842 resultados para Pharmaceutical Preparations


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Poster session - Paediatric cystic fibrosis and liver patients can be prescribed a number of different pharmaceutical preparations, often in liquid form - It is not uncommon for alcohol to be present in liquid preparations, often as a solvent - Although the quantity of alcohol present can be low, patients taking a number of alcohol-containing preparations may be at risk of toxicity - It has been found that only a few of the preparations used for both paediatric cystic fibrosis and liver patients contain alcohol - The quantity of alcohol present in these preparations is low and should not cause toxicity, even when the products are used in combination


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Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors lisinopril and ramipril were selected from EMA/480197/2010 and the potassium-sparing diuretic spironolactone was selected from the NHS specials list for November 2011 drug tariff with the view to produce oral liquid formulations providing dosage forms targeting paediatrics. Lisinopril, ramipril and spironolactone were chosen for their interaction with transporter proteins in the small intestine. Formulation limitations such as poor solubility or pH sensitivity needed consideration. Lisinopril was formulated without extensive development as drug and excipients were water soluble. Ramipril and spironolactone are both insoluble in water and strategies combating this were employed. Ramipril was successfully solubilised using low concentrations of acetic acid in a co-solvent system and also via complexation with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin. A ramipril suspension was produced to take formulation development in a third direction. Spironolactone dosages were too high for solubilisation techniques to be effective so suspensions were developed. A buffer controlled pH for the sensitive drug whilst a precisely balanced surfactant and suspending agent mix provided excellent physical stability. Characterisation, stability profiling and permeability assessment were performed following formulation development. The formulation process highlighted current shortcomings in techniques for taste assessment of pharmaceutical preparations resulting in early stage research into a novel in vitro cell based assay. The formulations developed in the initial phase of the research were used as model formulations investigating microarray application in an in vitro-in vivo correlation for carrier mediated drug absorption. Caco-2 cells were assessed following transport studies for changes in genetic expression of the ATP-binding cassette and solute carrier transporter superfamilies. Findings of which were compared to in vitro and in vivo permeability findings. It was not possible to ascertain a correlation between in vivo drug absorption and the expression of individual genes or even gene families, however there was a correlation (R2 = 0.9934) between the total number of genes with significantly changed expression levels and the predicted human absorption.


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BACKGROUND: Particulate matter has been shown to stimulate the innate immune system and induce acute inflammation. Therefore, while nanotechnology has the potential to provide therapeutic formulations with improved efficacy, there are concerns such pharmaceutical preparations could induce unwanted inflammatory side effects. Accordingly, we aim to examine the utility of using the proteolytic activity signatures of cysteine proteases, caspase 1 and cathepsin S (CTSS), as biomarkers to assess particulate-induced inflammation.

METHODS: Primary peritoneal macrophages and bone marrow-derived macrophages from C57BL/6 mice and ctss(-/-) mice were exposed to micro- and nanoparticulates and also the lysosomotropic agent, L-leucyl-L-leucine methyl ester (LLOME). ELISA and immunoblot analyses were used to measure the IL-1β response in cells, generated by lysosomal rupture. Affinity-binding probes (ABPs), which irreversibly bind to the active site thiol of cysteine proteases, were then used to detect active caspase 1 and CTSS following lysosomal rupture. Reporter substrates were also used to quantify the proteolytic activity of these enzymes, as measured by substrate turnover.

RESULTS: We demonstrate that exposure to silica, alum and polystyrene particulates induces IL-1β release from macrophages, through lysosomal destabilization. IL-1β secretion positively correlated with an increase in the proteolytic activity signatures of intracellular caspase 1 and extracellular CTSS, which were detected using ABPs and reporter substrates. Interestingly IL-1β release was significantly reduced in primary macrophages from ctss(-/-) mice.

CONCLUSIONS: This study supports the emerging significance of CTSS as a regulator of the innate immune response, highlighting its role in regulating IL-1β release. Crucially, the results demonstrate the utility of intracellular caspase 1 and extracellular CTSS proteolytic activities as surrogate biomarkers of lysosomal rupture and acute inflammation. In the future, activity-based detection of these enzymes may prove useful for the real-time assessment of particle-induced inflammation and toxicity assessment during the development of nanotherapeutics.


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Background: It has been estimated that 10,000 patient injuries occur in the US annually due to confusion involving drug names. An unexplored source of patient misunderstandings may be medication salt forms. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess patient knowledge and comprehension regarding the salt forms of medications as a potential source of medication errors. Methods: A 12 item questionnaire which assessed patient knowledge of medication names on prescription labels was administered to a convenience sample of patients presenting to a family practice clinic. Descriptive statistics were calculated and multivariate analyses were performed. Results: There were 308 responses. Overall, 41% of patients agreed they find their medication names confusing. Participants correctly answered to salt form questions between 12.1% and 56.9% of the time. Taking more prescription medications and higher education level were positively associated with providing more correct answers to 3 medication salt form knowledge questions, while age was negatively associated. Conclusions: Patient misconceptions about medication salt forms are common. These findings support recommendations to standardize the inclusion or exclusion of salt forms. Increasing patient education is another possible approach to reducing confusion.


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In Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, the loss of cholinergic neurons leads to the progressive reduction of acetylcholine in the brain, resulting cognitive impairment. Inhibition of the hydrolysis of acetylcholine by blocking acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) has been considered as a potential target in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Essential oils and extracts of aromatic plants may have an important role in the oxidative stress protection. Traditionally, in Alentejo (Portugal), aromatic herbs Calamintha nepeta, Foeniculum vulgare, Mentha spicata and Thymus mastichina are often used by local population as condiments in food preparations. In this study, essential oils (EOs) and aqueous extracts (decoction waters) of these flavouring herbs were selected in order to evaluate its antioxidant potential and ability to inhibit AChE and BChE activities. Results suggest the potential use of EOs and extracts as nutraceutical or pharmaceutical preparations in the prevention of the oxidative stress and degenerative diseases.


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Merkittävä osa alkuperäislääkevalmistajien tutkimus- ja tuotekehityskuluista näyttää olevan suunnattu olemassa olevien lääkkeiden kehittämiseen. Tämä voi oletettavasti johtaa kiinnostaviin formulaatiokehitysstrategioihin. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, voidaanko farmaseuttisen tuotekehityksen trendejä havaita myönnettyjen myyntilupien perusteella. Tutkimuksen mielenkiinnon kohteena olivat myös suurimpien lääkeyritysten käyttämät elinkaaren hallinnan keinot, joilla suojataan myyvimpiä tuotteita geneeriseltä kilpailulta ja varmistetaan markkinaosuus. Tutkimuksen painopiste oli kiinteissä oraalisissa lääkevalmisteissa. Laadullisten ja määrällisten menetelmien yhdistelmää käytettiin laajan näkökulman saamiseksi tutkittavaan aiheeseen. Suomalaisten myyntilupaviranomaisten haastatteluja käytettiin keräämään taustatietoa tutkimuksen määrällistä osaa varten. Määrällinen osa koostui myyntilupatietokannoista, jotka käsittivät kaikkien menettelyjen kautta Suomessa myönnetyt myyntiluvat, keskitetyn menettelyn kautta EU:ssa myönnetyt myyntiluvat ja maailman kymmenen suurinta lääkeyritystä USA:ssa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella rinnakkaislääkkeiden määrässä tapahtui merkittävä nousu Suomessa kaikkien menettelyjen kautta myönnetyissä myyntiluvissa ja EU:ssa keskitetyn menettelyn kautta myönnetyissä myyntiluvissa vuosina 2000-2010. Tämä muutos saattaa ainakin osaksi johtua lainsäädännöllisistä muutoksista, joilla luotiin kannustimia rinnakkaislääkkeiden käyttöön ja valmistukseen, kuten lääkevaihto ja viitehintajärjestelmä. USA:n tiedot osoittivat suurten lääkevalmistajien kiinnostuksen elinkaaren hallintaan: suurin osa maailman kymmenelle suurimmalle lääkeyritykselle myönnetyistä myyntiluvista vuosina 2005-2010 oli tähän tarkoitukseen. Elinkaaren hallinnan suhde uusiin lääkeaineisiin oli lähes 4:1. Kiinteä oraalinen lääkemuoto on kiistatta kaikista suosituin tapa annostella lääke, minkä vahvistivat sekä arvioijien haastattelut että myyntilupatiedot. Kiinteiden oraalisten rooli oli entistäkin korostuneempi rinnakkaislääkkeiden kohdalla. Kun innovatiivisuutta mitattiin epätyypillisten annosmuotojen määrällä, USA:n tiedot kiinteistä oraalisista lääkemuodoista osoittivat vahvaa innovatiivisuutta Suomen ja EU:n tietoihin verrattuna. Tämä saattaa heijastaa suurten lääkeyritysten innovatiivista tuotevalikoimaa. Epätyypillisten kiinteiden oraalisten annosmuotojen osuus oli huomattavasti pienempi rinnakkaislääkkeissä kuin alkuperäislääkkeissä kaikilla alueilla. Elinkaaren hallinnassa käytetyimmät strategiat olivat uusi formulaatio, uusi vahvuus ja uusi yhdistelmä olemassa olevasta valmisteesta. Kiinteiden oraalisten lääkemuotojen osalta kaksi kolmasosaa uusista elinkaaren hallinnan formulaatioista oli säädellysti vapauttavia valmisteita. Elinkaaren hallinta on olennainen osa suurten lääkeyritysten liiketoimintastrategiaa, ja sen tärkeyttä havainnollistettiin Coreg-tablettien tapausesimerkillä.


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Introduction Product standardisation involves promoting the prescribing of pre-selected products within a particular category across a healthcare region and is designed to improve patient safety by promoting continuity of medicine use across the primary/secondary care interface, in addition to cost containment without compromising clinical care (i.e. maintaining safety and efficacy). Objectives To examine the impact of product standardisation on the prescribing of compound alginate preparations within primary care in Northern Ireland. Methods Data were obtained on alginate prescribing from the Northern Ireland Central Services Agency (Prescription Pricing Branch), covering a period of 43 months. Two standardisation promotion interventions were carried out at months 18 and 33. In addition to conventional statistical analyses, a simple interrupted time series analysis approach, using graphical interpretation, was used to facilitate interpretation of the data. Results There was a significant increase in the prescribed share of the preferred alginate product in each of the four health boards in Northern Ireland and a decrease in the cost per Defined Daily Dose for alginate liquid preparations overall. Compliance with the standardisation policy was, however, incomplete and was influenced to a marked degree by the activities of the pharmaceutical industry. The overall economic impact of the prescribing changes during the study was small (3.1%). Conclusion The findings suggested that product standardisation significantly influenced the prescribing pattern for compound alginate liquid preparations within primary care across Northern Ireland. © 2012 The Authors. IJPP © 2012 Royal Pharmaceutical Society.


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This study investigated and characterised transdermal permeation of bioactive agents from a topically applied Arnica montana tincture. Permeation experiments conducted over 48 h used polydimethylsiloxane (silastic) and human epidermal membranes mounted in Franz-type diffusion cells with a methanol-water (50:50 v/v) receptor fluid. A commercially available tincture of A. montana L. derived from dried Spanish flower heads was a donor solution. Further donor solutions prepared from this stock tincture concentrated the tincture constituents 1, 2 and 10 fold and its sesquiterpene lactones 10 fold. Permeants were assayed using a high-performance liquid chromatography method. Five components permeated through silastic membranes providing peaks with relative retention factors to an internal standard (santonin) of 0.28, 1.18, 1.45, 1.98 and 2.76, respectively. No permeant was detected within 12 h of applying the Arnica tincture onto human epidermal membranes. However, after 12 h, the first two of these components were detected. These were shown by Zimmermann reagent reaction to be sesquiterpene lactones and liquid chromatography/diode array detection/mass spectrometry indicated that these two permeants were 11,13-dihydrohelenalin (DH) analogues (methacrylate and tiglate esters). The same two components were also detected within 3 h of topical application of the 10-fold concentrated tincture and the concentrated sesquiterpene lactone extract.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are an attractive and safe alternative for the expression of heterologous proteins, as they are nonpathogenic and endotoxin-free organisms. Lactococcus lactis, the LAB model organism, has been extensively employed in the biotechnology field for large-scale production of heterologous proteins, and its use as a "cell factory" has been widely studied. We have been particularly interested in the use of L. lactis for production of heat shock proteins (HSPs), which reportedly play important roles in the initiation of innate and adaptive immune responses. However, this activity has been questioned, as LPS contamination appears to be responsible for most, if not all, immunostimulatory activity of HSPs. In order to study the effect of pure HSPs on the immune system, we constructed recombinant L. lactis strains able to produce and properly address the Mycobacterium leprae 65-kDa HSP (Hsp65) to the cytoplasm or to the extracellular medium, using a xylose-induced expression system. Approximately 7 mg/L recombinant Hsp65 was secreted. Degradation products related to lactococcal HtrA activity were not observed, and the Limulus amebocyte lysate assay demonstrated that the amount of LPS in the recombinant Hsp65 preparations was 10-100 times lower than the permitted levels established by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration. These new L. lactis strains will allow investigation of the effects of M. leprae Hsp65 without the interference of LPS; consequently, they have potential for a variety of biotechnological, medical and therapeutic applications.


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This article presents an overview of relevant issues to be considered in the development of standardized phytochemical preparations, focusing on the use of the spouted bed as a drying method. Aspects related to the effects of feed composition properties and processing parameters on system performance and product quality are addressed. From the information presented, it can be concluded that the spouted bed technology can be successfully applied for production of high-quality phytochemical preparations suitable for food and pharmaceutical purposes, considering the requirements for product safety, quality, and efficacy. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that, at this time, the proposed technology is appropriate for small-scale production, mainly due to difficulties concerning scale-up, modeling, and the simulation of spouted bed systems, and also for predicting product properties and system behavior during operation.


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Echinacea preparations are one of the best selling herbal medicinal products with a well established therapeutic use in the prophylaxis of upper respiratory tract infections. Their consumption is increasing, but information about their ability to inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP) is fragmentary. The picture is further complicated by a lack of phytochemical characterization of previously tested preparations. Due to its well characterized immunomodulatory activity, the standardized Swiss registered Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench Echinaforce extract was selected for detailed study. With the single baculovirus-expressed CYP isoforms 1A2, 2C19, 2D9 and 3A4, inhibitory actions were measured by monitoring fluorescent metabolites derived from enzyme substrates (supersome assay). The Echinaforce extract induced mild inhibition of all these isoforms, with CYP 3A4 being the most, and CYP 2D6 the least sensitive enzyme. To assess whether CYP inhibition might be a general feature of Echinacea preparations, an additional nine commercially available preparations were screened using CYP 3A4. All tested preparations were able to inhibit CYP 3A4, but inhibitory potencies (expressed as median inhibitory concentration, IC50) varied by a factor of 150. The alkylamides are thought to be responsible for the immunomodulatory activity of Echinacea, and so the concentration of 2E,4E,8Z,10E/Z-tetranoic acid isobutylamide (1) and total alkylamide content were determined in all preparations, and the latter was found to be associated with their CYP 3A4 inhibitory potency. The chemically pure alkylamides dodeca-2E,4E,8Z,10E/Z-tetranoic acid isobutylamide (1) and dodeca-2E,4E-dieonoic acid isobutylamide (2) showed inhibitory activity on CYP 2C19, 2D6 and 3A4. However, unlike the Echinaforce extract, the alkylamides did not induce CYP 1A2 inhibition. Thus, other, as yet unidentified constituents also contribute to the overall weak inhibitory effects seen with Echinacea preparations in-vitro.


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Background: The literature on the applications of homeopathy for controlling plant diseases in both plant pathological models and field trials was first reviewed by Scofield in 1984. No other review on homeopathy in plant pathology has been published since, though much new research has subsequently been carried out using more advanced methods. Objectives: To conduct an up-to-date review of the existing literature on basic research in homeopathy using phytopathological models and experiments in the field. Methods: A literature search was carried out on publications from 1969 to 2009, for papers that reported experiments on homeopathy using phytopathological models (in vitro and in planta) and field trials. The selected papers were summarized and analysed on the basis of a Manuscript Information Score (MIS) to identify those that provided sufficient information for proper interpretation (MIS ≥ 5). These were then evaluated using a Study Methods Evaluation Procedure (SMEP). Results: A total of 44 publications on phytopathological models were identified: 19 papers with statistics, 6 studies with MIS ≥ 5. Publications on field were 9, 6 with MIS ≥ 5. In general, significant and reproducible effects with decimal and centesimal potencies were found, including dilution levels beyond the Avogadro's number. Conclusions: The prospects for homeopathic treatments in agriculture are promising, but much more experimentation is needed, especially at a field level, and on potentisation techniques, effective potency levels and conditions for reproducibility. Phytopathological models may also develop into useful tools to answer pharmaceutical questions.


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