987 resultados para Romance literature


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Este artigo analisa o conto Romance Negro, de Rubem Fonseca, a partir do duplo sentido que o autor dá à expressão roman noir, a qual remete, em literatura, seja ao gênero que se desenvolveu no pré-romantismo inglês da segunda metade do século XVIII, seja a um tipo de romance policial americano do século XX chamado de noir. Aproveitando essa dualidade do termo, o autor cria uma narrativa híbrida ao mesclar dois gêneros: o romance gótico e a narrativa policial.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Busca-se determinar as características da representação da natureza no romance francês do século XIX, analisando-se Paul et Virginie de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Les travailleurs de la mer de Victor Hugo e L’Ève future de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, por meio da teoria sócio-crítica e do embate com o texto. Na primeira parte, faz-se um retrospecto da representação nas artes e na literatura, destacando-se as concepções de Aristóteles e as do Romantismo. Apresenta-se também um panorama das concepções da natureza no tempo e no espaço e reflete-se sobre as relações do homem com o mundo natural, bem como sobre as teorias a elas referentes no âmbito da história, da pintura e da literatura. Na segunda parte, analisam-se os três romances escolhidos, buscando-se neles os modos e os sentidos da representação literária da natureza. Conclui-se pela existência, nas três obras estudadas, de uma atitude ambígua do homem diante da natureza, que havia sido anteriormente detectada na história. Embora diferenciadas entre si, sob alguns aspectos, as representações da natureza no corpus estudado demonstram o registro, no universo literário, de marcas do contexto histórico, político e social em que os três romances foram escritos, publicados e usufruidos.


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The goal of this paper is to reflect on the process of adaptation from literature to cinema in order to understand how are made the choices in this kind of transposition. For that, we will analyze the case of the novel The Past (2003), by Alan Pauls, and its translation into the film language (2007) by Héctor Babenco, using reflections from semiotic studies of literature and cinema


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This paper concentrates on the analysis of how the typical voices of History are manifested, which is achieved by the aesthetics of the contemporary Portuguese narrative, as it aims at the same time the reflexion and the reformulation of the Lusitanian cultural imaginary in the course of O retorno, a novel by Dulce Maria Cardoso. The hypothesis that arises is that the trajectory of Rui’s individual experience, as wells as the other’s characters “retornados” looking for identity, is parallel to the proposed revision of the Portuguese nation collective cultural imaginary in the decolonization context, after the 25th April Revolution. It is its objective to investigate how the historical processes concerned to the concepts of exile and uprooting, displacement and belonging (BAUMAN, 2005) are fictionalized in the novel, seen as motes for Rui’s pursuit for identity and for the revision of the Portuguese Destiny theme


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper concentrates on demonstrating that the novel called São Bernardo ,written by Graciliano Ramos, utilizes some literary strategies that cause the effect of being built by rememorizations, which is a vital aspect of several of the author’s titles. Such objective is reached via the analyses of how the following narrative categories: focalization, narrator, characters, story and time converge toward the elaboration of the memory and the comparison between this construction on São Bernardo and Angústia. In order to be successful on this task, three groups of study constitute our theoretical basis: a) critical essays concerning Graciliano Ramos; b) theoretical propositions about the narrative categories; c) academic articles on the constitution of memory. Papers composed by Antonio Candido, Alfredo Bosi, Sonia Brayner, Luís Costa Lima and others are part of the first group. The second one is constituted by propositions of Gérard Genette, Benedito Nunes etc. Finally, on the last one, we find Paul Ricouer and Henri Bergson


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The novel O passado (2003) by Alan Pauls presents many isotopies which would deserve to be investigated: there is a varied construction of loving relationships among the characters, who reveal different feelings, that would allow a mapping of passions to be studied; there is an activity of translation (role performed by Rimini and Carmen) that engenders a very rich reflection on the literary activity which is taking place. There is also the presence of a visual artist, Jeremy Riltse, revealing a poetic work which was created by this discourse. Due to the dimension that a research of this kind would require, it is not possible to deal with all the isotopies. Thus, the last one was chosen to be investigated, that is, to verify how the fictional visual artist and his singular work operate in the novel.


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The conception of O tronco was influenced by Hegel´s ideas. The genesis of this novel is in Bernardo Élis’ purpose of writing a monograph on land ownership conflicts in Goiás, later transformed into a new project, the novel O tronco. The same ideological position of the author gives the argumentative direction of the novel; his ideological background determines the choice of the theme, associated with images expanded by the procedures of argumentation that permeate the literary discourse. Thus, in face of the undeniable aesthetic value of Élis´work, we analyzed O tronco, specifically the argumentation that guides the literary narrative, enhanced by the artistic treatment of violence, its theme, as the result of the struggle for power. The novel was published in 1956; the author, heir to the literary regionalism of the 30s, through an artistic and calculated combination of the story of a local government and literature, accuses, judges the exacerbated domination of a particular social group in a region in Goiás.


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Vidas secas, fourth volume of Graciliano Ramos’s work, has its origins in baleia, a short story written by the author and later interspersed, in a term of six months, in twelve other chapters then created for the novel. This paper deals with aspects of Vidas secas creative process, from the short story to the novel.


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This work presents a discussion on Brazilian regionalist novel and its relationship to representation of reality along of Brazilian history of literature. Under this point of view, this article analyzes how the novel Galileia, by Ronaldo Correia de Brito, retakes, refuses or brings up to date, in contemporary prose, some aspects that established this kind of production inside literary diachrony in Brazil.