142 resultados para S100


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Background: Neutrophils have an impressive array of microbicidal weapons, and in the presence of a pathogen, progress from a quiescent state in the bloodstream to a completely activated state. Failure to regulate this activation, for example, when the blood is flooded with cytokines after severe trauma, causes inappropriate neutrophil activation that paradoxically, is associated with tissue and organ damage. Acidic proteomic maps of quiescent human neutrophils were analyzed and compared to those of activated neutrophils from severe trauma patients. The analysis revealed 114 spots whose measured volumes differed between activated and quiescent neutrophils, with 27 upregulated and 87 downregulated in trauma conditions. Among the identified proteins, grancalcin, S100-A9 and CACNB2 reinforce observed correlations between motility and ion flux, ANXA3, SNAP, FGD1 and Zfyve19 are involved in vesicular transport and exocytosis, and GSTP1, HSPA1 HSPA1L, MAOB, UCH-L5, and PPA1 presented evidence that activated neutrophils may have diminished protection against oxidative damage and are prone to apoptosis. These are discussed, along with proteins involved in cytoskeleton reorganization, reactive oxygen species production, and ion flux. Proteins such as Zfyve19, MAOB and albumin-like protein were described for the first time in the neutrophil. In this work we achieved the identification of several proteins potentially involved in inflammatory signaling after trauma, as well as proteins described for the first time in neutrophils.


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Abstract Background This study is an analysis of the prevalence of polymorphous low grade adenocarcinoma (PLGA) in epidemiological surveys of salivary tumors published in the English language from 1992 to 2012. Methods These surveys included studies from different researchers, countries and continents. The 57 surveys for which it was possible to calculate the percentage of PLGAs among all malignant minor salivary gland tumors (MMSGT) were included in this review. Results The statistical analyses show significant differences in the PLGA percentage by time period, country and continent in the studies included in this review. The percentage of PLGAs among MMSGTs varied among the studies, ranging from 0.0% to 46.8%. PLGA rates have varied over the period studied and have most recently increased. The frequency of reported PLGA cases also varied from 0.0% to 24.8% by the country in which the MMSGT studies were performed. The PLGA percentages also varied significantly by continent, with frequencies ranging from 3.9% in Asia to 20.0% in Oceania Conclusion Based on these results, we concluded that although the accuracy of PLGA diagnoses has improved, they remain a challenge for pathologists. To facilitate PLGA diagnoses, we have therefore made some suggestions for pathologists regarding tumors composed of single-layer strands of cells that form all of the histological patterns present in the tumor, consistency of the cytological appearance and uniformly positive CK7, vimentin and S100 immunohistochemistry, which indicate a single PLGA phenotype. Virtual slide The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1059098656858324


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Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease characterized by proliferation of Langerhans-type cells that express CD1a, Langerin (CD207) and S100 protein. Birbeck granules are a hallmark by ultrastructural examination. LCH presents with a wide clinical spectrum, ranging from solitary lesions of a single site (usually bone or skin) to multiple or disseminated multisystemic lesions, which can lead to severe organ dysfunction. Most cases occur in children. Gastrointestinal tract involvement is rare and has been associated with systemic illness and poor prognosis especially in children under the age of 2 years. Adult gastrointestinal LCH is very rare. We report a case of a previously healthy, nonsmoking 48-year-old male who was referred for routine screening colonoscopy. Two sessile, smooth, firm and yellowish LCH polyps measuring 0.2 cm and 0.3 cm were detected in the sigmoid colon. Fifteen months later a second colonoscopy found two histologically confirmed hyperplastic polyps at the sigmoid colon. No other LCH lesions were seen. A third colonoscopy after 28 months of follow-up found a submucosal 0.5 cm infiltrated and ulcerated LCH polyp in the cecum, close to the ostium of the appendix. The patient had been asymptomatic for all this period. Imaging investigation for systemic or multiorgan disease did not find any sign of extracolonic involvement. On histology all lesions showed typical LCH features and immunohistochemical analysis showed strong and diffuse staining for CD1a and CD207. This case illustrates two distinct clinicopathologic features not previously reported in this particular clinical setting: metachronous colonic involvement and positivity for CD207.


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A range of vectors were made in which the EYFP gene or the Cre gene were inserted in the start codon of the NG2 gene. The NG2-EYFP vectors were used to generate NG2-EYFP “knockin” mice by homologous recombination. The F1 generation showed lack of EYFP expression, due to NeoR cassette interference. Excision of the NeoR, by breeding the F1 generation to ELLA-Cre mice allowed proper expression of EYFP. NG2-EYFP heterozygous mice were characterized in detail for astrocytic, neurogenic and oligodendrocytic properties through antibody labeling. NG2-EYFP+ cells did not label for the astrocyte marker GFAP, but some cells did express S100 Beta. The cells did not label with any neuronal markers like Beta III tubulin, Neun, and double cortin, but many of the NG2-EYFP+ cells made intimate contacts to the neurons. These contacts are widespread throughout the grey and white matter of the brain. The NG2-EYFP+ cells did label for oligodendrocyte markers like PDGFα-R, NG2, Olig2, O4, and Sox 10. There were a few cells termed phantom cells that did label for NG2, but had no EYFP expression. This could have been caused by improper excision of the NeoR cassette in the F2 generation. The heterozygous mouse is a tool to allow the characterization of the in vivo properties of the NG2+ cells. Breeding of these mice to homozygosity yielded an NG2-knockout mouse, which was also subjected to initial characterization. The NG2-EYFP homozygous showed equivalent cell labeling results to the NG2-EYFP heterozygous mouse, but the phantom cells disappeared in the knockout. The results show that the NG2 cells are a heterogenous population that does not express astrocytic or neuronal markers. The homozygous mouse is an ideal tool to further dissect the properties of the cells, lacking NG2 in vivo.


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Scopo del nostro studio è quello di valutare i disturbi cognitivi in relazione al tasso di microembolia cerebrale in due gruppi di pazienti trattati per lesione carotidea asintomatica con endoarterectomia (CEA) o stenting (CAS). Comparando le due metodiche mediante l’utilizzo di risonanza magnetica in diffusione (DW-MRI), neuromarkers (NSE e S100β) e test neuropsicometrici. MATERIALE E METODI: 60 pazienti sono stati sottoposti a rivascolarizzazione carotidea (CEA n=32 e CAS n=28). Sono stati tutti valutati con DW-MRI e Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) test nel preoperatorio, a 24 ore, a 6 ed a 12 mesi dall’intervento. In tutti sono stati dosati i livelli sierici di NSE e S100β mediante 5 prelievi seriati nel tempo, quello basale nel preoperatorio, l’ultimo a 24 ore. L’ananlisi statistica è stata effettuata con test t di Student per confronti multipli per valori continui e con test χ2 quadro e Fisher per le variabili categoriche. Significatività P <0,05. RISULTATI: Non vi è stato alcun decesso. Un paziente del gruppo CAS ha presentato un ictus ischemico. In 6 pazienti CAS ed in 1 paziente CEA si sono osservate nuove lesioni subcliniche alla RMN-DWI post-operatoria (21,4% vs 3% p=0,03). Nel gruppo CAS le nuove lesioni presenti alla RMN sono risultate significativamente associate ad un declino del punteggio del MMSE (p=0,001). L’analisi dei livelli di NSE e S100β ha mostrato un significativo aumento a 24 ore nei pazienti CAS (P = .02). A 12 mesi i pazienti che avevano presentato nuove lesioni ischemiche nel post-operatorio hanno mostrato minor punteggio al MMSE, non statisticamente significativo. CONCLUSIONI: I neuromarkers in combinazione con MMSE e RMN-DWI possono essere utilizzati nella valutazione del declino cognitivo correlato a lesioni silenti nell’immediato postoperatorio di rivascolarizzazione carotidea. Quest’ultime dovrebbero essere valutate quindi non solo rispetto al tasso di mortalità e ictus, ma anche rispetto al tasso di microembolia.


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Zu den Liganden des Zelloberflächenrezeptors RAGE gehören AGEs, S100-Proteine, HMGB1 und Aβ. RAGE wird daher eine Rolle bei verschiedenen neurologischen Erkrankungen sowie Diabetes, Arteriosklerose und Krebs zugesprochen. Des Weiteren geht eine Verringerung der Menge an sRAGE häufig mit diesen Krankheiten einher. Aus diesen Gründen stellt die pharmakologische Stimulierung der Proteolyse von RAGE eine vielversprechende Therapieform dar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine Steigerung der sRAGE-Bildung über PAC1-, V2- und OT-Rezeptoren möglich ist. Die Untersuchung der PAC1-Signalwege zeigte, dass PKCα/PKCβI, CaMKII, Ca2+-Ionen, PI3-Kinase und der MAP-Kinase-Weg wichtig für die Stimulierung sind und dass der PKA-Weg nicht beteiligt ist. Die dreimonatige Behandlung von Mäusen mit PACAP-38 weist darauf hin, dass eine Stimulierung des Ectodomain Sheddings von RAGE auch in vivo erfolgen kann. Die Untersuchung der Signalwege, ausgehend von den V2- und OT-Rezeptoren, zeigte, dass ebenfalls PKCα/PKCβI, CaMKII, Ca2+-Ionen zur Aktivierung der Proteasen führen, dagegen konnte weder ein Einfluss des PKA- noch des MAP-Kinase-Weges festgestellt werden. Außerdem wurden sowohl MMP-9 als auch ADAM-10 als RAGE-spaltende Proteasen identifiziert. Die nähere Untersuchung der RAGE-Spaltstelle erbrachte, dass keine spezifische Sequenz, sondern vielmehr die Sekundärstruktur eine Rolle bei der Erkennung durch die Proteasen spielt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde weiterhin ein anti-RAGE Antikörper anhand einer neu entwickelten Methode zunächst gereinigt und dann erfolgreich an ein mit dem Fluoreszenzfarbstoff Rhodamin markiertes Polymer gekoppelt. Die Stimulierung der Proteolyse von Meprin β wurde auch untersucht und es konnte ebenfalls eine Beteiligung von ADAM-10 an der Spaltung nachgewiesen werden.


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In this study a novel method MicroJet reactor technology was developed to enable the custom preparation of nanoparticles. rnDanazol/HPMCP HP50 and Gliclazide/Eudragit S100 nanoparticles were used as model systems for the investigation of effects of process parameters and microjet reactor setup on the nanoparticle properties during the microjet reactor construction. rnFollowing the feasibility study of the microjet reactor system, three different nanoparticle formulations were prepared using fenofibrate as model drug. Fenofibrate nanoparticles stabilized with poloxamer 407 (FN), fenofibrate nanoparticles in hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose phthalate (HPMCP) matrix (FHN) and fenofibrate nanoparticles in HPMCP and chitosan matrix (FHCN) were prepared under controlled precipitation using MicroJet reactor technology. Particle sizes of all the nanoparticle formulations were adjusted to 200-250 nm. rnThe changes in the experimental parameters altered the system thermodynamics resulting in the production of nanoparticles between 20-1000 nm (PDI<0.2) with high drug loading efficiencies (96.5% in 20:1 polymer:drug ratio).rnDrug releases from all nanoparticle formulations were fast and complete after 15 minutes both in FaSSIF and FeSSIF medium whereas in mucodhesiveness tests, only FHCN formulation was found to be mucoadhesive. Results of the Caco-2 studies revealed that % dose absorbed values were significantly higher (p<0.01) for FHCN in both cases where FaSSIF and FeSSIF were used as transport buffer.rn


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By analogy to gliosarcoma, the term "ependymosarcoma" has recently been coined to thematize the rare phenomenon of a malignant mesenchymal component arising within an ependymoma. We report on an example of this paradigm, involving tanycytic ependymoma as the host tumor in a 40-year-old female who underwent two tumor extirpation procedures at one-year interval. She first presented with severe headaches, and was seen by imaging to harbor a moderately enhancing mass 2.5cm in diameter at the rostral septum pellucidum accompanied by occlusive hydrocephalus. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of solid, wavy fascicles of elongated cells that were occasionally interrupted by vague perivascular pseudorosettes. Mitotic activity was absent, and less than 1% of nuclei immunoreacted for MIB-1. A histological diagnosis of tanycytic ependymoma (WHO grade II) was rendered, and no adjuvant therapy given. At recurrence, the lesion was 3.5cm in diameter, intensely enhancing, and had already seeded into the subarachnoid space. Histology showed a biphasic glial-sarcomatous architecture with remnants of the original ependymoma now displaying hypercellularity and atypical - yet not frankly anaplastic - features. The sarcomatous moiety consisted of spindle and epithelioid cells densely interwoven with reticulin fibers. While the ependymal component was GFAP and S100 protein positive, and featured punctate staining for EMA, none of these markers was expressed in the adjacent sarcoma. Instead, the latter reacted for vimentin and smooth muscle actin. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documentation of tanycytic ependymoma undergoing malignant transformation, one driven by a highly anaplastic mesenchymal component, corresponding to "ependymosarcoma".


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Oncocytomas are defined as tumors containing in excess of 50% large mitochondrion-rich cells, irrespective of histogenesis and dignity. Along the central neuraxis, oncocytomas are distinctly uncommon but relevant to the differential diagnosis of neoplasia marked by prominent cytoplasmic granularity. We describe an anaplastic ependymoma (WHO grade III) with a prevailing oncocytic component that was surgically resected from the right fronto-insular region of a 43-year-old female. Preoperative imaging showed a fairly circumscribed, partly cystic, contrast-enhancing mass of 2 cm × 2 cm × 1.7 cm. Histology revealed a biphasic neoplasm wherein conventional ependymal features coexisted with plump epithelioid cells replete with brightly eosinophilic granules. Whereas both components displayed an overtly ependymal immunophenotype, including positivity for S100 protein and GFAP, as well as "dot-like" staining for EMA, the oncocytic population also tended to intensely react with the antimitochondrial antibody 113-1. Conversely, failure to bind CD68 indicated absence of significant lysosomal storage. Negative reactions for both pan-cytokeratin (MNF 116) and low molecular weight cytokeratin (CAM 5.2), as well as synaptophysin and thyroglobulin, further assisted in ruling out metastatic carcinoma. In addition to confirming the presence of "zipper-like" intercellular junctions and microvillus-bearing cytoplasmic microlumina, electron microscopy allowed for the pervasive accumulation of mitochondria in tumor cells to be directly visualized. A previously not documented variant, oncocytic ependymoma, is felt to add a reasonably relevant novel item to the differential diagnosis of granule-bearing central nervous system neoplasia, in particular oncocytic meningioma, granular cell astrocytoma, as well as metastatic deposits by oncocytic malignancies from extracranial sites.


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Cell therapies for articular cartilage defects rely on expanded chondrocytes. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent an alternative cell source should their hypertrophic differentiation pathway be prevented. Possible cellular instruction between human articular chondrocytes (HAC) and human bone marrow MSC was investigated in micromass pellets. HAC and MSC were mixed in different percentages or incubated individually in pellets for 3 or 6 weeks with and without TGF-beta1 and dexamethasone (±T±D) as chondrogenic factors. Collagen II, collagen X and S100 protein expression were assessed using immunohistochemistry. Proteoglycan synthesis was evaluated applying the Bern score and quantified using dimethylmethylene blue dye binding assay. Alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP) was detected on cryosections and soluble ALP measured in pellet supernatants. HAC alone generated hyaline-like discs, while MSC formed spheroid pellets in ±T±D. Co-cultured pellets changed from disc to spheroid shape with decreasing number of HAC, and displayed random cell distribution. In -T-D, HAC expressed S100, produced GAG and collagen II, and formed lacunae, while MSC did not produce any cartilage-specific proteins. Based on GAG, collagen type II and S100 expression chondrogenic differentiation occurred in -T-D MSC co-cultures. However, quantitative experimental GAG and DNA values did not differ from predicted values, suggesting only HAC contribution to GAG production. MSC produced cartilage-specific matrix only in +T+D but underwent hypertrophy in all pellet cultures. In summary, influence of HAC on MSC was restricted to early signs of neochondrogenesis. However, MSC did not contribute to the proteoglycan deposition, and HAC could not prevent hypertrophy of MSC induced by chondrogenic stimuli.


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Perineurioma is an uncommon, mostly benign, spindle-cell tumor of peripheral nerve sheath origin with a predilection for the soft tissues. Although increasing awareness points to the sites of involvement by perineurioma possibly being as ubiquitous as those frequented by schwannian tumors, only one intracerebral example has been described to date. We report on a surgically resected perineurioma of the falx cerebri in an 86-year-old woman. Preoperative imaging showed an enhancing extraaxial mass of 6 cm × 5.7 cm × 3.7 cm. Histologically, the tumor consisted of a proliferation of spindle cells interwoven by a lattice of basal lamina. Alongside a prevailing soft tissue perineurioma pattern, sclerosing and reticular areas were seen as well. Tumor cells coexpressed EMA and GLUT-1, and a minority immunoreacted for smooth muscle actin. Pericellular basal lamina was decorated with collagen type IV. No staining for S100 protein was detected. Mitotic activity was virtually absent, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged 2%. Ultrastructural examination revealed abundant pinocytotic vesicles within and conspicuous tight junctions between slender cytoplasmic processes which, in turn, were encased by discontinuous basal lamina. FISH analysis confirmed loss of at least part of one chromosome 22q. This observation calls attention to perineurioma as a novel item in the repertoire of low-grade meningial spindle cell neoplasms, in the differential diagnostic context of which it is apt to being misconstrued as either meningioma, solitary fibrous tumor, or neurofibroma. Confusion with the latter bears the risk of overgrading innocuous features of perineurioma as criteria for malignancy.


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Spindle cell oncocytoma (SCO) is a rare, non-adenomatous tumor originating from the anterior pituitary gland. Composed of fusiform, mitochondrion-rich cells sharing several immunophenotypic and ultrastructural properties with folliculo-stellate cells (FSC), SCO has been proposed to represent a neoplastic counterpart of the latter. To date, however, SCO has failed to meet one criterion commonly used in histological-based taxonomy and diagnostics; that of recapitulating any of FSCs' morphologically defined developmental or physiological states. We describe a unique example of SCO wherein a conventional fascicular texture was seen coexisting with and organically merging into follicle-like arrangements. The sellar tumor of 2.7 × 2.6 × 2.5 cm was transphenoidally resected from a 55-year old female. Preoperative magnetic resonance imaging indicated an isointense, contrast enhancing mass with suprasellar extension. Histology showed multiple rudimentary to well-formed, follicle-like cavities on a classical spindle cell background; while all the participating cells exhibited an SCO immunophenotype, including positivity for S100 protein, vimentin, EMA, Bcl-2, and TTF-1, as well as staining with the antimitochondrial antibody 113-1. Conversely no expression of GFAP, follicular-epithelial cytokeratin, carcinoembryonic antigen, or anterior pituitary hormones was detected. Ultrastructurally, tumor cells facing follicular lumina displayed organelles of epithelial specialization, in particular surface microvilli and apical tight junctions. This constellation is felt to be reminiscent of FSCs' metaplastic transition to follicular epithelium, as observed during embryonic development and physiological renewal of the hormone-secreting parenchyma. Such finding is apt to being read as a supporting argument for SCO's descent from the FSC lineage.


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Central nervous system space-occupying lesions with clear-cell features encompass a nosologically heterogeneous array, ranging from reactive histiocytic proliferations to neuroepithelial or meningothelial neoplasms of various grades and to metastases. In the face of such differential diagnostic breadth, recognizing cytoplasmic lucency as part of the morphological spectrum of some low grade gliomas will directly have an impact on patient care. We describe a prevailing clear-cell change in an epileptogenic left temporal pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma surgically resected from a 36-year-old man. Mostly subarachnoid and focally calcified, the tumor was composed of fascicles of moderately atypical spindle cells with optically lucent cytoplasm that tended to intermingle with a desmoplastic mesh of reticulin fibers. Immunohistochemically, coexpression of S100 protein, vimentin, GFAP, and CD34 was noted. Conversely, neither punctate staining for EMA nor positivity for CD68 was seen. Mitotic activity was absent, and the MIB1 labeling index was 2-3% on average. Diastase-sensitive PAS-positive granula indicated clear-cell change to proceed from glycogen storage. Electron microscopy showed tumor cell cytoplasm to be largely obliterated by non-lysosomal-bound pools of glycogen, while hardly any fat vacuole was encountered. Neither ependymal-derived organelles nor annular lamellae suggesting oligodendroglial differentiation were detected. The latter differential diagnosis was further invalidated by lack of codeletion of chromosomal regions 1p36 and 19q13 on molecular genetic testing. By significantly interfering with pattern recognition as an implicit approach in histopathology, clear-cell change in pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma is likely to suspend its status as a "classic", and to prompt more deductive differential diagnostic strategies to exclude look-alikes, especially clear-cell ependymoma and oligodendroglioma.


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By analogy to gliosarcoma, the neologism "oligosarcoma" is to describe an uncommon form of biphasic central nervous system tumor composed of contiguous neuroepithelial and mesenchymal elements, each of which individually meet the criteria of oligodendroglioma and sarcoma, respectively. By virtue of its distinctive genotype (codeletion 1p/19q), oligodendroglioma is a particularly inviting paradigm to test the assumption that such mixed tumors are clonally derived from a glial primary. We observed this constellation in a 41-year-old male who underwent two resection procedures for a recurring right frontal tumor at five years' interval. On imaging, both lesions were contrast-enhancing, and measured 7 cm × 7 cm × 6.8 cm and 7 cm × 6.5 cm × 4cm, respectively. Following the first operation, temozolomide monotherapy was administered. Whereas initial histology showed conventional anaplastic oligodendroglioma, the recurrence consisted mostly of a fibrosarcoma-like, fascicular neoplasm that was immunoreactive for vimentin, smooth muscle actin, S100 protein, and focally epithelial membrane antigen. In between, a subset of otherwise indistinguishable spindle cells expressed GFAP, and focally merged with residues of oligodendroglioma. Molecular testing for loss of heterozygosity confirmed codeletion of 1p/19q in both the primary tumor and the sarcomatous recurrence. Similarly, generalized immunoreactivity for the mutant R132H form of isocitrate dehydrogenase in both lesions indicated an identical mutation of the IDH1 gene. By the above standards, biologically consistent "oligosarcomas" are felt to be exceedingly rare, and possibly participate of a nosologically heterogeneous group of combined glial/mesenchymal lesions that may also include iatrogenically induced second malignancies as well as true collision tumors.


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The descriptive term hybrid peripheral nerve sheath tumor refers to any neoplasm of the neurilemmal apparatus composed of more than one pathologically defined tumoral equivalent derived from its constituent cells. Within this uncommon nosological category, participation of granular cell tumor - a neoplasm of modified Schwann cells - has been reported only exceptionally. We describe a hitherto not documented variant composed of an organoid mixture of granular cell tumor and perineurioma with plexiform growth. A solitary subcutaneous nodule of 1.5 cm diameter was excised from the right ring finger of a 19-year-old female with no antecedents of neurofibromatosis or relevant trauma. Histology revealed a monotonous, yet cytologically dimorphic proliferation of classical granular cells intermingled with flattened, inconspicuous perineurial cells. Immunohistochemical double labeling detected expression of S100 protein in the former and of EMA and GLUT-1 in the latter. While the respective staining patterns for S100 protein and EMA or GLUT-1 tended to be mutually exclusive, a minority of cells exhibited transitional granular cell/perineurial immunophenotype. Electron microscopy permitted direct visualization of a plethora of lysosomes in the granular cell moiety, and of pinocytotic vesicles and tight junctions in perineurial cells. Intratumoral axons were not detected. Expanding intraneurally, the lesion showed discrete encapsulation by the local perineurium, and resulted in plexiform growth. The MIB-1 labeling index averaged 1%. We interpret our findings as supporting evidence for the dual cell lineage to have arisen through metaplasia, with the tumor's dynamics probably having been driven by the granular cell component.