926 resultados para Robot autonomy


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Stereo-based visual odometry algorithms are heavily dependent on an accurate calibration of the rigidly fixed stereo pair. Even small shifts in the rigid transform between the cameras can impact on feature matching and 3D scene triangulation, adversely affecting pose estimates and applications dependent on long-term autonomy. In many field-based scenarios where vibration, knocks and pressure change affect a robotic vehicle, maintaining an accurate stereo calibration cannot be guaranteed over long periods. This paper presents a novel method of recalibrating overlapping stereo camera rigs from online visual data while simultaneously providing an up-to-date and up-to-scale pose estimate. The proposed technique implements a novel form of partitioned bundle adjustment that explicitly includes the homogeneous transform between a stereo camera pair to generate an optimal calibration. Pose estimates are computed in parallel to the calibration, providing online recalibration which seamlessly integrates into a stereo visual odometry framework. We present results demonstrating accurate performance of the algorithm on both simulated scenarios and real data gathered from a wide-baseline stereo pair on a ground vehicle traversing urban roads.


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Evolutionary computation is an effective tool for solving optimization problems. However, its significant computational demand has limited its real-time and on-line applications, especially in embedded systems with limited computing resources, e.g., mobile robots. Heuristic methods such as the genetic algorithm (GA) based approaches have been investigated for robot path planning in dynamic environments. However, research on the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, another popular evolutionary computation algorithm, for dynamic path planning is still limited mainly due to its high computational demand. An enhanced SA approach, which integrates two additional mathematical operators and initial path selection heuristics into the standard SA, is developed in this work for robot path planning in dynamic environments with both static and dynamic obstacles. It improves the computing performance of the standard SA significantly while giving an optimal or near-optimal robot path solution, making its real-time and on-line applications possible. Using the classic and deterministic Dijkstra algorithm as a benchmark, comprehensive case studies are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the enhanced SA and other SA algorithms in various dynamic path planning scenarios.


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This paper presents an account of an autonomous mobile robot deployment in a densely crowded public event with thousands of people from different age groups attending. The robot operated for eight hours on an open floor surrounded by tables, chairs and massive touchscreen displays. Due to the large number of people who were in close vicinity of the robot, different safety measures were implemented including the use of no-go zones which prevent the robot from blocking emergency exits or moving too close to the display screens. The paper presents the lessons learnt and experiences obtained from this experiment, and provides a discussion about the state of mobile service robots in such crowded environments.


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This thesis presents a novel approach to mobile robot navigation using visual information towards the goal of long-term autonomy. A novel concept of a continuous appearance-based trajectory is proposed in order to solve the limitations of previous robot navigation systems, and two new algorithms for mobile robots, CAT-SLAM and CAT-Graph, are presented and evaluated. These algorithms yield performance exceeding state-of-the-art methods on public benchmark datasets and large-scale real-world environments, and will help enable widespread use of mobile robots in everyday applications.


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In this paper we present a method for autonomously tuning the threshold between learning and recognizing a place in the world, based on both how the rodent brain is thought to process and calibrate multisensory data and the pivoting movement behaviour that rodents perform in doing so. The approach makes no assumptions about the number and type of sensors, the robot platform, or the environment, relying only on the ability of a robot to perform two revolutions on the spot. In addition, it self-assesses the quality of the tuning process in order to identify situations in which tuning may have failed. We demonstrate the autonomous movement-driven threshold tuning on a Pioneer 3DX robot in eight locations spread over an office environment and a building car park, and then evaluate the mapping capability of the system on journeys through these environments. The system is able to pick a place recognition threshold that enables successful environment mapping in six of the eight locations while also autonomously flagging the tuning failure in the remaining two locations. We discuss how the method, in combination with parallel work on autonomous weighting of individual sensors, moves the parameter dependent RatSLAM system significantly closer to sensor, platform and environment agnostic operation.


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We describe recent biologically-inspired mapping research incorporating brain-based multi-sensor fusion and calibration processes and a new multi-scale, homogeneous mapping framework. We also review the interdisciplinary approach to the development of the RatSLAM robot mapping and navigation system over the past decade and discuss the insights gained from combining pragmatic modelling of biological processes with attempts to close the loop back to biology. Our aim is to encourage the pursuit of truly interdisciplinary approaches to robotics research by providing successful case studies.


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Considering the wide spectrum of situations that it may encounter, a robot navigating autonomously in outdoor environments needs to be endowed with several operating modes, for robustness and efficiency reasons. Indeed, the terrain it has to traverse may be composed of flat or rough areas, low cohesive soils such as sand dunes, concrete road etc. . .Traversing these various kinds of environment calls for different navigation and/or locomotion functionalities, especially if the robot is endowed with different locomotion abilities, such as the robots WorkPartner, Hylos [4], Nomad or the Marsokhod rovers. Numerous rover navigation techniques have been proposed, each of them being suited to a particular environment context (e.g. path following, obstacle avoidance in more or less cluttered environments, rough terrain traverses...). However, seldom contributions in the literature tackle the problem of selecting autonomously the most suited mode [3]. Most of the existing work is indeed devoted to the passive analysis of a single navigation mode, as in [2]. Fault detection is of course essential: one can imagine that a proper monitoring of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity could have avoided the rover to be stuck during several weeks in a dune, by detecting non-nominal behavior of some parameters. But the ability to recover the anticipated problem by switching to a better suited navigation mode would bring higher autonomy abilities, and therefore a better overall efficiency. We propose here a probabilistic framework to achieve this, which fuses environment related and robot related information in order to actively control the rover operations.


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Autonomous navigation and locomotion of a mobile robot in natural environments remain a rather open issue. Several functionalities are required to complete the usual perception/decision/action cycle. They can be divided in two main categories : navigation (perception and decision about the movement) and locomotion (movement execution). In order to be able to face the large range of possible situations in natural environments, it is essential to make use of various kinds of complementary functionalities, defining various navigation and locomotion modes. Indeed, a number of navigation and locomotion approaches have been proposed in the literature for the last years, but none can pretend being able to achieve autonomous navigation and locomotion in every situation. Thus, it seems relevant to endow an outdoor mobile robot with several complementary navigation and locomotion modes. Accordingly, the robot must also have means to select the most appropriate mode to apply. This thesis proposes the development of such a navigation/locomotion mode selection system, based on two types of data: an observation of the context to determine in what kind of situation the robot has to achieve its movement and an evaluation of the behavior of the current mode, made by monitors which influence the transitions towards other modes when the behavior of the current one is considered as non satisfying. Hence, this document introduces a probabilistic framework for the estimation of the mode to be applied, some navigation and locomotion modes used, a qualitative terrain representation method (based on the evaluation of a difficulty computed from the placement of the robot's structure on a digital elevation map), and monitors that check the behavior of the modes used (evaluation of rolling locomotion efficiency, robot's attitude and configuration watching. . .). Some experimental results obtained with those elements integrated on board two different outdoor robots are presented and discussed.


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This paper presents an approach to autonomously monitor the behavior of a robot endowed with several navigation and locomotion modes, adapted to the terrain to traverse. The mode selection process is done in two steps: the best suited mode is firstly selected on the basis of initial information or a qualitative map built on-line by the robot. Then, the motions of the robot are monitored by various processes that update mode transition probabilities in a Markov system. The paper focuses on this latter selection process: the overall approach is depicted, and preliminary experimental results are presented


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This work is motivated by the desire to covertly track mobile targets, either animal or human, in previously unmapped outdoor natural environments using off-road robotic platforms with a non-negligible acoustic signature. The use of robots for stealthy surveillance is not new. Many studies exist but only consider the navigation problem to maintain visual covertness. However, robotic systems also have a significant acoustic footprint from the onboard sensors, motors, computers and cooling systems, and also from the wheels interacting with the terrain during motion. All these can jepordise any visual covertness. In this work, we experimentally explore the concepts of opportunistically utilizing naturally occurring sounds within outdoor environments to mask the motion of a robot, and being visually covert whilst maintaining constant observation of the target. Our experiments in a constrained outdoor built environment demonstrate the effectiveness of the concept by showing a reduced acoustic signature as perceived by a mobile target allowing the robot to covertly navigate to opportunistic vantage points for observation.


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This paper describes the development of small low-cost cooperative robots for sustainable broad-acre agriculture to increase broad-acre crop production and reduce environmental impact. The current focus of the project is to use robotics to deal with resistant weeds, a critical problem for Australian farmers. To keep the overall system affordable our robot uses low-cost cameras and positioning sensors to perform a large scale coverage task while also avoiding obstacles. A multi-robot coordinator assigns parts of a given field to individual robots. The paper describes the modification of an electric vehicle for autonomy and experimental results from one real robot and twelve simulated robots working in coordination for approximately two hours on a 55 hectare field in Emerald Australia. Over this time the real robot 'sprayed' 6 hectares missing 2.6% and overlapping 9.7% within its assigned field partition, and successfully avoided three obstacles.


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This case study research investigated the extent to which Vietnamese teachers understood the concept of learner autonomy and how their beliefs about this concept were applied in their teaching practices. Data were collected through two phases of the study and revealed that teachers generally lacked understanding about learner autonomy; there was an alignment between this lack of understanding and teachers' actual teaching practices regarding learner autonomy. The findings of this study will provide teachers and policy-makers new insights into learner autonomy against the backdrop of educational reforms in Vietnam.


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This paper discusses a model of the civil aviation reg- ulation framework and shows how the current assess- ment of reliability and risk for piloted aircraft has limited applicability for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) with high levels of autonomous decision mak- ing. Then, a new framework for risk management of robust autonomy is proposed, which arises from combining quantified measures of risk with normative decision making. The term Robust Autonomy de- scribes the ability of an autonomous system to either continue or abort its operation whilst not breaching a minimum level of acceptable safety in the presence of anomalous conditions. The decision making associ- ated with risk management requires quantifying prob- abilities associated with the measures of risk and also consequences of outcomes related to the behaviour of autonomy. The probabilities are computed from an assessment under both nominal and anomalous sce- narios described by faults, which can be associated with the aircraft’s actuators, sensors, communication link, changes in dynamics, and the presence of other aircraft in the operational space. The consequences of outcomes are characterised by a loss function which rewards the certification decision


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As the number of potential applications of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) grows in civilian operations and national security, National Airworthiness Authorities are under increasing pressure to provide a path for certification and allow UAS integration into the national airspace. The success of this integration depends on developments in improved UAS reliability and safety, regulations for certification, and technologies for operational performance and safety assessment. This paper focusses on the latter and describes the use of a framework for evaluating robust autonomy of UAS, namely, the autonomous system’s ability to either continue operation in the presence of faults or safely shut down. The paper draws parallels between the proposed evaluation framework and the evaluation of pilots during the licensing process. It also discusses how the data from the proposed evaluation can be uses as an aid for decision making in certification and UAS designs.


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As the level of autonomy in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) increases, there is an imperative need for developing methods to assess robust autonomy. This paper focuses on the computations that lead to a set of measures of robust autonomy. These measures are the probabilities that selected performance indices related to the mission requirements and airframe capabilities remain within regions of acceptable performance.