((p,γ) resonance broadening method), showed that retained doses up to an angle of 60° did not change much from the implanted dose at 90°, 2 × 1017 Cr atoms cm-2. The retained implantation dose for tantalum and chromium was found to follow a (cos θ)8/3 dependence where θ is the angle between the sample normal and the beam direction.
Bioaerosols are mainly composed of fungal particles, bacteria and plant spores, being fungi responsible for the release of VOCs and micotoxins into indoor environments. Aspergillus flavus is a common opportunistic pathogen causing human infections and is involved in the production of aflatoxin and other secondary metabolites associated with toxic and allergic reactions. Poultry workers are exposed to high concentrations of fungi and are therefore more prone to develop associated pathologies. To evaluate occupational exposure of the workers to Aspergillus flavus and aflatoxins, six animal production facilities were selected, including 10 buildings, from which indoor air samples and outdoor reference samples were obtained. Twenty-five duplicate samples were collected by two methodologies: impactation onto malt extract agar of 25L air samples using a Millipore Air Tester were used to evaluate quantitative (CFU/m3) and qualitative (species identification, whenever possible) sample composition; 300 L air samples collected with the Coriolis Air Sampler into phosphate–saline buffer were used to isolate DNA, following molecular identification of Aspergillus section flavi using nor-1 specific primers by real-time PCR.
Results of research work developed in anatomy and pathology laboratories have indicated that “macroscopic examination” is the task involving the highest exposure to formaldehyde. This is probably because precision and very good visibility are needed and, therefore, pathologists must lean over the specimen with consequent increase of proximity. With this research we aimed to know formaldehyde exposure in case of animal’s macroscopic examination. Three macroscopic examinations were considered and exposure assessment performed with photo ionization detection (PID) direct-reading equipment (with an 11.7 eV lamp) designated by First-Check, from Ion Science. Higher values of formaldehyde concentration (ceiling values) were register in each exam.
This project was developed to fully assess the indoor air quality in archives and libraries from a fungal flora point of view. It uses classical methodologies such as traditional culture media – for the viable fungi – and modern molecular biology protocols, especially relevant to assess the non-viable fraction of the biological contaminants. Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) has emerged as an alternative to denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and has already been applied to the study of a few bacterial communities. We propose the application of DHPLC to the study of fungal colonization on paper-based archive materials. This technology allows for the identification of each component of a mixture of fungi based on their genetic variation. In a highly complex mixture of microbial DNA this method can be used simply to study the population dynamics, and it also allows for sample fraction collection, which can, in many cases, be immediately sequenced, circumventing the need for cloning. Some examples of the methodological application are shown. Also applied is fragment length analysis for the study of mixed Candida samples. Both of these methods can later be applied in various fields, such as clinical and sand sample analysis. So far, the environmental analyses have been extremely useful to determine potentially pathogenic/toxinogenic fungi such as Stachybotrys sp., Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Fusarium sp. This work will hopefully lead to more accurate evaluation of environmental conditions for both human health and the preservation of documents.
Beaches worldwide provide recreational opportunities to hundreds of millions of people and serve as important components of coastal economies. Beach water is often monitored for microbiological quality to detect the presence of indicators of human sewage contamination so as to prevent public health outbreaks associated with water contact. However, growing evidence suggests that beach sand can harbor microbes harmful to human health, often in concentrations greater than the beach water. Currently, there are no standards for monitoring, sampling, analyzing, or managing beach sand quality. In addition to indicator microbes, growing evidence has identified pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and fungi in a variety of beach sands worldwide. The public health threat associated with these populations through direct and indirect contact is unknown because so little research has been conducted relating to health outcomes associated with sand quality. In this manuscript, we present the consensus findings of a workshop of experts convened in Lisbon, Portugal to discuss the current state of knowledge on beach sand microbiological quality and to develop suggestions for standardizing the evaluation of sand at coastal beaches. The expert group at the "Microareias 2012" workshop recommends that 1) beach sand should be screened for a variety of pathogens harmful to human health, and sand monitoring should then be initiated alongside regular water monitoring; 2) sampling and analysis protocols should be standardized to allow proper comparisons among beach locations; and 3) further studies are needed to estimate human health risk with exposure to contaminated beach sand. Much of the manuscript is focused on research specific to Portugal, but similar results have been found elsewhere, and the findings have worldwide implications.
This work aims at investigating the impact of treating breast cancer using different radiation therapy (RT) techniques – forwardly-planned intensity-modulated, f-IMRT, inversely-planned IMRT and dynamic conformal arc (DCART) RT – and their effects on the whole-breast irradiation and in the undesirable irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissues. Two algorithms of iPlan BrainLAB treatment planning system were compared: Pencil Beam Convolution (PBC) and commercial Monte Carlo (iMC). Seven left-sided breast patients submitted to breast-conserving surgery were enrolled in the study. For each patient, four RT techniques – f-IMRT, IMRT using 2-fields and 5-fields (IMRT2 and IMRT5, respectively) and DCART – were applied. The dose distributions in the planned target volume (PTV) and the dose to the organs at risk (OAR) were compared analyzing dose–volume histograms; further statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS v20 software. For PBC, all techniques provided adequate coverage of the PTV. However, statistically significant dose differences were observed between the techniques, in the PTV, OAR and also in the pattern of dose distribution spreading into normal tissues. IMRT5 and DCART spread low doses into greater volumes of normal tissue, right breast, right lung and heart than tangential techniques. However, IMRT5 plans improved distributions for the PTV, exhibiting better conformity and homogeneity in target and reduced high dose percentages in ipsilateral OAR. DCART did not present advantages over any of the techniques investigated. Differences were also found comparing the calculation algorithms: PBC estimated higher doses for the PTV, ipsilateral lung and heart than the iMC algorithm predicted.
The general transcription factor TFIIB, encoded by SUA7 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is required for transcription activation but apparently of a specific subset of genes, for example, linked with mitochondrial activity and hence with oxidative environments. Therefore, studying SUA7/TFIIB as a potential target of oxidative stress is fundamental. We found that controlled SUA7 expression under oxidative conditions occurs at transcriptional and mRNA stability levels. Both regulatory events are associated with the transcription activator Yap1 in distinct ways: Yap1 affects SUA7 transcription up regulation in exponentially growing cells facing oxidative signals; the absence of this activator per se contributes to increase SUA7 mRNA stability. However, unlike SUA7 mRNA, TFIIB abundance is not altered on oxidative signals. The biological impact of this preferential regulation of SUA7 mRNA pool is revealed by the partial suppression of cellular oxidative sensitivity by SUA7 overexpression, and supported by the insights on the existence of a novel RNA-binding factor, acting as an oxidative sensor, which regulates mRNA stability. Taken together the results point out a primarily cellular commitment to guarantee SUA7 mRNA levels under oxidative environments.
Gene expression of three antioxidant enzymes, Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu,ZnSOD), and glutathione reductase (GR) was investigated in stationary phase Saccharomyces cerevisiae during menadione-induced oxidative stress. Both GR and Cu,ZnSOD mRNA steady state levels increased, reaching a plateau at about 90 min exposure to menadione. GR mRNA induction was higher than that of Cu,ZnSOD (about 14-fold and 9-fold after 90 min, respectively). A different pattern of response was obtained for MnSOD mRNA, with a peak at about 15 min (about 8-fold higher) followed by a decrease to a plateau approximately 4-fold higher than the control value. However, these increased mRNA levels did not result in increased protein levels and activities of these enzymes. Furthermore, exposure to menadione decreased MnSOD activity to half its value, indicating that the enzyme is partially inactivated due to oxidative damage. Cu,ZnSOD protein levels were increased 2-fold, but MnSOD protein levels were unchanged after exposure to menadione in the presence of the proteolysis inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride. These results indicate that the rates of Cu,ZnSOD synthesis and proteolysis are increased, while the rates of MnSOD synthesis and proteolysis are unchanged by exposure to menadione. Also, the translational efficiency for both enzymes is probably decreased, since increases in protein levels when proteolysis is inhibited do not reflect the increases in mRNA levels. Our results indicate that oxidative stress modifies MnSOD, Cu,ZnSOD, and GR gene expression in a complex way, not only at the transcription level but also at the post-transcriptional, translational, and post-translational levels.
The Desertas Islands (Madeira, Portugal) are the sole home of one of the largest and rarest wolf spiderspecies, Hogna ingens (Blackwall 1857) (Araneae, Lycosidae). Despite its size, it inhabits a single valleyin the North of the Deserta Grande Island, Vale da Castanheira, currently invaded by the herb Phalarisaquatica. This invasive species competes with the native flora and was subject to several eradicationexperiments, namely through fire and chemicals. The objectives of this work were to: (1) estimate thecurrent distribution and abundance of H. ingens and respective trends; (2) evaluate the impact of theinvasive plant and eradication methods on the spider population; (3) suggest future measures for therecovery of the species; and (4) evaluate its conservation status according to the IUCN criteria. The current distribution of H. ingens covers 23 ha, a recent reduction from its original 83 ha, correspond-ing to the entire Vale da Castanheira. A total of 4447 and 4086 adults and 71,832 and 24,635 juvenileswere estimated to live in the valley during 2011 and 2012, respectively. We found a significant negativeimpact of P. aquatica cover on the presence and abundance of H. ingens and that chemical treatmentspecifically directed towards the invasive plant species may be the only way to effectively recover thespider's habitat. We suggest (1) regular monitoring; (2) extend chemical treatments; (3) ex-situ conserva-tion with future reintroduction of adults. Based on the current area of occupancy (AOO) of H. ingens and itsrecent decline in both AOO and number of individuals, it was recently classified as Critically Endangeredby IUCN and we suggest its urgent inclusion in the Habitats Directive species lists.
Microtubules are polymers of alpha/beta-tubulin participating in essential cell functions. A multistep process involving distinct molecular chaperones and cofactors produces new tubulin heterodimers competent to polymerise. In vitro cofactor A (TBCA) interacts with beta-tubulin in a quasi-native state behaving as a molecular chaperone. We have used siRNA to silence TBCA expression in HeLa and MCF-7 mammalian cell lines. TBCA is essential for cell viability and its knockdown produces a decrease in the amount of soluble tubulin, modifications in microtubules and G1 cell cycle arrest. In MCF-7 cells, cell death was preceded by a change in cell shape resembling differentiation.
The cytosolic chaperonin CCT is a heterooligomeric complex of about 900 kDa that mediates the folding of cytoskeletal proteins. We observed by indirect immunofluorescence that the Tetrahymena TpCCTalpha, TpCCTdelta, TpCCTepsilon, and TpCCTeta-subunits colocalize with tubulin in cilia, basal bodies, oral apparatus, and contractile vacuole pores. TpCCT-subunits localization was affected during reciliation. These findings combined with atomic force microscopy measurements in reciliating cells indicate that these proteins play a role during cilia biogenesis related to microtubule nucleation, tubulin transport, and/or axoneme assembly. The TpCCT-subunits were also found to be associated with cortex and cytoplasmic microtubules suggesting that they can act as microtubule-associated proteins. The TpCCTdelta being the only subunit found associated with the macronuclear envelope indicates that it has functions outside of the 900 kDa complex. Tetrahymena cytoplasm contains granular/globular-structures of TpCCT-subunits in close association with microtubule arrays. Studies of reciliation and with cycloheximide suggest that these structures may be sites of translation and folding. Combined biochemical techniques revealed that reciliation affects the oligomeric state of TpCCT-subunits being tubulin preferentially associated with smaller CCT oligomeric species in early stages of reciliation. Collectively, these findings indicate that the oligomeric state of CCT-subunits reflects the translation capacity of the cell and microtubules integrity.
Besnoitia besnoiti is an apicomplexan parasite responsible for bovine besnoitiosis, a disease with a high prevalence in tropical and subtropical regions and re-emerging in Europe. Despite the great economical losses associated with besnoitiosis, this disease has been underestimated and poorly studied, and neither an effective therapy nor an efficacious vaccine is available. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) is an essential enzyme for the acquisition of the correct three-dimensional structure of proteins. Current evidence suggests that in Neosporacaninum and Toxoplasmagondii, which are closely related to B. besnoiti, PDI play an important role in host cell invasion, is a relevant target for the host immune response, and represents a promising drug target and/or vaccine candidate. In this work, we present the nucleotide sequence of the B. besnoiti PDI gene. BbPDI belongs to the thioredoxin-like superfamily (cluster 00388) and is included in the PDI_a family (cluster defined cd02961) and the PDI_a_PDI_a'_c subfamily (cd02995). A 3D theoretical model was built by comparative homology using Swiss-Model server, using as a template the crystallographic deduced model of Tapasin-ERp57 (PDB code 3F8U chain C). Analysis of the phylogenetic tree for PDI within the phylum apicomplexa reinforces the close relationship among B. besnoiti, N. caninum and T. gondii. When subjected to a PDI-assay based on the polymerisation of reduced insulin, recombinant BbPDI expressed in E. coli exhibited enzymatic activity, which was inhibited by bacitracin. Antiserum directed against recombinant BbPDI reacted with PDI in Western blots and by immunofluorescence with B. besnoiti tachyzoites and bradyzoites.
Background - Being patient centered is a core value for nursing. Patient centered-care has been related to patient and health provider satisfaction, better health outcomes, higher quality of care and more efficient health care delivery. Objectives - The purpose was to assess the orientation adopted by nurses and students in patient care, using The Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale, as well as to compare the results between resident nurses and students from different academic years. Settings - Public School of Nursing and a Central Hospital, in Lisbon (Portugal). Participants - Students in the first, second and fourth year of nursing school and nurses participated in the study. Methods - For data collection, we used The Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (European Portuguese version), an instrument designed to measure individual preferences toward the dimension of caring a sharing in health professional-patient relationship. Students and nurses also filled out two additional questions about their perception of competence in technical and communication skills. Additional demographic information was also collected, including gender, age, academic year and length of professional experience. Results - A total of 525 students (84.7% female) and 108 nurses (77.8% female) participated in this study. In general, caring sub-scores, measuring the preference of about attending to patient emotional aspects, were higher than sharing sub-scores, measuring beliefs about giving information and perceiving patient as a member of the health team. Students were significantly more patient-centered throughout their nursing education (p<0.001). Comparing to students in the second and fourth academic years (p<0.001) nurses' scores were significantly lower both in total PPOS and in caring and sharing subscales. Conclusions - These results reinforce the idea that patient centeredness may be developed in academic context. The scores obtained highlight the importance of studies that aim to identify factors that may explain the decrease of patient centeredness in professional practice.
Objective - The study evaluated the effect of a canned sardine supplement in C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients on hemodialysis (HD) and the compliance and adherence to this supplement. Design - This was a quasi-experimental study: Participants with a serum CRP of 5 mg/dL or less volunteered to consume a sardine supplement or were maintained on the usual cheese/ham sandwich supplement. Setting - The study took place in two outpatient dialysis units in Lisbon, Portugal. Patients - The study comprised 63 patients receiving maintenance HD three times per week for at least 6 months and an initial CRP concentration of 5 mg/dL or less. Exclusion criteria included the presence of graft vascular access or history of cancer. Intervention - After a 4-week washout period, the nutritional intervention included a canned sardine sandwich for the case group (n = 31) and a cheese or ham sandwich for the control group (n = 32), to be ingested during each routine HD session, 3 times per week, for 8 weeks. Main outcome measure - Serum levels of high-sensitivity CRP were the outcome measure. Results - Only 65 patients from the invited 186 patients met the inclusion criteria and agreed to eat the sardine sandwich supplement three times per week and were involved in the study. A significant proportion of 48% (n = 31, case group) consumed the sardine sandwich supplement three times per week for 8 weeks, fulfilling the requirements and completing the study. The present investigation showed that a sardine sandwich supplement had no effect on CRP levels among patients on HD. However, when participants were stratified according to tertiles of CRP distribution values at baseline, a reduction in CRP levels was found for those in the higher tertile, being higher for the case group (P = .047). Although diabetic patients were excluded from the analysis (eight in the sardine supplementation group and seven in the control group) a significant CRP reduction was found (P = .034). Conclusion - Although a supplement of low-dose n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids had no effect on the plasma high-sensitivity CRP of the supplemented group, a reduction in CRP levels was found when patients were stratified for tertiles of CRP (for the upper tertile) and diabetic status (for nondiabetic patients). These findings need to be further confirmed. This canned sardine supplement was accepted by an important proportion of patients, enhancing diet variety and contributing for a greater n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid intake.
The human eukaryotic release factor 3a (eRF3a), encoded by the G1 to S phase transition 1 gene (GSPT1; alias eRF3a), is upregulated in various human cancers. GSPT1 contains a GGCn polymorphism in exon 1, encoding a polyglycine expansion in the N-terminal of the protein. The longer allele, GGC12, was previously shown to be associated to cancer. The GGC12 allele was present in 2.2% of colorectal cancer patients but was absent in Crohn disease patients and in the control group. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the GGC12 allele was present at up to 10-fold higher transcription levels than the GGC10 allele (P < 0.001). No GSPT1 amplifications were detected, and there was no correlation between the length of the alleles and methylation levels of the CpG sites inside the GGC expansion. Using flow cytometry, we compared the levels of apoptosis and proliferation rates between cell lines with different genotypes, but detected no significant differences. Finally, we used a cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay to evaluate the frequency of micronuclei in the same cell lines. Cell lines with the longer alleles had higher frequencies of micronuclei in binucleated cells, which is probably a result of defects in mitotic spindle formation. Altogether, these findings indicate that GSPT1 should be considered a potential proto-oncogene.