997 resultados para SDS


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The presence of a gonadotropin receptor binding inhibitor in pooled porcine follicular fluid has been demonstrated. Porcine follicular fluid fractionation on DE-32 at near neutral pH, followed by a cation exchange chromatography on SPC-50 and Cibacron blue affinity chromatography, yielded a partially purified gonadotropin receptor binding inhibitor (GI-4). The partially purified GI binding inhibitor inhibited the binding of both 125I labelled hFSH and hCG to rat ovarian receptor preparation. SDS electrophoresis of radioiodinated partially purified GI followed by autoradiography made it possible to identify the binding component as a protein of molecular weight of 80000. Subjecting 125I labelled GI-4 to chromatography on Sephadex G-100 helped obtain a homogeneous material, Gl-5. The 125I labelled GI-5 exhibited in its binding to ovarian membrane preparations characteristics typical of a ligand-receptor interaction such as saturability, sensitivity to reaction conditions as time, ligand and receptor concentrations and finally displaceability by unlabelled inhibitor as well as FSH and hCG in a dose dependent manner. This material could bind ovarian receptors for both FSH and LH, its binding being inhibited by added FSH or hCG in a dose dependent manner.


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Tutkimuksessa lähestytään oikeusvaltion paradoksia tarkastelemalla sen ilmenemistä valtiopäiväkeskusteluissa, joita käytiin hallituksen esityksistä tasavallan suojelulaiksi vuosina 1930 ja 1936. Oikeusvaltion paradoksin ytimessä on kysymys siitä, miten yksityisen oikeussubjektin myös valtion harjoittamalta mielivallalta nauttima suoja voidaan taata, kun eduskunta on ylin lainsäätäjä ja voi muuttaa myös perustuslakia, jossa tuo suoja taataan. Tämä kysymys korostuu etenkin poikkeusoloissa, jolloin toimeenpanovallalla tulisi olla riittävät valtuudet vaikean tilanteen ratkaisemiseksi. Oikeusvaltion paradoksin kannalta keskeisiä ovat muodollinen, laillisuutta ja muotoja painottava sekä materiaalinen, oikeusjärjestyksen sisällöllisiä periaatteita, kuten perusoikeuksia painottava oikeusvaltiotulkinta. Nämä kaksi tulkintaa ovat vaikeissa tilanteissa toistensa kanssa ristiriidassa ja päättäjät joutuvat tasapainoilemaan niiden välillä: toimiako tehokkaasti yhteiskuntajärjestyksen turvaamiseksi, jolloin on riski valtion sisältä käsin tapahtuvasta oikeusvaltion murenemisesta, vai kunnioittaako perusoikeuksia ja altistaa valtakunta ulkoiselle vallankaappaukselle tai muille järjestyshäiriöille. Tutkimuskysymystä tarkastellaan vuosina 1930 ja 1936 eduskunnalle annettujen hallituksen tasavallan suojelulakiesitysten myötä. Esitykset tasavallan suojelulaiksi antoivat presidentille oikeuden, mikäli valtakuntaa uhkasi vaara tai yleinen järjestys ja turvallisuus olivat uhattuina, rajoittaa tiettyjä hallitusmuodon toisessa luvussa taattuja perusoikeuksia. Vuonna 1930 lapuanliikkeen aiheuttama vallankaappauksen uhka oli todellinen ja hallituksen oli pakko antaa sen vaatimia säädöksiä kommunistisen toiminnan tukahduttamiseksi. Paradoksaalisesti laki oli samanaikaisesti lapuanliikkeen painostuksen tulos että yritys ottaa tilanne haltuun poikkeuslailla. Vuonna 1936 tilanne oli huomattavasti rauhallisempi. Lakia perusteltiin sekä maailmanpoliittisen tilanteen epävakaudella että tarpeella säätää poikkeustilanteista etukäteen osana pysyvää lainsäädäntöä. Valtuuksia ei kuitenkaan haluttu säätää osaksi valtiosääntöä, vaan säädös annettiin erillisenä poikkeuslakina. Eduskuntakeskustelussa kannat jakautuivat yleisesti ottaen siten, että lakien vastustajat esittivät materiaaliseen oikeusvaltiotulkintaan ja kannattajat muodolliseen oikeusvaltiotulkintaan lukeutuvia argumentteja. Vastustajien mielestä oli tärkeää kunnioittaa kansalaisten perusoikeuksia ja perustuslakien pysyvyyttä. He myös pelkäsivät lakien mahdollistamaa hallinnollista mielivaltaa. Lakien kannattajat puolestaan korostivat demokratian itsepuolustuksen tärkeyttä: oli yksilön kannalta parasta oikeusturvaa, että kumoukselliset voimat voitiin pitää kurissa. Vuoden 1930 laki jätettiin lepäämään yli vaalien ja hyväksyttiin lopullisesti syksyllä 1930. Se oli osa kommunistilakipakettia, mutta sitä käytettiin lapuanliikkeen hillitsemiseksi ja Mäntsälän kapinan kukistamiseksi vuonna 1932. Vuoden 1936 laki hylättiin eduskunnassa. Vuonna 1939 annettiin vielä kolmas hallituksen esitys tasavallan suojelulaiksi. Se jätettiin lepäämään yli vaalien ja hyväksyttiin syksyllä 1939. Hallituksen laajennettuja valtuuksia tarvittiin tällä kertaa sellaisia henkilöitä vastaan, joista voisi olla uhkaa Suomen ulkoiselle turvallisuudelle. Lain nojalla tehtiin satoja poliittiseen vasemmistoon kohdistuneita turvasäilöpidätyksiä sodan aikana. Tämä laki on kuitenkin rajattu tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle.


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Tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa perehdyttiin vehnän, rukiin ja ohran, eli Triticeaeprolamiinien erityisasemaan keliakianäkökulmasta tarkasteltuna ja prolamiinien hydrolyysiin proliinispesifeillä entsyymeillä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin prolamiinien immunologisia määritysmenetelmiä. Keliakiassa haitalliset gluteenipeptidit sisältävät runsaasti proliinia ja ovat hankalia pilkkoa muilla kuin proliinispesifeillä peptidaaseilla. Suurin osa immunologisen reaktion aiheuttavista gluteenilähtöisistä peptideistä voidaan pilkkoa idätetyn viljan endogeenisilla entsyymeillä happamissa olosuhteissa, mutta jäljellejäävä prolamiinipitoisuus ylittää edelleen gluteenittomille tuotteille sallitun rajan. Kokeellisen työn tavoitteena oli eliminoida happamalla mallasinkubaatiolla valmistettujen vehnä-, ohra- ja ruismallasautolysaattien sisältämä jäännösprolamiini Aspergillus niger -homeen tuottamalla proliinispesifillä endopeptidaasilla (AN-PEP) siten, että hydrolysaattia voitaisiin käyttää gluteenittomissa leivontasovelluksissa. Proteiinien hydrolyysiä tarkkailtiin kokoekskluusiokromatografialla (SEC), vapaan aminotypen (FAN) muodostumisena ja SDS-PAGE-elektroforeesilla. Jäännösprolamiinien pilkkoutumista seurattiin immunologisella R5-ELISA-menetelmällä. AN-PEP-inkubaatiolla saatiin aikaan voimakasta prolamiinien pilkkoutumista; mallasautolysaattien jäännösprolamiinista pilkkoutui yli 96 %. SEC- ja FAN-analyysien perusteella inkubaatioaikaa kannatti jatkaa yli 4 h, jolloin polypeptidit pilkkoutuivat edelleen pienemmiksi hydrolyysituotteiksi. Vehnä- ja ruismallashydrolysaattien prolamiinipitoisuuden todettiin laskevan 22 h inkubaation aikana alle tason 100 mg/kg R5-ELISA-menetelmällä määritettynä. Matalimmat prolamiinipitoisuudet saavutettiin AN-PEP-pitoisuudella 35 ?l / g mallasautolysaattia. Codex Alimentarius -komission säädöksen mukaan keliakiaruokavalioon soveltuvat ns. erittäin vähägluteeniset tuotteet saavat sisältää gluteenia enintään 100 mg/kg. Erityisesti AN-PEP-käsiteltyä ruismallasraaka-ainetta voitaisiin mahdollisesti käyttää tuomaan rukiista aromia gluteenittomiin leipiin. Ennen kuin mallashydrolysaatit ovat valmiita kaupallisiin sovelluksiin, on tarkasteltava niiden todellisia mahdollisuuksia parantaa elintarvikkeiden makua ja aromia sekä todettava uuden teknologian turvallisuus keliaakikoille.


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Ribosomal phosphoproteins of Microsporum canis labelled in vivo were characterised by two-dimensional and SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A small subunit protein, S6, was the only phosphoprotein identified in 40S and 80S in basic-acidic two-dimensional gels. Three different forms of phosphorylated S6 were also observed in 40S subunit. On SDS gels five phosphoproteins were identified in 80S; of these three were present in 40S and two in 60S. S6 was the only basic phosphoprotein, while the other four were acidic.


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Shrimp are among the more common causes of immediate hypersensitivity reactions to food. To characterize better the allergenic substances within shrimp, extracts from heated shrimp were systematically examined with solid-phase radioimmunoassay and sera from patients clinically sensitive to shrimp. Two heat-stable protein allergens, designated as Sa-I and Sa-II, were identified from boiled shrimp (Penaeus indicus) extracts. Sa-I was isolated by ultrafiltration, Sephadex G-25, and diethylaminoethyl-Sephacel chromatography, whereas Sa-II, the major allergen, was purified by successive chromatography on diethylaminoethyl-Sephacel, Bio-Gel P-200, and Sepharose 4B columns. Sa-I, which was homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), elicited a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE corresponding to a molecular weight of 8.2 kd. Sa-II was also found to be homogeneous by PAGE, crossed immunoelectrophoresis, and immunoblotting. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE, it elicited a single band with a molecular weight of 34 kd. Sa-II was found to contain 301 amino acid residues and was particularly rich in glutamate/glutamine and aspartate/asparagine. Solid-phase radioimmunoassay-inhibition studies revealed that Sa-I and Sa-II share 54% of the allergenic epitopes, suggesting that Sa-I may be a fragment of Sa-II.SDS-PAGE, Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; MW, Molecular weight; BSA, Bovine serum albumin; DEAE, Diethylaminoethyl; SPRIA, Solid-phase radioimmunoassay; CIE, Crossed immunoelectrophoresis .


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Immunoneutralization of the maternal riboflavin carrier protein in the pregnant rat with antibodies to chicken egg vitamin carrier has earlier been shown to terminate their pregnancies. In order to understand the nature of the epitopic conformations capable of eliciting antibodies bioneutralizing the endogenous riboflavin carrier protein in the pregnant rat, we compared pregnancy progression in the fertile rodents following active immunization with either the native, SDS-denatured, reduced-carboxymethylated or SDS-treated reduced carboxymethylated avian egg white riboflavin carrier protein. The data revealed that despite the total antibody titers being higher in the animals immunized with the native protein, the antibodies elicited against the denatured avian vitamin carrier exhibited relatively better potencies to bioneutralize the endogenous maternal protein as evidenced by higher rates of early fetal resorption.


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A phosphorylcholine-binding protein from the hemolymph of the snail Achatina fulica was purified to near homogeneity using a Sepharose phenylphosphorylcholine affinity column. The protein bound to the affinity column was eluted with 5 mM phosphorylcholine as a single symmetrical peak. The purified protein (400 Kda) contained 35–40% carbohydrate. On SDS-PAGE the protein separated into two bands of 20 and 24 Kda, and had a pI of 5.9. On immunodiffusion, antiserum to the snail phosphorylcholine binding protein did not cross-react against other phosphorylcholine binding proteins, like rat serum phosphorylcholine-binding protein (PCBP), limulus C-reactive protein (CRP), or human CRP. On pretreatment of the snail hemolymph with this antiserum, the hemagglutination titer of the hemolymph was markedly decreased. The purified snail phosphorylcholine binding protein agglutinated rabbit erythrocytes in the absence of divalent cation (Ca+2) but trace amount of Ca+2 increased its binding. The strongest inhibitor of the agglutination reaction was lactose, followed by melibiose and 2-deoxygalactose. The relationships of the snail phosphorylcholine binding protein to other hemolymph agglutinins and to CRPs are discussed in light of common phylogeny.


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The quenching of fluorescence of the free-base tetraphenylporphyrin, H2TPP, and its metal derivatives, MgTPP and ZnTPP by diverse iron(III) complexes, [Fe(CN)6]3−, Fe(acac)3, [Fe(mnt)2]−, Fe(Salen)Cl, [Fe4S4(SPh)4]2−·, FeTPPCl and [Fe(Cp)2]+ has been studied both in homogeneous medium (CH3CN) and micellar media, SDS., CTAB and Triton X-100. The quenching efficiencies are analysed in terms of diffusional encounters and it has been possible to separate static quenching components. The quenching constants are dependent on the nature of the ligating atoms around iron(III) and also on the extent of π-conjugation of the ligands. The quenching mechanism has been investigated using steady-state irradiation experiments. Evidence for oxidative quenching by iron(III) complexes was obtained, though the spin multiplicities of the excited electronic states of iron(III) complexes permit both energy and electron transfer mechanisms for quenching of the singlet excited state of the porphyrins.


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An endocellulase (1→4)-β-d-glucan 4-glucanohydrolase was isolated from the culture filtrates of Chaetomium thermophile. The enzyme was homogeneous by PAGE and SDS-PAGE. The molecular weight was 36 000 by SDS-PAGE and 38 000 by gel filtration. It was a glycoprotein. From the amino acid composition, it was found to be rich in glycine, threonine, and aspartic and glutamic acids, but contained only low proportions of histidine and sulfur-containing amino acids. It was optimally active at pH 6 and at 60°. The enzyme did not hydrolyze cellobiose and cellotriose, but hydrolyzed cello-tetraose, -pentaose, and -hexaose at comparable rates. It was specific for molecules containing β-(1→4) linkages. It showed high activity towards amorphous cellulose, and the reaction products contained cellobiose to cellopentaose, showing that it effects random cleavage of cellulose.


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The presence of redox systems in microsomes of brown adipose tissue (BAT) in cold exposed rats was investigated and compared with liver. BAT microsomes showed high activity of lipid peroxidation measured both by the formation of malondialdehyde (MDA) and by oxygen uptake. NADH and NADPH dependent cytochrome c reductase activity were present in both BAT and liver microsomes. Aminopyrine demethylase and aniline hydroxylase activities, the characteristic detoxification enzymes in liver microsomes could not be detected in BAT microsomes. BAT minces showed very poor incorporation of [1-14C]acetate and [2-14C]-mevalonate in unsaponifiable lipid fraction compared to liver. Biosynthesis of cholesterol and ubiquinone, but not fatty acids, and the activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl glutaryl CoA reductase appear to be very low in BAT. Examination of difference spectra showed the presence of only cytochrome b 5 in BAT microsomes. In addition to the inability to detect the enzyme activities dependent on cytochrome P-450, a protein with the characteristic spectrum, molecular size in SDS-PAGE and interaction with antibodies in double diffusion test, also could not be detected in BAT microsomes. The high activity of lipid peroxidation in microsomes, being associated with large oxygen uptake and oxidation of NADPH, will also contribute to the energy dissipation as heat in BAT, considered important in thermogenesis.


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Treatment with diallyl disulfide, a constituent of garlic oil, irreversibly inactivated microsomal and a soluble 50 kDa form of HMG-CoA reductase. No radioactivity was found to be protein-bound on treating the soluble enzyme with [35S]diallyl disulfide, indicating the absence of the mixed disulfide of the type allyl-S-S-protein. SDS-PAGE and Western blot analyses of the diallyl-disulfide-treated protein showed no traces of the dimer of the type protein-S-S-protein, but clearly indicated BME-reversible increased mobility, as expected of an intramolecular protein disulfide. The sulfhydryl groups, as measured by alkylation with iodo[2-14C]acetic acid, were found to decrease in the diallyl-disulfide-treated enzyme protein. Tryptic peptide analysis also gave support for the possible presence of disulfide-containing peptides in such a protein. It appears that diallyl disulfide inactivated HMG-CoA reductase by forming an internal protein disulfide that became inaccessible for reduction by DTT, and thereby retaining the inactive state of the enzyme.


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A simple three step procedure was used to purify microsomal NADH-cytochrome b5 (ferricyanide) reductase to homogeneity from the higher plant C. roseus. The microsomal bound reductase was solubilized using zwitterionic detergent-CHAPS. The solubilized reductase was subjected to affinity chromatography on octylamino Sepharose 4B, blue 2-Sepharose CL-6B and NAD+-Agarose. The homogeneous enzyme has an apparent molecular weight of 33,000 as estimated by SDS-PAGE. The purified enzyme catalyzes the reduction of purified cytochrome b5 from C. roseus in the presence of NADH. The reductase also readily transfers electrons from NADH to ferricyanide (Km 56 μM), 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (Km 65 μM) and cytochrome Image via cytochrome b5 but not to menadione.


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Radioactivity from S-adenosyl-L-[methyl-H-3] methionine ([methyl-H-3]AdoMet) was bound to the EcoP15 DNA methyltransferase (M.EcoP15) following short-wave ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. The labeled protein was subjected to polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE), and detected by fluorography and autoradiography. Labeling was found to be dependent on the concentration of AdoMet and time of UV irradiation. The photolabeling by [methyl-H-3]AdoMet was specific and blocked by S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) and sinefungin which are known to function as competitive inhibitors. Limited digestion of the M EcoP15-AdoMet adduct by Staphylococcus aureus protease V8 generated three peptides of approx. 50, 32 and 30 kDa; Interestingly, only the 30-kDa peptide fragment contained radioactivity, as detected by SDS-PAGE, followed by fluorography and autoradiography. Further, sequencing of a few amino acids at the N-terminus of these peptides showed that the 30-kDa fragment was the N-terminal portion of M.EcoP15, These results suggest that photolabeling is at the AdoMet-binding site and that the N-terminal half of M.EcoP15 may be involved in substrate binding.


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The structural proteins of mycobacteriophage I3 have been analysed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), radioiodination and immunoblotting. Based on their abundance the 34- and 70-kDa bands appeared to represent the major structural proteins. Successful cloning and expression of the 70-kDa protein-encoding gene of phage I3 in Escherichia coli and its complete nucleotide sequence determination have been accomplished, A second (partial) open reading frame following the stop codon for the 70-kDa protein was also identified within the cloned fragment. The deduced amino-acid sequence of the 70-kDa protein and the codon usage patterns indicated the preponderance of codons, as predicted from the high G+C content of the genomic DNA of phage I3.


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Thirteen terrestrial psychrotrophic bacteria from Antarctica were screened for the presence of a thermolabile ribonuclease (RNAase-HL). The enzyme was detected in three isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens and one isolate of Pseudomonas syringae. It was purified from one P. Fluorescens isolate and the molecular mass of the enzyme as determined by SDS-PAGE was 16 kDa. RNAase-HL exhibited optimum activity around 40 degrees C at pH 7.4. It could hydrolyse Escherichia coli RNA and the synthetic substrates poly(A), poly(C), poly(U) and poly(A-U). Unlike the crude RNAase from mesophilic P. Fluorescens and pure bovine pancreatic RNAase A which were active even at 65 degrees C, RNAase-HL was totally and irreversibly inactivated at 65 degrees C.