998 resultados para Rear Engine Automobiles.


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The feasibility of real-time calculation of parameters for an internal combustion engine via reconfigurable hardware implementation is investigated as an alternative to software computation. A detailed in-hardware field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based design is developed and evaluated using input crank angle and in-cylinder pressure data from fully instrumented diesel engines in the QUT Biofuel Engine Research Facility (BERF). Results indicate the feasibility of employing a hardware-based implementation for real-time processing for speeds comparable to the data sampling rate currently used in the facility, with acceptably low level of discrepancies between hardware and software-based calculation of key engine parameters.


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This experimental study examines the effect on performance and emission outputs of a compression ignition engine operating on biodiesels of varying carbon chain length and the degree of unsaturation. A well-instrumented, heavy-duty, multi-cylinder, common-rail, turbo-charged diesel engine was used to ensure that the results contribute in a realistic way to the ongoing debate about the impact of biofuels. Comparative measurements are reported for engine performance as well as the emissions of NOx, particle number and size distribution, and the concentration of the reactive oxygen species (which provide a measure of the toxicity of emitted particles). It is shown that the biodiesels used in this study produce lower mean effective pressure, somewhat proportionally with their lower calorific values; however, the molecular structure has been shown to have little impact on the performance of the engine. The peak in-cylinder pressure is lower for the biodiesels that produce a smaller number of emitted particles, compared to fossil diesel, but the concentration of the reactive oxygen species is significantly higher because of oxygen in the fuels. The differences in the physicochemical properties amongst the biofuels and the fossil diesel significantly affect the engine combustion and emission characteristics. Saturated short chain length fatty acid methyl esters are found to enhance combustion efficiency, reduce NOx and particle number concentration, but results in high levels of fuel consumption.


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Compression ignition (CI) engine design is subject to many constraints which presents a multi-criteria optimisation problem that the engine researcher must solve. In particular, the modern CI engine must not only be efficient, but must also deliver low gaseous, particulate and life cycle greenhouse gas emissions so that its impact on urban air quality, human health, and global warming are minimised. Consequently, this study undertakes a multi-criteria analysis which seeks to identify alternative fuels, injection technologies and combustion strategies that could potentially satisfy these CI engine design constraints. Three datasets are analysed with the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations and Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (PROMETHEE-GAIA) algorithm to explore the impact of 1): an ethanol fumigation system, 2): alternative fuels (20 % biodiesel and synthetic diesel) and alternative injection technologies (mechanical direct injection and common rail injection), and 3): various biodiesel fuels made from 3 feedstocks (i.e. soy, tallow, and canola) tested at several blend percentages (20-100 %) on the resulting emissions and efficiency profile of the various test engines. The results show that moderate ethanol substitutions (~20 % by energy) at moderate load, high percentage soy blends (60-100 %), and alternative fuels (biodiesel and synthetic diesel) provide an efficiency and emissions profile that yields the most “preferred” solutions to this multi-criteria engine design problem. Further research is, however, required to reduce Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) emissions with alternative fuels, and to deliver technologies that do not significantly reduce the median diameter of particle emissions.


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The effects of ethanol fumigation on the inter-cycle variability of key in-cylinder pressure parameters in a modern common rail diesel engine have been investigated. Specifically, maximum rate of pressure rise, peak pressure, peak pressure timing and ignition delay were investigated. A new methodology for investigating the start of combustion was also proposed and demonstrated—which is particularly useful with noisy in-cylinder pressure data as it can have a significant effect on the calculation of an accurate net rate of heat release indicator diagram. Inter-cycle variability has been traditionally investigated using the coefficient of variation. However, deeper insight into engine operation is given by presenting the results as kernel density estimates; hence, allowing investigation of otherwise unnoticed phenomena, including: multi-modal and skewed behaviour. This study has found that operation of a common rail diesel engine with high ethanol substitutions (>20% at full load, >30% at three quarter load) results in a significant reduction in ignition delay. Further, this study also concluded that if the engine is operated with absolute air to fuel ratios (mole basis) less than 80, the inter-cycle variability is substantially increased compared to normal operation.


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This paper presents a study whereby a series of tests was undertaken using a naturally aspirated 4 cylinder, 2.216 litre, Perkins Diesel engine fitted with a piston having an undersized skirt. This experimental simulation resulted in engine running conditions that included abnormally high levels of piston slap occurring in one of the cylinders. The detectability of the resultant Diesel engine piston slap was investigated using acoustic emission signals. Data corresponding to both normal and piston slap engine running conditions was captured using acoustic emission transducers along with both; in-cylinder pressure and top-dead centre reference signals. Using these signals it was possible to demonstrate that the increased piston slap running conditions were distinguishable by monitoring the piston slap events occurring near the piston mid-stroke positions. However, when monitoring the piston slap events occurring near the TDC/BDC piston stroke positions, the normal and excessive piston slap engine running condition were not clearly distinguishable.


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A novel method for determining ignition delay is presented. This method utilises combustion resonance as a means of determining the onset of ignition. Results are shown from an ethanol fumigation study comprising of substitutions up to 50% at full, three-quarter and half load. It has been demonstrated that at full load there is a decrease in ignition delay with increasing ethanol substitutions, whereas at half load there is an increase in ignition delay with increasing ethanol substitutions. It is suggested that this conflicting result is a consequence of the auto ignition of ethanol.


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Nonthermal plasma (NTP) treatment of exhaust gas is a promising technology for both nitrogen oxides (NOX) and particulate matter (PM) reduction by introducing plasma into the exhaust gases. This paper considers the effect of NTP on PM mass reduction, PM size distribution, and PM removal efficiency. The experiments are performed on real exhaust gases from a diesel engine. The NTP is generated by applying high-voltage pulses using a pulsed power supply across a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) reactor. The effects of the applied high-voltage pulses up to 19.44 kVpp with repetition rate of 10 kHz are investigated. In this paper, it is shown that the PM removal and PM size distribution need to be considered both together, as it is possible to achieve high PM removal efficiency with undesirable increase in the number of small particles. Regarding these two important factors, in this paper, 17 kVpp voltage level is determined to be an optimum point for the given configuration. Moreover, particles deposition on the surface of the DBD reactor is found to be a significant phenomenon, which should be considered in all plasma PM removal tests.


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This study investigated the preparation of methyl ester (Biodiesel) from peanut oil by transesterification method and its effect on DI diesel engine. Two parameters were measured during the engine operation: one is engine performance (brake thermal efficiency and brake specific fuel consumption), and the other is the exhaust emissions (NOx and CO). The result showed that, when compared with neat diesel fuel, the brake thermal efficiency of biodiesel blend was almost similar or a slight lower. However, brake specific fuel consumption (bsfc) was a little higher than neat diesel. CO was lower and NOx was little higher with biodiesel blend than that of diesel. The engine performance for B10 and B20 was very similar. At medium and high load conditions the engine emissions for B10 and B20 has no significant variation. Hence, B20 can safely be used in diesel engine without any significant penalty in engine performance and emissions.


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This thesis introduced Bayesian statistics as an analysis technique to isolate resonant frequency information in in-cylinder pressure signals taken from internal combustion engines. Applications of these techniques are relevant to engine design (performance and noise), energy conservation (fuel consumption) and alternative fuel evaluation. The use of Bayesian statistics, over traditional techniques, allowed for a more in-depth investigation into previously difficult to isolate engine parameters on a cycle-by-cycle basis. Specifically, these techniques facilitated the determination of the start of pre-mixed and diffusion combustion and for the in-cylinder temperature profile to be resolved on individual consecutive engine cycles. Dr Bodisco further showed the utility of the Bayesian analysis techniques by applying them to in-cylinder pressure signals taken from a compression ignition engine run with fumigated ethanol.


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With the advent of alternative fuels, such as biodiesels and related blends, it is important to develop an understanding of their effects on inter-cycle variability which, in turn, influences engine performance as well as its emission. Using four methanol trans-esterified biomass fuels of differing carbon chain length and degree of unsaturation, this paper provides insight into the effect that alternative fuels have on inter-cycle variability. The experiments were conducted with a heavy-duty Cummins, turbo-charged, common-rail compression ignition engine. Combustion performance is reported in terms of the following key in-cylinder parameters: indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP), net heat release rate (NHRR), standard deviation of variability (StDev), coefficient of variation (CoV), peak pressure, peak pressure timing and maximum rate of pressure rise. A link is also established between the cyclic variability and oxygen ratio, which is a good indicator of stoichiometry. The results show that the fatty acid structures did not have a significant effect on injection timing, injection duration, injection pressure, StDev of IMEP, or the timing of peak motoring and combustion pressures. However, a significant effect was noted on the premixed and diffusion combustion proportions, combustion peak pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise. Additionally, the boost pressure, IMEP and combustion peak pressure were found to be directly correlated to the oxygen ratio. The emission of particles positively correlates with oxygen content in the fuel as well as in the air-fuel mixture resulting in a higher total number of particles per unit of mass.


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This thesis represents a major step forward in understanding the link between the development of combustion related faults in diesel engines and the generation of acoustic emissions. The findings presented throughout the thesis provide a foundation so that future diesel engine monitoring systems are able to more effectively detect and monitor developing faults. In undertaking this research knowledge concerning engine function and relevant failure mechanisms was combined with different modelling methods to generate a framework that was used to effectively identify fault related activity within acoustic emissions recorded from different engines.


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The issue of particle emissions from diesel engines is still a matter of concern due its deleterious effects both on human health and environment(Ristovski et al., 2012). Recently, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) inclusion of diesel engine exhaust particles as carcinogenic to human health added a new margin on it. Apart from the use of after treatment technology, biodiesel is also considered as potential way to reduce particle emission alongside with other emissions(Xue, Grift, & Hansen, 2011). Global biodiesel production is still reasonably small compared to its counterpart fossil diesel, but even this small amount comes from a wide variety of feed stocks. Contrary to fossil diesel, the important physicochemical properties of biodiesel vary among different feed stocks(Hoekman, Broch, Robbins, Ceniceros, & Natarajan, 2012).


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Investigates the braking performance requirements of the UltraCommuter, a lightweight series hybrid electric vehicle currently under development at the University of Queensland. With a predicted vehicle mass of 600 kg and two in-wheel motors each capable of 500 Nm of peak torque, decelerations up to 0.46 g are theoretically possible using purely regenerative braking. With 99% of braking demands less than 0.35 g, essentially all braking can be regenerative. The wheel motors have sufficient peak torque capability to lock the rear wheels in combination with front axle braking, eliminating the need for friction braking at the rear. Emergency braking levels approaching 1 g are achieved by supplementation with front disk brakes. This paper presents equations describing the peak front and rear axle braking forces which occur under straight line braking, including gradients. Conventionally, to guarantee stability, mechanical front/rear proportioning of braking effort ensures that the front axle locks first. In this application, all braking is initially regenerative at the rear, and an adaptive ''by-wire'' proportioning system presented ensures this stability requirement is still satisfied. Front wheel drive and all wheel drive systems are also discussed. Finally, peak and continuous performance measures, not commonly provided for friction brakes, are derived for the UltraCommuter's motor capability and range of operation.


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In this paper, a framework for isolating unprecedented faults for an EGR valve system is presented. Using normal behavior data generated by a high fidelity engine simulation, the recently introduced Growing Structure Multiple Model System (GSMMS) is used to construct models of normal behavior for an EGR valve system and its various subsystems. Using the GSMMS models as a foundation, anomalous behavior of the entire system is then detected as statistically significant departures of the most recent modeling residuals from the modeling residuals during normal behavior. By reconnecting anomaly detectors to the constituent subsystems, the anomaly can be isolated without the need for prior training using faulty data. Furthermore, faults that were previously encountered (and modeled) are recognized using the same approach as the anomaly detectors.


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In this paper, a recently introduced model-based method for precedent-free fault detection and isolation (FDI) is modified to deal with multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) systems and is applied to an automotive engine with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. Using normal behavior data generated by a high fidelity engine simulation, the growing structure multiple model system (GSMMS) approach is used to construct dynamic models of normal behavior for the EGR system and its constituent subsystems. Using the GSMMS models as a foundation, anomalous behavior is detected whenever statistically significant departures of the most recent modeling residuals away from the modeling residuals displayed during normal behavior are observed. By reconnecting the anomaly detectors (ADs) to the constituent subsystems, EGR valve, cooler, and valve controller faults are isolated without the need for prior training using data corresponding to particular faulty system behaviors.