989 resultados para RNA silencing


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Senataxin, defective in ataxia oculomotor apraxia type 2, protects the genome by facilitating the resolution of RNA–DNA hybrids (R-loops) and other aspects of RNA processing. Disruption of this gene in mice causes failure of meiotic recombination and defective meiotic sex chromosome inactivation, leading to male infertility. Here we provide evidence that the disruption of Setx leads to reduced SUMOylation and disruption of protein localization across the XY body during meiosis. We demonstrate that senataxin and other DNA damage repair proteins, including ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein-interacting partner, are SUMOylated, and a marked downregulation of both ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein-interacting partner and TopBP1 leading to defective activation and signaling through ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein occurs in the absence of senataxin. Furthermore, chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4, a component of the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylase chromatin remodeler that interacts with both ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein and senataxin was not recruited efficiently to the XY body, triggering altered histone acetylation and chromatin conformation in Setx−/− pachytene-staged spermatocytes. These results demonstrate that senataxin has a critical role in ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein- and chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 4-mediated transcriptional silencing and chromatin remodeling during meiosis providing greater insight into its critical role in gene regulation to protect against neurodegeneration.


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We have investigated the possible role of trans-acting factors interacting with the untranslated regions (UTRs) of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA. We show here that polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) binds specifically to both 5' and 3' UTRs, but with different affinity. We have demonstrated that PTB is a bona fide internal ribosome entry site (IRES) trans-acting factor (ITAF) for CVB3 RNA by characterizing the effect of partial silencing of FIB ex vivo in He La cells. Furthermore, IRES activity in BSC-1 cells, which are reported to have a very low level of endogenous FIB, was found to be significantly lower than that in He La cells. Additionally, we have mapped the putative contact points of PTB on the 5' and 3' UTRs by an RNA toe-printing assay. We have shown that the 3' UTR is able to stimulate CVB3 IRES-mediated translation. Interestingly, a deletion of 15 nt at the 5' end or 14 rut at the 3' end of the CVB3 3' UTR reduced the 3' UTR-mediated enhancement of IRES activity ex vivo significantly, and a reduced interaction was shown with PTB. It appears that the FIB protein might help in circularization of the CVB3 RNA by bridging the ends necessary for efficient translation of the viral RNA.


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Earlier we have demonstrated the presence of internal ribosome entry site (IRES) within tumor suppressor p53 mRNA. Here we have mapped the putative secondary structure of p53-IRES RNA using information from chemical probing and nuclease mapping experiments. Additionally, the secondary structure of the IRES element of the wild-type RNA was compared with cancer-derived silent mutant p53 RNAs. These mutations might result in the conformational alterations of p53-IRES RNAs. The results also indicate decreased IRES activities of the mutants as compared to wild-type RNA. Further, it was observed that some of the cytoplasmic trans-acting factors, critical for enhancing IRES function, were unable to bind mutant RNAs as efficiently as to wild-type. Our results suggest that hnRNP C1/C2 binds to p53-IRES and siRNA mediated partial silencing of hnRNP C1/C2 showed appreciable decrease in IRES function and consequent decrease in the level of the corresponding p53 isoform. Interestingly mutant p53 IRES showed lesser binding with hnRNP C1/C2 protein. Finally, upon doxorubicin treatment, the mutant RNAs were unable to show enhanced p53 synthesis to similar extent compared to wild type. Taken together, these observations suggest that mutations occurring in the p53 IRES might have profound implications for de-regulation of its expression and activity.


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We have investigated the possible role of a conserved cis-acting element, the cryptic AUG, present in the 5' UTR of coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) RNA. CVB3 5' UTR contains multiple AUG codons upstream of the initiator AUG, which are not used for the initiation of translation. The 48S ribosomal assembly takes place upstream of the cryptic AUG. We show here that mutation in the cryptic AUG results in reduced efficiency of translation mediated by the CVB3 IRES; mutation also reduces the interaction of mutant IRES with a well characterized IRES trans-acting factor, the human La protein. Furthermore, partial silencing of the La gene showed a decrease in IRES activity in the case of both the wild-type and mutant. We have demonstrated here that the interaction of the 48S ribosomal complex with mutant RNA was weaker compared with wild-type RNA by ribosome assembly analysis. We have also investigated by chemical and enzymic modifications the possible alteration in secondary structure in the mutant RNA. Results suggest that the secondary structure of mutant RNA was only marginally altered. Additionally, we have demonstrated by generating compensatory and non-specific mutations the specific function of the cryptic AUG in internal initiation. Results suggest that the effect of the cryptic AUG is specific and translation could not be rescued. However, a possibility of tertiary interaction of the cryptic AUG with other cis-acting elements cannot be ruled out. Taken together, it appears that the integrity of the cryptic AUG is important for efficient translation initiation by the CVB3 IRES RNA.


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In an effort to design efficient platform for siRNA delivery, we combine all atom classical and quantum simulations to study the binding of small interfering RNA (siRNA) by pristine single wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT). Our results show that siRNA strongly binds to SWCNT surface via unzipping its base-pairs and the propensity of unzipping increases with the increase in the diameter of the SWCNTs. The unzipping and subsequent wrapping events are initiated and driven by van der Waals interactions between the aromatic rings of siRNA nucleobases and the SWCNT surface. However, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of double strand DNA (dsDNA) of the same sequence show that the dsDNA undergoes much less unzipping and wrapping on the SWCNT in the simulation time scale of 70 ns. This interesting difference is due to smaller interaction energy of thymidine of dsDNA with the SWCNT compared to that of uridine of siRNA, as calculated by dispersion corrected density functional theory (DFT) methods. After the optimal binding of siRNA to SWCNT, the complex is very stable which serves as one of the major mechanisms of siRNA delivery for biomedical applications. Since siRNA has to undergo unwinding process with the effect of RNA-induced silencing complex, our proposed delivery mechanism by SWCNT possesses potential advantages in achieving RNA interference. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3682780]


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Bacteria and bacteriophages have evolved DNA modification as a strategy to protect their genomes. Mom protein of bacteriophage Mu modifies the phage DNA, rendering it refractile to numerous restriction enzymes and in turn enabling the phage to successfully invade a variety of hosts. A strong fortification, a combined activity of the phage and host factors, prevents untimely expression of mom and associated toxic effects. Here, we identify the bacterial chromatin architectural protein Fis as an additional player in this crowded regulatory cascade. Both in vivo and in vitro studies described here indicate that Fis acts as a transcriptional repressor of mom promoter. Further, our data shows that Fis mediates its repressive effect by denying access to RNA polymerase at mom promoter. We propose that a combined repressive effect of Fis and previously characterized negative regulatory factors could be responsible to keep the gene silenced most of the time. We thus present a new facet of Fis function in Mu biology. In addition to bringing about overall downregulation of Mu genome, it also ensures silencing of the advantageous but potentially lethal mom gene.


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Bacteria and bacteriophages have evolved DNA modification as a strategy to protect their genomes. Mom protein of bacteriophage Mumodifies the phage DNA, rendering it refractile to numerous restriction enzymes and in turn enabling the phage to successfully invade a variety of hosts. A strong fortification, a combined activity of the phage and host factors, prevents untimely expression of mom and associated toxic effects. Here, we identify the bacterial chromatin architectural protein Fis as an additional player in this crowded regulatory cascade. Both in vivo and in vitro studies described here indicate that Fisacts as a transcriptional repressor of mom promoter. Further, our data shows that Fis mediates its repressive effect by denying access to RNA polymerase at mom promoter. We propose that a combined repressive effect of Fis and previously characterized negative regulatory factors could be responsible to keep the gene silenced most of the time. We thus present a new facet of Fis function in Mu biology. In addition to bringing about overall downregulation of Mu genome, it also ensures silencing of the advantageous but potentially lethal mom gene.


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Mrhl RNA is a nuclear lncRNA encoded in the mouse genome and negatively regulates Wnt signaling in spermatogonial cells through p68/Ddx5 RNA helicase. Mrhl RNA is present in the chromatin fraction of mouse spermatogonial Gc1-Spg cells and genome wide chromatin occupancy of mrhl RNA by ChOP (Chromatin oligo affinity precipitation) technique identified 1370 statistically significant genomic loci. Among these, genes at 37 genomic loci also showed altered expression pattern upon mrhl RNA down regulation which are referred to as GRPAM (Genes Regulated by Physical Association of Mrhl RNA). p68 interacted with mrhl RNA in chromatin at these GRPAM loci. p68 silencing drastically reduced mrhl RNA occupancy at 27 GRPAM loci and also perturbed the expression of GRPAM suggesting a role for p68 mediated mrhl RNA occupancy in regulating GRPAM expression. Wnt3a ligand treatment of Gc1-Spg cells down regulated mrhl RNA expression and also perturbed expression of these 27 GRPAM genes that included genes regulating Wnt signaling pathway and spermatogenesis, one of them being Sox8, a developmentally important transcription factor. We also identified interacting proteins of mrhl RNA associated chromatin fraction which included Pc4, a chromatin organizer protein and hnRNP A/B and hnRNP A2/B1 which have been shown to be associated with lincRNA-Cox2 function in gene regulation. Our findings in the Gc1-Spg cell line also correlate with the results from analysis of mouse testicular tissue which further highlights the in vivo physiological significance of mrhl RNA in the context of gene regulation during mammalian spermatogenesis.


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Nonviral gene delivery offers cationic liposomes as promising instruments for the delivery of double-stranded RNA (ds RNA) molecules for successful sequence-specific gene silencing (RNA interference). The efficient delivery of siRNA (small interfering RNA) to cells while avoiding unexpected side effects is an important prerequisite for the exploitation of the power of this excellent tool. We present here six new tocopherol based cationic gemini lipids, which induce substantial gene knockdown without any obvious cytotoxicity. All the efficient coliposomal formulations derived from each of these geminis and a helper lipid, dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE), were well characterized using physical methods such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Zeta potential measurements were conducted to estimate the surface charge of these formulations. Flow cytometric analysis showed that the optimized coliposomal formulations could transfect anti-GFP siRNA efficiently in three different GFP expressing cell lines, viz., HEK 293T, HeLa, and Caco-2, significantly better than a potent commercial standard Lipofectamine 2000 (L2K) both in the absence and in the presence of serum (FBS). Notably, the knockdown activity of coliposomes of gemini lipids was not affected even in the presence of serum (10% and 50% FBS) while it dropped down for L2K significantly. Observations under a fluorescence microscope, RT-PCR, and Western blot analysis substantiated the flow cytometry results. The efficient cellular entry of labeled siRNA in GFP expressing cells as evidenced from confocal microscopy put forward these gemini lipids among the potent lipidic carriers for siRNA. The efficient transfection capabilities were also profiled in a more relevant fashion while performing siRNA transfections against survivin (an anti-apoptotic protein) which induced substantial apoptosis. Furthermore, the survivin downregulation improved the therapeutic efficacy levels of an anticancer drug, doxorubicin, significantly. In short, the new tocopherol based gemini lipids appear to be highly promising for achieving siRNA mediated gene knockdown in various cell lines.


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The study is focused on structural aspects of interaction between silencing suppressor p19 and CUG-repeating small RNAs. The work involves crystal structure determination of a protein-unbound RNA form and RNA fragments of various lengths (19, 20, 21 nucleotides) complexed with p19-suppressor. Results prove the ability of silencing suppressor p19 to bind CUG-repeating small RNAs, as well as reveal features of U•U mismatches flanked by Watson-Crick C•G base pairs in p19-bound and p19-unbound states. In addition, structural data reveal a p19 specific site for anchoring extra nucleotides in small RNAs. In general, the study extends our knowledge about the mechanism of small RNA recognition by silencing suppressor p19.


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In addition to the three RNA polymerases (RNAP I-III) shared by all eukaryotic organisms, plant genomes encode a fourth RNAP (RNAP IV) that appears to be specialized in the production of siRNAs. Available data support a model in which dsRNAs are generated by RNAP IV and RNA-dependent RNAP 2 (RDR2) and processed by DICER (DCL) enzymes into 21- to 24-nt siRNAs, which are associated with different ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins for transcriptional or posttranscriptional gene silencing. However, it is not yet clear what fraction of genomic siRNA production is RNAP IV-dependent, and to what extent these siRNAs are preferentially processed by certain DCL(s) or associated with specific AGOs for distinct downstream functions. To address these questions on a genome-wide scale, we sequenced approximately 335,000 siRNAs from wild-type and RNAP IV mutant Arabidopsis plants by using 454 technology. The results show that RNAP IV is required for the production of >90% of all siRNAs, which are faithfully produced from a discrete set of genomic loci. Comparisons of these siRNAs with those accumulated in rdr2 and dcl2 dcl3 dcl4 and those associated with AGO1 and AGO4 provide important information regarding the processing, channeling, and functions of plant siRNAs. We also describe a class of RNAP IV-independent siRNAs produced from endogenous single-stranded hairpin RNA precursors.


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Short hairpin RNA (shRNA) directed by RNA polymerase III (Pol III) or Pol II promoter was shown to be capable of silencing gene expression, which should permit analyses of gene functions or as a potential therapeutic tool. However, the inhibitory effect of shRNA remains problematic in fish. We demonstrated that silencing efficiency by shRNA produced from the hybrid construct composed of the CMV enhancer or entire CMV promoter placed immediately upstream of a U6 promoter. When tested the exogenous gene, silencing of an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) target gene was 89.18 +/- 5.06% for CMVE-U6 promoter group and 88.26 +/- 6.46% for CMV-U6 promoter group. To test the hybrid promoters driving shRNA efficiency against an endogenous gene, we used shRNA against no tail (NTL) gene. When vectorized in the zebrafish, the hybrid constructs strongly repressed NTL gene expression. The NTL phenotype occupied 52.09 +/- 3.06% and 51.56 +/- 3.68% for CMVE-U6 promoter and CMV-U6 promoter groups, respectively. The NTL gene expression reduced 82.17 +/- 2.96% for CMVE-U6 promoter group and 83.06 +/- 2.38% for CMV-U6 promoter group. We concluded that the CMV enhancer or entire CMV promoter locating upstream of the U6-promoter could significantly improve inhibitory effect induced by the shRNA for both exogenous and endogenous genes compared with the CMV promoter or U6 promoter alone. In contrast, the two hybrid promoter constructs had similar effects on driving shRNA.


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The ability to utilize the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery for silencing target-gene expression has created a lot of excitement in the research community. In the present study, we used a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter-driven DNA template approach to induce short hairpin RNA (shRNA) triggered RNAi to block exogenous Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) and endogenous No Tail (NTL) gene expressions. We constructed three plasmids, pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shGFP-SV40, pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shNTL-SV40, and pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shScrambled-SV40, each containing a CMV promoter driving an EGFP reporter cDNA and DNA coding for one shRNA under the control of another CMV promoter. The three shRNA-generating plasmids and pCMV-EGFP control plasmid were introduced into zebrafish embryos by microinjection. Samples were collected at 48 h after injection. Results were evaluated by phenotype observation and real-time fluorescent quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR). The shGFP-generating plasmid significantly inhibited the EGFP expression viewed under fluorescent microscope and reduced by 70.05 +/- 1.26% of exogenous EGFP gene mRNA levels compared with controls by Q-PCR. The shRNA targeting endogenous NTL gene resulted in obvious NTL phenotype of 30 +/- 4% and decreased the level of their corresponding mRNAs up to 54.52 +/- 2.05% compared with nontargeting control shRNA. These data proved the feasibility of the CMV promoter-driven shRNA expression technique to be used to inhibit exogenous and endogenous gene expressions in zebrafish in vivo.


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Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) has been shown to be a useful tool for silencing genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio), while the blocking specificity of dsRNA is still of major concern for application. It was reported that siRNA (small interfering RNA) prepared by endoribonuclease digestion (esiRNA) could efficiently silence endogenous gene expression in mammalian embryos. To test whether esiRNA could work in zebrafish, we utilized Escherichia coli RNaseIII to digest dsRNA of zebrafish no tail (ntl), a mesoderm determinant in zebrafish and found that esi-ntl could lead to developmental defects, however, the effective dose was so close to the toxic dose that esi-ntl often led to non-specific developmental defects. Consequently, we utilized SP6 RNA polymerase to produce si-ntl, siRNA designed against ntl, by in vitro transcription. By injecting in vitro synthesized si-ntl into zebrafish zygotes, we obtained specific phenocopies of reported mutants of ntl. We achieved up to a 59%no tail phenotype when the injection concentration was as high as 4 mu g/mu L. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis showed that si-ntl could largely and specifically reduce mRNA levels of the ntl gene. As a result, our data indicate that esiRNA is unable to cause specific developmental defects in zebrafish, while siRNA should be an alternative for downregulation of specific gene expression in zebrafish in cases where RNAi techniques are applied to zebrafish reverse genetics.


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Retinoid X receptor (RXR)/ultraspiracle (USP) is the heterodimeric partner of ecdysteroid receptor and is required for the molting process of arthropods. To better understand the molecular aspects governing the process of molting in shrimp, the full-length cDNA of two RXRs, named as FcRXR-1 and FcRXR-2 were obtained from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis which were of 1715 and 1700 bp long, revealed a 1315 and 1300 bp open reading frame (ORF) respectively. Quantitative Real time PCR analysis showed a marked tissue-specific difference in the expression of FcRXR transcript, which revealed that the expression of FcRXR Could be regulated in a tissue-specific manner. Moreover, high expression of FcRXR mRNAs was observed in late pre-molt period (D3) and post molt stages (A-B) of shrimp. Among the two isoforms, FcRXR-2 appeared in a considerably high level in all the stages compared to the FcRXR-1. In addition, we examined the temporal expression of two chitinase genes: FcChitinase (FcChi) and FcChitinase-1 (FcChi-1) during the molt cycle of F chinensis. Both the FcChi and FcChi-1 transcripts were detected in all stages of molting, although considerable fluctuations observed through the molt cycle. Injection of double stranded RXR (dsRXR) into juvenile shrimp resulted in a maximum silencing effect at 48 h post injection. We analyzed the expression levels of FcChi, FcChi-1 and the ecdysone inducible gene E75 (FcE75) in samples of dsRXR injected shrimp. Significant reduction in levels of both FcE75, FcChi and FcChi-1 transcripts Occurred in the silenced shrimp. This correlation suggested that RXR might involve in the downstream regulation of E75 and chitinase gene transcription in the ecdysone signaling pathway of decapod crustaceans. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.