970 resultados para Respiratory syncytial pneumovirus
The introduction of newer molecular methods has led to the discovery of new respiratory viruses, such as human metapneumovirus (hMPV) and human bocavirus (hBoV), in respiratory tract specimens. We have studied the occurrence of hMPV and hBoV in the Porto Alegre (PA) metropolitan area, one of the southernmost cities of Brazil, evaluating children with suspected lower respiratory tract infection from May 2007-June 2008. A real-time polymerase chain reaction method was used for amplification and detection of hMPV and hBoV and to evaluate coinfections with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza A and B, parainfluenza 1, 2 and 3, human rhinovirus and human adenovirus. Of the 455 nasopharyngeal aspirates tested, hMPV was detected in 14.5% of samples and hBoV in 13.2%. A unique causative viral agent was identified in 46.2% samples and the coinfection rate was 43.7%. For hBoV, 98.3% of all positive samples were from patients with mixed infections. Similarly, 84.8% of all hMPV-positive results were also observed in mixed infections. Both hBoV and hMPV usually appeared with RSV. In summary, this is the first confirmation that hMPV and hBoV circulate in PA; this provides evidence of frequent involvement of both viruses in children with clinical signs of acute viral respiratory tract infection, although they mainly appeared as coinfection agents.
Advances in clinical virology for detecting respiratory viruses have been focused on nucleic acids amplification techniques, which have converted in the reference method for the diagnosis of acute respiratory infections of viral aetiology. Improvements of current commercial molecular assays to reduce hands-on-time rely on two strategies, a stepwise automation (semi-automation) and the complete automation of the whole procedure. Contributions to the former strategy have been the use of automated nucleic acids extractors, multiplex PCR, real-time PCR and/or DNA arrays for detection of amplicons. Commercial fully-automated molecular systems are now available for the detection of respiratory viruses. Some of them could convert in point-of-care methods substituting antigen tests for detection of respiratory syncytial virus and influenza A and B viruses. This article describes laboratory methods for detection of respiratory viruses. A cost-effective and rational diagnostic algorithm is proposed, considering technical aspects of the available assays, infrastructure possibilities of each laboratory and clinic-epidemiologic factors of the infection.
Viruses are the major contributors to the morbidity and mortality of upper and lower acute respiratory infections (ARIs) for all age groups. The aim of this study was to determine the frequencies for a large range of respiratory viruses using a sensitive molecular detection technique in specimens from outpatients of all ages with ARIs. Nasopharyngeal aspirates were obtained from 162 individuals between August 2007-August 2009. Twenty-three pathogenic respiratory agents, 18 respiratory viruses and five bacteria were investigated using multiplex real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIF). Through IIF, 33 (20.4%) specimens with respiratory virus were recognised, with influenza virus representing over half of the positive samples. Through a multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay, 88 (54.3%) positive samples were detected; the most prevalent respiratory viral pathogens were influenza, human rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Six cases of viral co-detection were observed, mainly involving RSV. The use of multiplex real-time RT-PCR increased the viral detection by 33.9% and revealed a larger number of respiratory viruses implicated in ARI cases, including the most recently described respiratory viruses [human bocavirus, human metapneumovirus, influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 virus, human coronavirus (HCoV) NL63 and HCoV HKU1].
BACKGROUND: Community-acquired respiratory viral infections (RVIs) are common in lung transplant patients and may be associated with acute rejection and bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). The use of sensitive molecular methods that can simultaneously detect a large panel of respiratory viruses may help better define their effects. METHODS: Lung transplant recipients undergoing serial surveillance and diagnostic bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs) during a period of 3 years were enrolled. BAL samples underwent multiplex testing for a panel of 19 respiratory viral types/subtypes using the Luminex xTAG respiratory virus panel assay. RESULTS: Demographics, symptoms, and forced expiratory volume in 1 sec were prospectively collected for 93 lung transplant recipients enrolled. Mean number of BAL samples was 6.2+/-3.1 per patient. A respiratory virus was isolated in 48 of 93 (51.6%) patients on at least one BAL sample. Of 81 positive samples, the viruses isolated included rhinovirus (n=46), parainfluenza 1 to 4 (n=17), coronavirus (n=11), influenza (n=4), metapneumovirus (n=4), and respiratory syncytial virus (n=2). Biopsy-proven acute rejection (> or =grade 2) or decline in forced expiratory volume in 1 sec > or =20% occurred in 16 of 48 (33.3%) patients within 3 months of RVI when compared with 3 of 45 (6.7%) RVI-negative patients within a comparable time frame (P=0.001). No significant difference was seen in incidence of acute rejection between symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. Biopsy-proven obliterative bronchiolitis or BOS was diagnosed in 10 of 16 (62.5%) patients within 1 year of infection. CONCLUSION: Community-acquired RVIs are frequently detected in BAL samples from lung transplant patients. In a significant percentage of patients, symptomatic or asymptomatic viral infection is a trigger for acute rejection and obliterative bronchiolitis/BOS.
We conducted a 12-year retrospective study to determine the effects that the community respiratory-virus species and the localization of respiratory-tract virus infection have on severe airflow decline, a serious and fatal complication occurring after hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Of 132 HCT recipients with respiratory-tract virus infection during the initial 100 days after HCT, 50 (38%) developed airflow decline < or =1 year after HCT. Lower-respiratory-tract infection with parainfluenza (odds ratio [OR], 17.9 [95% confidence interval {CI}, 2.0-160]; P=.01) and respiratory syncytial virus (OR, 3.6 [95% CI, 1.0-13]; P=.05) independently increased the risk of development of airflow decline < or =1 year after HCT. The airflow decline was immediately detectable after infection and was strongest for lower-respiratory-tract infection with parainfluenza virus; it stabilized during the months after the respiratory-tract virus infection, but, at < or =1 year after HCT, the initial lung function was not restored. Thus, community respiratory virus-associated airflow decline seems to be specific to viral species and infection localization.
Leukemiaa sairastavien lasten kuumeiset infektiot, erityisesti respiratoriset virusinfektiot Tausta: Hengitysteiden virusinfektiot ovat lasten tavallisimpia sairauksia. Infektiota aiheuttava virus voidaan uusilla menetelmillä löytää lähes kaikissa tapauksissa. Leukemiaa sairastavilla lapsilla on perustaudin ja leukemian hoitojen takia tavallista suurempi infektioalttius, ja kuumeilu on tavallista leukemiahoidon aikana. Suurin osa syöpähoidon aikaisten kuumejaksojen syistä jää kuitenkin selvittämättä. Tavoitteet: Prospektiivisen 5 vuotta kestäneen monikeskustutkimuksen tavoitteena oli etsiä uusimmilla mikrobiologisilla menetelmillä leukemiaa sairastavien lasten kuumeen syy. Tätä varten tutkittiin 16 virusta virusviljelyllä, antigeeniosoituksella ja nukleiinihappo-osoituksella. Näytteitä otettiin nenästä, ulosteesta, virtsasta ja verestä. Lisäksi tutkittiin MxA-proteiinin kykyä osoittaa virusinfektio syöpälapsella. Tulokset: Tutkimuksen aikana analysoitiin 138 kuumejaksoa 51 leukemialapsella. Kokonaisseuranta-aika oli 1.5 vuotta/lapsi. Kuumejaksojen ilmaantuvuus oli 2.1 jaksoa potilasta kohden suhteutettuna vuoden riskiaikaan. Hengistysteiden virusinfektio voitiin osoittaa 82 kuumejaksossa (59%). Kaksi tai useampi virus löydettiin 12 %:ssa kuumejaksoista. Tavallisimmat virukset olivat rhinovirus (22 %), respiratory syncytial virus eli RS-virus (11 %), human herpes virus 6 (7 %), human bocavirus (5 %), sytomegalovirus (5 %), parainfluenssavirukset (5 %) ja influenssa A -virus (4 %). Kahdelle potilaalle kehittyi pneumonia, muilla oireet olivat lievät. Veriviljely oli positiivinen 19 kuumejaksossa (14 %), ja puolessa tapauksista löydettiin samanaikaisesti respiratorinen virus. MxA proteini ilmeni veren lymfosyyteissä useimmilla virusinfektioon sairastuneilla syöpälapsilla. Päätelmät: Kuumeiset respiratoriset virusinfektiot ovat tavallisia leukemiaa sairastavilla lapsilla. Infektion oireet ovat tavallisesti vähäiset, mutta pienelle osalle voi kehittyä veriviljelypositiivinen sepsis tai pneumonia. Kuumeen syy jäi selvittämättä vain harvoissa tapauksissa.
We report an investigation for 16 bacteria and viruses among 184 children hospitalized with pneumonia in Salvador, Brazil. Etiology was established in 144 (78%) cases. Viral, bacterial, and mixed infections were found in 110 (60%), 77 (42%), and 52 (28%) patients, respectively. Rhinovirus (21%) and Streptococcus pneumoniae (21%) were the most common pathogens. Our results demonstrate the importance of viral and pneumococcal infections among those patients.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Chronic tonsillar diseases are an important health problem, leading to large numbers of surgical procedures worldwide. Little is known about pathogenesis of these diseases. In order to investigate the role of respiratory viruses in chronic adenotonsillar diseases, we developed a cross-sectional study to determine the rates of viral detections of common respiratory viruses detected by TaqMan real time PCR (qPCR) in nasopharyngeal secretions, tonsillar tissues and peripheral blood from 121 children with chronic tonsillar diseases, without symptoms of acute respiratory infections. At least one respiratory virus was detected in 97.5% of patients. The viral co-infection rate was 69.5%. The most frequently detected viruses were human adenovirus in 47.1%, human enterovirus in 40.5%, human rhinovirus in 38%, human bocavirus in 29.8%, human metapneumovirus in 17.4% and human respiratory syncytial virus in 15.7%. Results of qPCR varied widely between sample sites: human adenovirus, human bocavirus and human enterovirus were predominantly detected in tissues, while human rhinovirus was more frequently detected in secretions. Rates of virus detection were remarkably high in tonsil tissues: over 85% in adenoids and close to 70% in palatine tonsils. In addition, overall virus detection rates were higher in more hypertrophic than in smaller adenoids (p = 0.05), and in the particular case of human enteroviruses, they were detected more frequently (p = 0.05) in larger palatine tonsils than in smaller ones. While persistence/latency of DNA viruses in tonsillar tissues has been documented, such is not the case of RNA viruses. Respiratory viruses are highly prevalent in adenoids and palatine tonsils of patients with chronic tonsillar diseases, and persistence of these viruses in tonsils may stimulate chronic inflammation and play a role in the pathogenesis of these diseases.
Viruses are the major cause of lower respiratory tract infections in childhood and the main viruses involved are Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (HRSV), Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), Influenzavirus A and B (FLUA and FLUB), Human Parainfluenza Virus 1, 2 and 3 (HPIV1, 2 and 3) and Human Rhinovirus (HRV). The purposes of this study were to detect respiratory viruses in hospitalized children younger than six years and identify the influence of temperature and relative air humidity on the detected viruses. Samples of nasopharyngeal washes were collected from hospitalized children between May/2004 and September/2005. Methods of viral detection were RT-PCR, PCR and HRV amplicons were confirmed by hybridization. Results showed 54% (148/272) of viral positivity. HRSV was detected in 29% (79/272) of the samples; HRV in 23.1% (63/272); HPIV3 in 5.1% (14/272); HMPV in 3.3% (9/272); HPIV1 in 2.9% (8/272); FLUB in 1.4% (4/272), FLUA in 1.1% (3/272), and HPIV2 in 0.3% (1/272). The highest detection rates occurred mainly in the spring 2004 and in the autumn 2005. It was observed that viral respiratory infections tend to increase as the relative air humidity decreases, showing significant association with monthly averages of minimal temperature and minimal relative air humidity. In conclusion, viral respiratory infections vary according to temperature and relative air humidity and viral respiratory infections present major incidences it coldest and driest periods.
Fast-track Diagnostics respiratory pathogens (FTDRP) multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay was compared with in-house singleplex real-time RT-PCR assays for detection of 16 common respiratory viruses. The FTDRP assay correctly identified 26 diverse respiratory virus strains, 35 of 41 (85%) external quality assessment samples spiked with cultured virus and 232 of 263 (88%) archived respiratory specimens that tested positive for respiratory viruses by in-house assays. Of 308 prospectively tested respiratory specimens selected from children hospitalized with acute respiratory illness, 270 (87.7%) and 265 (86%) were positive by FTDRP and in-house assays for one or more viruses, respectively, with combined test results showing good concordance (K=0.812, 95% CI = 0.786-0.838). Individual FTDRP assays for adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus and rhinovirus showed the lowest comparative sensitivities with in-house assays, with most discrepancies occurring with specimens containing low virus loads and failed to detect some rhinovirus strains, even when abundant. The FTDRP enterovirus and human bocavirus assays appeared to be more sensitive than the in-house assays with some specimens. With the exceptions noted above, most FTDRP assays performed comparably with in-house assays for most viruses while offering enhanced throughput and easy integration by laboratories using conventional real-time PCR instrumentation. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Abstract Background Lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) is a major cause of pediatric morbidity and mortality, especially among non-affluent communities. In this study we determine the impact of respiratory viruses and how viral co-detections/infections can affect clinical LRTI severity in children in a hospital setting. Methods Patients younger than 3 years of age admitted to a tertiary hospital in Brazil during the months of high prevalence of respiratory viruses had samples collected from nasopharyngeal aspiration. These samples were tested for 13 different respiratory viruses through real-time PCR (rt-PCR). Patients were followed during hospitalization, and clinical data and population characteristics were collected during that period and at discharge to evaluate severity markers, especially length of hospital stay and oxygen use. Univariate regression analyses identified potential risk factors and multivariate logistic regressions were used to determine the impact of specific viral detections as well as viral co-detections in relation to clinical outcomes. Results We analyzed 260 episodes of LRTI with a viral detection rate of 85% (n = 222). Co-detection was observed in 65% of all virus-positive episodes. The most prevalent virus was Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) (54%), followed by Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) (32%) and Human Rhinovirus (HRV) (21%). In the multivariate models, infants with co-detection of HRV + RSV stayed 4.5 extra days (p = 0.004), when compared to infants without the co-detection. The same trends were observed for the outcome of days of supplemental oxygen use. Conclusions Although RSV remains as the main cause of LRTI in infants our study indicates an increase in the length of hospital stay and oxygen use in infants with HRV detected by RT-PCR compared to those without HRV. Moreover, one can speculate that when HRV is detected simultaneously with RSV there is an additive effect that may be reflected in more severe clinical outcome. Also, our study identified a significant number of children infected by recently identified viruses, such as hMPV and Human Bocavirus (HBov), and this is a novel finding for poor communities from developing countries.