792 resultados para Práticas educativas adequadas - Adequate educational practices
Há poucas investigações quanto às práticas educativas escolas, ou seja, os procedimentos que são utilizados pelo educador para promover a aprendizagem de seus alunos. Deste modo, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as práticas educativas escolares, e verificar em que medida essas práticas contribuem para a inclusão do aluno com Necessidades Educacionais Especiais. O presente estudo optou pelo estudo exploratório contemplando observações em sala de aula, bem como, no ambiente escolar. As observações ocorriam semanalmente sem datas fixas, e em horários diferentes, a fim de que fosse possível observação num ambiente típico. Utilizou-se também a entrevista e a análise de documentos do aluno (redação, provas, atividades acadêmicas) e da escola. Participaram do presente estudo um aluno que apresenta dismotria cerebral ontogenética, sua mãe, bem como, as professoras que lecionaram à ele durante os anos de 2000 e 2001. Os dados coletados auxiliaram para definir a categoria que foi foco da presente pesquisa: desempenho e rendimento escolar e percepção do aluno sobre seu processo de aprendizagem. Como conclusão o presente estudo constatou que o processo de inclusão do aluno, no tocante à inclusão física social, responde até certo grau às suas necessidades. No entanto, do ponto de vista de aprendizagem, não houve inclusão educacional, as práticas educativas observadas não contemplavam a especificidade curricular e de aprendizagem a fim de atender às necessidades do aluno.
This dissertation aims at investigating the teachers beliefs about the role of the reading ability in English at public state high schools in Natal and identifying the social value of the process of learning English for students of a foreign language. From the understanding of studies on reading, both in the field of Cognitive Psychology, as in Gibson & Levin (1975), as in the area of Psycholinguistics, as in Goodman (1970) and Del Re (2006), We researched the teachers perceptions about the skills and competencies that should permeate their educational practices, through their knowledge about theories of language acquisition as Cognitivism (Piaget, 1961) and Social Interactionism (Vygotsky, 1979) and the official documents (PCNEM, 1999; PCN+, 2002 ) that are the parameters for teaching a foreign language. We took into consideration other factors that influence the choice of the goals and the objectives to be worked out, such as: intensity of teachers workload, number of classes and students per class for each teacher, materials and technologies available, among other factors that will play an important role in the choice of the appropriate methodologies. To conduct a case study, two questionnaires were used in the construction of direct interviews with fourteen English teachers in twenty schools. According to data on the teachers beliefs we could find that for them the reading ability does not seem to have an special treatment in the teaching of a foreign language due to factors that undermine this process and therefore make teachers do not realize the real objectives of teaching English at public state high schools in Natal. As a consequence, the current process of education complicates the formation of autonomous learners capable of fighting for a social transformation
This dissertation is the result of the development of a two-year research entitled POTIGUAR ACROSS THE COMMUNICATION: MEDIATIZATION AND SOCIAL PRACTICES. Or as the reception of the political agenda unfolds in social practices of the Pau dos Ferros, showwing Pau dos Ferros as a provincial oestano of Rio Grande do Norte, now living a meaningful set of social transformations, which interact with practices media that have just mediatized new public policies in the area of Technical Education and Higher Education. Thus, with the introduction and expansion of state and federal public policy of democratization of Technical and Higher Education in the period 2002 to 2010, the phenomenon of migration of students from elementary and high school, before existing in the region has changed significantly in that Pau dos Ferros polo is made. The concentration of the media city in the hands of politicians, in their favor, and the emergence of new midiatizações are contributed to the formation of this (non-migration) and other social practices, reinventing and rearranging the schedule of the ideas and concepts about the educational practices. Our goal is to observe the relationship of interaction between media, politics and education and examine how young students are realizing this interaction. Under the prospects of receiving the light of Cultural Studies, strolling our research primarily on the technique of focus group data collection
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A pesquisa, etnomatemática quilombola: as relações dos saberes da matemática dialógica com as práticas socioculturais dos remanescentes de quilombo do Mola-Itapocu/PA, realizada de junho de 2003 a dezembro de 2004, foi norteada no estudo de caso etnográfico. O questionamento básico dessa dissertação expressa a preocupação de como se estabelecer relações entre as práticas socioculturais das teias de saberes matemáticos com a matemática escolar, sem negar os seus significados e o(s) seu(s) sentido(s), que são vivenciados na (re)construção das memórias cotidianas dos remanescentes de quilombo molense? Esta investigação teve como objetivos: identificar os significados, atribuídos pelos molenses, às suas práticas socioculturais, conectadas aos saberes matemáticos da cultura local, e estabelecer algumas relações entre a matemática escolar e a matemática praticada pelos remanescentes de quilombo do Mola-Itapocu/PA, sem dispensar os seus significados e o(s) sentido(s) das memórias das vivências cotidianas do contexto particular. No capítulo I, teço reflexões críticas acerca das relações entre as práticas da vida cotidiana e os saberes etnomatemáticos, relacionadas às memórias das vivências dos remanescentes de quilombo do Mola. Inicio tecendo memórias da matemática não escolar, seguidas dos saberes plurais das práticas matemáticas; depois, lanço olhares por dentro das investidas positivistas, para evidenciar como teias investidas negam a vida cotidiana dos saberes etnomatemáticos, por último, visito os olhares escolares lançados sobre os saberes etnomatemáticos. No capítulo II, faço uma breve análise das diferentes racionalidades presentes nas (etno)ciências, desvelando as faces da etnociência, ciência moderna e da ciência pós-moderna. No terceiro capítulo, construo a análise sob as convergências e as divergências entre os saberes matemáticos e a matemática escolar, vinculadas às teias: caminhando em terrenos áridos da lógica formal matemática; aos saberes etnomatemáticos; as reentrâncias das etnomatemáticas com a complexidade da vida e a lógica dialógica da etnomatemática. No quarto, evidencio as diferenças existentes entre a pesquisa experimental positivista e a pesquisa qualitativa, para, em seguida, tecer as possíveis relações dialógicas da pesquisa etnográfica com a etnomatemática, e no quinto, com base nas falas e nas observações das vivências socioculturais e os saberes matemáticos dos informantes, estabeleço algumas relações entre os saberes locais da matemática molense e a matemática escolar. Neste contexto, começo revisitando brevemente a história da educação do campo; seguida das teias das relações entre as práticas socioculturais e a matemática dialógica dos molenses; por último, teço a alfabetização das teias de saberes matemáticos e de saberes das práticas socioculturais. A etnomatemática quilombola, incessantemente, construída nas relações da matemática dialógica com as práticas educativas molenses, evidenciou a linguagem, as memórias e as representações dos saberes matemáticos e etnocientífico, articulada às possíveis relações com os saberes da matemática escolar do ensino multisseriado.
Gender‟s concept understands that differences and inequalities established between men and women are historically and culturally constructed. In this way, the meanings and representations of gender are constituted and reconstituted in the social realm through various institutions, practices and relationships presents in a social group. The school as an institution responsible for the formal education of children, youth and adults, produces and reproduce speeches that (re)constitute meanings, identities and representations of gender. Based on this assumption, this research aims at analyzing the routine practices of kindergarten and early elementary school years at a public school in the state of Sao Paulo about gender relations. Therefore, this study aims to broach how discourses and attitudes of teachers, students and other subjects produce and reproduce the representation and gender identities. Form this purpose, the study first presents a literature about the subject to later present the research results obtained through the questionnaire applied with teachers and the daily school practices‟ observe of the school
The general objective of this work is to analyze the conceptions of teaching and learning of kindergarten teachers use in their teaching practices and resources they adopt to work the subjects with the children. As a starting point for the research we considered the assumption that the teaching activities of teachers were supported by some principles of the psychogenetic paradigm, the theoretical basis of the constructivist pedagogical movement. However, by means of the observations and analysis carried out, our hypothesis was not consolidated because the practices of teachers and their conceptions of learning differ from the constructivist perspective announced. What can be concluded is that these teachers understand their role and the role of the school, more specifically the processes of teaching, as something that actually promotes the intellectual development of children effectively.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introduction: The oral health education is a process that aims to transform attitudes and behaviors and to form habits for the benefit of individual health. For this to occur, it is necessary to strengthen and continuous repetition, as possible in the school environment. Objective: To analyze teachers’ knowledge about oral health, practices developed in the school environment, as well as the participation of dentists in guiding teachers of primary and secondary schools. Subjects and method: We used a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions about teacher training, received guidance on oral health during their training, development of oral health issues in the classroom and knowledge on the subject . Results: Of the total respondents (n = 221), only 77 (34.8%) said they had guidance on oral health in their training to be a teacher. 70 (31.7%) said they did not develop oral health issues in the classroom and 91 (41.2%) stated no interaction between dentist and professor. We observed deficiency in teachers’ knowledge about certain issues related to dental health. There was statistically significant association between the dentist’s guidance to teachers and the development of oral health actions and the teacher’s knowledge about the location of the first permanent molar eruption (p <0.01). Conclusion: This study conclude that although most educators develop educational practices on oral health in the school environment, there is a deficiency in understanding by teachers of certain subjects, making it necessary a greater participation of the dentist in the transmission of technical and scientific knowledge to them.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC