114 resultados para SACs


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Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are conserved eukaryotic signaling modules consisting of a MAPK, a MAPKK and a MAP3K. MAPK cascades are involved in many cellular responses including proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, stress and immune responses. ^ The first part of this thesis describes the cloning and biochemical analysis of JNKK2, a member of MAPKK gene family. Our results demonstrate that JNKK2 is a specific JNK activator and activates the JNK-dependent signal transduction pathway in vivo by inducing c-Jun and ATF2-mediated gene expression. We also found that JNKK2 is specifically activated by a MAP3K MEKK2 through formation of MEKK2-JNKK2-JNK1 triple complex module. JNKK2 is likely to mediate specific upstream signals to activate JNK cascade. ^ The second part of this thesis describes biochemical and gene disruption analysis of MEKK3, a member of MAP3K gene family. We showed that overexpression of MEKK3 strongly activates both JNK and p38 MAPKs but only weakly activates ERK. MEKK−/− embryos die at about embryonic day (E) 11. MEKK3−/− embryos displayed defects in blood vessel development in the yolk sacs, and in the myocardium and endocardium development at E9.5. The angiogenesis in the head, intersomitic region and placenta was also abnormal. These results demonstrate that MEKK3, a member of MAP3K MEKK/STE11 subgene family, is essential for early embryonic cardiovascular development. Furthermore, it was found that disruption of MEKK3 did not alter the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor-1 (VEGF-1), angiopoietin-1, -2 and their respective receptors Flt-1, Flk-1, Tie-1, Tie-2. Finally, MEKK3 was shown to activate myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C), a crucial transcription factor for early embryonic cardiovascular development through the p38 MAPK cascade, suggesting that MEF2C is one of the key targets of the MEEKK3 signaling pathway during early embryonic cardiovascular development. ^


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O objetivo dessa tese é aprofundar, a partir do discurso pós-colonial, uma crise na perspectiva teológica da libertação. Esta promoveu, na década de 1970, uma reviravolta nos estudos teológicos no terceiro mundo. Para tanto, leremos um conto de Gabriel García Márquez chamado “El ahogado más hermosodel mundo” (1968) analizando e avaliando as estratégias políticas e culturais ali inscritas. Para levar a frente tal avaliação é preciso ampliar o escopo de uma visão que divide o mundo em secular/religioso, ou em ideias/práticas religiosas e não religiosas, para dar passo a uma visão unificada que compreende a mundanalidade, tanto do que é catalogado como ‘religioso’ quanto do que se pretende ‘não religioso’. A teologia/ciências da religião, como discurso científico sobre a economia das trocas que lidam com visões, compreensões e práticas de mundo marcadas pelo reconhecimento do mistério que lhes é inerente, possuem um papel fundamental na compreensão, explicitação, articulação e disponibilização de tais forças culturais. A percepção de existirem elementos no conto que se relacionam com os símbolos sobre Jesus/Cristo nos ofereceu um vetor de análise; entretanto, não nos deixamos limitar pelos grilhões disciplinares que essa simbologia implica. Ao mesmo tempo, esse vínculo, compreendido desde a relação imperial/colonial inerente aos discursos e imagens sobre Jesus-Cristo, embora sem centralizar a análise, não poderia ficar intocado. Partimos para a construção de uma estrutura teórica que explicitasse os valores, gestos, e horizontes mundanos do conto, cristológicos e não-cristológicos, contribuindo assim para uma desestabilização dos quadros tradicionais a partir dos quais se concebem a teologia e as ciências da religião, a obra de García Márquez como literatura, e a geografia imperial/colonial que postula o realismo ficcional de territórios como “América Latina”. Abrimos, assim, um espaço de significação que lê o conto como uma “não-cristologia”, deslocando o aprisionamento disciplinar e classificatório dos elementos envolvidos na análise. O discurso crítico de Edward Said, Homi Bhabha e GayatriSpivak soma-se à prática teórica de teólogas críticas feministas da Ásia, da África e da América Latina para formular o cenário político emancipatório que denominaremos teologia crítica secular.


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Proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) is a recently characterized G-protein coupled receptor that is cleaved and activated by pancreatic trypsin. Trypsin is usually considered a digestive enzyme in the intestinal lumen. We examined the hypothesis that trypsin, at concentrations normally present in the lumen of the small intestine, is also a signaling molecule that specifically regulates enterocytes by activating PAR-2. PAR-2 mRNA was highly expressed in the mucosa of the small intestine and in an enterocyte cell line. Immunoreactive PAR-2 was detected at the apical membrane of enterocytes, where it could be cleaved by luminal trypsin. Physiological concentrations of pancreatic trypsin and a peptide corresponding to the tethered ligand of PAR-2, which is exposed by trypsin cleavage, stimulated generation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, arachidonic acid release, and secretion of prostaglandin E2 and F1α from enterocytes and a transfected cell line. Application of trypsin to the apical membrane of enterocytes and to the mucosal surface of everted sacs of jejunum also stimulated prostaglandin E2 secretion. Thus, luminal trypsin activates PAR-2 at the apical membrane of enterocytes to stimulate secretion of eicosanoids, which regulate multiple cell types in a paracrine and autocrine manner. We conclude that trypsin is a signaling molecule that specifically regulates enterocytes by triggering PAR-2.


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In polarized HepG2 cells, the sphingolipids glucosylceramide and sphingomyelin (SM), transported along the reverse transcytotic pathway, are sorted in subapical compartments (SACs), and subsequently targeted to either apical or basolateral plasma membrane domains, respectively. In the present study, evidence is provided that demonstrates that these sphingolipids constitute separate membrane domains at the luminal side of the SAC membrane. Furthermore, as revealed by the use of various modulators of membrane trafficking, such as calmodulin antagonists and dibutyryl-cAMP, it is shown that the fate of these separate sphingolipid domains is regulated by different signals, including those that govern cell polarity development. Thus under conditions that stimulate apical plasma membrane biogenesis, SM is rerouted from a SAC-to-basolateral to a SAC-to-apical pathway. The latter pathway represents the final leg in the transcytotic pathway, followed by the transcytotic pIgR–dIgA protein complex. Interestingly, this pathway is clearly different from the apical recycling pathway followed by glucosylceramide, further indicating that randomization of these pathways, which are both bound for the apical membrane, does not occur. The consequence of the potential coexistence of separate sphingolipid domains within the same compartment in terms of “raft” formation and apical targeting is discussed.


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The four small micromeres of the sea urchin embryo contribute only to the coelomic sacs, which produce major components of the adult body plan during postembryonic development. To test the proposition that the small micromeres are the definitive primordial germ cell lineage of the sea urchin, we deleted their 4th cleavage parents, and raised the deleted embryos through larval life and metamorphosis to sexual maturity. Almost all of the experimental animals produced functional gametes, excluding the possibility that the germ cell lineage arises exclusively and obligatorily from descendants of the small micromeres; rather, the germ cell lineage arises during the postembryonic development of the rudiment. A survey of the literature indicates that there is no known case of an embryonic primordial germ cell lineage in a bilaterian species that displays maximal indirect development.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent and specific endothelial mitogen that is able to induce angiogenesis in vivo [Leung, D. W., Cachianes, G., Kuang, W.-J., Goeddel, D. V. & Ferrara, N. (1989) Science 246 1306-1309]. To determine if VEGF also influences the behavior of primordial endothelial cells, we used an in vivo vascular assay based on the de novo formation of vessels. Japanese quail embryos injected with nanomolar quantities of the 165-residue form of VEGF at the onset of vasculogenesis exhibited profoundly altered vessel development. In fact, the overall patterning of the vascular network was abnormal in all VEGF-injected embryos. The malformations were attributable to two specific endothelial cell activities: (i) inappropriate neovascularization in normally avascular areas and (ii) the unregulated, excessive fusion of vessels. In the first instance, supernumerary vessels directly linked the inflow channel of the heart to the aortic outflow channel. The second aberrant activity led to the formation of vessels with abnormally large lumens. Ultimately, unregulated vessel fusion generated massive vascular sacs that obliterated the identity of individual vessels. These observations show that exogenous VEGF has an impact on the behavior of primordial endothelial cells engaged in vasculogenesis, and they strongly suggest that endogenous VEGF is important in vascular patterning and regulation of vessel size (lumen formation).


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Monkeys with excellent reproductive histories were immunized with the laminin peptides YIGSR, RGD, IKVAV, and YD, a control sequence with no known biological function. Sera from the YIGSR-immunized monkey became toxic, causing neural tube defects in whole rat embryo cultures, and this monkey experienced fetal loss after immunization. Sera from the RGD-immunized monkey also became embryotoxic in culture after immunization, but this monkey appeared to become infertile as she failed to initiate a pregnancy for at least 2 years after immunization. In contrast, embryos cultured on sera from the IKVAV- or YD-immunized monkeys were predominantly normal and both monkeys completed successful pregnancies. Antibody levels to the respective peptides or to laminin were not predictive of embryotoxicity, but antibody binding to homogenized yolk sacs as well as to yolk sacs of cultured embryos was associated with sera embryotoxicity and reproductive outcomes in vivo. These observations suggested that the laminin sequences YIGSR and RGD may play a role in immune-mediated reproductive failure by reacting directly with embryonic tissue and could provide a basis for identifying individuals at risk for both spontaneous abortion and infertility.


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The scl gene encodes a basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factor which was identified through its involvement in chromosomal translocations in T-cell leukemia. To elucidate its physiological role, scl was targeted in embryonic stem cells. Mice heterozygous for the scl null mutation were intercrossed and their offspring were genotyped. Homozygous mutant (scl-/-) pups were not detected in newborn litters, and analysis at earlier time points demonstrated that scl-/- embryos were dying around embryonic day 9.5. The scl-/- embryos were pale, edematous, and markedly growth retarded after embryonic day 8.75. Histological studies showed complete absence of recognizable hematopoiesis in the yolk sac of these embryos. Early organogenesis appeared to be otherwise normal. Culture of yolk sac cells of wild-type, heterozygous, and homozygous littermates confirmed the absence of hematopoietic cells in scl-/- yolk sacs. Reverse transcription PCR was used to examine the transcripts of several genes implicated in early hematopoiesis. Transcripts of GATA-1 and PU.1 transcription factors were absent from RNA from scl-/- yolk sacs and embryos. These results implicate scl as a crucial regulator of early hematopoiesis.


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In endotherms insects, the thermoregulatory mechanisms modulate heat transfer from the thorax to the abdomen to avoid overheating or cooling in order to obtain a prolonged flight performance. Scarabaeus sacer and S. cicatricosus, two sympatric species with the same habitat and food preferences, showed daily temporal segregation with S. cicatricosus being more active during warmer hours of the day in opposition to S. sacer who avoid it. In the case of S. sacer, their endothermy pattern suggested an adaptive capacity for thorax heat retention. In S. cicatricosus, an active ‘heat exchanger’ mechanism was suggested. However, no empirical evidence had been documented until now. Thermographic sequences recorded during flight performance showed evidence of the existence of both thermoregulatory mechanisms. In S. sacer, infrared sequences showed a possible heat insulator (passive thermal window), which prevents heat transfer from meso- and metathorax to the abdomen during flight. In S. cicatricosus, infrared sequences revealed clear and effective heat flow between the thorax and abdomen (abdominal heat transfer) that should be considered the main mechanism of thermoregulation. This was related to a subsequent increase in abdominal pumping (as a cooling mechanism) during flight. Computer microtomography scanning, anatomical dissections and internal air volume measurements showed two possible heat retention mechanisms for S. sacer; the abdominal air sacs and the development of the internal abdominal sternites that could explain the thermoregulation between thorax and abdomen. Our results suggest that interspecific interactions between sympatric species are regulated by very different mechanisms. These mechanisms create unique thermal niches for the different species, thereby preventing competition and modulating spatio-temporal distribution and the composition of dung beetle assemblages.


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Bio-logging studies suffer from the lack of real controls. However, it is still possible to compare indirect parameters between control and equipped animals to assess the level of global disturbance due to instrumentation. In addition, it is also possible to compare the behaviour of free-ranging animals between individuals equipped with different techniques or instruments to determine the less deleterious approach. We instrumented Adelie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) with internal or external time-depth recorders and monitored them in parallel with a control group during the first foraging trip following instrumentation. Foraging trip duration was significantly longer in the internally-equipped group. This difference was due to a larger number of dives, reflecting a lower foraging ability or a higher food demand, and longer periods of recovery at the surface. These longer recovery periods were likely to be due to a reduced efficiency to ventilate at the surface, probably because the implanted devices pressurised adjacent organs such as air sacs. Moreover, descent and ascent rates were slightly lower in externally-equipped penguins, presumably because external instrumentation increased the bird drag. Looking at our results, implantation appears more disadvantageous - at least for short-term deployment - than external equipment in Adelie Penguins, while this method has been described to induce no negative effects in long-term studies. This underlines the need to control for potential effects due to methodological aspects in any study using data loggers in free-ranging animals, to minimise disturbance and collect reliable data.


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t.1. De l'année 755 à l'année 1223, par A. Teulet.--t.2. De l'année 1224 à l'année 1246, par A. Teulet.--t.3. De l'année 1247 à l'année 1260, par J. de Laborde.--t.4. De l'année 1261 à l'année 1270, par E. Berger.--t.5. Ancienne série des sacs, dite aujourd'hui supplément, par H.F. Delaborde.


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Species accumulation curves (SACs) chart the increase in recovery of new species as a function of some measure of sampling effort. Studies of parasite diversity can benefit from the application of SACs, both as empirical tools to guide sampling efforts and predict richness, and because their properties are informative about community patterns and the structure of parasite diversity. SACs can be used to infer interactivity in parasite infra-communities, to partition species richness into contributions from different spatial scales and different levels of the host hierarchy (individuals, populations and communities) or to identify modes of community assembly (niche versus dispersal). A historical tendency to treat individual hosts as statistically equivalent replicates (quadrats) seemingly satisfies the sample-based subgroup of SACs but care is required in this because of the inequality of hosts as sampling units. Knowledge of the true distribution of parasite richness over multiple host-derived and spatial scales is far from complete but SACs can improve the understanding of diversity patterns in parasite assemblages.


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The action of bradykinin on transepithelial transfer of sodium and water in isolated rat jejunum and on smooth muscle contraction of rat terminal ileum has been investigated. (1) Bradykinin was shown to stimulate transfer at low control transfer, inhibit transfer at high control transfer and have no effect at intermediate transfer in rat jejunal sacs. Stimulation of transfer occurred only when bradykinin was in the serosal solutiun while inhibition of transfer occurred whether bradykinin was in the aerosal or mucosal solution. Bradykinin-induced stimulation of transfer was not affected by adrenalectomy, nephrectomy, combined adrenalectomy-nephrectomy,  nor maintenance on 1% saline drinking solution or low sodium diet pretreatment. Meclofenamic acid abolished the bradykinin-induced inhibition of water transfer while prostaglandins A1, E1 aud F2α all potentiated this action. Theophylline inhibited water transfer and potentiated the bradykinin-induced inhibition of water transfer. Cyclic AMP and dibutyryl cyclic AMP both inhibited water transfer and the bradykinin-induced inhibition of water transfer was potentiated by the latter. ( 2 ) Bradykinin-induced contractions of rat terminal ileum were little affected by hyoscine while those of acetylcholine were abolished. Anoxia reduced markedly responses tv bradykinin while those of acetylcholine were little affected . Theophylline reduced the responses of rat terminal ileum to bradykinin significantly more than those to acetylcholine. Aspirin and indomethacin reduced markedly the responses to bradykinin while not affecting those to acetylcholine and PGT2. Meslofenamic acid at a concentration of 3.4 µM blocked bradykinin-induced contractions but had no effect on those to acctylcholine, PGE2 or PGF2 and at a concentration of 17. 0 µM drastically reduced bradykinin responses but also reduced those to acetylcholine, PGE2 and PGF2α• Flufenamic acid drastically reduced responses to bradykinin while not affecting those to acetylcholine and PGE2 and slightly affecting those to PGF2α. Polyphloretin phosphate reduced responses to bradykinin, PGF2α and PGE2 but not acetylcholine . Diphloretin phosphate reduced responses to bradykinin, PGF2 and PGE2 in a dose dependent manner but not those to acetylcholine. SC 19220 , in a dose dependent manner, inhibited responses to bradykinin and PGE2 but not to acetylcholine and PGF2. 7 oxa - 13 -prostynoic acid non specifically reduced responses to acetylcholine, bradykinin and PGE2. Bradykinin, in the presence of SQ 20881 , increased the release of prostaglandin-like activity from rat terminal ileum and this was reduced or abolished in the presence of indomethacin, aspirin, meclofenamic acid or flufenamio acid. The extract of PG-like activity did not appear as PGE, PGA or PGFon TLC, but included a substance with similar mobility as 15-Keto-prosta-glandin E2.


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Noradrenaline was found to significantly stimulate fluid and Na absorption across everted sacs of rat jejunum. Of a number of a1, and 2-adrenoceptor antagonists tested only prazosin significantly inhibited the stimulant effect of noradrenaline and further experiments revealed an antiabsorptive effect of prazosin alone. Theophylline reduced jejunal fluid and Na absorption and this effect was not reversed by 2-adrenoceptor stimulation in contrast to previous findings in vivo. Evidence suggests the everted sac preparation is not appropriate to the study of intestinal fluid and electrolyte transport. The investigation of Jejunal ion transport in vitro was continued using an Ussing chamber preparation. Selective 2-adrenoceptor stimulation was found to depress electrogenic anion secretion, as neurotoxin tetrodotoxin indicated that this was a direct epithelial effect. 2-adrenoceptor agonists have considerable therapeutic value as antisecretory agents and the model of rat jejunum in vitro represents a convenient experimental model for research in this area. The selective 2-adrenoceptor antagonist ICI 118551 decreased basal SCC and inhibited increases in SCC in response to isoprenaline or salbutamol indicating the presence of a 2-adrenoceptor mechanism mediating both secretory tone and increases in secretory processes. Many intestinal secretagogues elicit electrolyte secretion via the stimulation of intramural secretory nervous pathways. If these pathways involve the activation of 2-adrenoceptorsthe 2-adrenoceptor antagonists may be useful in the treatment of diarrhoeal diseases. A single pass lumen perfusion technique was used to investigate possible sympathetic tone over colonic fluid and electrolyte absorption in the rat colon in vivo. The technique employed appeared to lack the necessary resolution for this study and alternative approaches are discussed