908 resultados para Proposta Curricular de História


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O objeto desta dissertação se definiu como os princípios norteadores para uma Educação Inclusiva e a concepção de competência presente nos Projetos Pedagógicos dos cursos de formação inicial de professores de Geografia ofertados pelas IES públicas em Belém-PA. Tendo por objetivo analisar se os Projetos Pedagógicos das IES públicas de Belém-PA construíram para os cursos de licenciatura em Geografia, considerando se a proposta curricular contribui para formação do professor inclusivo a partir das competências previstas na atual legislação brasileira. Através da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental buscaremos: 1º) estabelecer um comparativo entre referenciais teóricos sobre Educação Inclusiva e competências para formação de professores e o projetos pedagógicos dos cursos de licenciatura em Geografia da UFPA e do IFPA ofertados em Belém-PA construídos a partir das prescrições das DCN para a Formação de Professores da Educação Básica; 2º) identificar o grau de alinhamento desses cursos às prescrições e orientações oficiais no que se refere ao desenvolvimento de competências para o trato à diversidade e à diferença; 3º identificar a concepção de competência adotada nos projetos pedagógicos. Constatei que o projeto pedagógico do curso de licenciatura em Geografia da UFPA adota a concepção de Educação Inclusiva como sinônimo de Educação Especial, mostrando-se limitado com relação à Educação Inclusiva mais ampla, a que atende a diversidade e a diferença. Com relação à concepção de competência, segue aquela dos DCN, fundada na psicologia genética com direcionamento para a formação de capital humano. Já o projeto pedagógico do curso de licenciatura em Geografia do IFPA, apresenta uma concepção de Educação Inclusiva capaz de desenvolver um atendimento escolar a diversidade e a diferença. Proporcionando através de várias disciplinas a discussão teórica e através de atividades acadêmicas de campo, constatar in lócus experiências de inclusão escolar. Quanto à concepção de competência, traduz-se de forma eclética, tanto traços fortes da psicologia behaviorista, quanto da psicologia genética e, alguns fragmentos da psicologia sócio-cultural.


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Este artigo focaliza discursos referentes à formação de duas gerações brasileiras de professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Com relação ao primeiro momento, entre o final da década de 1980 e início da década de 1990, procedeu-se o estudo de documentos relativos à proposta curricular do Projeto CEFAM/SP, o que revelou discursos que enfatizavam uma formação docente voltada para o trabalho coletivo e a atitude crítico-reflexiva. Já no segundo período, correspondente à geração de professores formada a partir da segunda metade da década de 1990, as propostas de formação docente (representadas por diretrizes, referenciais e decretos federais) são marcadas pela influência de organismos internacionais e por um viés econômico, seguindo uma direção pragmatista baseada em competências individuais, o que aponta para um enfraquecimento político do magistério, enquanto grupo profissional. Questiona-se, assim, a pertinência de se considerar o momento atual como sendo de profissionalização docente.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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The objective of this work is to analyze teaching situations with the use of calculator inside classroom aiming to understand its function and potential to the learning of Mathematics. A survey was carried out about the students and teachers’ conceptions concerning the use of calculator as an auxiliary tool in the learning of Math . The first part of the research is based by means of official documents (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) , Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo, Guia do Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD)) , researches and other publications , characterizing by a bibliographic study. The survey with the participants— Math students and teachers acting in public or private schools of São Paulo state— was done through a questionnaire and interviews . The results show that most part of interviewed people are in favor of the use of calculator in the classroom . However , a big part of this number still consider it only as a tool to speed calculations with high numbers or decimals . It was verified that teachers who have recently graduated and have taught for a short period of time accept and comprehend the role of calculator more easily in some activities and consider it as an useful and auxiliary tool to the students’ learning


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This study sought to raise the water issue is addressed in the teaching of chemistry in public schools through the notebooks Curricular Proposal of the State of Sao Paulo. First we tried to do a survey of knowledge related to construction of the concept of historical perspective, the physical and chemical properties, their importance to man and the particulars of the national curriculum for this subject. The methodology used was qualitative, descriptive and documentary. We analyzed the books for the first, second and third marking periods and the three series (the 4th book had not yet been distributed). As expected the first scenario, the proposed curriculum addresses the topic in greater depth in only one of the notebooks of the second year of high school. The approaches are no longer linked to health issues and the environment, cross-cutting issues considered by the NCP and important for students to make associations between the chemical content and their daily lives. We conclude that the contract should be evaluated by teachers and that their use should be involved in drawing up a plan that takes into account the aspects that seem incomplete. We also emphasize that although the proposal is interesting from the standpoint of teaching, teachers need training to its full use in the classroom


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This research attempts to analyze the relationship between the National Secondary Education Examination and the design of teaching, specifically in the way of defining what should be taught, in the present National Curriculum identifying clues that help us in the explanation of a conception of teaching and making the confrontation between the evaluation device in this ENEM. We intend to identify, even if there is consistency between what is taught and what is learned in schools, whether it public or private, and it evaluates the evidence as ENEM. This work is part of the Bachelor's Degree in Education Full theme is a critical analysis of the evaluation system ENEM regarding their school pedagogical practices. The overall goal is to bring to light the evaluative perspective envisaged in secondary education as a training practice, regarding the evaluation method levied by the National Examination of Secondary Education, seeking to raise the following reflection: The evaluation addressed in high school according to the National Curriculum meets view of the National Middle School? To answer this question, the work specified in a field research through analysis of evidence applied to the Portuguese Language School students in two schools, one in public and one private school, both in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo, the analysis on the Matrix Reference ENEM in order to show whether the school pedagogical practice meets the demand of this evaluation system. Methodology as part of the job search literature, taking for himself the main theoretical assessment as Luckesi (2005), Hoffman (1996) Saviani (1986) and Curriculum Proposal of the State of São Paulo


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Modern society is characterized by being in evolution finds, technology strides and every day becomes the setting in which we live. At school, however, we found no features of these changes, the years pass and the methodological tools remain unchanged. In this paper we analyze an object produced by the Learning Network Interactive Virtual Education - RIVED to discuss whether it covers the content and answers to the questions proposed by the National Curricular and Curricular Proposal of the State of Sao Paulo, and may be inserted in the educational environment, both to perform a qualitative analysis, focusing on information retrieval. The results showed that the Learning Objects: Abundance, has most of the proposals relating to the subject of study, prepared by the NCP and the Proposed Structure for the State of Sao Paulo, so it is valid for teachers to use this tool trying that with a new approach, we can give students a better understanding of chemical concepts


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Com o fenômeno da Revolução Verde a partir da década de 1950, o campo brasileiro sofreu grandes modificações como o incentivo a mecanização pesada e o investimento em insumos agrícolas, como fertilizantes e agrotóxicos. O processo de transformação politica e adoção do liberalismo pelo governo ditatorial incentivaram ainda mais a agricultura baseada no modelo da Revolução Verde e também fez ocasionou grandes transformações na educação. Com a redemocratização, tanto a educação como o campo, passaram a ser discutidos intensamente, no governo e nos movimentos sociais. A partir da Constituição Brasileira de 1988, foi elaborada a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDBEN 9394/96) e seu artigo 28 dispõe sobre a educação do campo. Porém, somente em 2002, as escolas do campo passaram a ter uma legislação especifica, reconhecendo as particularidades da educação para camponeses. Em 2008, o Governo do Estado de São Paulo lançou a Proposta Curricular com o objetivo de organizar o sistema educacional e, com isso, todas as escolas da rede estadual seguem o mesmo currículo e material didático. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi analisar os conteúdos do material didático destinado ao 6° ano do Ensino Fundamental da disciplina de Ciências e avaliar se esses conteúdos atendem a perspectiva da educação do campo em uma comunidade no interior de São Paulo e elaborar uma proposta de material didático complementar, embasado nos princípios da agroecologia. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da pesquisa, realizada junto ao Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST, em que se constatou que o material do governo não apresenta nenhuma especificidade ou adequação para os estudantes e escolas do campo e apresenta um material que pode contribuir para a formação desses estudantes


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As lutas se configuram como um conteúdo de alto valor cultural para a educação física escolar, e mesmo assim ainda encontra resistência por parte de alguns professores de educação física em aplicá-las nas escolas. Diante disto foi feito uma pesquisa para avaliar os conteúdos das lutas nas propostas curriculares do Estado de São Paulo, através da analise dos Cadernos do Professor, e feito uma entrevista com 12 professores da Rede Estadual do estado de São Paulo visando saber o que eles haviam achado dos conteúdos da lutas da Proposta Curricular do Estado de São Paulo. Concluiu-se que a maioria achou os conteúdos da proposta curricular pertinente e tem aplicado esses conteúdos nas aulas de educação física escolar, e a proposta tem contribuído para que se minimize as resistências em relação aos conteúdos das lutas no cotidiano escolar.


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This work has as its aims to offer a general view on the teaching of logics in the basic education by means of different materials on the theme. There are highlighted considerations on academic works in the area of math education that claims the teaching of logics on basic education as a means of developing the reason and promote the learning. It is done a bibliographic review on works that approach the theory of formal logics that presents different ways of working the teaching of logics. The curricular proposition of São Paulo State for the Math area is analyzed and its characteristics are discussed. The learning evaluation in a large federal scale for the teaching of middle and basic education are detailed in its matrix of references and content approached in its editions searching the evidences of a logical reasoning worth. A portal M3 Multimedia math is presented in activities in video format for the teaching of logics. After an analyze of the references where the focus was related to the learning of Math by means of an approaching where logics acts as a tool. It is possible to consider that there is a relevant number of researches and publishing in the area of Math education that approaches the concepts of formal logics. There is also evidences of a changing in National and State orientations for a basic education that reflects in its didactics resources and evaluations in a large scale. Even though, we can face difficulties on implementation of these proposes that is pointed out by constant critics by teachers concerning the changes in the resources and cited evaluations by the resistance of a considerable percentage of teachers to adopt the didactics materials distributed by the State and by the low performance of students in Public Schools in tests of learning


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Pós-graduação em Ensino de Física (mestrado profissional) - FCT


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The work appeared before the process of articulation and curricular restructuring of Pedagogy courses conducted at the request of the Dean of undergraduate studies at UNESP. The documents surveyed pointed out that, although all courses obey the same laws, curriculum organization of each features singularities, where the course of pedagogy of Bauru (SP) is the only one which is distinguished by the presence of disciplines that work with the issue of technologies. Thus, we have as objectives: to analyze a proposal of curricular use of distance education; map of the curricula of pedagogy of UNESP with respect to technologies; Verify there is possibility of use of a virtual learning scenario in teachers ' initial formation. Thus, there was a didactic experience of use of distance education, which happened in 2010, 2011 and 2012, with students of the first and third year of the course. Were job steps: 1) literature review; 2) study of official documents of the courses of pedagogy of UNESP; 3) elaboration and execution of a didactic proposal of virtual learning environment; 4) description and categorization of data; 5) analysis and interpretation of results. We conclude that there is a need for reorganization of curriculum Pedagogy courses on the use of technologies and virtual learning environments are theoretical and practical articulation opportunities.