980 resultados para Potentilla fruticosa meadow


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Incrementar las habilidades de pensamiento implicadas en la solución de problemas sociales o interpersonales en los niños sordos profundos. Enseñarles a buscar soluciones adecuadas a sus problemas. Mejorar el ajuste personal-emocional y social, y el clima relacional en la clase: interacciones profesor-alumno y entre compañeros. La muestra la forman 36 niños y niñas, divididos en dos subgrupos (sordos y oyentes). El primero lo formaban 18 niños, de los cuales 8 niños y 8 niñas eran sordos profundos, bilaterales, prelocutivos y sin ningún trastorno asociado. El resto (2 niñas), tenían pérdida auditiva severa. El segundo lo formaban 18 sujetos oyentes, con los rasgos de ser compañeros de clase del niño sordo, no ser amigo próximo, no tener problemas en habilidades sociales y no haber sido rechazado en un test sociométrico por el niño sordo. Por el amplio número de variables dependientes del trabajo, para facilitar la comprensión de los resultados se dividieron en dos grupos. El primero incluye aquellas que se refieren a la estructura de la interacción (turnos no continuados inapropiados, turno con éxito simple, turnos continuados simples, turno sin éxito, turnos iniciados sin éxito por no respuesta...) y el segundo incluye a las que corresponden al contenido de tales interacciones como (sonríe, contacto físico, pide prestado algo, se enfada, verbaliza...). Cuestionario sociométrico. Inventario Meadow Kendall. Screening test.. Programa estadístico SPSS.. El programa ha sido efectivo en la consecución de algunos de los objetivos planteados, traduciéndose en la mejora de aspectos socioemocionales y reflejándose en el incremento del ajuste emocional, social, y la autoimagen observadas por las personas del entorno cercano de estos niños. Ha ayudado a los estudiantes sordos profundos a desarrollar patrones más efectivos de conducta social. Los resultados de los cuestionarios sociométricos aplicados en todas las aulas en las que estos niños estaban integrados, no arrojaron resultados significativos en ninguna de las dos variables evaluadas, integración social e inteligencia-estudio. Se observa que las relaciones entre los compañeros de diferente status auditivo, mejora tanto en díadas como en grupo. Después del programa, se produce una mejor adaptación entre ellos, aumentan sus muestras de afecto y utilizan en mayor medida un lenguaje inteligible a todos, el de los gestos. Este tipo de programas debe formar parte del currículum escolar de todos, y en especial de estos niños, comenzando en los primeros años de escolaridad y manteniéndose, de forma que en la adolescencia tengan un mayor grado de autonomía y pensamiento reflexivo, además de interacciones sociales más maduras. Entre los beneficios que se observan en estudios como éste que combina el empleo de habilidades de pensamiento y sociales se encuentran: el que los niños, en primer lugar, se conciencian de la necesidad de pararse a pensar una decisión, para evitar la conducta impulsiva. En segundo lugar, al saber que sus acciones tienen consecuencias, puede evitar las elecciones precipitadas. En tercer lugar, vinculan la toma de decisiones a su propia reflexión personal, más que a la presión del grupo. En cuarto lugar, no se desmoronan cuando no consiguen sus propósitos sino que se plantean una solución alternativa para la próxima ocasión. Es importante hacer un seguimiento para ver si los incrementos observados se mantienen a largo plazo. Otro aspecto que requeriría una especial atención es el relacionado con la intervención en los niños sin discapacidades para aceptar e interactuar adecuadamente con los niños sordos profundos integrados, es decir, sería necesario realizar algún tipo de intervención para facilitar la interacción social positiva y la aceptación por los compañeros, de los niños con algún tipo de discapacidad.


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This paper reviews a study of CID students and their scores on the Meadow-Kendall Social-Emotional Assessment Inventory test (SEAI).


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The impacts of climate change on nitrogen (N) in a lowland chalk stream are investigated using a dynamic modelling approach. The INCA-N model is used to simulate transient daily hydrology and water quality in the River Kennet using temperature and precipitation scenarios downscaled from the General Circulation Model (GCM) output for the period 1961-2100. The three GCMs (CGCM2, CSIRO and HadCM3) yield very different river flow regimes with the latter projecting significant periods of drought in the second half of the 21st century. Stream-water N concentrations increase over time as higher temperatures enhance N release from the soil, and lower river flows reduce the dilution capacity of the river. Particular problems are shown to occur following severe droughts when N mineralization is high and the subsequent breaking of the drought releases high nitrate loads into the river system. Possible strategies for reducing climate-driven N loads are explored using INCA-N. The measures include land use change or fertiliser reduction, reduction in atmospheric nitrate and ammonium deposition, and the introduction of water meadows or connected wetlands adjacent to the river. The most effective strategy is to change land use or reduce fertiliser use, followed by water meadow creation, and atmospheric pollution controls. Finally, a combined approach involving all three strategies is investigated and shown to reduce in-stream nitrate concentrations to those pre-1950s even under climate change. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Terpene synthases are responsible for the biosynthesis of the complex chemical defense arsenal of plants and microorganisms. How do these enzymes, which all appear to share a common terpene synthase fold, specify the many different products made almost entirely from one of only three substrates? Elucidation of the structure of 1,8-cineole synthase from Salvia fruticosa (Sf-CinS1) combined with analysis of functional and phylogenetic relationships of enzymes within Salvia species identified active-site residues responsible for product specificity. Thus, Sf-CinS1 was successfully converted to a sabinene synthase with a minimum number of rationally predicted substitutions, while identification of the Asn side chain essential for water activation introduced 1,8-cineole and alpha-terpineol activity to Salvia pomifera sabinene synthase. A major contribution to product specificity in Sf-CinS1 appears to come from a local deformation within one of the helices forming the active site. This deformation is observed in all other mono- or sesquiterpene structures available, pointing to a conserved mechanism. Moreover, a single amino acid substitution enlarged the active-site cavity enough to accommodate the larger farnesyl pyrophosphate substrate and led to the efficient synthesis of sesquiterpenes, while alternate single substitutions of this critical amino acid yielded five additional terpene synthases.


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The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Terrestrial plant test is often used for the ecological risk assessment of contaminated land. However, its origins in plant protection product testing mean that the species recommended in the OECD guidelines are unlikely to occur on contaminated land. Six alternative species were tested on contaminated soils from a former Zn smelter and a metal fragmentizer with elevated concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn. The response of the alternative species was compared to two species recommended by the OECD; Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) and Trifolium pratense (red clover). Urtica dioica (stinging nettle) and Poa annua (annual meadow-grass) had low emergence rates in the control soil so may be considered unsuitable. Festuca rubra (chewings fescue), Holcus lanatus (Yorkshire fog), Senecio vulgaris (common groundsel), and Verbascum thapsus (great mullein) offer good alternatives to the OECD species. In particular, H. lanatus and S. vulgaris were more sensitive to the soils with moderate concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn than the OECD species.


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Since the middle of the last century agricultural intensification within Europe has led to a drastic decline in the extent of botanically diverse grasslands. Whilst measures to enhance the diversity of agriculturally-improved grasslands are in place, success has often been limited. One of the primary factors limiting success is the paucity of sources of propagules of desirable species in the surrounding landscape. The restoration of two contrasting grassland types lowland hay meadow and chalk grassland) was examined using a replicated block experiment to assess the effectiveness of two methods of seed application (hay strewing and brush harvesting) and two methods of pre-treatment disturbance (power harrowing and turf stripping). The resulting changes in botanical composition were monitored for 4 years. Seed addition by both methods resulted in significant temporal trends in plant species composition and increases in plant species richness, which were further enhanced by disturbance. Power harrowing increased the effectiveness of the seed addition treatments at the lowland hay meadow site. At the chalk grassland site a more severe disturbance created by turf stripping was used and shown to be preferable. Whilst both hay strewing and brush harvesting increased plant species richness, hay strewing was more effective at creating a sward similar to that of the donor site. Soil disturbance and seed application rate at the recipient site and timing of the hay cut at the donor site are all factors to be considered prior to the commencement of restoration management. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Species rich semi-natural grasslands are an important but threatened habitat throughout Europe and much of the former area has been lost since the 1950s. However, in some countries large areas have been preserved and the demand for meadow recreation by sowing seed mixtures is increasing. In the White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area (Czech Republic) the use of commercial seed mixtures is undesirable and the use of regional mixtures has been investigated. The costs for seeding large areas are high and lower cost techniques are needed. In 1999 a field experiment was set up to investigate the establishment of hay meadow vegetation comparing sowing a regional mixture all over a plot with sowing narrow 2.5 In strips of regional seed mixtures into a matrix of a commercial grass mixture or into natural regeneration. The results after five seasons showed good establishment of the sown species in the meadow treatment. Spread of sown species from the sown strips into the surrounding matrix occurred but the cover of species was lower in the commercial grass matrix compared with the natural regeneration matrix. Colonisation of some plots by unsown desirable grassland species from adjacent grassland habitats also occurred, but more species colonised the natural regeneration matrix than the commercial grasses or the sown meadow matrix itself. Overall, the results indicate that, in appropriate situations, sown strips can provide a lower cost but slower and longer-term alternative to field scale sowing of regional seed mixtures for recreation of hay meadow vegetation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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R. H. Whittaker's idea that plant diversity can be divided into a hierarchy of spatial components from alpha at the within-habitat scale through beta for the turnover of species between habitats to gamma along regional gradients implies the underlying existence of alpha, beta, and gamma niches. We explore the hypothesis that the evolution of a, (3, and gamma niches is also hierarchical, with traits that define the a niche being labile, while those defining a and 7 niches are conservative. At the a level we find support for the hypothesis in the lack of close significant phylogenetic relationship between meadow species that have similar a niches. In a second test, a niche overlap based on a variety of traits is compared between congeners and noncongeners in several communities; here, too, there is no evidence of a correlation between a niche and phylogeny. To test whether beta and gamma niches evolve conservatively, we reconstructed the evolution of relevant traits on evolutionary trees for 14 different clades. Tests against null models revealed a number of instances, including some in island radiations, in which habitat (beta niche) and elevational maximum (an aspect of the gamma niche) showed evolutionary conservatism.


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Question: What is the value of using Rhinanthus minor in grassland restoration and can restrictions on its establishment be overcome? Location: England (United Kingdom). Methods: Two experiments were established to determine the efficacy of inoculating R. minor on a suite of four agriculturally improved grasslands and the efficacy of using R. minor in grassland restoration. In Experiment 1, the effect of herbicide gap creation on the establishment and persistence of R. minor in grasslands ranging in productivity was investigated with respect to sward management. In Exp. 2, R. minor was sown at 1000 seeds/m(2) in conjunction with a standard meadow mix over a randomized plot design into Lolium perenne grassland of moderate productivity. The treatment of scarification was investigated as a treatment to promote R. minor. Results: Gap size had a significant role in the establishment and performance of R. minor, especially the 30 cm diameter gaps (Exp. 1). However, R. minor failed to establish long-term persistent populations in all of the agriculturally improved grasslands. In Exp. 2, establishment of R. minor was increased by scarification and its presence was associated with a significant increase in Shannon diversity and the number of sown and unsown species. Values of grass above-ground biomass were significantly lower in plots sown with R. minor, but values of total above-ground biomass (including R. minor) and forb biomass (not including R. minor) were not affected. Conclusions: The value of introducing R. minor into species-poor grassland to increase diversity has been demonstrated, but successful establishment was dependent on grassland type. The scope for using R. minor in grassland restoration schemes is therefore conditional, although establishment can be enhanced through disturbance such as sward scarification.


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Question: What is the impact of the presence of Rhinanthus minor on forb abundance in newly established swards? Location: Wetherby, West Yorkshire, UK (53 degrees 55' N, 1 degrees 22(1) W). Method: A standard meadow mix containing six forbs and six grasses was sown on an ex-arable field and immediately over-sown using a randomised plot design with three densities of Rhinanthus minor (0, 600, and 1000 seeds per m(2)). Above-ground biomass was analysed over a period of three years, while detailed assessments of sward composition were performed during the first two years. Results: Values of grass biomass were reduced in the presence of Rhinanthus, especially at the higher sowing density. The ratio of grass: forb biomass was also lower in association with Rhinanthus, but only at the higher sowing density. The presence of Rhinanthus, had no effect on species number or diversity, which decreased between years regardless of treatment. Conclusions: Although not tested in a multi-site experiment, the benefit of introducing Rhinanthus into newly established swards to promote for abundance was determined. The efficacy of Rhinanthus presence is likely to depend on whether species not susceptible to the effects of parasitism are present.


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The Euro-Mediterranean region is an important centre for the diversity of crop wild relatives. Crops, such as oats (Avena sativa), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), apple (Malus domestica), annual meadow grass (Festuca pratensis), white clover (Trifolium repens), arnica (Arnica montana), asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), and sage (Salvia officinalis) etc., all have wild relatives in the region. The European Community funded project, PGR Forum (www.pgrforum.org) is building an online information system to provide access to crop wild relative data to a broad user community; including plant breeders, protected area managers, policy-makers, conservationists, taxonomists and the wider public. The system will include data on uses, geographical distribution, biology, population and habitat information, threats (including IUCN Red List assessments) and conservation actions. This information is vital for the continued sustainable utilisation and conservation of crop wild relatives. Two major databases have been utilised as the backbone to a Euro-Mediterranean crop wild relative catalogue, which forms the core of the information system: Euro+Med PlantBase (www.euromed.org.uk) and Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops (http://mansfeld.ipk-gatersleben.de). By matching the genera found within the two databases, a preliminary list of crop wild relatives has been produced. Around 20,000 of the 30,000+ species listed in Euro+Med PlantBase can be considered crop wild relatives, i.e. those species found within the same genus as a crop. The list is currently being refined by implementing a priority ranking system based on the degree of relatedness of taxa to the associated crop.


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This is the transcript of the last interview of Luciano Erba, held in February 2008, when the poet visited the Italian Department of the University of Reading as part of a UK tour to celebrate the publication of The Greener Meadow: Selected Poems, the English translation of his poetry by Peter Robinson, issued by Princeton University Press in 2006. The interview offered the opportunity to review Erba’s long career as a poet and assess the impact of some key cultural figures and events on his poetics


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Species-rich lowland hay meadows are of conservation importance for both plants and invertebrates; however, they have declined in area across Europe as a result of conversion to other land uses and management intensification. The re-creation of these grasslands on ex-arable land provides a valuable approach to increasing the extent and conservation value of this threatened habitat. Over a 3-year period a replicated block design was used to test whether introducing seeds promoted the re-creation of both plant and phytophagous beetle assemblages typical of a target hay meadow. Seeds were harvested from local hay meadows, and applied to experimental plots in the form of either green hay or brush harvesting seeds. Green hay spreading achieved the greatest success in re-creating plant and phytophagous beetle assemblages. While re-creation success increased over time for both taxa, for the phytophagous beetles the greatest increase in re-creation success relative to the establishment year also occurred where green hay was applied. We also considered the phytophagous beetles in terms of functional traits that describe host plant specificity, larval feeding location and dispersal. Phytophagous beetle functional trait composition was most similar to the target hay meadow assemblage where some form of seed addition was used, i.e. hay spreading or brush harvested seeds. This study identified the importance of introducing target plant species as a mechanism to promote the re-creation of phytophagous beetle communities. Seed addition methods (e.g. green hay spreading) are crucial to successful hay meadow re-creation.


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This paper evaluates the impact of the crusades on the landscape and environment of northern Latvia between the 13th–16th centuries (medieval Livonia). The crusades replaced tribal societies in the eastern Baltic with a religious state (Ordenstaat) run by the military orders and their allies, accompanied by significant social, cultural and economic developments. These changes have previously received little consideration in palaeoenvironmental studies of past land use in the eastern Baltic region, but are fundamental to understanding the development and expansion of a European Christian identity. Sediment cores from Lake Trikāta, located adjacent to a medieval castle and settlement, were studied using pollen, macrofossils, loss-on-ignition and magnetic susceptibility. Our results show that despite continuous agricultural land use from 500 BC, the local landscape was still densely wooded until the start of the crusades in AD 1198 when a diversified pattern of pasture, meadow and arable land use was established. Colonisation followed the crusades, although in Livonia this occurred on a much smaller scale than in the rest of the Ordenstaat; Trikāta is atypical showing significant impact following the crusades with many other palaeoenvironmental studies only revealing more limited impact from the 14th century and later. Subsequent wars and changes in political control in the post-medieval period had little apparent effect on agricultural land use.