997 resultados para Saúde - Banco de dados
Este artigo pretende associar o desempenho dos índices de saúde com saneamento básico nos estados brasileiros e se a filiação partidária afeta ou não esses indicadores. Para elaboração deste trabalho foi montado um banco de dados utilizando a estrutura em dados em painel, referente ao período de 2000 a 2010, com os dados extraídos do SINIS, DataSUS, IBGE e TSE. Foi estimado por modelo de efeitos fixos, corrigindo o poblema de heterocedasticidade da amostra com o Teste de White. Os resultados mostram que não podemos descartar a importância do saneamento. Encontramos evidências do impacto das variáveis de esgotamento sanitário sobre a queda da mortalidade por diarréia aguda (crianças menores de 5 anos).
The pregnancy as a process in woman's life requires several biological, psychological, relational and socio-cultural changes for the preparation for motherhood. By modifying its capacity and, at the expense of these factors, it is observed that the physical, social and emotional problems experienced by women during pregnancy can affect their quality of life, especially related to health. It had as objectives of this research verifying the quality of life of women in the context of the Family Health Strategy in a municipality in Paraíba, in order to characterize the sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle habits, and obstetric care of pregnant women and to characterize the fields of quality of life of pregnant women according to the WHOQOL-bref. This is a descriptive exploratory study with cross-sectional and quantitative approach. The population consisted of 120 pregnant women in primary care in the municipality of Sousa-PB. Data collection occurred over a period of two months by the own master's degree student and two nursing students in applying a standard form about sociodemographic characteristics, and obstetric care and the WHOQOL-bref instrument. The data collected were organized into an electronic database of the Microsoft Excel application, coded, tabulated and presented in tables, charts and figures with their respective percentage distributions. Of the surveyed, the predominant were age group of 20 to 25 years, Catholic religion, with a steady partner, low education, no employment, wage income of 01 minimum wage. As for the data and obstetric care, almost all had never aborted and reported to the care received as excellent. The most frequent complaints were back pain and in lower abdomen. Regarding quality of life according to the WHOQOL-bref, dissatisfactions that predominated in the areas were in the physical pain and discomfort, sleep, rest, energy and fatigue. In the psychological domain, body image and appearance, memory, concentration and negative feelings. In the field of social relationships, sexual activity and the environment domain, the greatest dissatisfaction with facets scored: financial resources, leisure opportunities and transport. It is concluded that the quality of life of the users interviewed were deemed unsatisfactory for these facets, indicating that assistance to this target audience should be done comprehensively and holistically, in order to accommodate the affected facets to improve the quality of life pregnant women attended in primary care
The Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in pregnancy is important as a consequence of the high incidence during the gestation. It is the third most common clinical complication in pregnancy affecting 10-12% of women whether prevalence is increasing in the first trimester of pregnancy, it may also contribute to maternal and infant mortality. Due the relevance for the results of obstetric and neonatal complications from UTI, these complications must be prevented, because it can lead to health hazards to pregnant women and newborns, producing a direct effect on morbidity and perinatal mortality. On this basis, it was defined as objectives of this research the identification of the profile of nurses from the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the East and West Health Districts from the city of Natal / RN before the women with UTI and to verify the nurse performance during prenatal consultations. This is an exploratory study with a quantitative approach using a sample of 40 nurses active workers during this survey, it was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Protocol n0 232/10 P-CEP/UFRN and opinion n0 080/2011. The tool for data collection was a structured interview. The data collected were organized into an electronic database application Microsoft ® Excel 2007, exported and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0, and coded, tabulated and presented through tables and charts into their respective percentage distributions, using the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, chi-square test and significance level of 5% (distribution in relative and absolute frequencies) in the independent variables. Therefore, it was observed from these results that the longer action of nurses in the FHS from the East and Weast health districts of the city of Natal/RN contributed to the development of a greater number of activities to control the incidence of UTI in women who are attended in the prenatal care service, proven by significance in statistics
According to demographic estimates, by the year 2025 Brazil will be the sixth country in the world in number of elderly. For this reason, it is a purpose of public policies to help people to reach that age being healthier. The current health care model of health surveillance through the Family Health Strategy (EFS, in portuguese) is configured as a gateway into the care of the elderly in the Unified Health System (SUS, in portuguese). It is also an area of development of practices to promote health, prevention and control of chronic nondegenerative diseases. The aim of this study was to analyze the health care of the elderly provided by ESF professionals for the achievement of a full care. The study is descriptive case study with a quantitative approach, performed in the city of Santo Antônio/RN. The population included all health professionals, who are FHS members of the city that agreed to participate of the survey, a total of 80 professionals. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire, having mostly closed questions and divided into two parts: one containing sociodemographic information of health professionals and vocational training and the other, the activities carried on by the professionals in senior care, being analyzed from a database tabulated in a spreadsheet and discussed according to the descriptive statistics in tables, graphs and charts using frequencies, medians and values of central tendency. It was verified a predominance of professionals who finished highschool, mostly female, aged from 30 to 34 years old, with training completed in the last 10 years, without being graduated in the field of geriatrics or gerontology and mostly without training in gerontology. Family members and caregivers were the components of the social support network most identified by the professionals (66.3%).The elderly access to the Family Health Basic Unit was considered by83.8% of professionals as the most important factor that interferes in the activities of health care of the elderly. Considering the inclusion of the family in care: 98.8% of professionals consider the family as one of the goals of care, but 82.5% assist the family to know their role and participate in the care of the elderly, emphasizing that no professional makes use of tools for evaluating the functionality of the family. Regarding the actions taken to assist the elderly, 91.25% have home visits program to the elderly, 88.75% use the host program; 77.5% know the habits of life, cultural, ethical and religious values of the elderly, their families and their community ;51.25% complement the activities through intersectoral actions, 50%participate in groups of living with the elderly; 33.75% keeps track and maintain updated the health information of the elderly; 11.25% of the professionals perform the Single Therapy Planning (PTS, in portuguese) and few implement the actions to promote health according to PTS; there is a deficit in the number of professional categories in the identification and monitoring of the frail older people in their households. It is concluded that the health care of the elderly developed by ESF professionals differs among the professional categories. It was identified weaknesses in the promotion of an active and healthy aging and also in the establishment of an integrated and full care of the elderly. It is recommended the adoption of permanent educational activities by the City Management, initially for ESF professionals in the the perspective of the guidelines of the National Policy of Health Care for the Elderly and later to the other professionals that are part of the health care network of the elderly, at all levels of care in the city for the development of strategies and practices that promote the improvement of the quality of healthcare for the elderly, expecting concrete and effective results in terms of promoting health within Brazilian reality
The sharing of knowledge and integration of data is one of the biggest challenges in health and essential contribution to improve the quality of health care. Since the same person receives care in various health facilities throughout his/her live, that information is distributed in different information systems which run on platforms of heterogeneous hardware and software. This paper proposes a System of Health Information Based on Ontologies (SISOnt) for knowledge sharing and integration of data on health, which allows to infer new information from the heterogeneous databases and knowledge base. For this purpose it was created three ontologies represented by the patterns and concepts proposed by the Semantic Web. The first ontology provides a representation of the concepts of diseases Secretariat of Health Surveillance (SVS) and the others are related to the representation of the concepts of databases of Health Information Systems (SIS), specifically the Information System of Notification of Diseases (SINAN) and the Information System on Mortality (SIM)
Un conjunto de cambios viene siendo implantado en la Petrobrás procurando que sus unidades de negocios resulten más modernas y competitivas para atender las necesidades del mercado. Dentro de esta perspectiva, un nuevo régimen de trabajo, denominado turno fijo , ha sido implantado en dos activos de producción de la provincia de Rio Grande do Norte. Tal situación originó varios reclamos de los petroleros y, consecuentemente, el interés del SINDIPETRO-RN en obtener una evaluación más precisa de las consecuencias de los mismos. Este estudio, realizado a partir de la demanda sindical de esos trabajadores, ha tenido como objetivo central analizar los efectos del turno fijo sobre la salud mental de los operadores de producción, actualmente lotados en los referidos activos. El estudio ha sido realizado con 39 operadores que representan el 82,9% de la población objeto de este estudio. La muestra ha sido homogénea en cuanto al género, grado de instrucción, edad y tiempo de servicio en la compañía, lo que ha posibilitado un mayor control de las variables y un estudio comparativo entre los dos activos. Para el desarrollo del estudio, se han aplicado los siguientes instrumentos de colecta de datos: una escala de medida probada y validada (QSG-12), un cuestionario abierto, entrevistas individuales y una ficha socio-demográfica. Las respuestas del cuestionario abierto han sido categorizadas mediante la aplicación de análisis de contenido. Los resultados de ese tratamiento y las respuestas del QSG-12 han sido registradas en la forma de banco de datos del SPSS for Windows (Statical Package for social sciense for Windows) para luego procederse con el desarrolllo de los análisis estadísticos. Los principales resultados encontrados en el estudio han sido que la mitad de los participantes de la muestra han presentado resultados de deteriorización de la autoeficacia más elevado que 1,44 (un una escala de 0 a 3) y, en tensión emocional y depresión, el resultado es más elevado que 1,67; la mayoría se da cuenta del aumento de carga de trabajo, revela acentuado sufrimiento con el distanciamiento de la familia, y 58,8% presenta enfermedades psicosomáticas crónicas. La percepción de los operadores sobre el turno fijo e el análisis de éste, conforme el modelo vitamínico de Warr, conducen a la conclusión de que el turno fijo es uno de los factores que está influyendo negativamente en la salud mental de esos trabajadores
The importance of identifying the consequence of the hours worked on people in society has been well recognized within Organizational and Work Psychology. From this point of view, the present research had the objective of analysing the effects of work regimes on the mental health of petroleum operators of Petrobrás. The sample totaled 144 subjects, corresponding to 27% of the work population. The mental health of the participants was evaluated using the following instruments of measurement: QSG-12, Scale of self-esteem, Scale of Positive and Negative Affections and the Scale of Valuable Attributes of IMST, each representing an empirical factor used to indicate and measure the five dimensions of mental health. The subjects perceptions of their work regime and the rest of their conditions of work were evaluated using scales of descriptive attributes of IMST, by applying a semi-structured questionnaire and by use of interviews. A socio-demographic file was used to collect information related to the biographical and socio-occupational profile of the worker sample. The answers to the questionnaire were inserted into the data bank of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), for statistical analysis, and the interviews were analised based on the technique of Contents Analysis recommended by Bardin (1995). The main results revealed that one third of the worker sample were tense; however, the mental health of the majority was preserved. Cluster Analysis applied to the group of seven factors which measured the five dimensions of mental health identified four profiles of psychological well-being shared between members of the sample. It was observed that the people working in the system of Continuous Shift Alternation (TIR) and in the system of Pre-advising tended to present balanced and satisfactory profiles, while the ones which worked in the Administrative Field tended to present anxious and oscillating profiles, and thus were more affected psychologically. These were also the ones that also perceived the more negative aspects of their laborious conditions (reduced chances of self-improvement, physically stressful and financial resources below expectations with which to supply family and personal necessities. In agreement with the ecological model formulated by Warr (1987), the present study concluded that the positive and negative effects on the psychological well-being tended to occur as a consequence of the perceptions the petrol operators developed to face their work conditions
The environmental management in the health establishments is a reality still little explored in the health sector in Brazil, especially concerning its wastes. The management of wastes of health services is established in the valid legislation through the National Council of Environment and Sanitary Vigilance Agency (358/2005 and 304/2004 respectively). The present work is about a descriptive work about the environmental health in the health services. The used criterion was to diagnose the environmental management in twelve establishments of health inserted in the three levels of complexity of the Unique Health System (Sistema Ùnico de Saúde SUS). Among the sub criteria used the waste management is the one of bigger concern. The one referring to the water quality is considered good. The analysis of data reveals that 66% of the establishments got a poor environmental ranking, 17% critical and 17% appropriate, showing that the health establishments in the three levels of complexity of the SUS need urgent structural, environmental and educational interventions
Os transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) apresentam elevada prevalência em populações gerais e de trabalhadores, com consequências individuais e sociais importantes. Este estudo, transversal e descritivo, explora a relação entre demandas psicológicas, grau de controle e presença de suporte social no trabalho e prevalência de TMC em trabalhadores da rede básica de saúde de Botucatu (SP). A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de questionário autoaplicável, não identificado, com destaque para itens relativos à demanda-controle-suporte e presença de TMC (Self Reporting Questionnaire, SRQ-20). As informações foram inseridas em banco de dados construído com Excel/Office XP 2003 e a análise estatística, efetuada com o programa SAS. Constatou-se que 42,6% dos trabalhadores apresentavam TMC. A observação de associação - alta prevalência de TMC com elevado desgaste (classificação de Karasek) e baixa prevalência de TMC com baixo desgaste - indica que, no município estudado, as condições de trabalho na atenção básica constituem fator contributivo não negligenciável ao adoecimento dos trabalhadores. Revela-se a necessidade de intervenções direcionadas ao cuidado aos trabalhadores, melhoria das condições de trabalho e aumento do suporte social no trabalho.
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)