993 resultados para Popular literature.


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A preocupação central desta pesquisa foi compreender como a literatura popular de cordel, em contexto global, tem contribuído, através da interdisciplinaridade, para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem voltado para o cotidiano e a cultura dos alunos de uma escola rural. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com 03 professores e 09 alunos do ensino fundamental I de uma escola rural, pertencente à rede municipal de Mossoró RN. Na busca por respostas em torno do objeto pesquisado, foi realizada uma abordagem qualitativa. No primeiro momento, foi feita a observação de campo, onde todos os detalhes eram anotados em um diário de campo, e em seguida foram realizadas as entrevistas e a análise dos dados, esta guiada pela análise de discurso. Os resultados demonstraram que no contexto atual globalizado, a literatura popular de cordel, é um importante instrumento para educação e quando inserido na sala de aula, contribui para o resgate de saberes, valorizando o cotidiano e a cultura local. Sendo assim, o cordel pode ser visto como um instrumento integrador, onde o professor, de forma interdisciplinar, consegue realizar o diálogo com outras disciplinas, diminuindo as barreiras do conhecimento, favorecendo a superação da fragmentação atual entre os saberes.


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Reader Response Theory remains popular within Children's Literature Criticism. It seems to offer a sensible resolution to the question of whether meaning derives from text or reader. Through a close reading of one example of this criticism, I suggest that its dualisms are constantly collapsing into appeals to singular authority. at various stages the text or the reader is wholly responsible for meaning. I further suggest that the criticism bypasses the question of interpretation through claiming knowledge of a child reader whose opinions and reactions can be unproblematically accessed. We do not have to worry about reading texts, because we can, apparently, know the child's response to them with certainty. Anything other than this claim to certainty is taken to be a failure of responsibility, a wallowing in the subjective, obscure and perverse. My intention is to reinstate reading as the responsibility of criticism.


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Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a recent addition to the range of online learning options. Since 2008, MOOCs have been run by a variety of public and elite universities, especially in North America. Many academics have taken interest in MOOCs recognising the potential to deliver education around the globe on an unprecedented scale; some of these academics are taking a research-oriented perspective and academic papers describing their research are starting to appear in the traditional media of peer reviewed publications. This paper presents a systematic review of the published MOOC literature (2008-2012): Forty-five peer reviewed papers are identified through journals, database searches, searching the Web, and chaining from known sources to form the base for this review. We believe this is the first effort to systematically review literature relating to MOOCs, a fairly recent but massively popular phenomenon with a global reach. The review categorises the literature into eight different areas of interest, introductory, concept, case studies, educational theory, technology, participant focussed, provider focussed, and other, while also providing quantitative analysis of publications according to publication type, year of publication, and contributors. Future research directions guided by gaps in the literature are explored.


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On the twenty-third of May 2015, Ireland became the first country to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote. This event reversed a large part, if not all, of Ireland’s reputation for a Catholic-led conservatism concerning sexual and gender identities. I argue in this article that we can see a parallel-in-miniature to this momentous shift in something of a reversal of children’s literatures views in this respect too, and I will concentrate on exploring what is at stake in the ways that childhood, sexual and gender identities are constructed in some recent children’s literature criticism in the light of these shifts. My interest is to consider: what is the ever-burgeoning interest in the gay, queer, cross-dressing, transsexual or transgender child precisely about? I ask this question on the grounds of not assuming that this interest in these identities arises necessarily simply out of a self-evident, progressive, liberatory impulse, and, alongside this, I also do not assume that ‘identities’ are essential, self-organised traits awaiting revelation and liberation.


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For almost a decade now Nicholas Sparks has been writing love stories. Not only has he been publishing his stories, but they have received high acclaim in each of their installments. Several of his novels have been made into major motion pictures and increased his popularity quite significantly. His status as a successful romantic fiction writer is undeniable, but the question is, why? What is it about Nicholas Sparks that makes his novels so engaging, and personally, what do I need to do as an aspiring novelist to try and acquire the same literary status? Sparks’s novels reach readers at a number of different levels, thus giving them appeal no matter the intellectual intent of the reader. Theoretically, Sparks engages reader response techniques as well as formalist processes such as “habitualization” and “defamiliarization,” while also developing engaging plot lines that represent many of the experiences from his own life. His writing is not only academically redeemable, but it is also creatively stimulating; between the two, Sparks represents the thunder and lightning combination all writers strive for while trying to achieve literary success. This project also offers a creative element in which I attempt to exemplify many of the traits discussed in the analytical sections of this document, by recreating them in a creative, fictitious fashion. Themes such as: motion versus stasis, life versus death, and the ordinary versus the extraordinary all exist within the narrative structure of my short story “Trip to Fall.” Besides these thematic elements, the creative section strives to represent the balance Sparks achieves between the experiences of his own life and the fictitious world he creates. Overall, this project delves into the life of Nicholas Sparks to better understand the inspiration for his writing at the level of form as well as content, while also paying tribute to Sparks’s style through a representation of his work in my own words.


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Nesta pesquisa, investiga-se e analisa-se o fenômeno da literatura de pop-management, propondo-se uma reflexão sobre seu papel na divulgação e legitimação de novas idéias e práticas de gestão empresarial. A literatura de pop-management compreende livros e revistas de consumo rápido, produzida pela mídia de negócios. A mídia de negócios faz parte da industria do management, junto com as empresas de consultoria, os gurus empresariais e as escolas de negócios. A pesquisa compreende três trilhas de trabalho: (1) uma investigação sobre o tema junto a publicações acadêmicas, (2) entrevistas com chefes de redação e editores e (3) análise de conteúdo de algumas publicações locais e internacionais. Conclui-se com uma reflexão acerca das características da literatura popular de gestão e seus impactos sobre as organizações e o indivíduo.


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Este artigo analisa os principais fatores que influenciam a percepção da população local em relação a megaeventos internacionais, buscando identificar possíveis ações que o Poder Público pode promover para aumentar o apoio e minimizar a resistência à realização desse tipo de evento. Com base no estudo de literatura teórica e empírica sobre o tema, avalia a experiência brasileira na preparação para a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, e busca retirar algumas lições para futuros megaeventos que venham a ocorrer no País, inclusive a Exposição Universal de 2020.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar se as Comissões de Legislação Participativa da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal facilitaram a participação social no processo legislativo frente ao tradicional instituto da Iniciativa Popular de lei. Essa investigação será pautada pelo estudo dogmático do processo legislativo federal; pela investigação de como a participação social está prescrita na Constituição Federal e nos Regimentos Internos das Casas do Legislativo, visando constatar como a participação política se implementa no processo de produção legislativa; ademais do estudo sobre a relação entre representação e participação. Para tanto, foi utilizada revisão bibliográfica, análise documental, levantamento de dados, estudo de caso e entrevistas. A pesquisa realizada permite afirmar que as Comissões facilitaram a participação social na produção legislativa no que se refere à eliminação de parte dos requisitos formais que a obstaculizavam via Iniciativa Popular; além de ampliar o rol dos tipos de proposições legislativas que a sociedade pode apresentar. Entretanto, esses novos mecanismos reproduziram limitações que a Iniciativa Popular apresenta, ademais de desconsiderar na sua estruturação elementos essenciais à consecução de um processo legislativo efetivamente participativo, os quais são contemplados pelo instituto tradicional, permitindo, então, afirmar que as Comissões são inovações institucionais limitadas frente ao instituto da Iniciativa Popular.


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The issue of public policy for the culture area has experienced a significant increase of interest of academic researchers. The research "Cultural Policy in infants: an evaluation of the home culture (2003/2010)" aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of cultural policy in Rio Grande do Norte in the period 2003/2010. When was the program created and deployed the houses of popular culture. Specifically, he sought: a) mapping the major elements of cultural policy in the RN during the chronological period mentioned b) hold up in more detail in the description of the implementation process of the houses of popular culture, c) investigate cultural actions implemented by the houses of popular culture and its effectiveness. The methodological process consisted of a review of the literature on culture, cultural policy, public policy and public policy evaluation for the construction of the theoretical-analytical, documentary research in public and private institutions related cultural production; interview with managers and cultural producers in visits field research conducted in seven major houses of popular culture, taken as a sample of the total d 29 outlets installed during the chronological period mentioned. The survey found that the program houses RN popular culture in general was effective in meeting its objectives, among which the decentralization of cultural inclusion in the artist market cultural production, the promotion of folk traditions in the region , respect and support for new artists, respect and support for popular memory


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The question of participation has been debated in Brazil since the 1980 decade in search a better way to take care of poulation s demand. More specificaly after the democratic open (1985) begins to be thought ways to make population participates of decisions related to alocation of public resources. The characteristic of participates actualy doesn t exist, population to be carried through is, at top, consulted, and the fact population participates stays restrict to some technics interests at the projects, mainly of public politics of local development. Observe that this implementation happens through a process and that has its limits (pass) that could be surpassed through strategies made to that. This dissertation shows results of a research about participative practices in city of Serrinha between 1997 and 2004, showing through a study of the case of Serrinha what was the process used to carry through these pratices in a moment and local considered model of this application. The analyses were developed through a model of research elaborated by the author based on large literature respects the ideal process to implant a participative public politics. The present research had a qualitative boarding, being explorative and descritive nature. The researcher (author of this dissertation) carried through all the research phases, including the transcriptions of interviews that were recorded with a digital voice recorder. Before the analysis of these data was verified that despite the public manager (former-mayor) had had a real interest in implant a process of local development in city, he was not able to forsee the correct process to do it. Two high faults were made. The first was the intention to have as tool a development plan, what locked up to make this plan was the booster of supossed participative pratice and no the ideal model that would be a plan generate by popular initiative. The second one was absence of a critical education project for the population that should be the fisrt step to carry through a politc like that


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To the extent that the expansion of cities is increasingly pushing and segregating the working class to outlying areas, devoid of services and infrastructure, the urban space is also important as a space in the class struggle, and in this direction, the this study aims to analyze the political organization of urban social movements and popular organizations existing in Natal-RN, nowadays, in their process of struggle for social rights, with emphasis on the right to the city. With this dimension, we appropriate the contributions of historical and dialectical materialism because we believe that this benchmark enables the understanding of the processes of collective organization and a critical perspective of totality, going beyond its immediate appearance. For production data conducted literature, documentary and field, through semi-structured interviews recorded with (the) mapped leaders of organizations in our survey, as well as advisory bodies to the movements studied. The results of the study allowed us to characterize the action of the political movements in urban Christmas struggle for recognition and guarantee of the right to the city and seize the advances and obstacles in the process of intervention of social movements and popular organizations existing in Natal, highlighting dilemmas and contradictions underlie the processes of organization and mobilization in the contemporary period. Thus, we conclude that the Natal territory, as in contemporary Brazil, the urban and political action movements that show the public scene and intertwine necessarily relate to historical trend that has been performing since the 1990s, when the country entered a period marked by a new bourgeois offensive


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The objective if this work was a survey of medicinal plants plus commonly cultivated in quintais in Amazon State, Brazil. The work was carried out in five counties at the Solimões/Amazonas and Negro Rivers, by questionnaires, interviews and collections of botanical materials, using the literature to define the geographic origins. It was showed 105 species of medicinal plants, with average of 13 per house. The Amazonian plants, in general wood plants, meaning 10,9 percent of the total of species that was survey, with predominance of the American continent plants out of Amazonian (38,2 per cent). The major group was herbaceous or shrubs exotic plants, aromatics. In general, the peoples unknown the origin of the species of medicinal plants that use day after day.


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