95 resultados para Refutation


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This article explores the connections between migration and foreign combat, offering an improved definition of „foreign fighters,” and a general concept of foreign combatants’ behaviour as an anomalous form of migration. In contrast with the popular discourse and terrorism-related concerns about present-day Western European foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria (and their return to Europe) and Middle Eastern migrant refugees (and their arrival in Europe), the intention of this article is to offer a conceptually thorough consideration of the causal connections between movements of migration and the presence of foreign combatants in armed conflict, informed by a wide sample of cases. Such an assessment has to take place with a view to all forms of migration (including forced migration), all forms of foreign combat (not only foreign combat on the side of non-state actors as David Malet's oft-cited but overly restrictive definition would imply), and regions of the world beyond the Middle East and Islamic countries. Along these guiding lines, the article points out many comparatively rarely considered cases of foreign combat as well as the underestimated obstacles in the way of fighting abroad. Taking account of the latter allows refutation of a key implication of „new war theory” (its focus on „greed” as a motive of combatants), in light of the continued importance of cultural factors and ideological motives for participation in foreign combat.


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The changes in the teaching of Architecture in Brazilian Universities, from the 1990s onwards, with the upgrading of the Architecture project as an object of research and scientific knowledge and more specifically, the adoption by the Architecture and Urbanism Course (CAU) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) of the principle of content integration of the disciplines, aroused the interest in research on issues related to the Design process and the teaching of design in this context. After 20 years of its implementation and recognized as being a major step forward in teaching the teaching/learning process, the integration is the central focus of this research, which will seek to identify changes in the teaching design and its refutation in projects developed by students at the end of their course. In general, it is understood that the need to integrate knowledge from diverse areas of Architect’s professional activity, who seeks through an exercise of summary, identify solutions to the issues involved in a project. On the assumption that the integration of content of disciplines fosters the teaching/learning of Architecture project, which can be evident in the Final Course Assignment (FCA), it becomes necessary to understand, in the light of theories of education, such as the principles of curriculum organization, such as interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and transversality are related to the term integration, is more understood and disseminated among the professors of the Architecture courses. The object of this study is consequently the relationship between the integration of subject content and Architecture projects developed by students from CAU-UFRN, in the context of Final Graduation projects (FCAs) completed in the period of duration of the Teaching Project A5-from 2003. The study has the main objective of investigating to what extent the integration of disciplinary content affects the development of the Final Assignment of UFRN, from the analysis of drawings and texts of the projects of the learners and the testimonies of teachers and undergraduate students. From a methodological point of view, the research “Architecture, Project and Knowledge Production: Academic Production – FCAs, Thesis and dissertations in PA/Brazil” carried out by the PROJETAR/UFRN team has been adopted as the basis for the construction of the analytical instruments. In order to identify aspects of their experience by various actors which were not recorded in FCA, electronic forms were applied between teachers and students, through the internet. The integration of subject content based Teaching Project of CAU-UFRN institutionalises the interdisciplinarity, organizing the curriculum by thematic semesters, in which the disciplines work the same focus and at the same site. The integrated work which derives from there tries to articulate the content of each discipline of the period and represents a general practice and has been evaluated by teachers and students, and considered as a facilitator of the teaching/learning process. The analysis of the data collected from the textual content and graphic of the sample of FCAs of CAU-UFRN suggests that the content of the various areas of knowledge are assimilated by the student and used as a resource for the design and development of Architecture projects. In other words, there is in the end product of the students record of the integration of content, whether in speech or in drawing, reaffirming the importance of the convergence of various knowledge in the Architectonic project. However, the integration of content from the point of view of their articulation and operationalization, which involves teachers and students in the same period, has as a condition sine qua non for the success of this educational principle, the provision of these to work as part of a team, for the dialogic practice, which creates areas of intersection not only between disciplines, but between the knowledge of each of the participants.


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Yhdysvalloissa kehittyi noin vuosina 1850–1865 erityinen orjuutta puolustamaan noussut kaunokirjallisuuden lajityyppi. Sen synty oli osa etelävaltioiden elämäntavan ja siihen keskeisesti liittyneen orjuuden taakse organisoitunutta puolustautumista, joka kehittyi erityisesti kolmena Yhdysvaltojen sisällissotaa edeltäneenä vuosikymmenenä, jolloin etelän orjajärjestelmä joutui kovan arvostelun kohteeksi. Orjuuden puolustajien kirjoittama romaanikirjallisuus voidaan nähdä eräänlaisena etelän vastareaktiona Harriet Beecher Stowen suuren suosion saaneelle orjuutta kritisoineelle romaanille Setä Tuomon tupa, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1852. Keskityn tutkielmassani yhteen tämän orjuutta puolustaneen romaanikirjallisuuden edustajaan, baptistipastori Ebenezer W. Warrenin vuonna 1864 julkaisemaan romaaniin Nellie Norton: or Southern Slavery and the Bible. A scriptural refutation of the principal arguments upon which the abolitionists rely. A vindication of southern slavery from the old and new testaments. Romaani sijoittuu julkaisuajankohtansa puolesta lajityyppinsä viimeisimpien edustajien joukkoon. Tutkielmassani tarkastellaan, minkälaisista argumenteista romaanin keinoin esitetty orjuuden puolustus koostuu. Tämän lisäksi tarkastelen myös sitä, millainen kuva romaanissa annetaan etelävaltioiden, ja toisaalta niiden vastapuolena näyttäytyvien pohjoisten osavaltioiden ja Englannin elämäntavasta ja maailmankuvasta. Tutkielmani osoittaa orjuuden puolustuksen rakentuvan Warrenin romaanissa erityisesti uskonnollisista, rasistisista sekä yhteiskunnallisista argumenteista. Romaanissa luodaan näiden kautta voimakas vastakkainasettelu etelän orjayhteiskunnan ja pohjoisen ja Englannin vapaaseen työvoimaan perustuneiden teollistuneiden yhteiskuntien välille. Etelän kirjaimelliset ja konservatiiviset tulkinnat Raamatusta ja sen asemasta moraalin ja yhteiskuntajärjestyksen ylimpänä määrittelijänä asetetaan abolitionistien harhaoppisiksi esitettyjen liberaalimpien ja modernimpien raamatuntulkintojen vastakohdaksi. Vastaavasti etelän orjuuteen perustuvan yhteiskunnan rakenteet ja instituutiot esitetään raamatullisina ja hyveellisinä, siinä missä vapaaseen työvoimaan perustuneet yhteiskunnat esitetään moraalittomina ja raadollisina. Romaanista välittyy erityisesti kuva konservatiivisesta maailmasta, jossa uskonnolliset ja rasistiset ajattelumallit ovat keskeisessä asemassa pyrittäessä puolustamaan ja ylläpitämään orjuuteen perustuvaa eteläistä elämäntapaa.


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O presente relatório, intitulado “O Programa Idosos em Segurança: Estudo de Caso do Dter de Sintra”, baseia-se num estudo da análise do trabalho que é desenvolvido pelos militares do Destacamento Territorial de Sintra e tem a finalidade de avaliar o impacto e influência do Programa Idosos em Segurança na população adstrita a este Destacamento. O envelhecimento é uma realidade inevitável e que deve, cada vez mais ser preparada e antecipada, permitindo, a quem pretender participar na vida ativa da sua comunidade, que tal seja possível. Para aqueles que, não têm possibilidades de o fazer, deve garantir-se assegurada, em todas as situações a sua dignidade enquanto pessoa humana. O envelhecimento ativo é também uma temática abordada que carece de tratamento pela sua novidade e extrema relevância no contexto atual. Para que tais realidades sejam coincidentes é imperioso que o policiamento de proximidade se efetue e que se abram portas ao desenvolvimento das capacidades de resposta dos diferentes órgãos de apoio social e das Forças de Segurança. Para conseguirmos responder à Questão de Partida, formulámos quatro Questões Derivadas e consequentes Hipóteses que, através da sua verificação, validação ou refutação, nos permitiram responder às questões anteriormente levantadas. Foram realizadas Entrevistas e Questionários, que nos permitiram aceder às diferentes perspetivas que trabalham e são alvo deste Programa. A Guarda Nacional Republicana possui um grande reconhecimento junto das entidades externas e dos idosos com quem trabalha. Foram, no entanto, encontradas algumas falhas ao nível do efetivo, da formação, especialização e verificação do trabalho desenvolvido, a vários níveis. De salientar que muitas falhas são colmatadas pela boa capacidade de adaptação dos militares, o que evita que tais fragilidades afetem o serviço prestado e transpareçam para o exterior.


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This work aims to study the fluctuation structure of physical properties of oil well profiles. It was used as technique the analysis of fluctuations without trend (Detrended Fluctuation Analysis - DFA). It has been made part of the study 54 oil wells in the Campo de Namorado located in the Campos Basin in Rio de Janeiro. We studied five sections, namely: sonic, density, porosity, resistivity and gamma rays. For most of the profiles , DFA analysis was available in the literature, though the sonic perfile was estimated with the aid of a standard algorithm. The comparison between the exponents of DFA of the five profiles was performed using linear correlation of variables, so we had 10 comparisons of profiles. Our null hypothesis is that the values of DFA for the various physical properties are independent. The main result indicates that no refutation of the null hypothesis. That is, the fluctuations observed by DFA in the profiles do not have a universal character, that is, in general the quantities display a floating structure of their own. From the ten correlations studied only the profiles of density and sonic one showed a significant correlation (p> 0.05). Finally these results indicate that one should use the data from DFA with caution, because, in general, based on geological analysis DFA different profiles can lead to disparate conclusions