247 resultados para Referendum.


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Trata das eleições federais e estaduais, realizadas em 1974. Contém quadros comparativos dos pleitos de 1945 a 1974.


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Focaliza os resultados das eleições Federais, Estaduais e Municipais realizadas no Brasil a partir de 2 de dezembro de 1945 e, bem assim, o número do eleitorado brasileiro, nas diversas Unidades da Federação, por Município (sede), até dezembro de 1949. O fato de se haverem esgotado os números do órgão oficial em que foram divulgados os dados referentes aos citados pleitos, justifica, plenamente, a impressão desta coletânea em que foram introduzidas algtimas correções, a fim de sanar ligeiros enganos ocorridos nas publicações anteriores.


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Apresenta dados estatísticos e quadros sinópticos das eleições federais e estaduais realizadas no Brasil em 1958.


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Trata das eleições federais e estaduais nos anos de 1965 e 1966. A primeira parte se refere aos Senadores, Deputados Federais e Estaduais, eleitos em 15 de novembro de 1966. A segunda parte diz respeito aos Governadores eleitos em 3 de outubro de 1965 e aos eleitos indiretamente em 3 de setembro de 1966. A terceira parte apresenta o resultado das eleições de junho de 1965 e 3 de outubro do mesmo ano, decorrentes da necessidade do preenchimento de duas vagas na Câmara dos Deputados e uma no Senado Federal.


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Apresenta dados sobre as eleições federais e estaduais de 1960, fazendo uma comparação com dados estatíticos de eleições anteriores.


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Apresenta dados estatísticos sobre o resultado do pleito realizado em 1970. O texto se divide em 2 partes: a primeira se refere aos pleitos para escolha de Senadores, Deputados Federais e Estaduais, e a segunda contém os quadros comparativos dos pleitos de 1945 a 1970.


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Over the past decade, scholarly interest concerning the use of limitations to constrain government spending and taxing has noticeably increased. The call for constitutional restrictions can be credited, in part, to Washington's apparent inability to legislate any significant reductions in government expenditures or in the size of the national debt. At the present time, the federal government is far from instituting any constitutional limitations on spending or borrowing; however, the states have incorporated many controls on revenues and expenditures, the oldest being strictures on full faith and credit borrowing. This dissertations examines the efficacy of these restrictions on borrowing across the states (excluding Alaska) for the period dating from 1961 to 1990 and also studies the limitations on taxing and spending synonymous with the Tax Revolt.

We include socio-economic information in our calculations to control for factors other than the institutional variables that affect state borrowing levels. Our results show that certain constitutional restrictions (in particular, the referendum requirement and the dollar debt limit) are more effective than others. The apparent ineffectiveness of other limitations, such as the flexible debt limit, seem related to the bindingness of the limitations in at least half of the cases. Other variables, such as crime rates, number of schoolage children, and state personal income do affect the levels of full faith and credit debt, but not as strongly as the limitations. While some degree of circumvention can be detected (the amount of full faith and credit debt does inversely affect the levels of nonguaranteed debt), it is so small when compared to the effectiveness of the constitutional restrictions that it is almost negligible. The examination of the tax revolt era limitations yielded quite similar conclusions, with the additional fact that constitutional restrictions appear more binding than statutory ones. Our research demonstrates that constitutional limitations on borrowing can be applied effectively to constrain excessive borrowing, but caution must be used. The efficacy of these restrictions decrease dramatically as the number of loopholes increase.


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Na campanha do desarmamento organizada pela Organização Não Governamental Viva Rio - e realizada entre meados de 2004 e outubro de 2005, com o Referendo Sobre a Proibição do Comércio de Armas de Fogo no Brasil , os atores, discursos e práticas envolvidos na causa do desarmamento se voltavam, majoritariamente, a uma estratégia de apelo aos corações aos cidadãos de bem como forma de persuasão, atrelavam, de modo amplo, a defesa ao desarmamento à defesa à paz e ao combate à violência, e se concentravam, principalmente, na divulgação e promoção da campanha de entrega das armas. Para o debate em torno do Estatuto do Desarmamento e do Referendo, entretanto, novos atores entraram na disputa e começaram a ganhar visibilidade na esfera pública. Os atores engajados pelo "não" no Referendo acionaram aliados e seus discursos em prol de sua causa, recorrendo a elementos da moral e da religião na defesa da posse de armas como um direito inalienável dos cidadãos.Este trabalho reflete sobre as ações engendradas pelo Viva Rio em torno da questão do desarmamento desde sua fundação - com destaque para a Campanha do Desarmamento de 2004 -, discutindo a presença da religiosidade em suas iniciativas e a contribuição desta na constituição de noções de paz, violência e cidadania no espaço público brasileiro. Examina, ainda, de que modo estas noções fundamentaram a atuação pública do Viva Rio na construção de uma cultura da paz e ajudaram a compor um campo de parcerias e disputas no cenário nacional.


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Wydział Nauk Politycznych i Dziennikarstwa


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The recognition and protection of constitutional rights is a fundamental precept. In Ireland, the right to marry is provided for in the equality provisions of Article 40 of the Irish Constitution (1937). However, lesbians and gay men are denied the right to marry in Ireland. The ‘last word’ on this issue came into being in the High Court in 2006, when Katherine Zappone and Ann Louise Gilligan sought, but failed, to have their Canadian marriage recognised in Ireland. My thesis centres on this constitutional court ruling. So as to contextualise the pursuit of marriage equality in Ireland, I provide details of the Irish trajectory vis-à-vis relationship and family recognition for same-sex couples. In Chapter One, I discuss the methodological orientation of my research, which derives from a critical perspective. Chapter Two denotes my theorisation of the principle of equality and the concept of difference. In Chapter Three, I discuss the history of the institution of marriage in the West with its legislative underpinning. Marriage also has a constitutional underpinning in Ireland, which derives from Article 41 of our Constitution. In Chapter Four, I discuss ways in which marriage and family were conceptualised in Ireland, by looking at historical controversies surrounding the legalisation of contraception and divorce. Chapter Five denotes a Critical Discourse Analysis of the High Court ruling in Zappone and Gilligan. In Chapter Six, I critique text from three genres of discourse, i.e. ‘Letters to the Editor’ regarding same-sex marriage in Ireland, communication from legislators vis-à-vis the 2004 legislative impediment to same-sex marriage in Ireland, and parliamentary debates surrounding the 2010 enactment of civil partnership legislation in Ireland. I conclude my research by reflecting on my methodological and theoretical considerations with a view to answering my research questions. Author’s Update: Following the outcome of the 2015 constitutional referendum vis-à-vis Article 41, marriage equality has been realised in Ireland.


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This article examines recent developments in the Cyprus negotiations and suggests a number of changes to the proposed electoral system. Specifically, cross-voting and other electoral methods that encourage coalition-building across ethnic communities might add significantly to the functionality of the Annan Plan. Combined with other innovative mechanisms already in the plan, cross-voting could force political parties to seriously take into account the interests and concerns of the two Cypriot communities, an element that is currently missing from both the Turkish Cypriot (TC) and Greek Cypriot (GC) political systems. Special conditions on the island, as well as the way most political parties operated in the critical pre-April 2004 referendum period, suggest the need for this amendment. Although this study respects the consociational logic of the Annan Plan, it supplements consociationalism with elements that foster integration and inter-dependence between the two communities and their voters. The article also reviews the postreferendum developments in Cyprus which might have worrisome future implications, not only for its two communities, but also for EU enlargement in general. Cyprus both holds one of the keys to Turkey's entrance into the EU and is a litmus test for the Euro-Atlantic nexus and its capacity to pacify and integrate ethnically divided societies in Europe and elsewhere.


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Both ethnic communities in Cyprus have maintained strong political and cultural ties with Greece and Turkey, respectively, and at some point of their twentieth century history, each has aspired to become part of either the former or the latter. Yet the way this relationship has been imagined has differed across time, space, and class. Both communities have adapted their identities to prevailing ideological waves as well as political opportunities, domestic alliances, and interests. The article evaluates different responses to ethnic nationalism, highlighting important intra-ethnic differentiations within each Cypriot community usually expressed in the positions of political parties, intellectuals, and the press. While the current literature identifies two major poles of identity in the island, "motherland nationalism" and "Cypriotism," the article suggests that the major focus of identity of Cypriots is identification with their respective ethnic communities in the form of Greek Cypriotism or Turkish Cypriotism. In fact, contentious politics in Cyprus from the ENOSIS/TAKSIM struggle to the April 2004 referendum demonstrate the interplay of external constraints and collective self-identification processes leading to the formation of these identities. The article concludes by identifying the implications of identity shifts for deeply divided societies and conflict resolution in general.


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Hypothetical contingent valuation surveys used to elicit values for environmental and other public goods often employ variants of the referendum mechanism due to the cognitive simplicity and familiarity of respondents with this voting format. One variant, the double referendum mechanism, requires respondents to state twice how they would vote for a given policy proposal given their cost of the good. Data from these surveys often exhibit anomalies inconsistent with standard economic models of consumer preferences. There are a number of published explanations for these anomalies, mostly focusing on problems with the second vote. This article investigates which aspects of the hypothetical task affect the degree of nondemand revelation and takes an individual-based approach to identifying people most likely to non-demand reveal. A clear profile emerges from our model of a person who faces a negative surplus i.e. a net loss in the second vote and invokes non self-interested, non financial motivations during the decision process.


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This paper demonstrates a set of necessary conditions that should generate unbiased, internally consistent estimates of willingness to pay (WTP) from a double referendum mechanism. These conditions are also sufficient for demand revelation in an experimental laboratory environment. However, the control over the mechanism achieved in the lab may not be transferrable to the field and WTP estimates derived from field surveys may remain biased. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.