934 resultados para Sangue - Distúrbios de coagulação


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The extraction, chemical and structural characterization of a wide variety of compounds derived from plants has been a major source of bioactive molecules. Several proteases have been isolated in the plant kingdom, with numerous pharmacological and biotechnological applications. Among the proteases isolated from plants, are the fibrinogenolytic, with relevant application in the treatment of disorders in the coagulation cascade, in addition to potential use as a tool in clinical laboratories. In this study, in addition to evaluating the effects of the protein extract of Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur (Euphorbiaceae) in the coagulation cascade also investigates the presence of antimicrobial activity and characterizes the proteolytic activity detected in this extract, aiming to determine their potential pharmacological and biotechnological application. In this way, crude protein extracts obtained from the leaves of C. urens in Tris-HCl 0.05M, NaCl 0.15M, pH 7.5, were precipitated in different concentrations of acetone, and assessed for the presence of proteolytic activity in azocaseína and fibrinogen. The most active fraction (F1.0) in these tests was chosen for assessment of biological activity and biochemical characterization. The Aα chain and Bβ of fibrinogen were completely cleaved at a concentration of 0.18 μg/μL of protein fraction in 4 minutes. Fibrinogenolytic activity presented total inhibition in the presence of E-64 and partial in the presence of EDTA. The fraction demonstrated coagulant activity in plasm and reduced the APTT, demonstrating acting on the factors coagulation of the intrinsic pathway and common, not exerting effects on the PT. Fibrinolytic activity on plasma clot was detected only in SDS-PAGE in high concentrations of fraction, and there were no defibrinating. Although several proteases isolated from plants and venomous animals are classically toxic, the fraction F1.0 of C. urens not expressed hemorrhagic nor hemolytic activities. Fraction F1.0 also showed no antimicrobial activity. In proteolytic activity on the azocasein, the optimal pH was 5.0 and optimum temperature of 60ºC. The enzyme activity has been shown to be sensitive to the presence of salts tested, with inhibition for all compounds. The surfactant triton did not influence the enzyme activity, but the tween-20 and SDS inhibited the activity. In the presence of reducing agents increase in enzyme activity occurred, a typical feature of enzymes belonging to the class of cysteine proteases. Several bands with proteolytic activity were detected in zymogram, in the region of high-molecular-weight, which were inhibited by E-64. In this study, we found that C. urens presents in its constitution cysteine proteases with fibrinogenolytic and procoagulant activity, which may be isolated, with potential application in treatment of bleeding disorders, thrombolytic and clinical laboratory


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This work aims at understanding of social suffering, caused by unsolved homicides in the black population. Thus, when the homicide occurs, family and friends become hidden or indirect victims of this crime. So, It will be made a historical imbalance of Afro-Brazilians to the capitalist system after slavery. Those who suffered from the absence of inclusive public policies. Also try to contextualize them within the current data with that place as the immediate victims of murder. Finally, reports from family members, through their life stories, and snippets from the ethnographic field notes were the methodologies used


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This dissertation presents a reflection upon the notion of event, inspired by the contributions of Edgar Morin to the thinking of the present. The research analysis this notion particularly from the experience of the documentary titled Sangue do Barro, which was the winner of the 4th edition of DOCTV, in the federal state of Rio Grande do Norte in 2008. The study focuses on how facts from daily life can be approached by the documentary making process, and how in this process the questioning of facts leads to the questioning of social realities. In this perspective, through the illustrative case of Sangue do Barro, the research develops the hypothesis of how in the documentary process, which aims at revealing a particular history, is the revealing of the particular able to reflect the universal. The dissertation thus assumes this situation as precisely the configuration of the sociology of present, proposed by Edgar Morin. Furthermore, along with the theoretical premises of the sociology of the present, the research performs a brief historical analysis of documentary practices, Brazilian audiovisual public policies, and it also discusses the technical contributions of several contemporary film makers and contemporary thinkers, such as Jean Rouch, Bill Nichols, Ismail Xavier, Consuelo Lins, Gilles Lipovetsky, Jean Serroy, Michel Foucault, Alfredo Pena-Vega, Nicole Lapierre, etc


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Cette étude propose de réaliser une lecture du chouriço, une confiture faite avec du sang, fabriquée et consommée dans tout le Seridó potiguar. Grace à l observation ethnographique réalisée entre 2003 et 2007, nous découvrons une économie domestique, une organisation sociale, des formes de sociabilité et de solidarité contruites autour de l élevage des porcs et des pratiques culinaires. Cette observation a aussi révélé un style alimentaire, des discours, des perceptions, des goûts et des comportements relatifs à la consommation de la confiture qui résultent, em grande partie, de la relation dynamique entre une norme idéalisée et des pratiques observées qui ont montré des tensions et des contradictions entre ce qui est dit et ce qui est fait. Avec l étude du chouriço, nous reálisons une lecture de la culture alimentaire; notre intention a été de problématiser l applicabilité des normes sociales et leur inscription dans la réalité. Ainsi, em faisant une analyse simbolique du chouriço, nous considérons ensemble les aspects sociaux et symboliques et nous décrivons comment les habitants du Seridó pensent leur alimentation en corrélation avec les pratiques alimentaires et les formes de sociabilité. L étude a révélé que les príncipes de confiance et d interconnaissance, fondés sur les liens sociaux, structurent les relations constituées autour de l élevage des porcs et de la production, de la distribution et de la consommation du chouriço. D un point de vue symbolique, le sang est central dans le style alimentaire: il apparaît comme une anti-nourriture et révèle des prohibitions et des transgressions. La contrastivité entre les pratiques et les discours est en relation directe avec la nature du chouriço, fait avec le sang du porc et considéré comme un dessert


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Estudaram-se as alterações nos eletrólitos, nos gases sanguíneos, na osmolalidade, no hematócrito, na hemoglobina, nas bases tituláveis e no anion gap no sangue venoso de 11 equinos da raça Puro Sangue Árabe, destreinados, submetidos a exercício máximo e submáximo em esteira rolante. Esses animais passaram por período de três dias de adaptação à esteira rolante e posteriormente realizaram dois exercícios testes, um de curta e outro de longa duração. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue venoso antes, imediatamente após e 30 minutos após o término dos exercícios. Após a realização do exercício máximo, observou-se diminuição significativa no pHv, na PvCO2, no HCO3, na cBase além de elevação no AG. Detectou-se também aumento do K+, do Ht e da Hb. Ao final do exercício submáximo, constatou-se somente aumento significativo no pHv, na cBase, na SatvO2 e na PvO2. Conclui-se que os equinos submetidos a exercício máximo desenvolveram acidose metabólica e alcalose respiratória compensatória, hipercalemia e aumento nos valores de hematócrito e hemoglobina. No exercício submáximo, os animais apresentaram alcalose metabólica hipoclorêmica e não ocorreram alterações no equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico.


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Este estudo visou a determinar os valores eritroleucométricos e quantificar as subpopulações linfocitárias no sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU) e no sangue jugular de eqüinos neonatos. Foi realizada a colheita de SCU e do sangue jugular de 20 potros ao nascimento. As amostras foram submetidas às determinações dos valores eritroleucométricos e à quantificação de subpopulações de linfócitos-T, pela técnica citofluorométrica. Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas (P<0,05) entre os valores médios de tais parâmetros, entre o sangue jugular de neonatos e o SCU eqüino. O valor total para neutrófilos segmentados, no SCU e na jugular dos neonatos, foi inferior ao reportado para eqüinos ao nascimento. As contagens de linfócitos CD5+ e CD4+ no SCU e jugular de neonatos eqüinos foram inferiores àquelas admitidas para o sangue periférico de eqüinos adultos, indicando um componente imunológico imaturo. No entanto, a contagem de linfócitos CD8+ foi semelhante à descrita em sangue periférico de eqüinos adultos. A proporção CD4:CD8 obtida nesse ensaio, tanto para o SCU (2,64±0,91), como no sangue jugular de eqüinos neonatos (2,41±0,81), demonstrou uma dominância das células T CD4+ sobre os linfócitos T CD8+.


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Colheram-se amostras de sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU) e do sangue circulante de cinco eqüinos neonatos, imediatamente após o nascimento, e o sangue da própria mãe, utilizando-se um sistema a vácuo. O material foi submetido à contagem global de hemácias e leucócitos e à determinação do volume globular e da concentração de hemoglobina; à contagem diferencial de leucócitos em esfregaços sangüíneos; e ao cálculo dos índices eritrocitométricos. Foram realizadas a dosagem de proteínas séricas totais e a eletroforese das proteínas séricas em gel de agarose. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os parâmetros do SCU e do sangue da jugular dos potros. No SCU dos potros observaram-se valores mais elevados para contagem global de hemácias (9,75x10(6)/µl), dosagem de hemoglobina (14,65g/dl) e concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média (37,23g/dl); e valores menores para volume corpuscular médio (40,50fl), proteína total (4,37g/dl), alfa-globulinas (0,65g/dl), beta-globulinas (1,10g/dl), gama-globulinas (0g/dl) e contagens global (5,40 x 10³/µl) e diferencial de leucócitos, exceto contagem de neutrófilos bastonetes e monócitos, quando comparados com os valores obtidos no sangue de suas mães.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A importância do estudo do sangue do cordão umbilical (SCU) tem sido verificada pela presença de células-tronco hematopoéticas no SCU humano. O modelo experimental em cão tem propiciado informações importantes nos transplantes em humanos. Entretanto, apesar da importância do SCU e do modelo experimental em cães, não existem estudos sobre a eletroforese de proteínas séricas do cordão umbilical canino. No presente protocolo experimental, foi feita a colheita de SCU de 20 neonatos caninos, o qual foi utilizado para o fracionamento eletroforético de suas proteínas. Os valores médios absolutos obtidos para proteínas séricas totais, albumina, alfa, beta e gamaglobulinas no sangue do cordão umbilical de cães ao nascimento foram 3,09±0,59; 1,51±0,38; 0,87±0,17; 0,68±0,12 e 0,03±0,01, respectivamente. Todos os resultados apresentaram-se abaixo dos níveis reportados para animais adultos, devido à passagem das proteínas e suas frações ocorrerem principalmente através do colostro e pela imaturidade hepática. em todos os traçados eletroforéticos do SCU de cães, foi observada uma pequena curva entre alfaglobulina 2 e betaglobulina 1, não relatada no soro de cães adultos. Portanto, neste experimento, foram observadas diferenças quantitativas no traçado eletroforético das proteínas séricas do SCU de cães, ao nascimento, diferindo-os, neste particular, de cães em diferentes fases da vida pós-colostral.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o desenvolvimento de ascites em duas linhagens diferentes de frangos de corte, Hubbard e Pescoço-pelado, através da variação da viscosidade do sangue. As aves foram criadas até 45 dias de idade em duas temperaturas ambiente diferentes (termoneutra e fria) e com dieta de ração à base de milho e farelo de soja, peletizada e de alta energia. Aos 28 e 45 dias de idade, amostras de 8 mL de sangue foram obtidas para determinação da viscosidade aparente em um viscosímetro de cilindros concêntricos da marca Brookfield, modelo LVDII+ e para determinação do hematócrito. Aos 28 dias de idade foram verificadas algumas ocorrências de ascite nas aves da linhagem Hubbard criadas à temperatura ambiente fria, e aos 45 dias de idade, todos os frangos de corte dessa linhagem criados no ambiente frio apresentaram ascite. A linhagem Pescoço-pelado foi resistente ao desenvolvimento de ascite em todas as idades e temperaturas ambiente. A análise dos resultados da viscosidade aparente do sangue indicaram que aves com valores similares ou maiores que 4 cP (centipoise) apresentaram ascite. Podemos concluir que na linhagem comercial o valor de 4 cP para a viscosidade aparente parece identificar o desenvolvimento de ascite.


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The present work is grounded basically on the use of the Basic Tools for the Statistic Process Control SPC, with the intent to detect non-conformities on a given productive process. It consists on a case study accomplished at a Hemocenter in Natal (Rio Grande do Norte). In this study it is shown that, the Statistic Process Control Technique, which was used as a tool, is useful to identify on-conformities on the volume of hemocomponents. The gathering of the used data was performed by means of document analysis, direct observations and database queries. The results achieved from the study show that the analyzed products, even though when they have presented, in some cases, points out of control, they satisfied the ANVISA standards. Finally, suggestions for further improvement of the final product and guidance for future employment of CEP, also extended to other lines of production, are presented


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The changes incurred in the financial system with the introduction of new technologies and new forms of administration of banks has caused impact on the health of workers. These changes, which passed in the process of work, generate a combined share of the risk factors that result in numerous injuries and illnesses among banks, notably between the operators of banks tellers. The Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disordes - WRMD represent a group of occupational diseases always present among these workers. Because of its high incidence and the amount of financial resour envolved to manage the problem has been the object of constant study. This paper aims to analyze the bank teller activity; search the occurrence of WRMD in the activity, identifying the factors determining the occurrence of WRMD in the activity and determine the real number of touchs on a keyboard made by the operator and propose solutions that influence the reduction of illness in the workplace of the bank teller. Methodological tools of ergonomics are used to provide a broad knowledge of aspects of work that have been studied and influential in the generation of occupational diseases studied. It was found that activity put workers to serious risk of occupational diseases. As the main contributory factors and determinants for this illness: the requirements and control the numbers daily endorsements; evaluation system based on performance targets for productivity; management system at time of service to customers; work with stressful factors (broken box); excess of time worked; furniture of workstations with ergonomic inadequacies and policy for the prevention of occupational diseases inefficient. They have also noted cases of illness for DORT workers without fulfilling the legal requirement of the issuance of the communication of labour accident and without the removal of the employee of the workplace


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Post dispatch analysis of signals obtained from digital disturbances registers provide important information to identify and classify disturbances in systems, looking for a more efficient management of the supply. In order to enhance the task of identifying and classifying the disturbances - providing an automatic assessment - techniques of digital signal processing can be helpful. The Wavelet Transform has become a very efficient tool for the analysis of voltage or current signals, obtained immediately after disturbance s occurrences in the network. This work presents a methodology based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform to implement this process. It uses a comparison between distribution curves of signals energy, with and without disturbance. This is done for different resolution levels of its decomposition in order to obtain descriptors that permit its classification, using artificial neural networks


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A psicologia histórico-cultural assume que o fator biológico determina a base das reações inatas dos indivíduos. Sobre esta base se constitui todo o sistema de reações adquiridas, sendo estas determinadas mais pela estrutura do meio cultural da criança do que pelas disposições biológicas. Se é por meio do processo de apropriação da cultura que cada homem adquire as capacidades humanas, a compreensão atual acerca dos distúrbios de aprendizagem pode ser reconfigurada, demonstrando que mediações adequadas e consistentes podem ter caráter revolucionário para a aprendizagem, ao tornarem presente o talento cultural quando o talento biológico não se revela como esperado.