979 resultados para Quantum tunneling


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In dieser Arbeit werden Quantum-Hydrodynamische (QHD) Modelle betrachtet, die ihren Einsatz besonders in der Modellierung von Halbleiterbauteilen finden. Das QHD Modell besteht aus den Erhaltungsgleichungen für die Teilchendichte, das Momentum und die Energiedichte, inklusive der Quanten-Korrekturen durch das Bohmsche Potential. Zu Beginn wird eine Übersicht über die bekannten Ergebnisse der QHD Modelle unter Vernachlässigung von Kollisionseffekten gegeben, die aus ein­em Schrödinger-System für den gemischten-Zustand oder aus der Wigner-Glei­chung hergeleitet werden können. Nach der Reformulierung der eindimensionalen QHD Gleichungen mit linearem Potential als stationäre Schrö­din­ger-Gleichung werden die semianalytischen Fassungen der QHD Gleichungen für die Gleichspannungs-Kurve betrachtet. Weiterhin werden die viskosen Stabilisierungen des QHD Modells be­rück­sich­tigt, sowie die von Gardner vorgeschlagene numerische Viskosität für das {sf upwind} Finite-Differenzen Schema berechnet. Im Weiteren wird das viskose QHD Modell aus der Wigner-Glei­chung mit Fokker-Planck Kollisions-Ope­ra­tor hergeleitet. Dieses Modell enthält die physikalische Viskosität, die durch den Kollision-Operator eingeführt wird. Die Existenz der Lösungen (mit strikt positiver Teilchendichte) für das isotherme, stationäre, eindimensionale, viskose Modell für allgemeine Daten und nichthomogene Randbedingungen wird gezeigt. Die dafür notwendigen Abschätzungen hängen von der Viskosität ab und erlauben daher den Grenzübergang zum nicht-viskosen Fall nicht. Numerische Simulationen der Resonanz-Tunneldiode modelliert mit dem nichtisothermen, stationären, eindimensionalen, viskosen QHD Modell zeigen den Einfluss der Viskosität auf die Lösung. Unter Verwendung des von Degond und Ringhofer entwickelten Quanten-Entropie-Minimierungs-Verfahren werden die allgemeinen QHD-Gleichungen aus der Wigner-Boltzmann-Gleichung mit dem BGK-Kollisions-Operator hergeleitet. Die Herleitung basiert auf der vorsichtige Entwicklung des Quanten-Max­well­ians in Potenzen der skalierten Plankschen Konstante. Das so erhaltene Modell enthält auch vertex-Terme und dispersive Terme für die Ge­schwin­dig­keit. Dadurch bleibt die Gleichspannungs-Kurve für die Re­so­nanz-Tunnel­diode unter Verwendung des allgemeinen QHD Modells in einer Dimension numerisch erhalten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der dispersive Ge­schwin­dig­keits-Term die Lösung des Systems stabilisiert.


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The craze for faster and smaller electronic devices has never gone down and this has always kept researchers on their toes. Following Moore’s law, which states that the number of transistors in a single chip will double in every 18 months, today “30 million transistors can fit into the head of a 1.5 mm diameter pin”. But this miniaturization cannot continue indefinitely due to the ‘quantum leakage’ limit in the thickness of the insulating layer between the gate electrode and the current carrying channel. To bypass this limitation, scientists came up with the idea of using vastly available organic molecules as components in an electronic device. One of the primary challenges in this field was the ability to perform conductance measurements across single molecular junctions. Once that was achieved the focus shifted to a deeper understanding of the underlying physics behind the electron transport across these molecular scale devices. Our initial theoretical approach is based on the conventional Non-Equilibrium Green Function(NEGF) formulation, but the self-energy of the leads is modified to include a weighting factor that ensures negligible current in the absence of a molecular pathway as observed in a Mechanically Controlled Break Junction (MCBJ) experiment. The formulation is then made parameter free by a more careful estimation of the self-energy of the leads. The calculated conductance turns out to be atleast an order more than the experimental values which is probably due to a strong chemical bond at the metal-molecule junction unlike in the experiments. The focus is then shifted to a comparative study of charge transport in molecular wires of different lengths within the same formalism. The molecular wires, composed of a series of organic molecules, are sanwiched between two gold electrodes to make a two terminal device. The length of the wire is increased by sequentially increasing the number of molecules in the wire from 1 to 3. In the low bias regime all the molecular devices are found to exhibit Ohmic behavior. However, the magnitude of conductance decreases exponentially with increase in length of the wire. In the next study, the relative contribution of the ‘in-phase’ and the ‘out-of-phase’ components of the total electronic current under the influence of an external bias is estimated for the wires of three different lengths. In the low bias regime, the ‘out-of-phase’ contribution to the total current is minimal and the ‘in-phase’ elastic tunneling of the electrons is responsible for the net electronic current. This is true irrespective of the length of the molecular spacer. In this regime, the current-voltage characteristics follow Ohm’s law and the conductance of the wires is found to decrease exponentially with increase in length which is in agreement with experimental results. However, after a certain ‘off-set’ voltage, the current increases non-linearly with bias and the ‘out-of-phase’ tunneling of electrons reduces the net current substantially. Subsequently, the interaction of conduction electrons with the vibrational modes as a function of external bias in the three different oligomers is studied since they are one of the main sources of phase-breaking scattering. The number of vibrational modes that couple strongly with the frontier molecular orbitals are found to increase with length of the spacer and the external field. This is consistent with the existence of lowest ‘off-set’ voltage for the longest wire under study.


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The capping of epitaxially grown Quantum Dots (QD) is a key process in the fabrication of devices based on these nanostructures because capping can significantly affect the QDs morphology [3]. We have studied the QD morphology after capping in order to better understand the role of the capping process. We have grown real structures and compared the QD morphology obtained by cross-sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (X-STM) with the morphology of QDs that were virtually grown in simulations based on a Kinetic Monte Carlo model (KMC) [1].


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The conductance of atomic-sized metallic point contacts is shown to be strongly voltage dependent due to quantum interference with impurities even in samples with low impurity concentrations. Transmission through these small contacts depends not only on the local atomic structure at the contact but also on the distribution of impurities or defects within a coherence length of the contact. In contrast with other mesoscopic systems we show that transport through atomic contacts is coherent even at room temperature. The use of a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) makes it possible to fabricate one atom contacts of gold whose transmission can be controlled by manipulation of the contact allowing inelastic spectroscopy in such small contacts.


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Scanning tunneling microscopy permits us to image the Kondo resonance of a single magnetic atom adsorbed on a metallic surface. When the magnetic impurity is placed at the focus of an elliptical quantum corral, a Kondo resonance has been recently observed both on top of the impurity and on top of the focus where no magnetic impurity is present. This projection of the Kondo resonance to a remote point on the surface is referred to as quantum mirage. We present a quantum mechanical theory for the quantum mirage inside an ideal quantum corral and predict that the mirage will occur in corrals with shapes other than elliptical.


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Detection of a single nuclear spin constitutes an outstanding problem in different fields of physics such as quantum computing or magnetic imaging. Here we show that the energy levels of a single nuclear spin can be measured by means of inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy (IETS). We consider two different systems, a magnetic adatom probed with scanning tunneling microscopy and a single Bi dopant in a silicon nanotransistor. We find that the hyperfine coupling opens new transport channels which can be resolved at experimentally accessible temperatures. Our simulations evince that IETS yields information about the occupations of the nuclear spin states, paving the way towards transport-detected single nuclear spin resonance.


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Digital magnetic recording is based on the storage of a bit of information in the orientation of a magnetic system with two stable ground states. Here we address two fundamental problems that arise when this is done on a quantized spin: quantum spin tunneling and backaction of the readout process. We show that fundamental differences exist between integer and semi-integer spins when it comes to both reading and recording classical information in a quantized spin. Our findings imply fundamental limits to the miniaturization of magnetic bits and are relevant to recent experiments where a spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscope reads and records a classical bit in the spin orientation of a single magnetic atom.


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We report electrical conductance measurements of Bi nanocontacts created by repeated tip-surface indentation using a scanning tunneling microscope at temperatures of 4 and 300 K. As a function of the elongation of the nanocontact, we measure robust, tens of nanometers long plateaus of conductance G0=2e2/h at room temperature. This observation can be accounted for by the mechanical exfoliation of a Bi(111) bilayer, a predicted quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator, in the retracing process following a tip-surface contact. The formation of the bilayer is further supported by the additional observation of conductance steps below G0 before breakup at both temperatures. Our finding provides the first experimental evidence of the possibility of mechanical exfoliation of Bi bilayers, the existence of the QSH phase in a two-dimensional crystal, and, most importantly, the observation of the QSH phase at room temperature.


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We describe a quantum electromechanical system comprising a single quantum dot harmonically bound between two electrodes and facilitating a tunneling current between them. An example of such a system is a fullerene molecule between two metal electrodes [Park et al., Nature 407, 57 (2000)]. The description is based on a quantum master equation for the density operator of the electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom and thus incorporates the dynamics of both diagonal (population) and off diagonal (coherence) terms. We derive coupled equations of motion for the electron occupation number of the dot and the vibrational degrees of freedom, including damping of the vibration and thermo-mechanical noise. This dynamical description is related to observable features of the system including the stationary current as a function of bias voltage


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Dynamical tunneling is a quantum phenomenon where a classically forbidden process occurs that is prohibited not by energy but by another constant of motion. The phenomenon of dynamical tunneling has been recently observed in a sodium Bose-Einstein condensate. We present a detailed analysis of these experiments using numerical solutions of the three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the corresponding Floquet theory. We explore the parameter dependency of the tunneling oscillations and we move the quantum system towards the classical limit in the experimentally accessible regime.


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We consider a type of quantum electromechanical system, known as the shuttle system, first proposed by Gorelik [Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 4526 (1998)]. We use a quantum master equation treatment and compare the semiclassical solution to a full quantum simulation to reveal the dynamics, followed by a discussion of the current noise of the system. The transition between tunneling and shuttling regime can be measured directly in the spectrum of the noise. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Dissociation of molecular hydrogen is an important step in a wide variety of chemical, biological, and physical processes. Due to the light mass of hydrogen, it is recognized that quantum effects are often important to its reactivity. However, understanding how quantum effects impact the reactivity of hydrogen is still in its infancy. Here, we examine this issue using a well-defined Pd/Cu(111) alloy that allows the activation of hydrogen and deuterium molecules to be examined at individual Pd atom surface sites over a wide range of temperatures. Experiments comparing the uptake of hydrogen and deuterium as a function of temperature reveal completely different behavior of the two species. The rate of hydrogen activation increases at lower sample temperature, whereas deuterium activation slows as the temperature is lowered. Density functional theory simulations in which quantum nuclear effects are accounted for reveal that tunneling through the dissociation barrier is prevalent for H2 up to ∼190 K and for D2 up to ∼140 K. Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the effective barrier to H2 dissociation is so low that hydrogen uptake on the surface is limited merely by thermodynamics, whereas the D2 dissociation process is controlled by kinetics. These data illustrate the complexity and inherent quantum nature of this ubiquitous and seemingly simple chemical process. Examining these effects in other systems with a similar range of approaches may uncover temperature regimes where quantum effects can be harnessed, yielding greater control of bond-breaking processes at surfaces and uncovering useful chemistries such as selective bond activation or isotope separation.


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This chapter provides a short review of quantum dots (QDs) physics, applications, and perspectives. The main advantage of QDs over bulk semiconductors is the fact that the size became a control parameter to tailor the optical properties of new materials. Size changes the confinement energy which alters the optical properties of the material, such as absorption, refractive index, and emission bands. Therefore, by using QDs one can make several kinds of optical devices. One of these devices transforms electrons into photons to apply them as active optical components in illumination and displays. Other devices enable the transformation of photons into electrons to produce QDs solar cells or photodetectors. At the biomedical interface, the application of QDs, which is the most important aspect in this book, is based on fluorescence, which essentially transforms photons into photons of different wavelengths. This chapter introduces important parameters for QDs' biophotonic applications such as photostability, excitation and emission profiles, and quantum efficiency. We also present the perspectives for the use of QDs in fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), so useful in modern microscopy, and how to take advantage of the usually unwanted blinking effect to perform super-resolution microscopy.


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Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) is an optical technique that allows the measurement of the diffusion coefficient of molecules in a diluted sample. From the diffusion coefficient it is possible to calculate the hydrodynamic radius of the molecules. For colloidal quantum dots (QDs) the hydrodynamic radius is valuable information to study interactions with other molecules or other QDs. In this chapter we describe the main aspects of the technique and how to use it to calculate the hydrodynamic radius of quantum dots (QDs).


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Atomic charge transfer-counter polarization effects determine most of the infrared fundamental CH intensities of simple hydrocarbons, methane, ethylene, ethane, propyne, cyclopropane and allene. The quantum theory of atoms in molecules/charge-charge flux-dipole flux model predicted the values of 30 CH intensities ranging from 0 to 123 km mol(-1) with a root mean square (rms) error of only 4.2 km mol(-1) without including a specific equilibrium atomic charge term. Sums of the contributions from terms involving charge flux and/or dipole flux averaged 20.3 km mol(-1), about ten times larger than the average charge contribution of 2.0 km mol(-1). The only notable exceptions are the CH stretching and bending intensities of acetylene and two of the propyne vibrations for hydrogens bound to sp hybridized carbon atoms. Calculations were carried out at four quantum levels, MP2/6-311++G(3d,3p), MP2/cc-pVTZ, QCISD/6-311++G(3d,3p) and QCISD/cc-pVTZ. The results calculated at the QCISD level are the most accurate among the four with root mean square errors of 4.7 and 5.0 km mol(-1) for the 6-311++G(3d,3p) and cc-pVTZ basis sets. These values are close to the estimated aggregate experimental error of the hydrocarbon intensities, 4.0 km mol(-1). The atomic charge transfer-counter polarization effect is much larger than the charge effect for the results of all four quantum levels. Charge transfer-counter polarization effects are expected to also be important in vibrations of more polar molecules for which equilibrium charge contributions can be large.