989 resultados para SURGICAL FINDINGS
AIM: First to assess coagulation changes after surgery in children below 6 months of age. Second to detect differences attributable to the extent of surgery and postoperative infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood counts, haemoglobin concentration (Hb), haematocrit (Ht), prothrombine time (PT), activated partial thromboplastine time (aPTT) and thrombelastography (TEG) were studied pre- and 2+/-1/2 d postoperatively. Patients were divided in 3 groups. I: minor surgery without access to the abdomen or thorax (n=51); II: abdominal or thoracic interventions (n=24); III: abdominal surgery with postoperative sepsis (n=11). RESULTS: Preoperative values of Hb, Ht and INR were related to the age of the infant. Postoperatively clot strength and formation rate increased in gr. I (p<0.05). In gr. II, clot formation was initiated earlier (p<0.05) even though PT decreased (p<0.05). In group III, patients postoperatively developed a tendency for hypocoagulability in all TEG-parameters, but not in plasmatic coagulation. Postoperative TEG measurements were significantly inferior in gr. III when compared to gr. I and II. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest activation of whole blood coagulation in the uncomplicated postoperative period despite of a decrease in plasmatic coagulation. In sepsis, only thrombelastography, but not plasmatic coagulation was affected.
The study was designed to determine comparatively the prognostic value of immunoblotting and ELISA in the serological follow-up of young cystic echinococcosis (CE) patients exhibiting either a cured or a progredient (non-cured) course of disease after treatment. A total of 54 patients (mean age 9 years, range from 3 to 15 years) with surgically, radiologically and/or histologically proven CE were studied for a period up to 60 months after surgery. Additionally, some of the patients underwent chemotherapy. Based on the clinical course and outcome, as well as on imaging findings, patients were clustered into 2 groups of either cured (CCE), or non-cured (NCCE) CE patients. ELISA showed a high rate of seropositivity 4 to 5 years post-surgery for both CCE (57.1%) and NCCE (100%) patients, the difference found between the two groups was statistically not significant. Immunoblotting based upon recognition of AgB subcomponents (8 and 16 kDa bands) showed a decrease of respective antibody reactivities after 4 years post-surgery. Only sera from 14.3% of CCE patients recognized the subcomponents of AgB after 4 years, while none (0%) of these sera was still reactive at 5 years post-surgery. At variance, immunoblotting remained positive for AgB subcomponents in 100% of the NCCE cases as tested between 4 and 5 years after surgical treatment. Immunoblotting therefore proved to be a useful approach for monitoring post-surgical follow-ups of human CCE and NCCE in young patients when based upon the recognition of AgB subcomponents.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the accuracy of preoperative imaging studies and clinical and endoscopic examinations for recurrent laryngeal carcinoma evaluation. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: A retrospective comparative study was performed at a university department on 42 recurrent laryngeal carcinomas. Surgical specimens were cut into whole-organ slices. Histologic findings were compared with the findings of the different preoperative diagnostic modalities. RESULTS: The craniocaudal tumor spread was correctly evaluated by endoscopy and imaging studies in 52% and 24%, respectively, and the contralateral tumor spread in 50% and 52%, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for detection of tumor infiltration of the thyroid was 48%, 88%, and 64% and of the cricoid 47%, 80%, and 67%. The accuracy of recurrent tumor classification (crT) was 50%; most tumors were underclassified. CONCLUSION: The inadequately evaluated tumor spread and the inadequately classified recurrent tumors were underestimated and underclassified in most cases, respectively.
PURPOSE: The surgical treatment of oral cancer results in functional and aesthetical impairments. Patients' quality of life is considerably impaired by oral symptoms resulting from therapy of oral cancer. In many cases the inevitable resection of the tumor, as well as the adjuvant radiochemotherapy will cause the destruction of physiologically and anatomically important structures. One focus of research was the specific rehabilitation of dental loss by functional dentures. Another was the course of 19 impairments (comprehension of speech for unknown others, comprehension of speech for familiar others, eating/swallowing, mobility of the tongue, opening range of the mouth, mobility of lower jaw, mobility of neck, mobility of arms and shoulders, sense of taste, sense of smell, appearance, strength, appetite, respiration, pain, swelling, xerostomia, halitosis). METHODS: Commissioned by the German, Austrian and Swiss cooperative group on tumors of the maxillofacial region (DOSAK), data were collected in 3.894 questionnaires at 43 hospitals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The catalogue comprised 147 items in 9 chapters. At the end of the enquiry, 1.761 anonymous questionnaires were returned by 38 hospitals. 1.652 of these could be evaluated regarding the question. RESULTS: The sum score of the 19 impairments was highly increased immediately after the operation and recovered over the next 6 months, without, however, reaching the pre-surgery level. Of 1.652 patients, only 35% did not lose any teeth during therapy. 23% lost up to 5, 17% up to 10 teeth. A quarter of the patients lost more than 10 teeth. The more teeth were lost, the greater the decline of quality of life (p < or = 0.001), although this could be allayed by the functionality of the dentures (p < or = 0.001). There is a reciprocal dependence between the functionality of dental prosthetics and impairment by eating/swallowing (p < or = 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Patients' quality of life after radical surgery of a carcinoma of the oral cavity depends not only on the functionality of dentures and the specificity of rehabilitation, but also from the initial findings, the extent and location of the resection, the chosen therapy, the general circumstances of the patient's life as well as their strategies of coping. These factors, however, unlike those of functionality of dental prosthesis and rehabilitation, are not modifiable.
The final goal of mandibular reconstruction following ablative surgery for oral cancer is often considered to be dental implant-supported oral rehabilitation, for which bone grafts should ideally be placed in a suitable position taking subsequent prosthetic restoration into account. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a standardized treatment strategy for mandibular reconstruction according to the size of the bony defect and planned subsequent dental prosthetic rehabilitation. Data of 56 patients, who had undergone such a systematic mandibular fibula free flap reconstruction, were retrospectively analyzed. Early complications were observed in 41.5% of the patients but only in those who had been irradiated. Late complications were found in 38.2%. Dental implant survival rate was 92%, and dental prosthetic treatment has been completed in all classes of bony defects with an overall success rate of 42.9%. The main reasons for failure of the complete dental reconstruction were patients' poor cooperation (30.4%) and tumour recurrence (14.3%) followed by surgery-related factors (10.8%) such as implant failure and an unfavourable intermaxillary relationship between the maxilla and the mandible. A comparison of our results with the literature findings revealed no marked differences in the complication rates and implant survival rates. However, a systematic concept for the reconstructive treatment like the method presented here, plays an important role in the successful completion of dental reconstruction. The success rate could still be improved by some technical progress in implant and bone graft positioning.
BACKGROUND: Gynecomastia is defined as the benign enlargement of the male breast. Most studies on surgical treatment of gynecomastia show only small series and lack histopathology results. The aim of this study was to analyze the surgical approach in the treatment of gynecomastia and the related outcome over a 10-year period. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All patients undergoing surgical gynecomastia corrections in our department between 1996 and 2006 were included for retrospective evaluation. The data were analyzed for etiology, stage of gynecomastia, surgical technique, complications, risk factors, and histological results. RESULTS: A total of 100 patients with 160 operations were included. Techniques included subcutaneous mastectomy alone or with additional hand-assisted liposuction, isolated liposuction, and formal breast reduction. Atypical histological findings were found in 3% of the patients (spindle-cell hemangioendothelioma, papilloma). The surgical revision rate among all patients was 7%. Body mass index and a weight of the resected specimen higher than 40 g were identified as significant risk factors for complications (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The treatment of gynecomastia requires an individualized approach. Caution must be taken in performing large resections, which are associated with increased complication rates. Histological tissue analysis should be routinely performed in all true gynecomastia corrections, because histological results may reveal atypical cellular pathology.
BACKGROUND: Endocardial fibroelastosis (EFE) is characterized by a diffuse white fibrous tissue lining the endocardium. The diagnosis is difficult to establish because clinical symptoms and electrocardiographic findings are nonspecific. Surgical resection of EFE requires the establishment of the diagnosis and delineation of the extent of the fibrotic changes. OBJECTIVE: To describe the use of MRI in the assessment of EFE in children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three children after surgery for aortic stenosis who were suspected of having EFE were evaluated by echocardiography and MRI. The MR evaluation consisted of black-blood, triple IR, bright-blood, perfusion and myocardial delayed-enhancement sequences. EFE was confirmed at surgery in all patients. RESULTS: Echocardiograms demonstrated vigorous systolic function but substantial diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in all. Mild endocardial brightening of the anterior septum, anterior wall, or papillary muscles was present in two. No study was thought to be diagnostic of endocardial fibrosis. On MRI EFE manifested at the endocardial surface as a rim of hypointense signal in the perfusion sequences and as a rim of hyperintense signal in the myocardial delayed-enhancement sequences. The black-blood, triple IR, and bright-blood sequences were not diagnostic. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of EFE is difficult to establish by echocardiography. MRI using perfusion and myocardial delayed enhancement can be useful in establishing the diagnosis.
STUDY DESIGN: Case report and review of the literature. OBJECTIVE: We describe the first case of a synovial cyst arising from pseudarthrosis of a previous dens fracture. The literature is reviewed and etiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic options of atlantoaxial cysts are discussed. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Symptomatic synovial cysts of the atlantoaxial joint are rare. To the authors' knowledge only 24 cases have been reported.A 60-year-old patient presented with bilateral hand numbness, quadrihyperreflexia, and gait deterioration. Magnetic resonance imaging of the cervical spine disclosed a cystic mass located at the transverse ligament of dens axis causing bulbomedullary compression. METHODS: Surgery was performed via transoral image guided approach. The ventral atlas arch, dens, transverse ligament, tectorial membrane, and the compressing cyst were removed, followed by a C0-C3 fusion. RESULTS: Two months postsurgery the patient recovered completely from the cervical myelopathy with transient remnant dysparesthesia of the finger tips. CONCLUSION: Magnetic resonance imaging findings are not specific enough to establish a preoperative diagnosis. Radical resection via image-guided transoral route followed by posterior fusion allows complete resection of the cystic lesion and results in excellent long-term decompression.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of the study was to investigate allogeneic blood transfusion (ABT) and preoperative anemia as risk factors for surgical site infection (SSI). STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A prospective, observational cohort of 5873 consecutive general surgical procedures at Basel University Hospital was analyzed to determine the relationship between perioperative ABT and preoperative anemia and the incidence of SSI. ABT was defined as transfusion of leukoreduced red blood cells during surgery and anemia as hemoglobin concentration of less than 120 g/L before surgery. Surgical wounds and resulting infections were assessed to Centers for Disease Control standards. RESULTS: The overall SSI rate was 4.8% (284 of 5873). In univariable logistic regression analyses, perioperative ABT (crude odds ratio [OR], 2.93; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.1 to 4.0; p < 0.001) and preoperative anemia (crude OR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.0 to 1.7; p = 0.037) were significantly associated with an increased odds of SSI. After adjusting for 13 characteristics of the patient and the procedure in multivariable analyses, associations were substantially reduced for ABT (OR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.8 to 1.9; p = 0.310; OR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.6 to 2.0; p = 0.817 for 1-2 blood units and >or=3 blood units, respectively) and anemia (OR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.7 to 1.2; p = 0.530). Duration of surgery was the main confounding variable. CONCLUSION: Our findings point to important confounding factors and strengthen existing doubts on leukoreduced ABT during general surgery and preoperative anemia as risk factors for SSIs.
BACKGROUND Traditionally arthrotomy has rarely been performed during surgery for slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE). As a result, most pathophysiological information about the articular surfaces was derived clinically and radiographically. Novel insights regarding deformity-induced damage and epiphyseal perfusion became available with surgical hip dislocation. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES We (1) determined the influence of chronicity of prodromal symptoms and severity of SCFE deformity on severity of cartilage damage. (2) In surgically confirmed disconnected epiphyses, we determined the influence of injury and time to surgery on epiphyseal perfusion; and (3) the frequency of new bone at the posterior neck potentially reducing perfusion during epimetaphyseal reduction. METHODS We reviewed 116 patients with 119 SCFE and available records treated between 1996 and 2011. Acetabular cartilage damage was graded as +/++/+++ in 109 of the 119 hips. Epiphyseal perfusion was determined with laser-Doppler flowmetry at capsulotomy and after reduction. Information about bone at the posterior neck was retrieved from operative reports. RESULTS Ninety-seven of 109 hips (89%) had documented cartilage damage; severity was not associated with higher slip angle or chronicity; disconnected epiphyses had less damage. Temporary or definitive cessation of perfusion in disconnected epiphyses increased with time to surgery; posterior bone resection improved the perfusion. In one necrosis, the retinaculum was ruptured; two were in the group with the longest time interval. Posterior bone formation is frequent in disconnected epiphyses, even without prodromal periods. CONCLUSIONS Addressing the cause of cartilage damage (cam impingement) should become an integral part of SCFE surgery. Early surgery for disconnected epiphyses appears to reduce the risk of necrosis. Slip reduction without resection of posterior bone apposition may jeopardize epiphyseal perfusion. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level IV, retrospective case series. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
CASE DESCRIPTION A 7-year-old 573-kg (1,261 -lb) Swiss Warmblood gelding was evaluated because of signs of acute abdominal pain. CLINICAL FINDINGS Physical examination revealed a markedly distended abdomen with subjectively reduced borborygmi in all abdominal quadrants. A large, gas-distended viscus was present at the pelvic brim preventing complete palpation of the abdomen per rectum. Ultrasonographic evaluation could not be safely performed in the initial evaluation because of severe signs of abdominal pain. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME Ventral midline celiotomy was performed, and right dorsal displacement of the ascending colon was corrected. Progressive signs of abdominal pain after surgery prompted repeat ventral midline celiotomy, and small intestinal incarceration in a large, radial mesojejunal rent was detected. The incarceration was reduced, but the defect was not fully accessible for repair via the celiotomy. Repair of the mesenteric defect was not attempted, and conservative management was planned after surgery; however, signs of colic returned. A standard laparoscopic approach was attempted from both flanks in the standing patient, but the small intestine could not be adequately mobilized for full evaluation of the rent. Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery (HALS) allowed identification and reduction of jejunal incarceration and repair of the mesenteric rent. Although minor ventral midline incisional complications were encountered, the horse recovered fully. CLINICAL RELEVANCE HALS techniques should be considered for repair of mesenteric rents in horses. In the horse of this report, HALS facilitated identification, evaluation, and repair of a large radial mesenteric rent that was not accessible from a ventral median celiotomy.
BACKGROUND Bouveret's syndrome causes gastric outlet obstruction when a gallstone is impacted in the duodenum or stomach via a bilioenteric fistula. It is a rare condition that causes significant morbidity and mortality and often occurs in the elderly with significant comorbidities. Individual diagnostic and treatment strategies are required for optimal management and outcome. The purpose of this paper is to develop a surgical strategy for optimized individual treatment of Bouveret's syndrome based on the available literature and motivated by our own experience. CASE PRESENTATION Two cases of Bouveret's syndrome are presented with individual management and restrictive surgical approaches tailored to the condition of the patients and intraoperative findings. CONCLUSIONS Improved diagnostics and restrictive individual surgical approaches have shown to lower the mortality rates of Bouveret's syndrome. For optimized outcome of the individual patient: The medical and perioperative management and time of surgery are tailored to the condition of the patient. CT-scan is most often required to secure the diagnosis. The surgical approach includes enterolithotomy alone or in combination with simultaneous or subsequent cholecystectomy and fistula repair. Lower overall morbidity and mortality are in favor of restrictive surgical approaches. The surgical strategy is adapted to the intraoperative findings and to the risk for secondary complications vs. the age and comorbidities of the patient.
OBJECTIVES To report clinical signs, diagnostic imaging findings, and outcome in a dog with traumatic myositis ossificans of the origin of the extensor carpi radialis muscle. STUDY DESIGN Clinical report. ANIMALS An 8-month-old intact female Irish Setter Dog. METHODS After radiographic and computed tomographic evaluation of an osseous proliferation arising from the cranial cortex of the right distal humeral diaphysis, the protruding bone was surgically removed and evaluated by histopathology. RESULTS Traumatic myositis ossificans was successfully treated with surgical removal of the osseous proliferation resulting in improved postoperative range of motion of the right elbow joint. There was no evidence of lameness or abnormal bone regrowth associated with the surgical site radiographically at follow up. CONCLUSION Surgical removal of a traumatic myositis ossificans lesion resulted in full return to function in a young, competitive show dog.
OBJECTIVE Abnormal ECG findings suggestive of cardiac disease are frequent in patients with funnel chest, although structural heart disease is rare. Electrocardiographic characteristics and changes following new surgical treatments in young adults are not described so far. The aim of the study was to analyze electrocardiographic characteristics of patients with funnel chest before and after minimally invasive funnel chest correction by the Nuss procedure. METHODS Twenty-six patients with surgical correction of funnel chest using pectus bar were included. Twelve-lead ECGs before and later than one year after surgery were analyzed. RESULTS In postoperative ECGs, amplitude of P wave in lead II and negative terminal amplitude of P wave in lead V1 decreased from 0.13 to 0.10mV (p=0.03), and from 0.10 to 0.04mV (p<0.001), respectively. Mean QRS duration decreased from 108ms to 98ms (p=0.003) after correction. A pathological left and right Sokolow-Lyon index was observed in 35% and 23% of patients before, versus 8% (p=0.04) and 0% (p=0.01) after correction, respectively. In contrast, the rate of patients with J wave pattern in precordial leads V4-V6 increased from 8% before to 42% after surgery (p=0.004). CONCLUSIONS ECG abnormalities in patients with funnel chest are frequent, and can normalize after surgical correction by the Nuss procedure. De novo J wave pattern in precordial leads V4-V6 is a frequent finding after surgical funnel chest correction using pectus bar.
UNLABELLED OBJECTIVE; Virtual autopsy methods, such as postmortem CT and MRI, are increasingly being used in forensic medicine. Forensic investigators with little to no training in diagnostic radiology and medical laypeople such as state's attorneys often find it difficult to understand the anatomic orientation of axial postmortem CT images. We present a computer-assisted system that permits postmortem CT datasets to be quickly and intuitively resliced in real time at the body to narrow the gap between radiologic imaging and autopsy. CONCLUSION Our system is a potentially valuable tool for planning autopsies, showing findings to medical laypeople, and teaching CT anatomy, thus further closing the gap between radiology and forensic pathology.