898 resultados para Promoting healthy living
This study examined origins of possible selves and the role of Epiphanies. Specifically, of interest was whether there are demographic or self-regulatory differences in possible selves derived from different origins. The sample consisted of 411 participants, with age ranging from 17 – 95. The data was taken from two previous research studies on possible selves. The first research question examined the origins of possible selves. Results indicate that possible selves are derived from Epiphany experiences along with internal and external influences, such as another person, or a particular event. The second research question determined whether there were any demographic, ethnic, or cultural differences in the origins of possible selves. Results showed age, cohort, and socioeconomic status had effects. The final research question addressed whether there were differences in the domains of possible selves derived from various origins. Results indicated differences in domains however there were no clear patterns. The first hypothesis was that possible selves derived from an Epiphany would be considered more important than those derived from other origins. This hypothesis was not supported. The second hypothesis was that hoped-for possible selves were more likely to be derived from an Epiphany experience than feared selves. This hypothesis was supported. The second hypothesis also stated that possible selves derived from an Epiphany were more likely to be balanced than selves derived from other origins and this was supported for feared selves only. Finally, the third hypothesis stated that there would be self-regulatory differences between selves derived from Epiphanies compared to other origins but this was not supported. Taken together these findings show that the origins of possible selves are important and especially those derived from epiphany. The role of an Epiphany on the formation and implementation of possible selves paves the way for important prevention programs aimed at promoting healthy development and promoting an individual’s well being.
The recognition of the food as determinant and health-disease process etching requires new explanations and interventions of the food and nutrition policy action and demand health care model based on the completeness of the actions and focused on health promotion. This study, characterized as research-action of interventionist character, sought to develop strategies to support the transverse insertion of healthy eating promotion in professionals practices a core of support for the health of the family and a family health strategy Unit in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, from the analysis of perceptions and work processes of these teams. Several methodological strategies were adopted: Dialectical Hermeneutical Circle, direct observation, reflective and Thematic Meetings Workshop "Rethinking the educational practices for promoting healthy eating". For data logging, search diaries - SD were used and moments. The analysis of procedural form occurred in conjunction with research participants, in constant movement of reflection-action-reflection, based on hermeneutics-dialectic. About the results, in relation to the promotion of health, showed the following insights: health promotion and disease prevention-related harms; health promotion related to quality of life and well-being, in its various dimensions; health promotion as a responsibility of the State; health promotion related to the actions of health education; health promotion as an expression of efficaciousness and accessibility to health services. Regarding healthy nutrition, predominated the perceptions relating to nutritional aspects. With regard to food and nutritional education - FNE, it was observed a predominance of perception of FNE as information, guidance and knowledge transfer for changes of dietary practices. As regards the working process, it was observed that among the actions for health promotion, educational activities predominate, such as lectures, conversations, groups that mostly occur in fragmentary form, without joint planning teams, varying according to the professionals and the moment of work in which they are carried out. The results pointed to the need for reorganization of the work processes, in the context of intra-and intersectoral coordination and the construction of new technologies, such as: Health project of the territory – HPT, Unique Therapeutic Project- UPT, Expanded Clinic and educational practices, Shared with active teaching and learning methodologies. From the results we believe that it is necessary to "thought reform", from changes in vocational training and strengthening of the permanent education spaces, whereas the complexity that involves feeding, food and nutrition education and health promotion. The reformation of thought must be articulate and closely tied to the production of knowledge and practices that encourage intersectoral approach, the transversality, dialogue and democratic and supportive attitude, based on the collective construction of know-how. We hope that this study can contribute with reflections and initiatives that encourage building practices that promote healthy eating in primary health care, in terms of completeness of the care and the attainment of food security and nutrition.
Immunity is broadly defined as a mechanism of protection against non-self entities, a process which must be sufficiently robust to both eliminate the initial foreign body and then be maintained over the life of the host. Life-long immunity is impossible without the development of immunological memory, of which a central component is the cellular immune system, or T cells. Cellular immunity hinges upon a naïve T cell pool of sufficient size and breadth to enable Darwinian selection of clones responsive to foreign antigens during an initial encounter. Further, the generation and maintenance of memory T cells is required for rapid clearance responses against repeated insult, and so this small memory pool must be actively maintained by pro-survival cytokine signals over the life of the host.
T cell development, function, and maintenance are regulated on a number of molecular levels through complex regulatory networks. Recently, small non-coding RNAs, miRNAs, have been observed to have profound impacts on diverse aspects of T cell biology by impeding the translation of RNA transcripts to protein. While many miRNAs have been described that alter T cell development or functional differentiation, little is known regarding the role that miRNAs have in T cell maintenance in the periphery at homeostasis.
In Chapter 3 of this dissertation, tools to study miRNA biology and function were developed. First, to understand the effect that miRNA overexpression had on T cell responses, a novel overexpression system was developed to enhance the processing efficiency and ultimate expression of a given miRNA by placing it within an alternative miRNA backbone. Next, a conditional knockout mouse system was devised to specifically delete miR-191 in a cell population expressing recombinase. This strategy was expanded to permit the selective deletion of single miRNAs from within a cluster to discern the effects of specific miRNAs that were previously inaccessible in isolation. Last, to enable the identification of potentially therapeutically viable miRNA function and/or expression modulators, a high-throughput flow cytometry-based screening system utilizing miRNA activity reporters was tested and validated. Thus, several novel and useful tools were developed to assist in the studies described in Chapter 4 and in future miRNA studies.
In Chapter 4 of this dissertation, the role of miR-191 in T cell biology was evaluated. Using tools developed in Chapter 3, miR-191 was observed to be critical for T cell survival following activation-induced cell death, while proliferation was unaffected by alterations in miR-191 expression. Loss of miR-191 led to significant decreases in the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the periphery lymph nodes, but this loss had no impact on the homeostatic activation of either CD4+ or CD8+ cells. These peripheral changes were not caused by gross defects in thymic development, but rather impaired STAT5 phosphorylation downstream of pro-survival cytokine signals. miR-191 does not specifically inhibit STAT5, but rather directly targets the scaffolding protein, IRS1, which in turn alters cytokine-dependent signaling. The defect in peripheral T cell maintenance was exacerbated by the presence of a Bcl-2YFP transgene, which led to even greater peripheral T cell losses in addition to developmental defects. These studies collectively demonstrate that miR-191 controls peripheral T cell maintenance by modulating homeostatic cytokine signaling through the regulation of IRS1 expression and downstream STAT5 phosphorylation.
The studies described in this dissertation collectively demonstrate that miR-191 has a profound role in the maintenance of T cells at homeostasis in the periphery. Importantly, the manipulation of miR-191 altered immune homeostasis without leading to severe immunodeficiency or autoimmunity. As much data exists on the causative agents disrupting active immune responses and the formation of immunological memory, the basic processes underlying the continued maintenance of a functioning immune system must be fully characterized to facilitate the development of methods for promoting healthy immune function throughout the life of the individual. These findings also have powerful implications for the ability of patients with modest perturbations in T cell homeostasis to effectively fight disease and respond to vaccination and may provide valuable targets for therapeutic intervention.
Las reflexiones metodológicas sobre grupos focalizados (GF) de este artículo tienen como punto de partida una investigación con sectores medios del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. El estudio de referencia aborda los discursos y prácticas de cuidado de la salud en el escenario contemporáneo caracterizado por la diversificación de especialistas, la creciente cobertura mediática de recomendaciones sobre la vida sana y el bienestar, la implementación de políticas públicas de promoción de la salud, y el crecimiento de la industria de productos y servicios vinculados con la temática. El objetivo del artículo es reflexionar, a partir de nuestra experiencia de investigación, sobre dos aspectos que han recibido especial atención en la literatura metodológica más reciente: los criterios para componer los grupos y sus consecuencias para la dinámica de las conversaciones grupales, y las estrategias para dar cuenta de la interacción grupal en el análisis de los datos. En este último eje exploramos el potencial de los GF para observar el trabajo identitario vinculado con el cuidado de la salud. Enmarcamos nuestro estudio y las decisiones metodológicas tomadas en los debates actuales sobre la variedad de usos de los GF.
General knowledge of the small, invisible, or hidden organisms that make soil one of the most biodiverse habitats on Earth is thought to be scarce, despite their importance in food systems and agricultural production. We provide the first worldwide review of high-quality research that reports on farmers’ knowledge of soil organisms in agriculture. The depth of farmers’ knowledge varied; some farming communities held detailed local taxonomies and observations of soil biota, or used soil biological activity as indicators of soil fertility, while others were largely unaware of soil fauna. Elicitation of soil biota knowledge was often incidental to the main research goal in many of the reviewed studies. Farmers are rarely deliberately or deeply consulted by researchers on their existing knowledge of soil biota, soil ecology, or soil ecological processes. Deeper understanding of how farmers use and value soil life can lead to more effective development of collaborative extension programs, policies, and management initiatives directed at maintaining healthy, living soils.
La promotion de la saine alimentation chez des femmes à risque de développer du diabète gestationnel
L’objectif général de la thèse est d’identifier des moyens novateurs afin de promouvoir la saine alimentation, soit la consommation de fruits et légumes, chez des femmes à risque de développer du diabète gestationnel. L’Intervention Mapping a servi de cadre pour planifier les étapes nécessaires au développement de l’intervention. Pour atteindre l’objectif de la thèse, quatre projets de recherche distincts, mais complémentaires ont été réalisés. Le premier projet de recherche impliquait d’effectuer une revue systématique sur la validation des mesures auto-déclarées de l’alimentation durant la grossesse. L’objectif était de recenser les méthodes utilisées pour mesurer l’alimentation durant la grossesse et de vérifier leurs qualités psychométriques pour identifier les outils à privilégier pour évaluer l’alimentation des femmes enceintes. L’objectif du deuxième projet de recherche était de valider un court questionnaire sur la consommation de fruits et légumes chez des femmes enceintes. Le troisième projet était une recherche formative dont l’objectif était de développer le contenu d’un questionnaire utilisant l’activation des intentions pour favoriser la consommation de fruits et légumes chez des femmes à risque de développer du diabète gestationnel. L’objectif du quatrième projet de recherche était d’évaluer l’efficacité d’une intervention de type activation des intentions comparativement à un groupe contrôle utilisant l’effet question-comportement pour promouvoir la consommation de fruits et légumes chez des femmes en âge de procréer (18 à 44 ans) à risque de développer du diabète gestationnel. Il s’est avéré que l’activation des intentions et l’effet question-comportement sont des techniques efficaces pour augmenter la consommation de légumes chez des femmes en âge de procréer à risque de développer du diabète gestationnel. Ce résultat suggère que ces deux techniques peuvent être utilisées pour favoriser une alimentation saine avant le début de la grossesse afin de diminuer le risque de développer du diabète gestationnel ou du diabète de type 2 et ainsi assurer la santé de la femme et celle de son enfant. Bref, les quatre projets de recherche de la thèse ont permis de développer une intervention qui utilisait un outil validé pour mesurer la consommation de fruits et légumes, qui répondait aux besoins de la population cible et qui fut efficace pour promouvoir la saine alimentation chez des femmes à risque de développer du diabète gestationnel.
Os comportamentos depressivos são cada vez mais evidentes na sociedade atual e ocorrem normalmente, a partir da adolescência, sendo a sua incidência maior nas mulheres. Esses comportamentos, que se traduzem em sintomatologia depressiva interferem com vários aspetos do ser humano, desde a sua imagem corporal, aos seus estados nutricional e psicológico, até ao seu estado de saúde em geral, e ao seu padrão de sono. Este trabalho procura explorar as relações entre os hábitos e a qualidade do sono e a sintomatologia depressiva. Foram avaliados 100 profissionais de saúde com horários de trabalho irregulares e com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 65 anos : 54 do sexo feminino e 46 do sexo masculino. Aplicou-se um questionário onde se recolheram os seguintes dados: IMC, horário de trabalho, alimentação, consumo de substâncias estimulantes, sintomatologia depressiva, sonolência diurna e qualidade do sono. Relativamente ao IMC verificou-se que 44% dos inquiridos apresenta excesso de peso e 2% já se encontra em Obesidade grau I. Relativamente ao horário de trabalho, 74 % dos inquiridos referiu o turno da manhã como sendo o seu preferencial e 59% disse que o trabalho por turnos que não era vantajoso. Na avaliação da interferência do horário de trabalho por turnos nas diversas atividades extra profissionais verificou-se que quanto ao tempo de lazer 72 % dos inquiridos disse que interfere muito, na vida social e familiar 78 % dos inquiridos diz que interfere muito, nas atividades pessoais 60 % dos inquiridos disse que interfere muito e na alimentação 83 % dos inquiridos diz que interfere muito. Ainda na alimentação, verificou-se que 52% dos inquiridos acha que o tempo que tem disponível não é adequado a uma boa refeição pelo que se verificou uma frequência das refeições irregular nomeadamente ao pequeno almoço, que apenas 47% disse sempre tomar. Relativamente ao consumo de substâncias estimulantes a mais consumida é o café, uma vez que mais de metade (53%) dos inquiridos diz tomar sempre, segue-se o consumo de tabaco, o qual 44% dos inquiridos disse consumir sempre. Quanto ao exercício físico 68% dos inquiridos disse não praticar. Na presença de sintomatologia depressiva, verifica-se que a maior parte dos inquiridos (68%; n=68) apresenta uma sintomatologia depressiva mínima, 24% apresenta depressão ligeira e 8% (n=8) apresenta depressão moderada. A determinação da sonolência diurna, verifica-se que 28% (n=28) dos inquiridos apresenta pouca sonolência diurna, 65% apresenta moderada sonolência diurna e 7% apresenta Sonolência diurna excessiva. Quanto á qualidade do sono, verifica-se que 18 % dos inquiridos tem uma boa qualidade de sono, 53 % tem sono de má qualidade e 29% dos inquiridos apresenta distúrbio de sono. Estas evidências levaram a concluir que existe uma forte relação ente o sono e a sintomatologia depressiva, e que o horário de trabalho por turnos interfere na qualidade de vida dos indivíduos, sendo que a única forma de intervir está na prevenção, incentivando os trabalhadores a hábitos de vida saudáveis e a um controlo periódico do seu estado de saúde.
Presented at the 2016 Library Research and Innovative Practice Forum, this poster provides an overview of a successful partnership between the University of Maryland Archives and UMD's Gymkana Troupe to publicize Gymkana's 70th anniversary and to digitize the troupe's holdings in the Archives. Gymkana is an exhibition gymnastics troupe founded on campus in 1946 which runs a variety of educational and healthy-living outreach programs. Various stages of the project are highlighted, including an exhibit in McKeldin Library, a LaunchUMD fundraising campaign, and the troupe's participation in metadata creation for digital objects. By maintaining an open and flexible dialogue throughout the project planning and execution, both the library and the troupe members ultimately benefited from this collaboration.
Adolescents - defined as young people between 10 and 19 years of age1 - are, in general, a relatively healthy segment of the population.2 However, the developmental changes that take place during adolescence may affect their subsequent risk for diseases and for a variety of health-related behaviors. In fact, early onset of preventable health problems (e.g. obesity, malnutrition, STDs) and the engagement in health risk behaviors (e.g., sedentary life style, excessive alcohol consumption, unprotected sex) during adolescence, are likely to put them at greater risk for physical and mental health problems at a later stage in life. Moreover, health related problems and health risk behaviors may disrupt adolescents' physical and cognitive development and therefore may affect their ability to think and act in relation to decisions about their health in the future.1 In summary, health-related behaviors in adolescence, apart from their influence on the continuum of "health-disease", they also have the potential to influence future behaviors. In fact, several studies have shown that past behaviors are good predictors of future behaviors .3,4 Thus, promoting healthy practices during adolescence and taking measures to better protect young people from health risks are essential for the prevention of health problems in adulthood.5 According to the World Health Organization, the main problems affecting young people include mental health problems (such as behavioral disorders, eating disorders, suicide, anxiety or depression), the use of substances (illegal substances, alcohol and tobacco), interpersonal violence, nutrition (a proper nutrition consists of healthy eating habits and physical exercise), unintentional injuries (which are a leading cause of death and disability among young people, with road traffic injuries accounting for about 700 deaths per day), sexual and reproductive health (for example, risky sexual behaviors, early pregnancy and childbirth) and HIV (resulting from sexual transmission and drug injection).5,6 On the other hand, the number of children and youth with chronic health conditions has increased dramatically in the past four decades7 as larger numbers of chronically ill children survive beyond the age of 10.8 Despite the lack of data on adolescents' health making it difficult to determine the prevalence of chronic illnesses in this age group9, it is known that one in ten adolescents suffers from a chronic condition worldwide.10 In fact, national population based studies from Western countries show that 20-30% of teenagers have a chronic illness, defined as one that lasts longer than six months.8 The most prevalent chronic illness among adolescents is asthma and the one with the highest incidence is diabetes mellitus, particularly type II.9 Traditionally, healthcare professionals have been mainly investing in health education activities, through the transmission of knowledge with a view to creating habits, customs and behaviors, and promoting healthy lifestyles. However, empowering people does not only consist of giving them the right information11 , i.e. good information is not enough to cause people to make changes.12 The motivation or desire to change unhealthy behaviors and habits depends on many factors, namely intrinsic motivation, control over personal decisions, self-confidence and perception of effectiveness, personal ambivalence, and individualized assistance.12 Many professionals assume that supplying knowledge is sufficient for behavioral changes; however, even very good advice often fails to generate behavioral change. After all, people continue to engage in unhealthy behaviors despite clearly knowing what they should do and how to change. "What is lacking is the motivation to apply that knowledge".13, p.1233 In fact, behavioral change is a complex phenomenon with multiple determinants that also includes motivational variables. It is associated with ambivalent processes expressed in the dilemma between keeping the current status and moving on to new ways of acting. For example, telling adolescents that if they keep on engaging in a certain behavior, they are increasing the risk of developing a long-term condition such as cardiovascular disease, stroke or diabetes is rarely enough to trigger the desired behavioral change; people are more likely to change when they believe that the change is really effective and that they are able to implement it.12 Therefore, it is essential to provide specific training for "healthcare professionals to master motivational techniques, avoid confrontation with the users, and facilitate behavioral changes".14 In this context, motivating patients to make behavioral changes is also an important nursing task where change in lifestyle is a major element of patients' treatment and preventive interventions.15 One of the nurse's goals is to help improve a patient's health or help them to manage existing health conditions. Once nurses are in a position where they have to focus on accomplishing tasks and telling patients what needs to be accomplished16, the role of the nurse is expanding even more into the use of motivational strategies.17 MI is bringing nurses back to therapeutic communication and moving them closer to successful health promotion and disease management, by promoting behavior change and empowering their patients. As the nursing profession evolves, MI is seen as a challenge and the basis of nurse's interactions with individuals, families and communities.16, 17 In the same way, MI may be taken as an essential tool in the provision of nursing care to adolescents, being itself a workspace with possible therapeutic effects regarding problems, clarification of doubts, and development of skills.18 In fact, MI may be particularly applicable in work with adolescents because of their specific developmental stage. Adolescents attempt to establish their own autonomy and identity while struggling with social interactions and moral issues, which leads to ambivalence.19 Consistent with the developmental challenges during adolescence, "MI explicitly honors autonomy, people's right and irrevocable ability to decide about their own behavior"20 while allowing the person to explore possibilities for change of risky or maladaptive behaviours.19 MI can be defined as a directive, client-centred counselling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. It is most centrally defined not by technique but by its spirit as a facilitative style of interpersonal relationship.21 It is a set of strategies and techniques widely used in clinical practice based on the transtheoretical model of change. The Stages of Change model describes five stages of readiness—precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance—and provides a framework for understanding behavior change.22 The MI has been widely tested and applied in different areas, such as modification of addictive behaviors, interventions with offenders in the context of justice, eating disorders, promotion of therapeutic adherence among chronic patients, promotion of learning in school settings or intervention with adolescents at risk.18,23 In general, clinical practice has been adopting the perspective of motivation as something relatively immutable, i.e., the adolescent is either motivated for change/treatment and, in these conditions, the professional's role is to help him/her, or the adolescent is not motivated and then change/treatment is not feasible. Alternatively the theoretical model underlying the MI technique postulates that the individual's adherence to change/treatment depends on his/her motivation, which can change throughout the therapeutic intervention. As several studies found positive results for effects of MI24-26 and its use by health professionals is encouraged23,27 nurses may play an important role in patients' process of change. As nurses have a crucial role in clinical contexts, they can facilitate the process of ending risk behaviors and/or adopting positive health behaviors through some motivational techniques, namely with adolescents. A considerable number of systematic reviews about MI already exist pointing to some benefits of its use in the treatment of a broad range of behavioral problems and diseases.13,28,29 Some of the current reviews focus on examining the effectiveness of MI for adolescents with diverse health risks/problems 30-32. However, to date there are no reviews that present and assess the evidence for the use of nurse-led MI in adolescents. Therefore, we have little knowledge of what works for whom (which adolescent subpopulation) under what circumstances (in which setting, for what problem) in relation to motivational interviewing by nurses. There is a clear need for scoping or mapping the use of MI by nurses with adolescents to identify evidence gaps and to inform opportunities for future development in nursing practice. On the other hand, information regarding nurse-led implemented and evaluated interventions, techniques and/or strategies used, contexts of application and adolescents subpopulation groups is dispersed in the literature33-36 which impedes the formulation of precise questions about the effectiveness of those interventions conducted by nurses and therefore the realization of a systematic review. In other words, it is known that different kind of motivational interventions have been implemented in different contexts by nurses, however does not exist a map about all the motivational techniques and/or strategies used. Furthermore the literature does not clarify which is the role of nurses at cross professional motivational intervention implemented programs and finally the outcomes and evaluation of interventions are unclear. Thus, the practical implication of this mapping will be clarifying all these aspects. Without this clarification is not possible to proceed to the realization of a systematic review about the effectiveness of the use of motivational interviews by nurses to promote health behaviors in adolescents, in a particular context and/or health risk behavior; or regarding the effectiveness of certain technique and/or strategy of MI. Consequently, there are important questions about the nature of the evidence in this area that need to be answered before formulating a precise question of effectiveness. This scoping review aims to respond to these questions. An initial search of the JBI Database of Systematic Reviews & Implementation Reports, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, , Database of promoting health effectiveness reviews (DoPHER), The Campbell Library, Medline and CINAHL, has revealed that currently there is no Scoping Review (published or in progress) on the subject. In this context, this scoping review will examine and map the published and unpublished research around the use of MI by nurses implemented and evaluated to promote health behaviors in adolescents; to establish its current extent, range and nature and identify its feasibility, outcomes and gaps in the evidence defining research priorities in this field. This scoping review will be informed by the JBI methodology37 that suggests a five stage methodological framework for conducting scoping reviews which includes: identifying the research question, searching for relevant studies, selecting studies, charting data, collating, summarizing and reporting the results.
Background The transition to higher education can affect lifestyle-related factors. Objectives: To identify lifestyles of higher education students and analyse the influence of self-esteem and psychological well-being. Methods Correlational cross-sectional study. A total of 4,314 students partici- pated in the study. Online questionnaires were used: Estilo de Vida Fantástico (Fantastic Lifestyle Assessment) [1]; Questionário de Bem- estar Psicológico (Psychological General Well-Being Questionnaire) [2], and Escala de auto-estima de Rosenberg (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale [3]. Results Most students (85.3 %) have a healthy lifestyle. Lifestyle is strongly correlated with self-esteem and psychological well-being (p < 0.001). While analysing the association between self-esteem and psycho- logical well-being and the various lifestyle domains according to gen- der, a positive and significant correlation (p < 0.001) was found among female students, except for the Smoking domain (p = 0.393); in relation to psychological well-being, positive correlations were found in all domains. Among male students, positive and significant correlations (p < 0.001) were found in most lifestyle domains and self-esteem, except for the Smoking (p = 0.992), Alcohol and other drugs (p = 0.181) and Other behaviours (p = 0.442) domains; in rela- tion to psychological well-being, positive and significant correlations (p < 0.001) were found in most lifestyle domains, except for the Smoking (p = 0.458) and Other behaviours (p = 0.128) domains. Conclusions Based on the results, higher education institutions should support intervention projects to maintain high levels of psychological well- being and self-esteem, promoting healthy lifestyles.
Este trabalho visou a prevenção das doenças cardiovasculares através da promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis em adultos em idade ativa. Objetivos: Avaliar o Risco Cardiovascular; identificar os conhecimentos sobre fatores de risco modificáveis; promover a criação de um grupo dinamizador de atividades promotoras de estilos de vida saudáveis. Metodologia: Planeamento em Saúde. Resultados: Dos 71 indivíduos avaliados, 33,8 % apresentaram evidência de risco cardiovascular, sendo que 6 apresentaram um Risco Cardiovascular muito alto, 4 risco alto e 14 risco moderado. Existiram diferenças significativas ao nível dos conhecimentos sobre doenças cardiovasculares e estilos de vida referidos pelos 2 grupos de funcionários avaliados. Conclusões: A adesão a estilos de vida saudáveis contribui para a redução dos fatores de risco modificáveis, cuja avaliação só é possível a médio e longo prazo. O investimento na criação de um grupo dinamizador no local de trabalho e a formalização de parcerias contribuiu para garantir a sustentabilidade do projeto; ABSTRACT: This work aimed the prevention of cardiovascular disease by promoting healthy lifestyles in adults of working age. Aims: Evaluate cardiovascular risk; identify the knowledge of modifiable risk factors; promote the creation of a dynamic group of activities that promote healthy lifestyles. Methodology: Planning in Health. Results: 71 workers evaluated, 33,8% had evidence of Cardiovascular Risk, and 6 showed a very high cardiovascular risk, 4 high risk and 14 moderate risk. There were significant differences in the knowledge of cardiovascular diseases and lifestyles reported by the two groups of evaluated employees. Conclusions: Following healthy lifestyles contributes to the reduction of modifiable risk factors, whose assessment is possible only in the medium and long term. The investment in creating a dynamic group in the workplace and the formalization of partnerships contributed to ensure the sustainability of the project.
A adolescência deve ser considerada como uma etapa do ciclo vital do ser humano, onde ocorrem importantes processos de crescimento e desenvolvimento. É um período de transição da infância para a idade adulta, sendo difícil estabelecer uma delimitação etária do princípio e do seu fim, uma vez que existem «muitas adolescências» conforme cada infância, cada fase de maturação, cada família, cada época, cada cultura. Enquanto se tenta entender a si próprio e aos outros, o adolescente experiência novas sensações, diferentes sentimentos, passando por situações únicas na sua vida. Coabitam nesta fase desejos ambivalentes de crescimento e regressão, de autonomia e dependência, ligado ao passado, vontade de se projetar no futuro. É durante a adolescência que se poderão verificar comportamentos e o estabelecer de hábitos de vida prejudiciais à sua saúde, com implicações no momento e/ou a longo prazo. Políticas de Promoção da Saúde envolvem a implementação estratégica de Programas de Educação para a Saúde, com vista a capacitar os adolescentes para a aquisição e/ou manutenção de hábitos de vida saudáveis, possuindo deste modo um papel fundamental e decisivo na sua saúde. No âmbito do III Mestrado em Enfermagem, com a área de Especialização em Enfermagem Comunitária, o presente relatório ambiciona descrever, analisar e refletir as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio. O estágio sucedeu o Diagnóstico da Situação de Saúde, efetuado em grupo (4 mestrandas), tendo decorrido na Escola Secundaria Mouzinho da Silveira em Portalegre, junto dos adolescentes do 8.º e 9.º Anos, no Ano Letivo 2013/2014, durante o período de 16 de setembro de 2013 a 31 de janeiro de 2014. Elegeu-se a comunidade adolescente, dado o elevado interesse desta para a saúde comunitária, com o intuito de se promover a capacitação dos adolescentes na aquisição/manutenção de Hábitos de Vida Saudáveis. Com a efetivação do estágio, tornou-se um desafio para a mestranda a aquisição de competências como enfermeira Especialista em Enfermagem Comunitária.
Relatório de estágio: Percepções dos idosos face à sua qualidade de vida na Freguesia de Santo Amaro
O planeamento em saúde serve como suporte para as mudanças que se pretendem implementar em qualquer contexto ao nível da saúde, oferecendo o acesso a cuidados de qualidade, aprimorando a eficácia e a eficiência de uma forma contínua a idosos de diferentes realidades. Este projecto realizou-se numa comunidade da Freguesia de Santo Amaro, Concelho de Sousel. O estudo efectivado a esta comunidade sobre “Quais as percepções dos idosos face à sua qualidade de vida”, surgiu com o objectivo de perceber o que era para eles a qualidade de vida. Foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário, a uma amostra de 144 indivíduos, com 65 ou mais anos. Através dos resultados obtidos e das áreas cuja intervenção nos pareceu mais propícias, projectámos um série de actividades que considerámos importantes implementar, de forma a dar o nosso contributo para qualidade de vida desta comunidade. As temáticas consideradas prioritárias, e nas quais pudemos intervir, estão relacionadas com a promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis, assim alguns temas abordados estão relacionados com a Diabetes, HTA, prática de exercícios físico e o combate à solidão. Como profissionais de saúde a trabalhar nas comunidades, temos a percepção de que mudar comportamentos é muito difícil, no entanto, consideramos que ao capacitar o idoso com conhecimentos acerca de promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis, estamos a possibilitar que compare o que faz como os novos conhecimentos, para que possa decidir o que fazer pela sua saúde
Objetivo: Describir la relación de las etapas de cambio conductual frente al consumo de frutas y verduras con el estado nutricional en un grupo de escolares de Bogotá, Colombia, pertenecientes al estudio FUPRECOL. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 1.922 niños y adolescentes entre 9 y 17 años, pertenecientes a nueve instituciones educativas oficiales de Bogotá. Se aplicó de manera auto-diligenciada el cuestionario de cambio de comportamiento (CCC-Fuprecol) validado en el “estudio FUPRECOL” y se calculó el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) como marcador del estado nutricional. Se calcularon prevalencias y se establecieron asociaciones mediante modelos de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: La muestra estuvo conformada por 1.045 niños-niñas y adolescentes vs hombres (45.6%) y mujeres (54.3%) y 877. La mayor proporción de consumo de frutas en el subgrupo de hombres (niños entre 9 y 12 años vs. adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años) se observó en la etapa de mantenimiento, (53.3 % vs. 38.8 %, X2 p<0.001), seguido de preparación/acción (25.0 % vs. 32.4 %, X2 p<0.001). En mujeres entre 9 y 12 años, la mayor proporción se ubicó en la etapa de mantenimiento (54.4 %), a diferencia de las adolescentes entre 13 y 17 años que acusaron mayor frecuencia la etapa de preparación/acción (42.0 %). Se observó que pertenecer al grupo de mujeres, se asociaba como variable para el cumplimiento de la recomendación mínima de frutas y verduras con valores de OR 1.54 (IC95% 1.22-1.93) y OR 1.48 (IC95% 1.19-1.84), respectivamente. Conclusiones: Aproximadamente, 66 % de los participantes tienen la intención o la voluntad de cumplir las recomendaciones de consumo de frutas y verduras. La identificación temprana de niños y adolescentes con bajo consumo de alimentos vegetales, permitirá implementar intervenciones para promover comportamientos saludables a fin de prevenir el riesgo cardiometabólico en la edad adulta.
Introducción: La incidencia del cáncer de piel melanoma y no melanoma es un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. El incremento en la incidencia del cáncer de piel en los últimos años se debe a múltiples factores como: cambios en los estilos de vida, el envejecimiento de la población, cambios ambientales, el desconocimiento a la exposición a la radiación ultravioleta (RUV) durante la práctica de actividad física sin elementos de fotoprotección, siendo éste último reconocido como el principal factor de riesgo. Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de una intervención educativa en los conocimientos y comportamientos relacionados con la fotoprotección durante la práctica de la actividad física en estudiantes de un colegio público de Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Métodos: Estudio de intervención, antes y después, no controlado en 281 estudiantes de los grados noveno, décimo y once de estratos 1-3 de un colegio público de Bogotá, con seguimiento a 1, 3 y 6 meses post-intervención. Se evaluaron los conocimientos y los hábitos de fotoprotección mediante un cuestionario Cancer Awareness Measure (CAM) y el modelo Transteórico de cambio comportamental de Prochaska y Di Clemente. El estudio se realizó durante el primer semestre de 2015 con 4 sesiones educativas de 60 minutos apoyadas con material audiovisual y pedagógico, acorde a la Guía para la Comunicación Educativa en el marco el control del cáncer publicada por el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología. Resultados: Del grupo de estudiantes que participaron del estudio, el 52,3% eran hombres, el promedio de edad fue de 15,46 ± 1,2 años. El tipo de piel predominante fue la trigueña con 65,8%. La intervención educativa produjo cambios significativos en los conocimientos de foto protección, finalizado el seguimiento al sexto mes. En cuanto a la prevención los estudiantes refirieron tener conocimiento de cómo examinar su piel en el momento basal (12,5% n=35), presentándose un aumento significativo de 62,6% (n=211) al sexto mes (p<0,05). Conclusión: El estudio demostró la efectividad de la intervención educativa, evidenciando cambios significativos en los conocimientos en fotoprotección y comportamientos preventivos del cáncer de piel durante la práctica de la actividad física en estudiantes de un colegio público de Bogotá D.C., Colombia.