185 resultados para Quixote


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"Memoirs of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra": v. 1, p. [xxxiii]-lxviii.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The study shows that the reading paradigm derived from codes Roland Barthes presented in his S/Z exposes the postmodernic nature of Saul Bellow s Herzog (1964), and embodies in which way the novel is organized as a radical rewriting of modernism and its ideology. I explore how solid, compact and modernistic subject breaks down at every level of Herzog s narration. I actually argue that the heteroglossic novel is representative of an early American postmodern movement in literaure, and it should by no means be dissected narrowly as a realistic or naturalistic novel at all. The intertextual code verifies that the interpretation of Herzog remains inadequate if one doesn t take account of the novel s significant intertextual references to other texts. In fact, even the mind of Moses Herzog, the protagonist of the novel, is a mosaic of citations. It emerges from the dissertation that the figure of Don Quixote follows Moses Herzog as an ambiguous shadow while the professor of history struggles with his anxiety and anguish, and travels in a mentally confused state around the U.S. for five days in the early 1960s, encountering the impending atmosphere of transition as the country is on the threshold of a significant cultural and social change. There is a strong necessity for updated interpretation of Herzog partly because its centrality to Bellow s own career as a writer but mainly because it has been previously read trough modernistic lenses. I shall try to proof in my study that American Jewish Saul Bellow s (1915 2005) Herzog escapes any kind of simple, elemental or essentialistic construction or reading and in real terms it doesn t offer any comprehensive, total or coherent solution or system for those philosophical doctrines it criticizes and makes fun of. The philosophical, conceptual and cultural substance of Herzog does not constitute an independent or autonomous theoretical tract which would have a life of its own. Altough the novel reflects the continuity of Bellow s writing it is clearly some kind of conscious or unconscious experiment during his long career as a writer. He hasn t been so radical before or since the publication of Herzog. It is unarguably his most postmodern novel.The reading paradigm based on specific codes demonstrates how deep into the basic questions of his personal life and existence itself he must dive in oder to find his many ways towards authentic or primordial self in fragmented and shattered world which is constanly rewritten and which makes human being a tourist of his own life. In that ongoing process the protagonist has to accept the ultimate plurality of his mind and self. He must confront that the modernistic definition of identity as a solid, monolithic and stable entity has broken down into different, inconsistent and even contradictory possibilities of identification. Moses Herzog embodies obviously Stuart Hall s description of the postmodern self his identity has turn into a movable feast.


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Resumen: El mundo de la ópera es un campo de permanentes ebulliciones aunque todavía se le endilguen acusaciones falsas de inmovilidad y anquilosamiento. No cesan de componerse obras con lenguajes innovadores sobre temáticas inéditas. Se experimenta —a veces, abusivamente— con puestas en escena heterodoxas, y las investigaciones hallan partituras perdidas o relegadas que hacen variar, permanentemente, el mapa del canon del género. En el presente trabajo, se analiza un caso-testigo de estas continuas mutaciones. Es la recuperación entre 2006 y 2011 de tres óperas compuestas entre 1760 y 1830 sobre el episodio del Quijote referido a las bodas de Camacho. Reviste particular relevancia, a mi juicio, porque no solo ha aumentado el caudal del repertorio operístico conocido sino que por sus relaciones con la literatura nos alerta a los estudiosos de ésta acerca de fenómenos que no podemos dejar de considerar. Ellos atañen a la recepción de la obra cervantina y al mito de D. Quijote, mito cuya expansión sobrepasa, ampliamente, al público lector de la obra. Nos conduce, por lo tanto, más allá de lo literario, a las complejidades de la construcción del imaginario cultural.


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Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.


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L’objectif principal du présent travail de recherche est d’établir un lien entre les proverbes (refranes) du Quichotte et l’enseignement de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE). En premier lieu, afin de mieux définir l’utilisation des parémies à travers les siècles, nous observons leur origine en lien avec l’oralité et la culture écrite, liée avec la Bible. De plus, nous considérons nécessaire de définir de manière claire les termes utilisés en parémiologie, tels que la parémie, le refrán espagnol et le proverbe. Cette précision terminologique est importante dans le processus d’apprentissage d’une nouvelle langue, par exemple afin de ne pas faire de fausses associations entre la langue maternelle et la langue apprise. La définition du refrán suit une matrice de traits essentiels ou optionnels. De plus, afin d’actualiser ces notions, nous présentons l’espace qu’occupent les proverbes ou les refranes de nos jours. Face au manque d’études sur l’utilisation des proverbes au Québec, nous avons réalisé un sondage parmi les étudiants québécois de cégeps afin d’observer leur opinion et son emploi. En ce qui a lieu à la relation directe entre les proverbes et l’enseignement de l’espagnol, nous remarquons que ce type d’énoncé n’est pas introduit en profondeur dans les documents officiels, tels que le Cadre européen commun de référence (2002), le Plan curricular del Instituto Cervantes (2005) et le Espagnol, langue tierce du Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport de Québec (MELS). Cette présence peu active est soulignée par le peu d’importance qui leur est attribuée dans les manuels d’enseignement. L’inclusion de la littérature en enseignement d’ELE, comme force didactique, a été généralement peu considérée. Le corpus de notre recherche, sélectionné du roman de Don Quichotte de la Manche, nous est utile pour connaître le lien entre les refranes, la littérature et ELE, présentant les proverbes comme un type de littérature en soi, grâce à un éventail d’activités, avec l’objectif qu’elles soient reconsidérées à sa juste valeur, dès les premiers niveaux d’enseignement. Mots-clés: Enseignement de l’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE), Littérature, Don Quichotte, proverbes (le refrán espagnol), activités


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The statistical analysis of literary style is the part of stylometry that compares measurable characteristics in a text that are rarely controlled by the author, with those in other texts. When the goal is to settle authorship questions, these characteristics should relate to the author’s style and not to the genre, epoch or editor, and they should be such that their variation between authors is larger than the variation within comparable texts from the same author. For an overview of the literature on stylometry and some of the techniques involved, see for example Mosteller and Wallace (1964, 82), Herdan (1964), Morton (1978), Holmes (1985), Oakes (1998) or Lebart, Salem and Berry (1998). Tirant lo Blanc, a chivalry book, is the main work in catalan literature and it was hailed to be “the best book of its kind in the world” by Cervantes in Don Quixote. Considered by writters like Vargas Llosa or Damaso Alonso to be the first modern novel in Europe, it has been translated several times into Spanish, Italian and French, with modern English translations by Rosenthal (1996) and La Fontaine (1993). The main body of this book was written between 1460 and 1465, but it was not printed until 1490. There is an intense and long lasting debate around its authorship sprouting from its first edition, where its introduction states that the whole book is the work of Martorell (1413?-1468), while at the end it is stated that the last one fourth of the book is by Galba (?-1490), after the death of Martorell. Some of the authors that support the theory of single authorship are Riquer (1990), Chiner (1993) and Badia (1993), while some of those supporting the double authorship are Riquer (1947), Coromines (1956) and Ferrando (1995). For an overview of this debate, see Riquer (1990). Neither of the two candidate authors left any text comparable to the one under study, and therefore discriminant analysis can not be used to help classify chapters by author. By using sample texts encompassing about ten percent of the book, and looking at word length and at the use of 44 conjunctions, prepositions and articles, Ginebra and Cabos (1998) detect heterogeneities that might indicate the existence of two authors. By analyzing the diversity of the vocabulary, Riba and Ginebra (2000) estimates that stylistic boundary to be near chapter 383. Following the lead of the extensive literature, this paper looks into word length, the use of the most frequent words and into the use of vowels in each chapter of the book. Given that the features selected are categorical, that leads to three contingency tables of ordered rows and therefore to three sequences of multinomial observations. Section 2 explores these sequences graphically, observing a clear shift in their distribution. Section 3 describes the problem of the estimation of a suden change-point in those sequences, in the following sections we propose various ways to estimate change-points in multinomial sequences; the method in section 4 involves fitting models for polytomous data, the one in Section 5 fits gamma models onto the sequence of Chi-square distances between each row profiles and the average profile, the one in Section 6 fits models onto the sequence of values taken by the first component of the correspondence analysis as well as onto sequences of other summary measures like the average word length. In Section 7 we fit models onto the marginal binomial sequences to identify the features that distinguish the chapters before and after that boundary. Most methods rely heavily on the use of generalized linear models


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This studyfocuses on the theory of intertextuality and on the most important approachesof Julia Kristeva, Gerard Genette and Ronald Barthestothis theory. It also examines the intertextual relationships in twoworksof Jorge Luis Borges:Pierre Menard, author of the Quixoteand The library of Babel. This studyconcludes that intertextual relations and issues are very often used in the works of Jorge Luis Borges. Analysis of histwoworks has shown the most obvious indicators of intertextuality such as allusions, quotations and references.


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Este texto tem por objeto o conjunto de entrevistas concedidas por Afonso Arinos de Mello Franco ao Programa de História Oral do CPDOC entre setembro de 1982 e outubro de 1983, com um total de 26h 40m de gravação. As entrevistas foram realizadas por Aspásia Camargo e Maria Clara Mariani e contaram com a participação especial de Pedro Nava (na entrevista de 27.9.1982) e dos jornalistas Carlos Castelo Branco, Fernando Pedreira e Otto Lara Resende (na mesa-redonda de 8.2.1983). O objetivo imediato desta série de entrevistas foi sua transformação em livro: ainda em 1983, o CPDOC publicava, em conjunto com o Senado Federal e a Editora Dom Quixote, o livro O intelectual e o político: encontros com Afonso Arinos, cuja primeira parte é o resultado do trabalho de edição das entrevistas gravadas.


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A study about the polyphonic aspect of The Lusiads. An epic poem in Portuguese Language written by Luís de Camões, that narrates the adventure of the journey of Vasco da Gama in the discoverer of new shipping lanes for the Índias. Secondarily, tells the historics battles engaged during the process of foundation and consolidation of the Portuguese Empire. The object of the study are the diverse speeches that compose the poem s narration, aiming at to the possible aesthetic relation of the epic poetry of Camões with the novelistic prose developed in the modernity, starting with D. Quijote and consacrating it at polyphonic novels written by Dostoiévski. The sdudy focuses the singularity of Camões lies in the elaboration of a narrative structurally epic, but at the same time contains several deviating speeches. Such speeches emphasize the multiple planes and multiple voices (characteristics of novelistic prose) without, however, prejudice the interlinking logical-formal epos, resulting in the monological finish conventional of the epic gender. This feature characterizes The Lusiads as monological literary work, but also shows dialogism and plurilinguism, essentials to the polyphonic phenomenon. Another prominent aspect of the poetry of Camões is the relative procedure to the expressiveness of the characters. They are, in the majority, rhetorical creations, which assume, in the speech, human or myhtological characteristics. Stratagem that permits to the poet to emit a multiple faces of vision of the facts told. The analysis of the speeches supports-itself entirely in the polyphonic theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, shall be cited, accessory, viewpoints of others theoretical, as long if it is judged compatible with the theory adopted


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)