261 resultados para Residências


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Space Science was built using a composite made of plaster, EPS, shredded tires, cement and water. Studies were conducted to thermal and mechanical resistance. Inside the mold EPS plates were placed in order to obtain a higher thermal resistance on the wall constructed, as well as to give it an end environmentally friendly in view of both the tire and the EPS occupy a large space in landfills and year need to be degraded when released into the environment. Compression tests were performed according to ABNT blocks to seal, measurements of the temperature variation in the external and internal walls using a laser thermometer and check the temperature of the indoor environment using a thermocouple attached to a digital thermometer. The experiments demonstrated the heat provided by the composite values from the temperature difference between the internal and external surfaces on the walls, reaching levels of 12.4 ° C and room temperature in the interior space of the Science of 33.3 ° C, remaining within the zone thermal comfort for hot climate countries. It was also demonstrated the proper mechanical strength of such a composite for sealing walls. The proposed use of the composite can contribute to reducing the extreme housing shortage in our country, producing popular homes at low cost and with little time to work


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Because of disability in public policy development in mind to attend issues of sanitation in the municipalities, companies known as "clean-blue" appeared proposing to solve a simple collection and management of wastewater produced in single or multifamily residences, commercial, hospitals, etc. In the case of an activity in which there are no worries about the fate of sewage, emerged some doubts about the degree of health and environmental safety in these companies. Traditionally, most of them makes the provision of waste depleted soil or wetland, open, usually located on the outskirts of cities (MENESES, 2001). In turn, the sludge from septic tanks exhausted, provided no technical criteria - in the soil, rivers and as an agricultural fertilizer put in risk the health of the population and environmental quality. This work was entered in the search network 5 of the Notice of the Research Program in Sanitation - PROSAB-5, aimed to study the theme 'Characterization and study of alternative ways of treating sludge from septic tanks in the city of Natal, RN', proposing to evaluate the performance of the use of stabilization ponds as a system to handle waste from septic tanks exhausted. A series of lakes studied belong to one of the largest clean-pit of Natal, consisting of two anaerobic ponds, one facultative and maturation, and a tank disinfection, the wastewater being released in the Potengi River. Samples were collected between the months of October 2007 to October 2008, at six points previously defined and judged as more appropriate to what is proposed study. The analysis results in field and laboratory showed the most significant removal of COD (88.93%), total suspended solids (94.87%), organic nitrogen (66.87%) and thermotolerant coliforms (99.88%). Some results have not reached the expected because the system under study had operating problems that have undermined the efficiency of the reactors


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The growing accumulation of people in urban centers caused chronic problems of the cities to begin to take an increasingly unsustainable. Primarily related to lack of infrastructure coupled with sanitation and lack of investment in critical sectors such as health, education, housing and transportation, these problems start to deteriorate markedly the quality of life of city dwellers and put into test management policies of the spaces urbanized. To reverse this situation, shows is essential to the use of tools (highlighting this harvest rates and environmental indicators) that help in assessing the current conditions and may assist in predicting future scenarios. From the information listed above, now put the research seeks to present an index called ISBA Environmental (Sanitation Index) which looks at the four urban systems (water, sewer, solid waste and urban drainage) from the viewpoint of application in a geographical cutout specific - in this case the Drainage Basin XII, defined by the Plan of Urban Drainage Stormwater in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte. This index, together with analysis of other factors sought to trace the current conditions of the basin and thus, assist in proposing the best solutions. For the preparation of the index was applied a questionnaire with a sample of 384 (three hundred eighty-four) households that aimed to study two variables: access to services and satisfaction of the population in relation to these. The ISBA has shown that the system is the most deficient collection and disposal of effluents (ICE = 47.66%), followed by the drainage of rainwater (IDAP = 54.17%), water supply (AAI = 61, 36) and solid waste collection (IRS = 78.28). With the ISBA was possible to verify that the qualitative data shows whose subjectivity is evident (as is the case of user satisfaction) can be of great importance when an assessment, since we obtained the correlation coefficient between the variables "Access" and " Satisfaction "equal to 0.8234, showing a strong correlation between the existence / quality of service offered and the impressions of the population that receives them


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No Brasil, vemos surgir, a partir da década de setenta, diversas propostas inovadoras no campo da atenção à saúde mental. A partir de então, multiplicam-se no país ambulatórios de psicologia e psiquiatria, hospitais-dia, residências terapêuticas e diversos núcleos/centros de atenção psicossocial. Transformados em política pública, os centros de atenção psicossocial espalham-se pelo país, preconizando um atendimento ambulatorial, interdisciplinar e de orientação territorial. Geralmente formado sob os auspícios de um grande hospital, o psiquiatra que se propõe a trabalhar, a partir da ótica psicossocial, imerso em uma pequena cidade, vê-se exposto às diversas contradições e ilogicidades do discurso psiquiátrico clássico. Os variados saberes locais são uma ameaça ao saber psiquiátrico medicamente constituído. Respostas, antes fáceis no interior do hospital, têm variadas implicações no território e adquirem uma complexidade para a qual o psiquiatra não se encontra preparado. Assim, este trabalho tenta demonstrar a dissonância entre essas duas espécies de psiquiatria: a clássica (afinada com a biologia, com a normatividade e com a instituição) e a psicossocial (que se volta para respostas localmente construídas e que se afina com o homem, em uma dimensão muito além do seu corpo).


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The present work aims to reflect on the everyday and its Vincentian practices of sociability in the early years of the presence of television in the city of São Vicente (RN), from the memories of the protagonists who witnessed the first insertion of TV set sin the beginning sof 1970s.Thus, the research was guided by some questions deemed relevant to the study in order to understand the most significant changes in the daily Vincentian boosted by the arrival of television in some private houses, which soon became a meeting place, recreation and sociability. At that time, filled the role of TV unites and brings people together. These houses, reinvented in spaces of sociability, were sanctioned by the various actors who gathered daily to include television programming. This popularity of television was measured by the joint efforts of people who moved their homes to homes that had this technical device. Each home with their uniqueness sand peculiarity, which attracted the population frequency f these spaces were frequent. Of course people still sit on the sidewalks, to be held the night rides in the streets and square, but soon came to the program schedule Preferred came into leaving their homes or to homes that had TV, watch them in the design of audiovisual programs. We use the oral memory as the principal methodology in order to interpret the memories recounted by people who lived in that time period studied. For this purpose we constructed a narrative that highlights the categories memory, media, social practices, everyday life and thus has the theoretical and methodological contributions of authors of humanities and social sciences its main foundation. In field research in the use of in-depth interviews, since the narratives of our research is interviewed. The importance of a study of such order, is not only in understanding the TV as an essential mediator for the interaction of individuals in society, from 1970 in São Vicente (RN), but also for the unveiling of his relationship with the daily routines of the Vincentians, founded in environments and symbols that regulated the conduct and reordered the social practices and sociability of these subjects. In this sense, the making of a work on the presence of TV in the city of São Vicente (RN) is also of paramount importance for the history of this media at the national level, since this is nothing more than a set of multiple stories


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The real estate dynamic originates new spatial forms, which can determine new uses and new places. We tried to analyze this work, the spatial transformations in the Ribeira district, Natal / RN, due to the advancement of the housing market that is gradually transforming the landscape with the introduction of new types of housing, especially by verticalization. The verticalization of the neighborhood occurs almost at once, changing the local landscape. Notwithstanding this process, given the rapid growth of Natal in the last two decades and the strategic location of the neighborhood, it is pertinent to note that, if not the process of vertical integration, perhaps the neighborhood had been at the mercy of other urban interventions and other approach the real estate market. The research used as instruments interviews with actors who work in the property market in the town and representatives of organizations that have implemented major legislation in the area, the Instituto de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (IPHAN) and the Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Urbanismo (SEMURB) as well as photographs on the area, in order to verify this new configuration that has been consolidated in the district. To support the theoretical discussion, there was a documentary and bibliographical research. In this way, the object of study of this search sees the uniqueness of urban renewal in the district of Ribeira and its relationship with the historic preservation laws and incentives for residential occupation in the neighborhood, especially regarding the vertical building


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As the space and the city are objects of desires, interests, seduction, sedition, appropriations, battles, victories, defeats, require to be analyzed historically. This research investigates and discusses the construction of public spaces in Jardim do Seridó City, backwoods of Rio Rio Grande do Norte, in the first decades of twentieth century, when the municipality was chaired by Heráclio Pires Fernandes, who ruled from 1917 to 1930 and was graduated from the University of Pharmacy of Recife, where he contacted the architectural, political and artistic influences circulating in the capital of Pernambuco. In the first decades of the twentieth century, the space of Jardim earns statements and practices, against the discourse of modernity, which sought to justify the title of Veneza Seridoense . At the time, the city had undergone several transformations in its public spaces through the construction of the Butchery, the Market, the Public Roads connecting the city to other urban centers, the building of the Bridge of the Pedra Lavrada Farm, the Elementary School Antônio de Azevedo , the creation of the Music Band Euterpe Jardinense , the Literary and Recreative Guild, the pavilion, the paving, tree planting, lighting, streets naming and listing of the annual painting of households, the arrival of automobiles, mail and telegraph. The construction of these new sceneries and the arrival of equipments generated impacts in the daily life of the population and were received differentiated ways by individuals involved in the process, which shows the tension between old and new, the relationship between history and space


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Comportamentos socialmente habilidosos promovem o desenvolvimento, ao passo que problemas de comportamento dificultam o acesso a novas contingências de reforçamento, facilitadoras da aquisição de repertórios de aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa investiga avaliações maternas de repertórios socialmente desejados e indesejados de crianças que, segundo o professor, apresentam problemas de comportamento. Participaram mães de 24 crianças indicadas pelo professor como tendo problemas de comportamento e mães de 24 crianças indicadas como tendo comportamentos socialmente desejados. O Questionário de Comportamentos Socialmente Desejados e a Escala Comportamental Infantil de Rutter foram aplicados nas residências das participantes. Os resultados indicaram mais problemas de comportamento externalizante no grupo previamente indicado como tendo problemas; os grupos não diferiram quanto a comportamentos desejados. em ambos os grupos, as crianças obtiveram altos escores de comportamentos socialmente desejados, apontando reservas comportamentais. Também em ambos foram identificadas crianças que poderiam ser beneficiadas com programas para a promoção de interações sociais mais equilibradas, prevenindo problemas de comportamento.


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Este texto busca evidenciar a relação trabalho e saúde em um lócus determinado: a produção calçadista em Franca, interior do estado de São Paulo. A discussão privilegia o processo sócio-histórico da referida atividade econômica em Franca, com ênfase na reestruturação produtiva que, a partir na década de 1990, disseminou parte da produção para as residências dos trabalhadores, constituindo as denominadas Bancas de Pespontos e de Corte em Calçados. Desse modo, a partir do conhecimento empírico, subsidiado pelas visitas a estes empreendimentos e de entrevistas com os trabalhadores e ainda com um relato de caso, enfatiza-se as relações sociais de trabalho que podem agredir à saúde. Todavia, diante da informalidade acabam não sendo consideradas na relação entre saúde e a atividade funcional exercida, ficando estes infortúnios distantes das negociações coletivas, fiscalizações, ou seja, de possíveis mudanças.


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The years 1990 disclose the consolidation of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform project, assumed as official politics by the Health Department, also stirring up discussions, lines of direction and new ways of care. Substitutive services to the psychiatric hospital as CAPS, conviviality centers, therapeutical residences and ambulatory clinics are implemented. This work analyzes the relations that the Specialized Ambulatory Clinic of Ribeira establishes to the services of Mental Health of the public system in the city of Natal/RN, as well as its adjustment to the proposal of the Psychiatric Reform. Through semi-structured interviews and observation, it was possible to gather data which allowed picturing a general characterization of the service: activities, technical group, joint with other institutions, daily routine organization. Such institution develops activities that surpass the traditional character of a clinic- in other words, the psychological/medical appointments - and it mainly greets the ones proceeding from CAPS and psychiatric hospitals. It offers group activities, psychiatric appointments, therapeutical workshops, sheltering and strolls, among others. The institution is composed by a multi-professional team of psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, nurse s aide and art-educator. The joint of this service with others that make part of the Mental Health Assistance network in Natal is incipient. Due to this fact, some actions and activities that could and should be developed together are just not. Although facing difficulties, the professionals of the Ambulatory Clinic of Ribeira are able to achieve good results and establish care in Mental Health that prioritize sheltering, listening and respect to the user s individuality. The Ambulatory Clinic of Ribeira is organized according to the paradigm of the Psychiatric Reform. Therefore, it offers an attention that stimulates the re-socialization of the users and the exercise of the citizenship and autonomy of those


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This study aims to map the working process in the health area starting from the meeting between the family and health teams and mental trouble carriers./MTC. The area of research was the Family Health Unit of Ozeas Sampaio, which is located in the county of Teresina-PI. As regard to the methodology procedure, we used a semi-structured interview timetable, aimed to detail the care practices, admittance and diagnostics that those teams realize with their users. Three teams of eleven workers each were interviewed. There was a doctor, a nurse and two health community agents in each team. The other tools we used were a camp logbook, in which we wrote down some informal dialogs, daily observations and feelings of the unit, and also the accompaniment of the staffs in house calls as well as the weekly meetings in the unit. Those meetings allowed us the construction of two analytic axes: 1) description of the establishment (Family Health Unit) of the organization, (municipal foundation of health and the service network), and the institutions and practice of health. 2) Analysis of the meetings between the worker and the user of Mental Trouble Carriers. In the first axis, we verified the repetition of the working logic focused on jobs in the hospital with the maintenance of the hierarchical relations between worker and the work processes which dissociate management and watchfulness in health care. We identified the lack of physical structure, the lack of self-confidence of the worker in the attention of the mental health care. At the second axis, we assess that the meetings, at the Family Health Unit (FHU) or at the dwelling of the users cause nuisance, discomfort and anxiety to the workers because they deal with issues that go beyond what is named as being the health order such as life stories, family conflicts, unemployment, hunger, sexual and psychological violence. As a matter of fact, they involve difficulties for having new relationships, reception and responsibility for this request


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Dengue is currently considered one of the most relevant public health problems worldwide. Studies indicate the surroundings of the houses as the preferred sites for the proliferation of Aedes aegypti. The residential areas are privileged environments for human development and contribute to the formation of the individual s identity and for the establishment of affective, social and cultural bonds. The purpose of this study was to investigate possible links between psychological indicators of pro-environmentalism and conservation status of residential backyards. Data collection was performed in 147 homes and methodological strategy involved the use of interview, the Scale of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Environmentalism, Scale of Consideration of Future Consequences and a tool for environmental evaluation. It was found that the participants expressed as environmental practices the garbage recycling, besides they had the knowledge of how the transmission of dengue occurs. These residents showed ecofriendly motivated commitment: pro-environmentalist ecocentric and anthropocentric. In evaluating the backyard it was verified that the conservation conditions, in almost half of the homes, appeared as carelessness on the part of residents and those conditions are conducive to the proliferation of Aedes aegypti. The pro-environmentalists and guidance for the future identified by the scales were not associated with the conservation status of the backyards. However, it was found that the trends of reduction and stability of infestation levels are associated with self-reported environmental care. These results can contribute to the discussion and design of new mosquito control actions and practices of education and health information among the population


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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The conservation of natural resources is essential and constitutes the main subject of many researches, which characterize important aspects concerning the environmental alterations in the ground, water, landscape and socioeconomic information. This study aimed to investigate the anthropogenic input of heavy metals in the environment, in the area of the Parelhas dump site and in part of the Seridó River and to determine the concentration of heavy metals in the sediments. This can result in risk to the environment and human health. In addition, we sought to establish the socioeconomic profile of rural communities adjacent to Seridó River and to comprehend the perception of these dwellers about the changes in the places they live. The area of this study is located in the city of Parelhas/RN, in the centralsouthern part of the State, in the micro-region of the Oriental Seridó. This area comprehends the place where the dump site is located, next to RN 086, the Caldeirão dam, the Quintos river called by local citizens Caldeirão creek and part of Seridó river, perpetuated by the Boqueirão dam, which crosses the city and it includes the rural communities of Almas, Domingas, Sussuarana II and Colonos. Regarding the study with bottom sediments, the samples were collected and taken to the laboratory of geochemistry, where they were dried, sieved, weighted and submitted to weak acid attack. The analysis of heavy metals was held by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer - Flame AAS. We applied 23 closed questionnaires constituted by 38 questions to collect informations in the rural communities, oriented to establish the socioeconomic profile and the environmental perception of the participants. The participants were distributed in the communities of Almas (1), Domingas (2), Sussuarana II (10) and Colonos (10). Most of them presented similar socioeconomic profiles. They are from 45 to 60 years old and live in these localities for 20 to 30 years or more. The families are composed by 3 or 4 people; the agriculture is the main activity, livestock is the secondary and 48% of them earn the minimal wage. Regarding the environmental perception, the participants can realize some changes in vegetation, soil, water and landscape. People living longer in the community, and with more years of experience on the local reality can perceive the depletion of the soil, pastures and changes in the landscape. These changes portray how the place was previously and what it represents today. The perception of these changes, besides the environmental ones, includes others concerning the increasing number of dwellers in the last years, as well as the number of houses. The changes happened through activities developed by the dwellers over the years, including agricultural practices, livestock, grass planting and even the cultivation of cotton. The study provided the acquisition of new data about the environmental reality of this region. It can subsidize the definition of public policies that can be implemented from the perspective of conservation of water resources and of the coexistence and survival of man in the semi-arid


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Amenities value provided by green areas, sea, river and natural landscapes are hardly perceived and incorporated on urban planning and development. In this work, distance and view to protected and non-protected green areas, sea and river were evaluated as to how they increase the housing prices in Natal. Hedonic pricing methods were used with linear models to estimate the marginal implicit value of environmental, residential and neighborhood features. Results on Chapter 1 demonstrate the view to the sea and protected natural areas were largely capitalized on housing prices, while non-protected natural areas didn t display such effect. Housing prices also increase when close to the sea or to parks entrance. However, housing prices fall when houses are near non-protected natural areas. When estates with sea view were excluded, the protected natural areas view and a longer distance to non-protected natural areas increased dwelling prices. Results on Chapter 2 point the sea view as an hedonic variable the contributes strongly to the property selling prices, even though not always as the greatest contributor; furthermore, the property proximity to Dunas Park or City of the Park entrance increases its price, as does closeness to Dunas Park, view to City of the Park or Dunas Park. On the other hand, selling prices diminish if properties are close to City of the Park or Morro do Careca. Results on this study confirm the hedonic pricing methods is an important intrument, capable of revealing to popullation the importance of enviromental amenities and can be used by public managers for creating public policies for conservation and restoration projects