955 resultados para Região da Serra Gaúcha


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The Museu Geológico collections house some of the first sauropod references of the Lusitanian Basin Upper Jurassic record, including the Lourinhasaurus alenquerensis and Lusotitan atalaiensis lectotypes, previously considered as new species of the Apatosaurus and Brachiosaurus genera, respectively. Several fragmentary specimens have been classical referred to those taxa, but the most part of these systematic attributions are not supported herein, excluding a caudal vertebra from Maceira (MG 8804) considered as cf. Lusotitan atalaiensis. From the material housed in the Museu Geológico were identified basal eusauropods (indeterminate eusauropods and turiasaurs) and neosauropods (indeterminate neosauropods, diplodods and camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms). Middle caudal vertebrae with lateral fossae, ventral hollow border by pronounced ventrolateral crests and quadrangular cross-section suggest for the presence of diplodocine diplodocids in north area of the Lusitanian Basin Central Sector during the Late Jurassic. A humerus collected from Praia dos Frades (MG 4976) is attributed to cf. Duriatitan humerocristatus suggesting the presence of shared sauropod forms between the Portugal and United Kingdom during the Late Jurassic. Duriatitan is an indeterminate member of Eusauropoda and the discovery of new material in both territories is necessary to confirm this systematic approach. The studied material is in according with the previous recorded paleobiodiversity for the sauropod clade during the Portuguese Late Jurassic, which includes basal eusauropods (including turiasaurs), diplodocids and macronarians (including camarasaurids and basal titanosauriforms).


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Summary There is concern about the health problems caused by pesticides in humans, which has led some grape producers to adopt organic procedures in their vineyards, and a certain amount of these grapes are directed to winemaking. Despite the approval awarded to this organic grape production by the certified organizations, there has been a demand to carry out a survey to determine the physicochemical composition of the wine derived from these products. Some of these wines were made from a single grape variety and others from more than one. For this survey, the samples consisted of five bottles of each type of wine, acquired from wineries and supermarkets in the Serra Gaúcha region, RS, Brazil. The analyses were carried out by physicochemical methods: volatile compounds by gas chromatography; minerals and trace elements by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry; and pesticide residues by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results showed that in general the physicochemical composition of these wines was within the limits established by Brazilian legislation. The mineral and trace element concentrations were very low and pesticide residues were not detected (MRL = 10 μg.kg?1) in any of the wines. Resumo: Há preocupação em relação a problemas causados por pesticidas no ser humano, o que levou uma parcela de viticultores a adotar procedimentos de agricultura orgânica em seus vinhedos. Assim, devido a essa preocupação, eles estão produzindo uva pelo sistema orgânico, sendo que uma parte dessa produção é direcionada à elaboração de vinho. Apesar de essas uvas terem sido aprovadas por entidades certificadoras, houve demanda para a realização de um levantamento para determinar a composição dos vinhos delas derivados. Portanto, cinco garrafas de cada tipo de vinho foram coletadas em vinícolas e supermercados da Serra Gaúcha, Rio Grande do Sul, sendo uma parte de vinhos varietais e outra, de cortes de diferentes variedades. As análises foram feitas por métodos físico-químicos: compostos voláteis, por cromatografia gasosa; minerais e elementos-traço, por espectrometria de emissão ótica com plasma acoplado indutivamente, e resíduos de pesticidas, por cromatografia líquida-espectrometria de massa. Os resultados mostram que a composição físico-química desses vinhos e dos minerais situou-se, em geral, dentro dos limites da legislação brasileira. As concentrações de minerais e de elementos-traço foram muito baixas, e não foram detectados resíduos de pesticidas (LMR = 10 μg.kg?1) em nenhum vinho.


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A formação de vinhedos com clones de cultivares de videira tem sido uma das tecnologias utilizadas na vitivinicultura para melhorar a qualidade do vinho. Os clones podem apresentar diferenças relacionadas à videira, à uva e ao vinho, como na fenologia e na resistência a doenças da videira, na composição da uva e nas características físico-químicas e sensoriais do vinho. A introdução de clones de videira na Serra Gaúcha foi feita há algum tempo, mas há deficiência de dados relacionados ao seu comportamento. Devido a isso, realizou-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial enológico de clones de Merlot e Cabernet Sauvignon.


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Uma alta diversidade de espécies de cochonilhas farinhentas (Hemiptera:Pseudococcidae) tem sido observada na cultura da videira. Algumas espécies são inclusive consideradas pragas quarentenárias para outros países. A identificação de cochonilhas farinhentas é um dos fatores limitantes para o manejo destes insetos no campo, em decorrência da grande similaridade morfológica observada entre espécies próximas e da variação morfológica que ocorre em alguns grupos em decorrência do hospedeiro e da temperatura de desenvolvimento. Além disto, a identificação destes insetos baseia-se em características morfológicas presentes apenas em fêmeas adultas, realizada por poucos especialistas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um ?kit? de identificação molecular das principais espécies de cochonilhas farinhentas presentes na cultura da videira no Brasil [(Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell), Phenacoccus solenopsis (Tinsley), Planococcus citri (Risso), Planococcus ficus (Signoret) e Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret)]. Cochonilhas farinhentas foram coletadas na Serra Gaúcha, RS, Vale do São Francisco (Polos Juazeiro- BA e Petrolina-PE) e em cidades produtoras de uvas do Paraná.


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The objective of this research was to characterize the inter-annual variability of the viticultural climate of the wine regions of Brazil. The survey used a long sets of climatic data base of regions: in the South if Brazil ? Serra Gaúcha, Serra do Sudeste, Campanha, Campos de Cima da Serra and Planalto Catarinense; in the Northeast of Brazil ? Submédio São Francisco. The ?Géoviticulture MCC System? method was used with its 3 climatic indices: Heliothermal Index (HI), Cool Night Index (CI) and Dryness Index (DI).


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Summary The objective of this study was to develop a methodology capable of modeling the effect of viticultural climate on wine sensory characteristics. The climate was defined by the Géoviticulture Multicriteria Climatic Classification System (Tonietto and Carbonneau, 2004), based on the Heliothermal index (HI), Cool Night index (CI) and Dryness index (DI). The sensory wine description was made according with the methodology established by Zanus and Tonietto (2007). In this study we focused on the 5 principal wine producing regions of Brazil: Serra Gaúcha, Serra do Sudeste, Campanha (Meridional and Central), Planalto Catarinense and Vale do Submédio São Francisco. The results from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) show the HI and CI opposed to the DI. High HI values were associated to a lower perception of acidity, as well as to a lower perception of concentration (palate) and persistence by mouth. For the red wines, high HI values were positively associated with alcohol (palate), conversely to the DI index, which showed high values related to the perception of tanins and acidity. The higher the CI, the lower were the color intensity, tanins, concentration and persistence by mouth. It may be concluded that viticultural climate - expressed by the HI, CI and DI indexes ? adequately explained much of the sensory differences of the wines made in different regions. The methodology proposed and the enlargement of the database it will maybe open the possibility of modeling the part of wine sensory characteristics as dependent variables of the viticultural climate, as defined by the Géoviticulture MCC System. Keywords: viticultural climate, modeling, wine, tipicity.


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A Serra Gaúcha produz 247.135 t de uvas Americanas (Vitis Labrusca) e sua principal doença é o Míldio (Plasmopara viticola). Um dos principais fungicidas utilizados para as uvas americanas é a Calda Bordalesa [(CuSO4 5H2 O + Ca (OH)2)], o uso indiscriminado deste fungicida causa um aumento da concentração de Cobre no solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial das plantas, que habitam solos sob vinhedo, de mitigar a contaminação por cobre. O trabalho foi realizado em um vinhedo de aproximadamente 0,66 ha localizado na EMBRAPA Uva e Vinho, Bento Gonçalves, RS, Brasil (Latitude 29º 09? 44? S e Longitude 51º 31?50?W). O vinhedo foi dividido em duas partes, Neossolo Litólico e Cambissolo Húmico. Em cada um dos diferentes solos foram feitas 10 amostragens (parcelas), de 1m2. Após a coleta, as amostras foram analisadas para determinação de Cu. Com as quantidades de Cu na parte aérea e raízes e a massa seca das mesmas foram calculadas as médias das concentrações para cada espécies e foi possível a determinação da quantidade de Cu absorvido pela parte aérea e da raiz. Os resultados mostraram que não foram encontradas plantas hiperacumuladoras na área e todas as plantas têm concentração de Cu acima dos valores ditos como tóxicos. Entre a população de plantas que habitam as áreas, a que mais extrai cobre do solo é a Setaria sp., extraindo 0,56 e 0,70 mg, respectivamente no Neossolo e Cambissolo.


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Temperate fruit production is an important economic activity in Southern Brazil. In this region, persimmon Diospyros kaki L. (Ebenaceae) is grown in small farms for domestic consumption and internal market. Mealybugs are o*en found in at least 50% of the orchards causing damages on fruits due to the honeydew secretion. However, there is a lack of informatin about species composition damaging orchards in Southern Brazil. In this work, we present a survey of mealybugs associated with persimmon trees in the Serra Gaúcha Region, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.


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Ação antibacteriana in vitro de extratos vegetais de plantas do Bioma Pampa; Adubação nitrogenada na produção de Tifton 85; Análise funcional da congruência de marcadores SNPs entre estudos de associação genômica ampla para a característica de resistência de bovinos ao carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus; Avaliação de capim-sudão BRS Estribo quando manejado por altura e pastejado por vacas em lactação; Avaliação de carcaças de animais da raça Charolês e de suas cruzas: dados parciais; Avaliação de genótipos de azevém na região da Campanha gaúcha; Avaliação de genótipos de Dactylis glomerata na região da Campanha gaúcha; Avaliação de Panicum maximum em Bagé - RS; Avaliação do crescimento e desenvolvimento de capim-sudão BRS Estribo sob diferentes disponibilidades hídricas; Avaliação do emprego da termografia em estimativas de carga parasitária de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus em bovinos; Avaliação in vivo da atividade anti-helmíntica de Senecio brasiliensis e de Acacia mearnsii em ovinos experimentalmente infectados; Comparação da resposta humoral de bovinos da raça Braford resistentes e sensíveis ao Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus submetidos a infestações artificiais; Comportamento ingestivo de bovinos de corte em pastagem natural com diferentes níveis de intensificação; Descrição e evolução da infestação do capim-annoni utilizando o método de interceptação na linha; Desempenho de terneiros(as) das raças Angus e Braford em diferentes propriedades de pecuaristas familiares do Rio Grande do Sul; Dessecação na linha: implicações na produção de sorgo forrageiro no Método Integrado para Recuperação de Pastagens - Mirapasto; Dessecação na linha: implicações no estabelecimento de plantas forrageiras no Método Integrado para Recuperação de Pastagens - Mirapasto; Efeito do tempo de secagem e análise sequencial sobre a determinação de fdn e fda em forragens utilizando bolsas de filtro Efeito in vitro de extratos vegetais sobre a inibição da migração de larvas infectantes de Haemonchus contortus


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O presente trabalho de pesquisa objetivou avaliar os teores dos principais minerais (cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, sódio, manganês, zinco, cobre, ferro e enxofre), nas pastagens naturais características desta região, em diferentes meses do ano, e relacionar o perfil mineral destas pastagens com as necessidades nutricionais recomendadas pela pesquisa científica para as diferentes categorias de bovinos de corte, a fim de estabelecer a necessidade ou não de suplementação dos minerais analisados.


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Tangara da Serra is located on southwestern Mato Grosso and is found to be on the route of pollutants dispersion originated in the Legal Amazon s deforestation area. This region has also a wide area of sugarcane culture, setting this site quite exposed to atmospheric pollutants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genotoxicity of three different concentrations of organic particulate matter which was collected from August through December / 2008 in Tangara da Serra, using micronucleus test in Tradescantia pallida (Trad-MCN). The levels of particulate matter less than 10μm (MP10) and black carbon (BC) collected on the Teflon and polycarbonate filters were determined as well. Also, the alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were identified and quantified on the samples from the burning period by gas chromatography detector with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The results from the analyzing of alkanes indicate an antropic influence. Among the PAHs, the retene was the one found on the higher quantity and it is an indicator of biomass burning. The compounds indene(1,2,3-cd)pyrene and benzo(k)fluoranthene were identified on the samples and are considered to be potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic. By using Trad-MCN, it was observed a significant increase on the micronucleus frequency during the burning period, and this fact can be related to the mutagenic PAHs which were found on such extracts. When the period of less burnings is analyzed and compared to the negative control group, it was noted that there was no significant difference on the micronuclei rate. On the other hand, when the higher burning period is analyzed, statistically significant differences were evident. This study showed that the Trad-MCN was sensible and efficient on evaluating the genotoxicity potencial of organic matter from biomass burning, and also, emphasizes the importance of performing a chemical composition analysis in order to achieve a complete diagnosis on environmental risk control


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The study area is inserted in Ponta do Tubarão region, Macau City, setentrional littoral of Rio Grande do Norte State, composed of Tertiary and Quatemary sedimentary rocks and sediments. This region is characterized for the intense action of the coastal processes, causing the morphologic instability in part of the area, beyond the interference of human activities, as the Petroliferous Industrial Polo, salt companies and shrimp farms. This justifies the integration of multidisciplinary and multitemporal detailed scientific studies dealing with the evaluation of the changing behavior of this coastal environment by geoenvironments elements characterization, identifying protected and recuperation areas, mainly those under socioeconomic intervention. The main objective was the coastal monitoring using geoprocessing techniques to prepare thematic maps useful for oil spilling environment risk areas survey. The methodology was based on multitemporal interpretation of remote sensing images and field checking, integrated in a Geographical Information System (GIS). The Geologic, Geomorphologic, Vegetation, Soil and Land Use maps were prepared, and later on they allowed the generation of the Natural Vulnerability and Environmental Vulnerability maps. These maps had been classified in accordance with vulnerability degrees: very low, low, medi um, high and very high. Beyond these maps the GIS allowed the analysis of the shoreline evolution for 10 distinct dates, using Landsat 5 TM and 7 ETM+ and SPOT-HRVIR images. This analysis made possible the attendance of the coastal morphodynamic evolution, where the results had been represented by areasof erosion and accretion (or deposition) of sediments, pointing critical areas under erosive process to the petroliferous industry (Macau and Serra fields). The GIS also provided to prepare the Environmental Sensitivity Maps of Oil Spill (SAO Maps) in operational scale (1: 10.000), according to the norms ofthe Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA 2002). The SAO Map in operational scale was based on IKONOS images mosaic where the ESI (Environmental Sensitivity Index) was represented according with two tides phases of theregion. Therewere recognizedfiveESI (3, 4,7,9, 1O) for the low tide; to the high tide the ESI number increased to seven (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10). All these information are necessary to the decisions making about oi! spill and its derivatives containment. These techniques application makes possible the optimization and implantation ofnew socioeconomics activities of low environmental impact, indicates areas for better productivity and security exploration, and benefits local communities with fauna and flora preservation. The development of these activities is inserted in the scope of Monitoramento Ambiental de Áreas de Risco a Derrames de Petróleo e Seus Derivados Cooperation Project (Rede 05/01 - PETRORISCO, FINEP/CTPETRO/PETROBRAS) of multidisciplinary and interinstitucional characteristics dealing with subjects involving the environmental monitoring and the petroliferous activity


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The study area is located in the NW portion of the Ceará state nearby the city of Santana do Acaraú. Geologically it lies along the Sobral-Pedro II lineament which limits the domains of Ceará Central and Noroeste do Ceará, both belonging to the Borborema Province.The object of study was a NE trending 30km long siliciclastic body (sandstone and conglomerate) bounded by transcurrent dextral faults. The sediments are correlated to the Ipú Formation (Serra Grande Group) from the Parnaiba basin, which age is thought to be Siluro-Devonian. Existing structural data shown that bedding has higher but variable dips (70-45) near the borders faults and much lower to subhorizontal inward the body. The brittle deformation was related to a reactivation, in lower crustal level, of the Sobral-Pedro II lineament (Destro (1987, 1999; Galvão, 2002).The study presented here was focused in applying geophysicals methods (gravimetry and seismic) to determine the geometry of the sandstone/conglomeratic body and together with the structural data, to propose a model to explain its deformation. The residual anomalies maps indicate the presence of two main graben-like structures. The sedimentary pile width was estimated from 2D gravimetric models to be about 500-600 meters. The 3D gravimetric model stressed the two maximum width regions where a good correlation is observed between the isopach geometry and the centripetal strike/dip pattern displayed by the sediments bedding. Two main directions (N-S and E-W) of block moving are interpreted from the distribution pattern of the maximum width regions of the sedimentary rock


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)