760 resultados para Projects (Learning Activities)
This article distinguishes three dimensions to learning design: a technological infrastructure, a conceptual framework for practice that focuses on the creation of structured sequences of learning activities, and a way to represent and share practice through the use of mediating artefacts. Focusing initially on the second of these dimensions, the article reports the key findings from an exploratory study, eLIDA CAMEL. This project examined a hitherto under-researched aspect of learning design: what teachers who are new to the domain perceive to be its value as a framework for practice in the design of both flexible and classroom-based learning. Data collection comprised 13 case studies constructed from participants' self-reports. These suggest that providing students with a structured sequence of learning activities was the major value to teachers. The article additionally discusses the potential of such case studies to function as mediating artefacts for practitioners who are considering experimenting with learning design.
Introduction This proposal aims, through debate within symposium to explore the student experience of e-learning. The team facilitating the discussion will draw upon their experience of an HEA funded pathfinder project, the main aim of which was to collect learner stories about their experience of using technology in their everyday learning activities at the University of Greenwich across a range of programmes, levels, locations and student groups. Method The project design responded to the growing body of student voice literature and then utilised and built upon the JISC-funded studies that focussed on understanding the learner perspectives on the role of technology in learning, namely: • the LEX study which investigated a broad spectrum of technology use by eliciting rich data about learners’ feelings, beliefs and intentions towards e-learning (Creanor et al, 2006); • the LXP studies which explored disciplinary differences in uses of technology by university students through a variety of methodologies (Conole et al, 2006). Results The symposium will be organised as a round table discussion that will be structured into three sections: • Designing an online survey tool, and the results of our survey. • Exploring student stories. • What can learned from the project and taking the findings back to enhance learning. To stimulate discussion each section will start by asking the participants to discuss and debate a particular question, this will be followed by an interactive presentation by the respective member of the project team who will share the findings of the project and invite contributions to the resulting discussion from personal perspectives. The questions are: • What is effective learning within a context of digital technology? • What are the myths and truths about the identity of today's learners? • What practical changes need to happen in order to see real change? Conclusion The final section of the symposium will invite contributions from the participants in order to collate the views and perspectives of all the participants in order to focus the discussion on the following: • The issues that have arisen as a result of the round table debates. • New speculative approaches to enhancing the student experience. • A controversial stand to the future of Higher Education teaching and learning and the role and integration of technology within that education. The symposium will provide an opportunity to explore the predictive value of Student Experience of E-Learning Laboratory (SEEL) project.
The proliferation of smartphones in the last decade and the number of publications in the field of authoring systems for computer-assisted learning depict a scenario that needs to be explored in order to facilitate the scaffolding of learning activities across contexts. Learning resources are traditionally designed in desktop-based authoring systems where the context is mostly restricted to the learning objective, capturing relevant case characteristics, or virtual situation models. Mobile authoring tools enable learners and teachers to foster universal access to educational resources not only providing channels to share, remix or re-contextualize these, but also capturing the context in-situ and in-time. As a further matter, authoring educational resources in a mobile context is an authentic experience where authors can link learning with their own daily life activities and reflections. The contribution of this manuscript is fourfold: first, the main barriers for ubiquitous and mobile authoring of educational resources are identified; second, recent research on mobile authoring tools is reviewed, and 10 key shortcomings of current approaches are identified; third, the design of a mobile environment to author educational resources (MAT for ARLearn) is presented, and the results of an evaluation of usability and hedonic quality are presented; fourth, conclusions and a research agenda for mobile authoring are discussed.
Practice learning accounts for half of the content of the Bachelor of Social Work degree course requirements in Northern Ireland in their field education programs and share a professional and ethical responsibility with practice teachers to provide appropriate learning environments to prepare students as competent and professional practitioners. The accreditation standards for practice learning require the placement to provide students with regular supervision and exposure to a range of learning strategies, but there is little research that actually identifies the types of placements offering this learning and the key activities provided. This paper builds on an Australian study and surveys social work students in two programs in Northern Ireland about their exposure a range of learning activities, how frequently they were provided and how it compares to what is required by the Northern Ireland practice standards. The results indicated that, although most students were satisfied with the supervision and support they received during their placement, the frequency of supervision and type of learning activities varied according to different settings, year levels and who provided the learning opportunities.
O objetivo principal deste estudo consiste em “Conhecer e caracterizar os modelos pedagógicos do ensino não formal e informal nas Universidades Sénior do distrito de Évora”. Para concretizar este objetivo, foram selecionadas três Universidades Sénior do distrito de Évora: Universidade Sénior de Évora, Universidade Sénior de Reguengos de Monsaraz e a Universidade Popular Túlio Espanca-Pólo de Viana do Alentejo, para conhecer a respetiva oferta formativa e caracterizar o padrão curricular da cada instituição. Por último, pretendeu-se caraterizar o público-alvo e destinatários desta Oferta. Este ensino não formal é desenvolvido por professores que dedicam o tempo a elaborar projetos e atividades nestas Universidades Sénior, contribuindo assim para a aprendizagem nas diversas áreas, como as artes e humanidades. A organização pedagógica destas instituições apresenta inúmeras diferenças na estrutura interna e existe uma discrepância considerável, no número professores e alunos que frequentam estas US. A forma como as US estão integradas na comunidade, os projetos e atividades que desenvolvem, são de certa forma o modelo da sua evolução e o progresso; ### ABSTRACT: THE PEDAGOGICAL ORGANIZATION OF SENIOR UNIVERSITIES IN ÉVORA'S DISTRICT The main purpose of this study will be to “Know and describe the pedagogical models of formal and non-formal education in Senior Universities from Évora’s district”. To fulfill this purpose we selected three Senior Universities of the district, such as Senior University of Évora, Senior University of Reguengos de Monsaraz and the Popular Tulio Espanca University - Campus of Viana do Alentejo. In this way it will be possible to know each educational offer and to describe the curricular pattern of each institution. It will also allow us to describe the target public of the Senior Universities in Évora’s district . This non-formal education is developed by teachers who dedicate their time to developing projects in these Senior Universities, making a contribution to learning several areas, such as arts and social sciences. The pedagogical organization of these institutions shows us that there are several differences between them and that there is a considerable discrepancy in the number of teachers and students that come to such institutions. The way in which they are integrated in the community, their projects and activities, are, in a way, the model of their evolution and progresso.
Na atualidade, torna-se premente que os alunos exerçam um papel ativo face a problemáticas de cariz científico e tecnológico na sociedade em que se inserem. Neste contexto, tem sido recomendada a promoção da Educação em Ciências, com orientação Ciência-Tecnologia-Sociedade (CTS) para o desenvolvimento da Literacia científica dos alunos, em particular, do Ensino Básico (EB). As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) têm-se assumido, cada vez mais, como recursos privilegiados para os alunos aprenderem ciências. Portanto, é fundamental que os professores de Ciências do EB considerem os aspetos pedagógico-didáticos relacionados com a integração das TIC no processo de ensino e aprendizagem (E/A) das Ciências. No entanto, vários estudos têm revelado que a maioria dos professores parece não integrar as TIC no processo de E/A, o que se relaciona, entre outros obstáculos, com a falta de formação a este nível. Por outro lado, em Portugal, são escassos os estudos relacionados com a formação de professores de Ciências do EB para o uso de TIC no processo de E/A, com orientação CTS. O presente estudo tem como finalidade a criação de uma proposta de esquema referencial para o desenvolvimento de programas de formação (PF) de professores de Ciências do EB com orientação CTS (inicial, contínua e pós-graduada), com vista ao desenvolvimento de “competências TIC” destes (futuros) profissionais. Para tal, procurou-se responder a duas questões de investigação: Que componentes curriculares privilegiar em PF de professores do EB, que contribuam para o desenvolvimento de competências de integração das tecnologias no processo de E/A, em geral, e das Ciências, em particular?; e Qual o contributo de um PF na promoção de práticas pedagógico-didáticas com orientação CTS de Professores de Ciências do EB? O estudo organizou-se em duas fases. A Fase I designou-se “Formação de Professores do Ensino Básico em Tecnologia Educativa”, decorreu entre janeiro de 2009 e novembro de 2009, e teve um caráter exploratório com vista a descrever estratégias para a promoção do desenvolvimento pessoal, social e profissional, em particular, na dimensão do Conhecimento Pedagógico Tecnológico de Conteúdo (CPTC), de estudantes/professores do EB (inicial, contínua e pós-graduada). O CPTC representa o conhecimento de professores do EB para integrar as TIC no processo de E/A das Ciências, de acordo com a Perspetiva de Ensino por Pesquisa (EPP). A recolha de dados envolveu: a análise documental de vinte e três unidades curriculares (UC) de Tecnologia Educativa (TE) de Cursos de Educação Básica (1.º Ciclo de Bolonha), de dezassete Instituições de Ensino Superior Público Português; e o inquérito por entrevista a quatro Investigadores Portugueses em TE. A análise de conteúdo do corpus recolhido possibilitou a identificação dos componentes curriculares a privilegiar em PF de professores do EB neste âmbito, tais como: i) a “competência digital” de “pesquisa, seleção e organização de informação”; ii) a “competência pedagógica com TIC” de “planificação e/ou implementação de atividades de E/A”; iii) a “competência pedagógica com TIC de nível avançado” de reflexão crítica; iv) o conteúdo curricular centrado na colaboração online; v) a estratégia/atividade de E/A de trabalho de projeto; vi) o cenário de E/A misto (b-learning); vii) as ferramentas da web 2.0 (ex. Blog); e viii) a avaliação formativa de portefólios digitais desenvolvidos pelos estudantes/professores do EB em formação. A Fase II denominou-se “Formação de Professores de Ciências do Ensino Básico com Orientação CTS”, decorreu entre dezembro de 2009 e maio de 2011, e teve um caráter interventivo, com o intuito de conceber, produzir, implementar e avaliar um PF com esta orientação. O PF foi integrado nas UC de “TIC e Educação em Ciências” (TIC_EC) e de “Didática das Ciências Integradas II” (DCI_II) do Mestrado em Didática, área de especialização das Ciências, da Universidade de Aveiro (no 2.º semestre do ano letivo 2009/2010). O Mestrando dirigiu-se a um público profissionalizado, em particular, Educadores de Infância, Professores do 1.º CEB e Professores de Matemática e Ciências Naturais do 2.º CEB. A avaliação do PF foi contínua durante todo o seu processo de desenvolvimento, o que implicou a recolha das perceções dos principais envolvidos (os dois Docentes de DCI_II e de TIC_EC, os nove Mestrandos, um especialista externo em TE e a Investigadora do estudo). Para tal recorreu-se ao inquérito por questionário e por entrevista, à observação participante da Investigadora e à análise dos portefólios digitais desenvolvidos pelos Mestrandos durante o PF. A avaliação final do PF ocorreu no final do mesmo e dez meses após a formação ter terminado (maio de 2011). A análise de conteúdo do corpus recolhido permitiu demonstrar que o PF foi exequível e eficaz no contexto em que se projetou, o que se comprova na evidência de práticas pedagógico-didáticas de utilização das TIC no processo de E/A das Ciências, com orientação CTS, por parte de Mestrandos envolvidos no PF. O esquema referencial resultante do estudo integra a “estratégia de investigação conduzida pelo professor”, pressupõe a sinergia entre as áreas científicas da Didática das Ciências (DC) e da TE, e implica a integração da dimensão do CPTC ao nível da formação de professores de Ciências do EB (inicial, contínua e pós-graduada). Neste âmbito, sugere-se o desenvolvimento de projetos CTS pelos (futuros) profissionais, com recurso às TIC, e tendo em conta a perspetiva de EPP. Considera-se que estudos desta natureza poderão ser um contributo para impulsionar a Educação em Ciências com orientação CTS recorrendo às potencialidades educativas das tecnologias, em particular no EB. Assim, preconiza-se a necessidade de se investir na transferência, expansão e avaliação do referencial a outros contextos de formação de professores de Ciências.
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Learning and teaching processes, like all human activities, can be mediated through the use of tools. Information and communication technologies are now widespread within education. Their use in the daily life of teachers and learners affords engagement with educational activities at any place and time and not necessarily linked to an institution or a certificate. In the absence of formal certification, learning under these circumstances is known as informal learning. Despite the lack of certification, learning with technology in this way presents opportunities to gather information about and present new ways of exploiting an individual’s learning. Cloud technologies provide ways to achieve this through new architectures, methodologies, and workflows that facilitate semantic tagging, recognition, and acknowledgment of informal learning activities. The transparency and accessibility of cloud services mean that institutions and learners can exploit existing knowledge to their mutual benefit. The TRAILER project facilitates this aim by providing a technological framework using cloud services, a workflow, and a methodology. The services facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge associated with informal learning activities ranging from the use of social software through widgets, computer gaming, and remote laboratory experiments. Data from these activities are shared among institutions, learners, and workers. The project demonstrates the possibility of gathering information related to informal learning activities independently of the context or tools used to carry them out.
Projeto de Intervenção apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial, especialidade em Multideficiência
Each year, the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) requires all registered nurses and registered practical nurses in Ontario to complete a Reflective Practice learning activity. In doing so, nurses are expected to perform a self- assessment, identify a practice problem or issue, create and implement a personal learning plan, and evaluate the learning and outcomes accomplished. The process and components of CNO's Reflective Practice program are very similar to an Action Learning activity. The purpose of this qualitative research was to explore the perceptions of 1 1 nurses who completed at least 1 Action Learning activity. Data analysis of their comments provided insight into their perceptions of the Action Learning experience, perceptions of the negative and positive characteristics of various activities within the Action Learning process, and perceptions of barriers or challenges within this experience. The author concluded that participants perceived their Action Learning activities to be a positive experience because the process focused on practice problems and issues, enhanced thinking about practice problems, and achieved practice-relevant outcomes. However, the results indicated that self-directed learning and journal writing were difficult activities for some participants, and some experienced negative emotional responses during reflection. The research concluded that barriers to implementation of Action Learning include a lack of understanding of the process and a perceived lack of support from employers.
This study examines the connection between leisure group participation and learning activities undertaken by participants in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a medieval recreationist group. The thesis of this connection was developed through the researcher's observations during SCA participation. The intent of this study is to understand adult learning from the self-directed learning, lifelong learning, and -transformative learning components derived from participant's SCA experiences. This qualitative study was conducted by interviewing eight active SCA participants, two in each participation theme of historical research, artistic representation, performance, and martial skills. Informants' responses demonstrated an integration of their leisure activity with learning. The contextualization of learning a s both a primary activity and a necessary support to participation, places learning a t the heart of participants' SCA related activities. The positive descriptions of learning activities, descriptive terms of ownership, and situating learning as an enjoyable activity engaged for the pleasure of the experience, provides adult educators with a fascinating glimpse of willing and engaged adult learners pursuing lifelong learning outside of the traditional educational structure. Two themes emerged during the interviews. First, bonding with others provided the motivation to continue their activities. Secondly, a feeling of commitment and helonging defined their enjoyment and satisfaction with SCA participation. The clear implications are that adult educators can create effective learning communities by developing educational structures that engage adult learners wi th meaningful social interaction.
Health regulatory colleges promote quality practice and continued competence through Quality Assurance (QA) programs. For many colleges, a QA program includes the use of portfolios that incorporate self-directed learning. The purpose of this study was to determine some of the issues surrounding the effectiveness of QA portfolio programs. The literature review revealed that portfolios are valuable tools, but gaps in knowledge include a comparative analysis of QA programs and the perspective of regulatory college administrators. Data were collected through interviews with 6 administrators and a review of 14 portfolio models described on college websites. The results from the two data sources were applied to Robert Stake's responsive evaluation framework to identify issues related to the portfolio's effectiveness (Stake, 1967). The learning components of portfolios were analyzed through the humanist and constructivist lenses. All 14 portfolio models were found to have 3 main components: self-diagnosis, learning plan and activities, and self-evaluation. However, differences were uncovered in learners' autonomy in selecting learning activities, methods of portfolio evaluation, and the relationship between the portfolio and other QA components. The results revealed a dual philosophy of learning in portfolio models and an apparent contradiction between the needs of the individual learner and the organization. Paths for future research include the tenuous relationship between competence and learning, and the impact of technical approaches on selfdirected learning initiatives. A key recommendation is to acknowledge the unique identity of each profession so that health regulatory colleges can address legislative demands and learner needs.
Dans le contexte actuel de l’éducation, l’enfant est davantage placé au cœur des relations entre la famille, l’école et la communauté, et les parents sont invités à accompagner leur enfant tout au long de son parcours scolaire. Quant aux enseignants, ils sont conviés à collaborer de façon systématique avec les familles. La collaboration entre les enseignants et les parents devient donc une condition essentielle à la réussite scolaire des élèves, notamment avec ceux qui éprouvent des difficultés d’apprentissage. Actuellement, dans nos écoles, la collaboration se situe principalement au niveau des communications obligatoires de base prescrites par le Régime pédagogique. En ce sens, Kalubi et Lesieux (2006) soulignent que le partenariat tant souhaité dans les documents officiels des ministères concernés ne transparaît pas toujours dans les pratiques quotidiennes. D’ailleurs, la littérature scientifique montre qu’il existe de nombreux obstacles liés à la collaboration école-famille-communauté, tout particulièrement lorsqu’il s’agit d’entretenir des relations harmonieuses avec les parents d’élèves à risque. À cet égard, une plus grande participation parentale est sollicitée en vue d’intensifier la collaboration entre l’école et la famille. Effectivement, les enseignants désirent que les parents s’impliquent davantage auprès de leur enfant dans les travaux et les devoirs à la maison et, du côté des parents, ils se demandent souvent comment agir pour aider encore mieux leurs enfants dans leur apprentissage (Gouvernement du Québec, 2000). Le plan d’intervention est un outil reconnu par les milieux scolaires pour aider l’élève à risque dans son cheminement scolaire puisqu’il sollicite la participation des parents et encourage la collaboration école-famille-communauté. De fait, il s’inscrit dans une démarche dynamique et prend appui sur une vision systémique de la situation de l’élève, ce qui permet de mieux identifier les besoins de l’élève à risque et d’y répondre adéquatement (Gouvernement du Québec, 2004). En prolongement à ce que l’on connaît déjà sur la participation parentale et la collaboration école-famille-communauté, nous orientons cette recherche sur les perceptions et les attentes d’enseignants au primaire en classe ordinaire et de parents d’élèves à risque à l’égard de la participation parentale et de la collaboration école-famille dans le cadre de l’élaboration et du suivi du plan d’intervention. Cette étude emprunte une approche de recherche qualitative de type exploratoire et elle est menée auprès de huit enseignants au primaire et de sept parents d’élèves à risque. Les participants ont délibérément été choisis pour leur représentativité par rapport à l’objet d’étude (Mongeau, 2009). Une procédure d’échantillonnage par volontariat a été appliquée et les données ont été recueillies par le biais d’entrevues semi-dirigées. L’analyse des entrevues révèle que les parents participent au plan d’intervention parce qu’ils veulent soutenir et aider leur enfant dans leur cheminement scolaire. Il existe cependant de multiples façons pour les parents de participer à la réussite scolaire de leur enfant, celles-ci variant particulièrement selon leurs intérêts, leurs compétences et leurs disponibilités. En ce qui concerne les enseignants, les entrevues nous dévoilent qu’ils ont globalement des perceptions positives à l’égard des parents, ce qui favorise grandement l’établissement de relations harmonieuses. Par contre, ils s’attendent à une plus grande participation parentale dans le suivi scolaire de l’enfant à la maison. Tant d’un côté que de l’autre, les résultats indiquent qu’il faut favoriser davantage la participation des parents à l’élaboration et au suivi du plan d’intervention de l’élève à risque. Idéalement, les enseignants et les parents devraient s’enrichir mutuellement de leurs ressources et de leurs expertises complémentaires en créant des relations collaboratives plutôt que hiérarchiques. Ce niveau de collaboration est sans aucun doute celui qui favoriserait avantageusement la réussite scolaire des élèves à risque.
El proceso administrativo y de compras de OPL Carga tiene algunas falencias entre ellas: fallas en la Comunicación entre el personal operativo, no se realizan llamadas internas usando con frecuencia el email, produciendo la saturación de solicitudes las cuales terminan sin ser resueltas en cuanto a roles se refiere, no hay enfoque de procesos en vista que no se tiene claras las tareas de cada cargo, adicionalmente no hay claridad en los subprocesos, perjudicando el proceso con el aumento de costos, pérdida de tiempo, las responsabilidades de los funcionario no todas las veces se ejecutan en el tiempo asignado, el liderazgo compartido presenta ambigüedades. Objetivos: Definir el trabajo en equipo en el proceso administrativo y de compras en OPL carga de Bucaramanga. La investigación que a realizar es de tipo descriptivo, busca descubrir las falencias o características que permiten diseñar y desarrollar un modelo de solución para los problemas del equipo de OPL Carga S.A.S. Materiales y métodos: La investigación efectuada es de tipo descriptivo, el objetivo es definir el modelo del trabajo en equipo y describir las falencias en el proceso administrativo y de compras en OPL carga de Bucaramanga, que permitan obtener un diagnóstico integral que conlleve a la implementación de estrategias de solución. Resultados: Se identificaron las falencias en los siguientes aspectos: Variable comunicación, rendimiento, destrezas complementarias, propósito significativo y meta específicas de los funcionarios en OPL carga sección administrativa. Conclusiones: El modelo de trabajo en equipo que OPL aplica es jerárquico, en el que se ofrece estabilidad, seguridad, se toman decisiones en forma piramidal, mediante la planeación de tareas, la colaboración, igualdad y respeto por los miembros, trabajando en pro de la solución de problemas. Se construyó un plano conceptual que permitió exponer la interpretación que la estudiante tiene de las teorías, investigaciones y antecedentes válidos para la comprensión del problema investigado. Área comunicacional: Coordinar acciones tendientes para que los funcionarios respondan a tiempo los emails atenientes a su trabajo. Área condiciones de trabajo: Clarificar y diseñar las reglas de comportamiento al interior de los equipos de trabajo que redunden en el mejoramiento del mismo y la búsqueda de soluciones oportunas. Área metas específicas: Procurar mediante auditorías el cumplimiento de las metas y objetivos propuestos por cada equipo de trabajo.
Els projectes d'innovaci?? educativa promoguts per les administracions p??bliques es poden convertir en eines poderoses de dinamitzaci?? d'un centre escolar. La implementaci?? del Projecte d'immersi?? en angl??s a la tardor i el Projecte ARCE al CEIP Blai Bonet (Santany??), mitjan??ant un conjunt de tasques interdisciplin??ries i interc??cliques, ha servit per promoure el treball en equip; una estructura educativa en xarxa; una comunitat d'aprenentatge i un sentit compartit de pertinen??a a l'escola. Aquestes finalitats s'han anat assolint a partir de la planificaci?? i aplicaci?? d'activitats significatives per als alumnes en relaci?? amb cinc blocs tem??tics convergents en els dos projectes educatius: Aigua, Terra, Flora, Fauna i Impacte hum?? de l'entorn mediambiental (la comarca, l'illa, la pen??nsula Ib??rica, el planeta Terra). Explicarem la nostra experi??ncia educativa i el valor dels projectes d'innovaci?? com a for??a impulsora per millorar les compet??ncies b??siques dels alumnes i per generar pr??ctiques de col??laboraci?? entre l'equip docent, la comunitat educativa i les institucions de l'entorn.