995 resultados para Quantum well


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Self-seeded, gain-switched operation of an InGaN multi-quantum-well laser diode has been demonstrated for the first time. An external cavity comprising Littrow geometry was implemented for spectral control of pulsed operation. The feedback was optimized by adjusting the external cavity length and the driving frequency of the laser. The generated pulses had a peak power in excess of 400mW, a pulse duration of 60ps, a spectral linewidth of 0.14nm and maximum side band suppression ratio of 20dB. It was tunable within the range of 3.6nm centered at a wavelength of 403nm.


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The optical regeneration is an attractive method to improve the performance of long-distance data transmission, though its application in high-speed fiber systems requires careful design consideration/optimization. In this letter we investigate 40 Gbit/s dispersion-managed fiber transmission with optical 2R regeneration based on quantum well saturable absorber and highly non-linear fiber. We demonstrate through numerical modeling a feasibility of a single channel transmission over 10,000 km using optimized system design. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Self-seeded, gain-switched operation of an InGaN multi-quantum-well diode laser is reported for the first time. Narrow-line, wavelength-tunable, picosecond pulses have been generated from a standard, uncoated diode laser in an external cavity.


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Vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) have proved to be versatile lasers which allow for various emission schemes which on the one hand include remarkably high-power multi-mode or single-frequency continuouswave operation, and on the other hand two-color as well as mode-locked emission. Particularly, the combination of semiconductor gain medium and external cavity provides a unique access to high-brightness output, a high beam quality and wavelength flexibility. Moreover, the exploitation of intra-cavity frequency conversion further extends the achievable radiation wavelength, spanning a spectral range from the UV to the THz. In this work, recent advances in the field of VECSELs are summarized and the demonstration of self-mode-locking (SML) VECSELs with sub-ps pulses is highlighted. Thereby, we present studies which were not only performed for a quantum-well-based VECSEL, but also for a quantum-dot VECSEL.


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Ultrashort laser pulses from vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VECSELs) have been receiving much attention in the semiconductor laser community since the first demonstration of sub-ps-pulsed devices more than a decade ago. Originally relying on semiconductor saturable-absorber mirrors for pulse formation, mode-locked operation has not only become accessible by using a variety of saturable absorbers, but also by using a saturable-absorber-free technique referred to as self-mode-locking (SML). Here, we highlight achievements in the field of SML-VECSELs with quantum-well and quantum-dot gain chips, and study the influence of a few VECSEL parameters on the assumed nonlinear lensing behavior in the system. © (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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We study the helical edge states of a two-dimensional topological insulator without axial spin symmetry due to the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Lack of axial spin symmetry can lead to so-called generic helical edge states, which have energy-dependent spin orientation. This opens the possibility of inelastic backscattering and thereby nonquantized transport. Here we find analytically the new dispersion relations and the energy dependent spin orientation of the generic helical edge states in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling within the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model, for both a single isolated edge and for a finite width ribbon. In the single-edge case, we analytically quantify the energy dependence of the spin orientation, which turns out to be weak for a realistic HgTe quantum well. Nevertheless, finite size effects combined with Rashba spin-orbit coupling result in two avoided crossings in the energy dispersions, where the spin orientation variation of the edge states is very significantly increased for realistic parameters. Finally, our analytical results are found to compare well to a numerical tight-binding regularization of the model.


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III-Nitride materials have recently become a promising candidate for superior applications over the current technologies. However, certain issues such as lack of native substrates, and high defect density have to be overcome for further development of III-Nitride technology. This work presents research on lattice engineering of III-Nitride materials, and the structural, optical, and electrical properties of its alloys, in order to approach the ideal material for various applications. We demonstrated the non-destructive and quantitative characterization of composition modulated nanostructure in InAlN thin films with X-ray diffraction. We found the development of the nanostructure depends on growth temperature, and the composition modulation has impacts on carrier recombination dynamics. We also showed that the controlled relaxation of a very thin AlN buffer (20 ~ 30 nm) or a graded composition InGaN buffer can significantly reduce the defect density of a subsequent epitaxial layer. Finally, we synthesized an InAlGaN thin films and a multi-quantum-well structure. Significant emission enhancement in the UVB range (280 – 320 nm) was observed compared to AlGaN thin films. The nature of the enhancement was investigated experimentally and numerically, suggesting carrier confinement in the In localization centers.


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Incumbent telecommunication lasers emitting at 1.5 µm are fabricated on InP substrates and consist of multiple strained quantum well layers of the ternary alloy InGaAs, with barriers of InGaAsP or InGaAlAs. These lasers have been seen to exhibit very strong temperature dependence of the threshold current. This strong temperature dependence leads to a situation where external cooling equipment is required to stabilise the optical output power of these lasers. This results in a significant increase in the energy bill associated with telecommunications, as well as a large increase in equipment budgets. If the exponential growth trend of end user bandwidth demand associated with the internet continues, these inefficient lasers could see the telecommunications industry become the dominant consumer of world energy. For this reason there is strong interest in developing new, much more efficient telecommunication lasers. One avenue being investigated is the development of quantum dot lasers on InP. The confinement experienced in these low dimensional structures leads to a strong perturbation of the density of states at the band edge, and has been predicted to result in reduced temperature dependence of the threshold current in these devices. The growth of these structures is difficult due to the large lattice mismatch between InP and InAs; however, recently quantum dots elongated in one dimension, known as quantum dashes, have been demonstrated. Chapter 4 of this thesis provides an experimental analysis of one of these quantum dash lasers emitting at 1.5 µm along with a numerical investigation of threshold dynamics present in this device. Another avenue being explored to increase the efficiency of telecommunications lasers is bandstructure engineering of GaAs-based materials to emit at 1.5 µm. The cause of the strong temperature sensitivity in InP-based quantum well structures has been shown to be CHSH Auger recombination. Calculations have shown and experiments have verified that the addition of bismuth to GaAs strongly reduces the bandgap and increases the spin orbit splitting energy of the alloy GaAs1−xBix. This leads to a bandstructure condition at x = 10 % where not only is 1.5 µm emission achieved on GaAs-based material, but also the bandstructure of the material can naturally suppress the costly CHSH Auger recombination which plagues InP-based quantum-well-based material. It has been predicted that telecommunications lasers based on this material system should operate in the absence of external cooling equipment and offer electrical and optical benefits over the incumbent lasers. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 provide a first analysis of several aspects of this material system relevant to the development of high bismuth content telecommunication lasers.


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Les antimoniures sont des semi-conducteurs III-V prometteurs pour le développement de dispositifs optoélectroniques puisqu'ils ont une grande mobilité d'électrons, une large gamme spectrale d'émission ou de détection et offrent la possibilité de former des hétérostructures confinées dont la recombinaison est de type I, II ou III. Bien qu'il existe plusieurs publications sur la fabrication de dispositifs utilisant un alliage d'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y) qui émet ou détecte à une certaine longueur d'onde, les détails, à savoir comment sont déterminés les compositions et surtout les alignements de bande, sont rarement explicites. Très peu d'études fondamentales sur l'incorporation d'indium et d'arsenic sous forme de tétramères lors de l'épitaxie par jets moléculaires existent, et les méthodes afin de déterminer l'alignement des bandes des binaires qui composent ces alliages donnent des résultats variables. Un modèle a été construit et a permis de prédire l'alignement des bandes énergétiques des alliages d'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y) avec celles du GaSb pour l'ensemble des compositions possibles. Ce modèle tient compte des effets thermiques, des contraintes élastiques et peut aussi inclure le confinement pour des puits quantiques. De cette manière, il est possible de prédire la transition de type de recombinaison en fonction de la composition. Il est aussi montré que l'indium ségrègue en surface lors de la croissance par épitaxie par jets moléculaires d'In(x)Ga(1-x)Sb sur GaSb, ce qui avait déjà été observé pour ce type de matériau. Il est possible d'éliminer le gradient de composition à cette interface en mouillant la surface d'indium avant la croissance de l'alliage. L'épaisseur d'indium en surface dépend de la température et peut être évaluée par un modèle simple simulant la ségrégation. Dans le cas d'un puits quantique, il y aura une seconde interface GaSb sur In(x)Ga(1-x)Sb où l'indium de surface ira s'incorporer. La croissance de quelques monocouches de GaSb à basse température immédiatement après la croissance de l'alliage permet d'incorporer rapidement ces atomes d'indium et de garder la seconde interface abrupte. Lorsque la composition d'indium ne change plus dans la couche, cette composition correspond au rapport de flux d'atomes d'indium sur celui des éléments III. L'arsenic, dont la source fournit principalement des tétramères, ne s'incorpore pas de la même manière. Les tétramères occupent deux sites en surface et doivent interagir par paire afin de créer des dimères d'arsenic. Ces derniers pourront alors être incorporés dans l'alliage. Un modèle de cinétique de surface a été élaboré afin de rendre compte de la diminution d'incorporation d'arsenic en augmentant le rapport V/III pour une composition nominale d'arsenic fixe dans l'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y). Ce résultat s'explique par le fait que les réactions de deuxième ordre dans la décomposition des tétramères d'arsenic ralentissent considérablement la réaction d'incorporation et permettent à l'antimoine d'occuper majoritairement la surface. Cette observation montre qu'il est préférable d'utiliser une source de dimères d'arsenic, plutôt que de tétramères, afin de mieux contrôler la composition d'arsenic dans la couche. Des puits quantiques d'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y) sur GaSb ont été fabriqués et caractérisés optiquement afin d'observer le passage de recombinaison de type I à type II. Cependant, celui-ci n'a pas pu être observé puisque les spectres étaient dominés par un niveau énergétique dans le GaSb dont la source n'a pu être identifiée. Un problème dans la source de gallium pourrait être à l'origine de ce défaut et la résolution de ce problème est essentielle à la continuité de ces travaux.


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We compare the optical properties and device performance of unpackaged InGaN/GaN multiple-quantum-well light-emitting diodes (LEDs) emitting at ∼430 nm grown simultaneously on a high-cost small-size bulk semipolar (11 2 - 2) GaN substrate (Bulk-GaN) and a low-cost large-size (11 2 - 2) GaN template created on patterned (10 1 - 2) r-plane sapphire substrate (PSS-GaN). The Bulk-GaN substrate has the threading dislocation density (TDD) of ∼ and basal-plane stacking fault (BSF) density of 0 cm-1, while the PSS-GaN substrate has the TDD of ∼2 × 108cm-2 and BSF density of ∼1 × 103cm-1. Despite an enhanced light extraction efficiency, the LED grown on PSS-GaN has two-times lower internal quantum efficiency than the LED grown on Bulk-GaN as determined by photoluminescence measurements. The LED grown on PSS-GaN substrate also has about two-times lower output power compared to the LED grown on Bulk-GaN substrate. This lower output power was attributed to the higher TDD and BSF density.


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Low-temperature magneto-photoluminescence is a very powerful technique to characterize high purity GaAs and InP grown by various epitaxial techniques. These III-V compound semiconductor materials are used in a wide variety of electronic, optoelectronic and microwave devices. The large binding energy differences of acceptors in GaAs and InP make possible the identification of those impurities by low-temperature photoluminescence without the use of any magnetic field. However, the sensitivity and resolution provided by this technique rema1ns inadequate to resolve the minute binding energy differences of donors in GaAs and InP. To achieve higher sensitivity and resolution needed for the identification of donors, a magneto-photoluminescence system 1s installed along with a tunable dye laser, which provides resonant excitation. Donors 1n high purity GaAs are identified from the magnetic splittings of "two-electron" satellites of donor bound exciton transitions 1n a high magnetic field and at liquid helium temperature. This technique 1s successfully used to identify donors 1n n-type GaAs as well as 1n p-type GaAs in which donors cannot be identified by any other technique. The technique is also employed to identify donors in high purity InP. The amphoteric incorporation of Si and Ge impurities as donors and acceptors in (100), (311)A and (3ll)B GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy is studied spectroscopically. The hydrogen passivation of C acceptors in high purity GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) 1s investigated using photoluminescence. Si acceptors ~n MBE GaAs are also found to be passivated by hydrogenation. The instabilities in the passivation of acceptor impurities are observed for the exposure of those samples to light. Very high purity MOCVD InP samples with extremely high mobility are characterized by both electrical and optical techniques. It is determined that C is not typically incorporated as a residual acceptor ~n high purity MOCVD InP. Finally, GaAs on Si, single quantum well, and multiple quantum well heterostructures, which are fabricated from III-V semiconductors, are also measured by low-temperature photoluminescence.


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In a high mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) realized in a GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As quantum well we observe changes in the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations (SdHO) and in the Hall resistance for different sample geometries. We observe for each sample geometry a strong negative magnetoresistance around zero magnetic field which consists of a peak around zero magnetic field and of a huge magnetoresistance at larger fields. The peak around zero magnetic field is left unchanged for different geometries.


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Resonant tunnelling diode (RTD) is known to be the fastest electronics device that can be fabricated in compact form and operate at room temperature with potential oscillation frequency up to 2.5 THz. The RTD device consists of a narrow band gap quantum well layer sandwiched between two thin wide band gap barriers layers. It exhibits negative differential resistance (NDR) region in its current-voltage (I-V) characteristics which is utilised in making oscillators. Up to date, the main challenge is producing high output power at high frequencies in particular. Although oscillation frequencies of ~ 2 THz have been already reported, the output power is in the range of micro-Watts. This thesis describes the systematic work on the design, fabrication, and characterisation of RTD-based oscillators in microwave/millimetre-wave monolithic integrated circuits (MMIC) form that can produce high output power and high oscillation frequency at the same time. Different MMIC RTD oscillator topologies were designed, fabricated, and characterised in this project which include: single RTD oscillator which employs one RTD device, double RTDs oscillator which employs two RTD devices connected in parallel, and coupled RTD oscillators which combine the powers of two oscillators over a single load, based on mutual coupling and which can employ up to four RTD devices. All oscillators employed relatively large size RTD devices for high power operation. The main challenge was to realise high oscillation frequency (~ 300 GHz) in MMIC form with the employed large sized RTD devices. To achieve this aim, proper designs of passive structures that can provide small values of resonating inductances were essential. These resonating inductance structures included shorted coplanar wave guide (CPW) and shorted microstrip transmission lines of low characteristics impedances Zo. Shorted transmission line of lower Zo has lower inductance per unit length. Thus, the geometrical dimensions would be relatively large and facilitate fabrication by low cost photolithography. A series of oscillators with oscillation frequencies in the J-band (220 – 325 GHz) range and output powers from 0.2 – 1.1 mW have been achieved in this project, and all were fabricated using photolithography. Theoretical estimation showed that higher oscillation frequencies (> 1 THz) can be achieved with the proposed MMIC RTD oscillators design in this project using photolithography with expected high power operation. Besides MMIC RTD oscillators, reported planar antennas for RTD-based oscillators were critically reviewed and the main challenges in designing high performance integrated antennas on large dielectric constant substrates are discussed in this thesis. A novel antenna was designed, simulated, fabricated, and characterised in this project. It was a bow-tie antenna with a tuning stub that has very wide bandwidth across the J-band. The antenna was diced and mounted on a reflector ground plane to alleviate the effect of the large dielectric constant substrate (InP) and radiates upwards to the air-side direction. The antenna was also investigated for integration with the all types of oscillators realised in this project. One port and two port antennas were designed, simulated, fabricated, and characterised and showed the suitability of integration with the single/double oscillator layout and the coupled oscillator layout, respectively.


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Conventional Si complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) scaling is fast approaching its limits. The extension of the logic device roadmap for future enhancements in transistor performance requires non-Si materials and new device architectures. III-V materials, due to their superior electron transport properties, are well poised to replace Si as the channel material beyond the 10nm technology node to mitigate the performance loss of Si transistors from further reductions in supply voltage to minimise power dissipation in logic circuits. However several key challenges, including a high quality dielectric/III-V gate stack, a low-resistance source/drain (S/D) technology, heterointegration onto a Si platform and a viable III-V p-metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOSFET), need to be addressed before III-Vs can be employed in CMOS. This Thesis specifically addressed the development and demonstration of planar III-V p-MOSFETs, to complement the n-MOSFET, thereby enabling an all III-V CMOS technology to be realised. This work explored the application of InGaAs and InGaSb material systems as the channel, in conjunction with Al2O3/metal gate stacks, for p-MOSFET development based on the buried-channel flatband device architecture. The body of work undertaken comprised material development, process module development and integration into a robust fabrication flow for the demonstration of p-channel devices. The parameter space in the design of the device layer structure, based around the III-V channel/barrier material options of Inx≥0.53Ga1-xAs/In0.52Al0.48As and Inx≥0.1Ga1-xSb/AlSb, was systematically examined to improve hole channel transport. A mobility of 433 cm2/Vs, the highest room temperature hole mobility of any InGaAs quantum-well channel reported to date, was obtained for the In0.85Ga0.15As (2.1% strain) structure. S/D ohmic contacts were developed based on thermally annealed Au/Zn/Au metallisation and validated using transmission line model test structures. The effects of metallisation thickness, diffusion barriers and de-oxidation conditions were examined. Contacts to InGaSb-channel structures were found to be sensitive to de-oxidation conditions. A fabrication process, based on a lithographically-aligned double ohmic patterning approach, was realised for deep submicron gate-to-source/drain gap (Lside) scaling to minimise the access resistance, thereby mitigating the effects of parasitic S/D series resistance on transistor performance. The developed process yielded gaps as small as 20nm. For high-k integration on GaSb, ex-situ ammonium sulphide ((NH4)2S) treatments, in the range 1%-22%, for 10min at 295K were systematically explored for improving the electrical properties of the Al2O3/GaSb interface. Electrical and physical characterisation indicated the 1% treatment to be most effective with interface trap densities in the range of 4 - 10×1012cm-2eV-1 in the lower half of the bandgap. An extended study, comprising additional immersion times at each sulphide concentration, was further undertaken to determine the surface roughness and the etching nature of the treatments on GaSb. A number of p-MOSFETs based on III-V-channels with the most promising hole transport and integration of the developed process modules were successfully demonstrated in this work. Although the non-inverted InGaAs-channel devices showed good current modulation and switch-off characteristics, several aspects of performance were non-ideal; depletion-mode operation, modest drive current (Id,sat=1.14mA/mm), double peaked transconductance (gm=1.06mS/mm), high subthreshold swing (SS=301mV/dec) and high on-resistance (Ron=845kΩ.μm). Despite demonstrating substantial improvement in the on-state metrics of Id,sat (11×), gm (5.5×) and Ron (5.6×), inverted devices did not switch-off. Scaling gate-to-source/drain gap (Lside) from 1μm down to 70nm improved Id,sat (72.4mA/mm) by a factor of 3.6 and gm (25.8mS/mm) by a factor of 4.1 in inverted InGaAs-channel devices. Well-controlled current modulation and good saturation behaviour was observed for InGaSb-channel devices. In the on-state In0.3Ga0.7Sb-channel (Id,sat=49.4mA/mm, gm=12.3mS/mm, Ron=31.7kΩ.μm) and In0.4Ga0.6Sb-channel (Id,sat=38mA/mm, gm=11.9mS/mm, Ron=73.5kΩ.μm) devices outperformed the InGaAs-channel devices. However the devices could not be switched off. These findings indicate that III-V p-MOSFETs based on InGaSb as opposed to InGaAs channels are more suited as the p-channel option for post-Si CMOS.


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Les antimoniures sont des semi-conducteurs III-V prometteurs pour le développement de dispositifs optoélectroniques puisqu'ils ont une grande mobilité d'électrons, une large gamme spectrale d'émission ou de détection et offrent la possibilité de former des hétérostructures confinées dont la recombinaison est de type I, II ou III. Bien qu'il existe plusieurs publications sur la fabrication de dispositifs utilisant un alliage d'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y) qui émet ou détecte à une certaine longueur d'onde, les détails, à savoir comment sont déterminés les compositions et surtout les alignements de bande, sont rarement explicites. Très peu d'études fondamentales sur l'incorporation d'indium et d'arsenic sous forme de tétramères lors de l'épitaxie par jets moléculaires existent, et les méthodes afin de déterminer l'alignement des bandes des binaires qui composent ces alliages donnent des résultats variables. Un modèle a été construit et a permis de prédire l'alignement des bandes énergétiques des alliages d'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y) avec celles du GaSb pour l'ensemble des compositions possibles. Ce modèle tient compte des effets thermiques, des contraintes élastiques et peut aussi inclure le confinement pour des puits quantiques. De cette manière, il est possible de prédire la transition de type de recombinaison en fonction de la composition. Il est aussi montré que l'indium ségrègue en surface lors de la croissance par épitaxie par jets moléculaires d'In(x)Ga(1-x)Sb sur GaSb, ce qui avait déjà été observé pour ce type de matériau. Il est possible d'éliminer le gradient de composition à cette interface en mouillant la surface d'indium avant la croissance de l'alliage. L'épaisseur d'indium en surface dépend de la température et peut être évaluée par un modèle simple simulant la ségrégation. Dans le cas d'un puits quantique, il y aura une seconde interface GaSb sur In(x)Ga(1-x)Sb où l'indium de surface ira s'incorporer. La croissance de quelques monocouches de GaSb à basse température immédiatement après la croissance de l'alliage permet d'incorporer rapidement ces atomes d'indium et de garder la seconde interface abrupte. Lorsque la composition d'indium ne change plus dans la couche, cette composition correspond au rapport de flux d'atomes d'indium sur celui des éléments III. L'arsenic, dont la source fournit principalement des tétramères, ne s'incorpore pas de la même manière. Les tétramères occupent deux sites en surface et doivent interagir par paire afin de créer des dimères d'arsenic. Ces derniers pourront alors être incorporés dans l'alliage. Un modèle de cinétique de surface a été élaboré afin de rendre compte de la diminution d'incorporation d'arsenic en augmentant le rapport V/III pour une composition nominale d'arsenic fixe dans l'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y). Ce résultat s'explique par le fait que les réactions de deuxième ordre dans la décomposition des tétramères d'arsenic ralentissent considérablement la réaction d'incorporation et permettent à l'antimoine d'occuper majoritairement la surface. Cette observation montre qu'il est préférable d'utiliser une source de dimères d'arsenic, plutôt que de tétramères, afin de mieux contrôler la composition d'arsenic dans la couche. Des puits quantiques d'In(x)Ga(1-x)As(y)Sb(1-y) sur GaSb ont été fabriqués et caractérisés optiquement afin d'observer le passage de recombinaison de type I à type II. Cependant, celui-ci n'a pas pu être observé puisque les spectres étaient dominés par un niveau énergétique dans le GaSb dont la source n'a pu être identifiée. Un problème dans la source de gallium pourrait être à l'origine de ce défaut et la résolution de ce problème est essentielle à la continuité de ces travaux.