967 resultados para Reproductive biology,


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[EN]This is the first time that the reproductive characteristics of Mycteroperca fusca have been analyzed over the whole area of its distribution, using the parameter of the histological analysis of the gonads. This species is a protogynous hermaphrodite with a marked predominance of females (1:4.9). The males and females displayed marked differences in the distribution of the sizes. The females were distributed over all the size ranges analyzed (229-725 mm total length), whereas the males were observed within the larger sizes, as of 428 mm. One transitional specimen (610 mm total length) was observed. The size at which the females first reached sexual maturity was 335 mm total length whereas the size at which 95% of females reached sexual maturity was 398 mm total length. The average size at which 50% of the females had inverted to the male condition was found to be 678 mm total length. The range of sizes at which the process of sexual inversion took place was broad, between 428 and 725 mm total length. The reproductive period was long, almost covering the annual cycle, although the maximum activity was observed between April and October, with a peak in spawning in June-July.


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[EN] The reproductive biology of the sea cucumber Holothuria sanctori was studied over 24 months (February 2009 to January 2011) at Gran Canaria through the gonad index and a combination of macro- and microscopic analysis of the gonads. Holothuria sanctori showed a 1:1 sex ratio and a seasonal reproductive cycle with a summer spawning: the mean gonad index showed a maximum (3.99±0.02) in summer (June-July) and a minimum (0.05±0.04) between late autumn (November) and early spring (March). Females had significantly wider gonad tubules than males. First maturity occurred at a size of 201 to 210 mm, a gutted body weight of 101 to 110 g and a total weight of 176 to 200 g. Holothuria sanctori shows a typical temperate species reproduction pattern. These results could be useful for managing current extractions of H. sanctori in the Mediterranean and in case a specific fishery is started in the eastern Atlantic region.


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[EN] Preliminary data of the length-weight relationship and reproduction of the bogue Boops boops off Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Central-east Atlantic) are provided. Two thousand and twenty-one individuals of bogue, ranging from 4 to 34 cm TL, were obtained from purse seine commercial landing. Reproduction parameters as sex determination, duration of spawning season, size at first maturity and GSI variation along time were determinated based on macroscopic evaluation of gonads. The results obtained suggest that bogue is a total spawner, with a long spawning season extending from January to May. Size at first maturity was 16.7 and 17.9 cm TL for males and females, respectively. The length-weight relationship obtained showed a positive allometry in both sexes


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Some aspects of the reproductive biology of the polychaete Gorgoniapolynoe caeciliae have been described for the first time. Gorgoniapolynoe caeciliae is a deep-sea commensal species associated with Candidella imbricala, all octocoral that populates the New England Seamount chain. Gorgoniapolynoe caeciliae is a dioccious species with an equal sex ratio and fertile segments throughout most of the adult body. The gonads of both sexes are associated with genital blood vessels emerging from the posterior surface of most intersegmental septa. In the female, oogenesis is intraovarian with oocytes being retained within the ovary until vitellogenesis is completed. The largest female examined contained over 3000 eggs with a maximum diameter of 80-90 mu m. In the male, the testes are repeated in numerous segments and consist of small clusters of spermatogonia, spermatocytes and early spermatids associated with the walls of the genital blood vessels. Early spermatids are shed into the coelom where they complete differentiation into mature ect-aquasperm with a spherical head (4 mu m), a small cap-like acrosome, and a short mid-piece with four mitochondria. Indirect evidence suggests that this species is an annual breeder that releases its gametes into seawater and produces a planktotrophic larva following fertilization. The reproductive biology of G. caeciliae is consistent with that of most other polynoids including many shallow water species suggesting that phylogenetic history strongly shapes its biology.


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Astragalus gines-lopezii Talavera, Podlech, Devesa & F.M.Vázquez (Fabaceae) is a threatened endemic species with a distribution restricted to a very small area in Badajoz Province (Extremadura Region, SW Spain) and only 2 populations are known. This species was catalogued in the ?Endangered? category in the 2008 Red List and the 2010 Threatened Spanish Vascular Flora List. Despite its status as an endangered species, at present very little is known about the distribution, census, and reproductive biology of this species. In this study we have carried out an exhaustive census of A. gines-lopezii , and we have evaluated the production of flowers, fruits, and seeds and the existence or not of intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination. Results have highlighted the high reproductive capacity of this species on the basis of a high production of flowers, fruits, and seeds. Mechanical scarification of seeds was effective for increasing germination. Thus, initial germination (22%?60%) was increased to 97%?99% when seeds were rubbed with sandpapers. A high intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination was found in this species. A. gines-lopezii produces seeds with different degrees of physical dormancy, varying this grade among different individuals within a population.


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Astragalus gines-lopezii Talavera, Podlech, Devesa & F.M.Vazquez (Fabaceae) is a threatened endemic species with a distribution restricted to a very small area in Badajoz Province (Extremadura Region, SW Spain) and only 2 populations are known.This species was catalogued in the "Endangered" category in the 2008 Red List and the 2010 Threatened Spanish Vascular Flora List. Despite its status as an endangered species, at present very little is known about the distribution, census, and reproductive biology of this species. In this study we have carried out anexhaustive census of A. gines-lopezii, and we have evaluated the production of flowers, fruits, and seeds and the existence or not of intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination. Results have highlighted the high reproductive capacity of this species on the basis of a high production of flowers, fruits, and seeds. Mechanical scarification of seeds was effective for increasing germination. Thus, initial germination (22%-60%) was increased to 97%-99% when seeds were rubbed with sandpapers. A high intra- and interpopulation variability in seed germination was found in this species. A. gines-lopezii produces seeds with different degrees of physical dormancy, varying this grade among different individuals within a population.


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I investigated the phenology and breeding systems of two Florida endemic pawpaws, Asimina reticulata, widespread in peninsular Florida, and A. tetramera, a federally endangered species limited to two counties on the Atlantic Coastal Ridge. The purpose of this study was to determine if differences contribute to the rarity of Asimina tetramera compared with A. reticulata. The study was conducted in sand pine scrub sites with the largest populations of A. tetramera in the two counties. Flowering seasons differ for the two species. Both species are hermaphroditic and strongly protogynous. Pollination experiments show that neither species is autogamous and the primary breeding mechanism is outcrossing, although low levels of geitonogamous pollination occur in mature scrub habitats. High levels of inbreeding depression were noted in both species at both sites but inbreeding depression was relaxed the first year post-fire. Fruit set in mature habitats may be pollinator limited. ^ I studied insects associated with the flowers in sand pine scrub habitat in southeastern Florida from 1994–1996. The most commonly represented orders were Coleoptera (25 spp.), Lepidoptera. (3 spp.) and Hymenoptera. (3 spp.). All Coleoptera. were flower visitors; one species, Euphoria sepulchralis (Fabricius)(Scarabeaidae), visited flowers of the two Asimina species at both sites. Eurytides marcellus (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) eggs and larvae were observed on both species of Asimina during each year of the study. ^ Resource management techniques were applied to a mature sand pine scrub community in Jonathan Dickinson State Park in southeastern Florida for the management of Asimina tetramera. Manipulations conducted in 1996 included combinations of fire and mechanical treatments. I measured effects of these treatments on flowering and fruit set on A. tetramera and found cutting and burning was most effective in increasing flowering, followed by burning. Mechanical cutting and mulching had no significant effect. ^


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A plant's reproductive biology exerts a significant influence on both population persistence within changing environments and successful establishment of new populations. However, the interaction between extrinsic (i.e. ecological) and intrinsic (i.e. genetic) factors also is an important driver of demographic performance for plant populations. It is light of this that I performed a multidisciplinary investigation of the breeding system, seed and seedling establishment dynamics, and population genetic structure of the endangered Caribbean vine Ipomoea microdactyla Griseb. (Convolvulaceae). The results from the breeding system study show individuals from Florida, USA and Andros Island, Bahamas to be self-incompatible. Plants from the two regions are cross-compatible but there is evidence for outbreeding depression in their progeny. Significant regional differences were found in floral traits and progeny traits that suggests incipient speciation for the Florida populations. The results from the seed and seedling establishment dynamics experiment demonstrate that the restoration of small populations in Florida via seed and seedling augmentation is a successful strategy. The demographic performance of the outplanted individuals was driven significantly by ecological factors (e.g. herbivory) rather than by genetic factors which emphasizes that the ecological context is very important for successful restoration attempts. The results from the population genetic study using an analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) reveal significant differences in genetic variation among individuals from Florida, Andros, and Cuba. A Bayesian analysis of population genetic structuring coincided with the previous AMOVA results among the three regions. The Mantel test indicated significant 'isolation by distance' for these regional populations implying restricted gene flow over relatively short distances. Overall, the Florida populations had the lowest measures of genetic diversity which is most likely due to the effects of both colonization founder events and habitat fragmentation. The results of my study highlight the value of performing multidisciplinary studies in relation to species conservation as knowledge of both extrinsic and intrinsic factors can best guide decisions for species preservation.


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This report encompasses the time period 1 September 1973 through 31 July 1975. The research Officer's tour of duty officially terminated 30 September 1975, consisting of a regular 2-year tour of duty with three month extension of contract. During this time research into age and growth of several tropical species of fishes was conducted. In addition a closely related tagging program was initiated in order to determine both growth and movements of fishes. Lastly, some effort was directed towards aspects of the basic biology of several of the siluroid catfishes. This report delineates the relative effort into and success of the various research projects; presents results of research not previously offered, summarizes findings, and makes recommendations for future research endeavour. Two annual reports along with quarterly reports up to 30 June 1975 have been produced and are on file both at Headquarters in Jinja and the Kisumu Sub-station. These only will be referred to in some instances and built upon in others. Opinions offered, conclusions drawn and recommendation given within this report are solely those of the research officer employed in an official capacity for E.A.F.F.R.O.