991 resultados para RAY CRYSTAL-STRUCTURE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Gedunin compound (C28H34O6) is a natural product extracted from Trichilia pallida that has shown a wide activity. The crystallographic structure shows two conformers in the asymmetric unit, which differ in a rotation of the furan group. To understand this molecular arrangement, the density functional calculations. Molecular Electrostatic Potential (MEP) and thermodynamic function calculation have been performed at the B3LYP/6-311++g(d,p) level. Both conformers were optimized and the agreement with the experimental structure was very good, making possible further theoretical analysis of the structure. The inter-conversion between two conformers depends on the energy barrier. This process is studied in the vacuum and shows two transition states with a low energetic barrier for a potential energy curve scanning rigid around furan group: 4.37 kcal/mol and 16.52 kcal/mol. As the first transition state has a notably lower energetic barrier, the preferred inter-conversion pathway between the conformers involves the first rather than the second transition state. Understanding this transition state in detail led us to perform its optimization, showing an energetic barrier around 3.66 kcal/mol. The negative free energy and low enthalpy confirm that the process is spontaneous and exothermic. The results show that this requirement makes the existence of the two conformers in the asymmetric unit possible. The structure of molecules in the asymmetric unit is better understood when the MEP is used on the interaction between molecules. For Gedunin, both molecules have shown MEP with well-defined regions, and this behavior contributes to the observed link between molecules and for the negative regions complementing positive regions of another molecule. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A copper(II) complex of dipyridophenazine, viz., [Cu(dppz)(2)(H2O)](ClO4)(2) (I), has been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. The crystal structure of the complex shows a five-coordinate structure in which two N,N-donor dipyridophenazine (dppz) and one aqua ligand bind to the copper(II) center giving Cu-O and Cu-N bond distances in the range of 1.981(6) to 2.043(6) angstrom. The ESI-MS spectrum of 1 in MeCN shows a peak at m/z value of 313 (100%) indicating the dissociation of the aqua ligand in the solution phase. The complex is one-electron paramagnetic (mu(eff), 1.86 mu(B)). It displays a quasi-reversible Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox process at 0.096 V. The complex is an avid binder to CT DNA giving a binding constant value of 3.5 x 10(5) M-1. It shows significant hydrolytic cleavage of supercoiled pUC19 DNA in dark ill the absence of any external agents. The complex exhibits chemical nuclease activity oil treatment with 3-mercaptopropionic acid as a reducing agent forming hydroxyl radicals. Complex 1 is a model synthetic nuclease and hydrolase showing both modes of DNA cleavage under different reaction conditions. The DNA cleavage activity of 1 is significantly better than its phen analogue but similar to that of the bis-dpq complex.


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The crystal structure of Pb3BiV3O12 was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction technique. The compound crystallizes in the cubic system View the MathML source (No. 220) with eulytite structure with a = 10.7490(7) Å, V = 1241.95(14) Å3 and Z = 4. The final R1 value of 0.0198 (wR2=0.0384) was achieved for 359 independent reflections during the structure refinement. The Pb2+ and Bi3+ cations occupy the special position (16c) while the oxygen anions occupy the general position (48e) in the crystal structure. Unlike many other eulytite compounds, all the crystallographic positions are fully occupied. The structure consists of edge-shared Pb/Bi octahedra linked at the corners to independent [VO4]3− tetrahedra units, generating a eulytite-type network in the crystal lattice.


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Pro-Gly segments in peptides and proteins are prone to adopt the 0-turn conformation. This paper reports experimental data for the presence of this conformation in a linear tripeptide N-acetyl-L-prolylglycyl-L-phenylalanineb oth in the solid state and in solution. X-ray diffraction data on the tripeptide crystal show that it exists in the type I1 0-turn conformation. CD and proton NMR data show that this conformation persists in trifluoroethanol and methanol solutions in equilibrium with the nonhydrogen-bonded structures. Isomerization around the acetyl-prolyl bond is seen to take place in dimethyl sulfoxide solutions of the tripeptide.


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The crystal structure of ferroelectric sodium meta vanadate, NaVO3 has been solved using three dimensional X-ray data and refined to an R-value of 0.077 for 375 observed reflections. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic system with space group Cc and with unit cell dimensions a = 10.494 (9) Aring, b = 9.434 (7) Aring, c = 5.863 (6) Aring and β = 108° 48' in the room temperature ferroelectric phase. The unit cell dimensions in the high temperature paraelectric phase (above 380°C) are a = 10.595 (15) Aring, b = 9.671 (10) Aring, c = 5.926 (8) Aring and β = 108° 45' with space group C2/c. The crystal structure may be viewed as consisting of alternate channels of sodium polyhedra and VO4 tetrahedra.


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The crystal structure of cyclo-(L-histidyl-L-aspartyl) trihydrate has been determined by x-ray diffraction techniques, and refined to a final R index of 0.056 for 1601 reflections. The molecule is in a folded conformation, with the imidazole ring facing the diketopiperazine ring. However, since the diketopiperazine ring is essentially planar, the interaction between the two rings is not as intimate as in those cyclic dipeptides in which the diketopiperazine ring is in a boat conformation with the side chain occupying an axial, or flagpole, site. Planarity of the diketopiperazine ring may be dictated by steric interactions between the imidazole ring and the aspartyl side chain. The molecule is a zwitterion, a proton having been transferred from the carboxyl group of the aspartyl side chain to the imidazole ring.


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A diastereomeric mixture of the tripeptide Boc-Ala-Ile-Aib-OMe crystallized in the space group P1 from CH3OH/H2O. The unit cell parameters are a = 10.593(2) A, b = 14.377(3) A, c = 17.872(4) A, alpha = 104.41(2) degrees, beta = 90.55(2) degrees, gamma = 106.91(2) degrees, V = 2512.4 A3, Z = 4. X-Ray crystallographic studies show the presence of four molecules in the asymmetric unit consisting of two pairs of diastereomeric peptides, Boc-L-Ala-L-Ile-Aib-OMe and Boc-L-Ala-D-Ile-Aib-OMe. The four molecules in the asymmetric unit form a rarely found mixed antiparallel and parallel beta-sheet hydrogen bond motif. The Ala and (L,D)-Ile residues in all the four molecules adopt the extended conformations, while the phi, psi values of the Aib residues are in the right-handed helical region. In one of the molecules the Ile sidechain adopts the unusual gauche conformation about the C beta-C gamma bond.


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The characterization and properties of trans-(X)-[RuX2(CO)(2)(alpha/beta-NaiPy)] (1, 2) (alpha-NaiPy (a), beta-NaiPy (b); X = Cl (1), I (2)) are described in this work. The structures are confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Reaction of these compounds with Me3NO in MeCN has isolated monocarbonyl trans-(X)-RuX2(CO)(MeCN)(alpha/beta-NaiPy)] (3, 4). The complexes show intense emission properties. Quantum yields of 1 and 2 (phi= 0.02-0.08) are higher than 3 and 4 (phi = 0.006-0.015). Voltammogram shows higher Ru(III)/Ru(II) (1.3-1.5 V) potential of 1 and 2 than that of 3 and 4 (0.8-0.9 V) that may be due to coordination of two pi-acidic CO groups in former. The electronic spectra and redox properties of the complexes are compared with the results obtained by density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) using polarizable continuum model (CPCM).


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The crystal structure of 5'-amino-5'-deoxyadenosine (5'-Am.dA) p-toluenesulfonate has been determined by X-ray crystallographic methods. It belongs to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with a = 7.754(3)Angstrom, b = 8.065(1)Angstrom and c = 32.481(2)Angstrom. This nucleoside side shows a syn conformation about the glycosyl bond and C2'-endo-C3'-exo puckering for the ribose sugar. The orientation of N5' atom is gauche-trans about the exocyclic C4'-C5' bond. The amino nitrogen N5' forms a trifurcated hydrogen bond with N3, O9T and O4' atoms. Adenine bases form A.A.A triplets through hydrogen bonding between N6, N7 and N1 atoms of symmetry related nucleoside molecules.


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Background: Malaria caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum is a major public health concern. The parasite lacks a functional tricarboxylic acid cycle, making glycolysis its sole energy source. Although parasite enzymes have been considered as potential antimalarial drug targets, little is known about their structural biology. Here we report the crystal structure of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) from P. falciparum at 2.2 Angstrom resolution. Results: The crystal structure of P. falciparum TIM (PfTIM), expressed in Escherichia coli, was determined by the molecular replacement method using the structure of trypanosomal TIM as the starting model. Comparison of the PfTIM structure with other TIM structures, particularly human TIM, revealed several differences, In most TIMs the residue at position 183 is a glutamate but in PtTIM it is a leucine, This leucine residue is completely exposed and together with the surrounding positively charged patch, may be responsible for binding TIM to the erythrocyte membrane. Another interesting feature is the occurrence of a cysteine residue at the dimer interface of PfTIM (Cys13), in contrast to human TIM where this residue is a methionine. Finally, residue 96 of human TIM (Ser96), which occurs near the active site, has been replaced by phenylalanine in PfTIM.


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The crystal structure of copper ammonium oxalate dihydrate (space group P1̃) has been derived from a refinement of the two-dimensional (hk0) and (0kl) x-ray data using the atomic coordinateis of the isomorphous salt CuK 2(C2O4)2.2H2O as the starting point of the analysis. In contrast to the chromium complexes of oxalic acid the C-C bonds in both the two nonequivalent oxalate ions in the unit cell are single bonds (1.58 and 1.61 Å) consistent with the conclusion of Jeffrey and Parry that the carboxyl groups of the oxalate ion are separated by a pure a bond with little or no π conjugation across the molecule. Both the oxalate ions are slightly nonplanar. The copper ions occupy the special positions (0, 0, 0) and 0, 1/2, 0) and their coordination is of the distorted octahedral type with four nearest oxygen neighbors ( ≃ 2 Å) at the corners of a square and two more distant atoms along the octahedral bond direction. The environment of the NH4+ ions consists of eight nearest oxygen atoms at a mean distance of 3 Å.


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The titled complex, obtained by co-crystallization (EtOH/25 degrees C),is apparently the only known complex of the free bases. Its crystal structure, as determined by X-ray diffraction at both 90 K and 313 K, showed that one A-T pair involves a Hoogsteen interaction, and the other a Watson-Crick interaction but only with respect to the adenine unit. The absence of a clear-cut Watson-Crick base pair raises intriguing questions about the basis of the DNA double helix. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis of manganese(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes of a new ligand 2-thiophene-2-yl-3(thiophene-2-carboxylidene-amino)-1,2-dihydroquinazolin-4(3H)-one (TTCADQ) is described. The ligand and metal complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, conductivity measurements, spectral (u.v.-vis., i.r., 1D n.m.r., 2D hetcor and e.p.r.) and thermal studies. The formation of 1,2-dihydroquinazolin-4(3H)-one rather than hydrazone, in the reaction of aromatic aldehyde and o-aminobenzoylhydrazide is proved by single crystal X-ray diffraction and 2D hetcor n.m.r. studies. On the basis of elemental analysis, u.v.-vis.spectroscopy and magnetic moment studies, six coordinate geometry for all the complexes was proposed. The i.r. spectral studies reveal the bidentate behaviour of the ligand.


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Thiosemicarbazones are having the ability to bind with metal and inhibit the enzyme ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase(RDR),an enzyme which is involved in the synthesis of DNA precursors in the mammalian cells.The title compound N-methyl-t-3-methyl-r-2, c-6-diphenylpiperidin-4-one thiosemicarbazone (NMMDPT), CCDC 218052, was prepared using Mannich reaction and characterized by X-ray diffraction methods.The crystal data are:C20H24N4S; M.W= 352.49, triclinic,space group P (1) over bar, a = 8.467(2)angstrom, b = 10.228(2)angstrom, c = 12.249(2)angstrom; lpha=92.595(3)degrees, beta=104.173(3)degrees, gamma=13.628(3)degrees; V=930.0(3)angstrom(3), Z=2, D-cal=1.259Mgm(-3),mu=0.184mm(-1),lambda (MoKalpha)=0.71073 angstrom, final R1 and wR2 are 0.0470 and 0.1052, respectively. The piperidine rings adopt chair conformation. The planar phenyl rings are oriented equatorially at 2,6-positions of the piperidine ring. The molecular packing can be viewed as dimers held together by two N-H...S types of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Weak C-H...pi interactions also support the stability of the molecules in the crystal in addition to van der Waals forces. (c) 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.