937 resultados para Sarcoma, Ewing


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Between 1984 and 2006, 12 959 people with HIV/AIDS (PWHA) in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study contributed a total of 73 412 person-years (py) of follow-up, 35 551 of which derived from PWHA treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Five hundred and ninety-seven incident Kaposi sarcoma (KS) cases were identified of whom 52 were among HAART users. Cox regression was used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI). Kaposi sarcoma incidence fell abruptly in 1996-1998 to reach a plateau at 1.4 per 1000 py afterwards. Men having sex with men and birth in Africa or the Middle East were associated with KS in both non-users and users of HAART but the risk pattern by CD4 cell count differed. Only very low CD4 cell count (<50 cells microl(-1)) at enrollment or at HAART initiation were significantly associated with KS among HAART users. The HR for KS declined steeply in the first months after HAART initiation and continued to be low 7-10 years afterwards (HR, 0.06; 95% CI, 0.02-0.17). Thirty-three out of 52 (63.5%) KS cases among HAART users arose among PWHA who had stopped treatment or used HAART for less than 6 months.


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Intimal sarcoma (IS) is a rare, malignant, and aggressive tumor that shows a relentless course with a concomitant low survival rate and for which no effective treatment is available. In this study, 21 cases of large arterial blood vessel IS were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and fluorescence in situ hybridization and selectively by karyotyping, array comparative genomic hybridization, sequencing, phospho-kinase antibody arrays, and Western immunoblotting in search for novel diagnostic markers and potential molecular therapeutic targets. Ex vivo immunoassays were applied to test the sensitivity of IS primary tumor cells to the receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) inhibitors imatinib and dasatinib. We showed that amplification of platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRA) is a common finding in IS, which should be considered as a molecular hallmark of this entity. This amplification is consistently associated with PDGFRA activation. Furthermore, the tumors reveal persistent activation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), concurrent to PDGFRA activation. Activated PDGFRA and EGFR frequently coexist with amplification and overexpression of the MDM2 oncogene. Ex vivo immunoassays on primary IS cells from one case showed the potency of dasatinib to inhibit PDGFRA and downstream signaling pathways. Our findings provide a rationale for investigating therapies that target PDGFRA, EGFR, or MDM2 in IS. Given the clonal heterogeneity of this tumor type and the potential cross-talk between the PDGFRA and EGFR signaling pathways, targeting multiple RTKs and aberrant downstream effectors might be required to improve the therapeutic outcome for patients with this disease.


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Epithelioid sarcoma (ES) is rare with a poor prognosis and for which a loss of INI1 expression has been recently reported. We report a study of 106 cases with clinical, histologic, and immunohistochemical data, including INI1 expression, and follow-up data. Of the 106 cases, 70 were the conventional subtype and 36 the large cell subtype. INI1 was negative in 86 cases (81.1%): 57 (81%) of 70 conventional and 29 (81%) of 36 large cell subtypes. Treatment modalities were available for 76 and follow-up for 80 patients. Of the 80 patients, 43 (54%) experienced metastasis and 25 (31%) died of the disease. Univariate analysis indicated that tumor size and mitotic index were significant for metastasis-free survival, whereas proximal location, tumor size, tumor multifocality, and mitotic index were significant for overall survival. Loss of expression of INI1 is frequent in the conventional and large cell subtypes of ES and can be used as a diagnostic marker, but it has no prognostic impact.


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Rapport de synthèseDrug uptake in a rodent sarcoma model after intravenous injection or isolated lungperfusion of free/liposomal doxorubicinIntroductionLa distribution de doxorubicine libre et doxorubicin liposomale pegylée (Liporubicin?) a été comparée après administration intraveineuse ou application via perfusion isolée du poumon (ILP) dans le parenchyme pulmonaire et dans la tumeur des poumons de rongeurs, porteurs d'une tumeur sarcomateuse.Matériel et méthodeUne tumeur sarcomateuse unique a été générée dans le poumon gauche de 36 rongeurs (Fisher rats) suivie, 10 jours plus tard, par application de doxorubicine ou Liporubicin? soit par perfusion isolée du poumon (n = 20) ou administration intraveineuse (n = 12). Deux différentes concentrations ont été utilisées (100 μg et 400 pg) à doses équimolaires pour les deux formulations de doxorubicine. La concentration des agents cytostatiques ont été mesurées dans la tumeur et le parenchyme pulmonaire à l'aide de chromatographic (HPLC).RésultatsLes résultats indiquent que pour doxorubicine libre, le taux de concentration dans la tumeur et le parenchyme pulmonaire est 3 fois (dosage de 100 μ§) et 10 fois (dosage de 400 plus élevé après ILP par rapport à l'administration intraveineuse. En revanche, pour Liporubicin , le taux de concentration est similaire dans la tumeur et le parenchyme pulmonaire entre ILP et administration intraveineuse, pour les deux doses appliquées.ConclusionPour ILP et administration intraveineuse, le ratio entre accumulation de l'agent cytostatique dans la tumeur versus dans le parenchyme pulmonaire a été comparé pour les deux formulations de doxorubicine ainsi que pour les deux dosages. Pour les deux formulations et dosages de doxorubicine, ILP aboutit à un ratio plus élevé par rapport à l'administration intraveineuse. Cependant, pour les deux formulations et dosages de doxorubicine, ILP résulte également en une distribution de l'agent cytostatique plus hétérogène dans le parenchyme pulmonaire comparé à l'administration intraveineuse.En résumé, l'application de doxorubicine par ILP aboutit donc à une accumulation tumorale élevée et à une augmentation du ratio tumeur-parenchyme pulmonaire, mais en même temps également à une distribution plus hétérogène dans le parenchyme pulmonaire par rapport à l'application intraveineuse. Ceci a été observé pour les deux formulations de doxorubicine et pour les deux dosages appliqué.


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BACKGROUND: The outcome of Kaposi sarcoma varies. While many patients do well on highly active antiretroviral therapy, others have progressive disease and need chemotherapy. In order to predict which patients are at risk of unfavorable evolution, we established a prognostic score. METHOD: The survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier method; Cox proportional hazards models) of 144 patients with Kaposi sarcoma prospectively included in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, from January 1996 to December 2004, was conducted. OUTCOME ANALYZED: use of chemotherapy or death. VARIABLES ANALYZED: demographics, tumor staging [T0 or T1 (16)], CD4 cell counts and HIV-1 RNA concentration, human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) DNA in plasma and serological titers to latent and lytic antigens. RESULTS: Of 144 patients, 54 needed chemotherapy or died. In the univariate analysis, tumor stage T1, CD4 cell count below 200 cells/microl, positive HHV8 DNA and absence of antibodies against the HHV8 lytic antigen at the time of diagnosis were significantly associated with a bad outcome.Using multivariate analysis, the following variables were associated with an increased risk of unfavorable outcome: T1 [hazard ratio (HR) 5.22; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.97-9.18], CD4 cell count below 200 cells/microl (HR 2.33; 95% CI 1.22-4.45) and positive HHV8 DNA (HR 2.14; 95% CI 1.79-2.85).We created a score with these variables ranging from 0 to 4: T1 stage counted for two points, CD4 cell count below 200 cells/microl for one point, and positive HHV8 viral load for one point. Each point increase was associated with a HR of 2.26 (95% CI 1.79-2.85). CONCLUSION: In the multivariate analysis, staging (T1), CD4 cell count (<200 cells/microl), positive HHV8 DNA in plasma, at the time of diagnosis, predict evolution towards death or the need of chemotherapy.


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AIM: The specific natural history of superficial soft tissue sarcomas (S-STS) has been rarely considered. We describe the clinical characteristics of a large series of S-STS (N=367) from the French Sarcoma Group (GSF-GETO) database and analyse the prognostic factors affecting outcome. METHODS: We performed univariate and multivariate analyses for overall survival (OS), metastasis-free survival (MFS) and local recurrence-free survival (LRFS). RESULTS: The median age was 59 years. Fifty-eight percent patients were female. Tumour locations were as follows: extremities, 55%; trunk wall, 35.4%; head and neck, 8% and unknown, 1.6%. Median tumour size was 3.0 cm. The most frequent tumour types were unclassified sarcoma (24.3%) and leiomyosarcoma (22.3%). Thirty-three percent of cases were grade 3. Median follow-up was 6.18 years. The 5-year OS, MFS and LRFS rates were 80.9%, 80.7% and 74.7%, respectively. Multivariate analysis retained histological type and wide resection for predicting LRFS and histological type and grade as prognostic factors of MFS. The factors influencing OS were age, histological type, grade and wide resection. STS with early invasion into but not through the underlying fascia had a significantly poorer MFS than with strict S-STS. CONCLUSION: S-STS represent a separate category characterised by a better outcome. Adequate surgery, i.e. wide resection, is essential in the management of S-STS.


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BACKGROUND: Soft tissue sarcomas of the trunk wall (STS-TW) are usually studied together with soft tissue sarcomas of other locations. We report a study on STS-TW forming part of the French Sarcoma Group database. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three hundred and forty-three adults were included. We carried out univariate and multivariate analysis for overall survival (OS), metastasis-free survival (MFS) and local recurrence-free survival (LRFS). RESULTS: Tumor locations were as follows: thoracic wall, 82.5%; abdominal wall, 12.3% and pelvic wall, 5.2%. Median tumor size was 6.0 cm. The most frequent tumor types were unclassified sarcoma (27.7%) and myogenic sarcoma (19.2%). A total of 44.6% of cases were grade 3. In all, 21.9% of patients had a previous medical history of radiotherapy (PHR). Median follow-up was 7.6 years. The 5-year OS, MFS and LRFS rates were 60.4%, 68.9% and 58.4%, respectively. Multivariate analysis retained PHR and grade for predicting LRFS and PHR, size and grade as prognostic factors of MFS. Factors influencing OS were age, size, PHR, depth, grade and surgical margins. The predictive factors of incomplete response were PHR, size and T3. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest similar classical prognostic factors as compared with sarcomas of other locations. However, a separate analysis of STS-TW revealed a significant poor prognosis subgroup of patients with PHR.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess the pharmacology, toxicity and activity of high-dose ifosfamide mesna +/- GM-CSF administered by a five-day continuous infusion at a total ifosfamide dose of 12-18 g/m2 in adult patients with advanced sarcomas. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between January 1991 and October 1992 32 patients with advanced or metastatic sarcoma were entered the study. Twenty-seven patients were pretreated including twenty-three with prior ifosfamide at less than 8 g/m2 total dose/cycle. In 25 patients (27 cycles) extensive pharmacokinetic analyses were performed. RESULTS: The area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) for ifosfamide increased linearly with dose while the AUC's of the metabolites measured in plasma by thin-layer chromatography did not increase with dose, particularly that of the active metabolite isophosphoramide mustard. Furthermore the AUC of the inactive carboxymetabolite did not increase with dose. Interpatient variability of pharmacokinetic parameters was high. Dose-limiting toxicity was myelosuppression at 18 g/m2 total dose with grade 4 neutropenia in five of six patients and grade 4 thrombocytopenia in four of six patients. Therefore the maximum tolerated dose was considered to be 18 g/m2 total dose. There was one CR and eleven PR in twenty-nine evaluable patients (overall response rate 41%). CONCLUSION: Both the activation and inactivation pathways of ifosfamide are non-linear and saturable at high-doses although the pharmacokinetics of the parent drug itself are dose linear. Ifosfamide doses greater than 14-16 g/m2 per cycle appear to result in a relative decrease of the active metabolite isophosphoramide mustard. These data suggest a dose-dependent saturation or even inhibition of ifosfamide metabolism by increasing high dose ifosfamide and suggest the need for further metabolic studies.


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Isolated limb perfusion (ILP) with melphalan and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α is used to treat bulky, locally advanced melanoma and sarcoma. However, TNF toxicity suggests a need for better-tolerated drugs. Cilengitide (EMD 121974), a novel cyclic inhibitor of alpha-V integrins, has both anti-angiogenic and direct anti-tumor effects and is a possible alternative to TNF in ILP. In this study, rats bearing a hind limb soft tissue sarcoma underwent ILP using different combinations of melphalan, TNF and cilengitide in the perfusate. Further groups had intra-peritoneal (i.p.) injections of cilengitide or saline 2 hr before and 3 hr after ILP. A 77% response rate (RR) was seen in animals treated i.p. with cilengitide and perfused with melphalan plus cilengitide. The RR was 85% in animals treated i.p. with cilengitide and ILP using melphalan plus both TNF and cilengitide. Both RRs were significantly greater than those seen with melphalan or cilengitide alone. Histopathology showed that high RRs were accompanied by disruption of tumor vascular endothelium and tumor necrosis. Compared with ILP using melphalan alone, the addition of cilengitide resulted in a three to sevenfold increase in melphalan concentration in tumor but not in muscle in the perfused limb. Supportive in vitro studies indicate that cilengitide both inhibits tumor cell attachment and increases endothelial permeability. Since cilengitide has low toxicity, these data suggest the agent is a good alternative to TNF in the ILP setting.


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BACKGROUND: A 55-year-old man with glioblastoma multiforme was treated with continuous, dose-dense temozolomide. This therapy was curtailed after three cycles because of nausea, asthenia, and neuropsychological deterioration. During a subsequent course of radiotherapy, the patient developed fever, headaches, and cutaneous lesions. INVESTIGATIONS: Physical examination, cerebral MRI, brain biopsy, skin biopsy, immunohistochemistry, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage, and laboratory tests. DIAGNOSIS: Severe temozolomide-induced immunosuppression, exacerbated by corticosteroids, with profound T-cell lymphocytopenia and simultaneous opportunistic infections with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, brain abscess with Listeria monocytogenes, and cutaneous Kaposi's sarcoma. MANAGEMENT: Discontinuation of temozolomide, discontinuation of radiotherapy, antibiotic treatment with amoxicillin and gentamicin, and administration of atovaquone and pentamidine.