1000 resultados para Pesquisa em Educação
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
It is possible in many countries, perhaps all, there is business groups of pharmaceuticals industry, cosmetics together with the universities that use animals in scientific research and testing for the creation of new products and medicines. Currently is growing discussion about standards and criteria for the use of these animals (guinea pigs) and also increases the number of debates on ethical issues in research with animal models. This research seeks to portray the reality of the use of animals in scientific research academic at the University, specifically to research in physical education, as it has used animals in the areas of Physiology of Sport and Physical Activity, Nutrition for Athletes, among others. Initially is shown the pre-reflection, exposing the laws governing the subject, treating the animal experimentation with regard to its history and the issues of speciesism and the methodological mistake. It reveals what it is and as is the use of animals in education and the inability of the student to change that reality, to refuse to participate in the cruel activity, and even they are aware of their rights as in the case of the withdrawal of consciousness. Presents researchers and universities not use animals and ends the pre-debate showing Who is really the most animal research at the university by providing alternatives for them. We conducted a literature survey on animal experimentation, research universities, and alternative methods. The following is the phenomenon in understanding and awareness of the researchers who use animals in their research, conducting a phenomenological analysis of his speeches, revealing the meanings of their animal research. The focus of this study is, therefore, the analysis of discourses of researchers who carried out research using animal experiments (guinea pigs). The phenomenon of understanding of the researchers about their research is made clear... (Complete abstract click ectronic access below)
O objetivo deste trabalho é abordar a história dos correios, sua educação corporativa, e analisar os artigos científicos que se relacionam à educação e servirão como fundamentação teórica. A metodologia é um estudo bibliográfico; o principal resultado é a análise e abordagem da educação corporativa da empresa em relação à formação das competências dos funcionários da empresa; a conclusão é a de que a empresa, apesar de ser um órgão público e burocrático, teve que se adaptar aos novos paradigmas do mundo do trabalho, investindo em programas de aperfeiçoamento, visando o lucro, mas acima de tudo valorizando o funcionário, por compreender a complexidade humana, com base nos quatro pilares da educação, segundo a UNESCO. Pois é a partir dessa postura de investimento no ensino e nas pessoas que será desencadeado o processo de mudança e propiciará a competitividade com qualidade no mercado global
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
A Filosofia é muito importante para todos os campos de conhecimento. No caso da Educação em Ciências, suas ferramentas de pensamento são importantes porque nos possibilitam descrever os fundamentos das teorias de aprendizagem, já que todas trazem consigo pressupostos filosóficos sobre o conhecimento e sua aprendizagem. O pensamento de Wittgenstein é considerado de crucial importância para a Filosofia do século XX,e sua filosofia tem ganhado importância crescente no cenário da Educação em Ciências, em especial nos aspectos relacionados à compreensão do papel da linguagem na aprendizagem e na elaboração de significados. Nesse trabalho trazemos uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a contribuição desse filósofo nas linhas de pesquisa da Educação em Ciências, e também propomos novas aplicações de sua filosofia.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In this paper are systematized the discussions conducted by GDP "Research in EA and School Context", in VII EPEA, which have had, as its main axis, themes, authors and theoretical perspectives privileged in research presented at the event and declared themselves affiliated to this GDP. The dialogue with researches from previous meetings and other, aims to deepen the questions posed by the research group. The discussions allowed to identify themes and issues that present themselves as significant and challenging for research in EA in the school context, namely the conversion of schools into sustainable educational spaces; public-private partnerships, with great interest from companies and NGOs in school spaces, waving kits with educational materials produced for the school; lack of investment in public policies for teacher training in EA; tendency to an adherence to critical environmental education, without, however, have clear theoretical and methodological commitments under this option.
Considerando número expressivo de alunos matriculados nas diferentes etapas e modalidades de ensino no Brasil e o que estabelece a Constituição Federal de 1988, sobre a incumbência do Poder Público de promover a Educação Ambiental em todos os níveis de escolarização, pretendemos analisar, neste artigo, aspectos referentes aos marcos legais e às orientações pedagógicas da Educação Ambiental em nosso país. Tomamos como referência a perspectiva de alguns autores brasileiros que estudam o tema e analisamos as principais diretrizes legais da Educação Ambiental no Brasil e as recomendações dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais referentes a Meio Ambiente. Diante dos sérios problemas ambientais que enfrentamos, acreditamos que a Educação Ambiental pode contribuir para transformações nos indivíduos e na sociedade. Defendemos, também, a importância da pesquisa em Educação Ambiental e consideramos que o conhecimento gerado pela pesquisa pode oferecer subsídios para ações que promovam mudanças capazes de garantir um planeta ambientalmente seguro e saudável.
The integration of research in teaching practices assumes increasing importance and complexity in education. One aspect involved in this issue and poorly investigated is the training of teachers for the development of research linked with their practices. In this context, we present a training for research developed on a distance-learning course in the Science Teaching, which involves the design, implementation and analysis of didactic sequences: the Study Guide to the Initiation of the Term Paper (SGITP). Our research goal is to present a training proposal produced from the results collected from a survey of the literature of the area, and to investigate its application and its results in the teachers' continuing education program. Using data extracted from the production of students and tutors, we concluded that SGITP had a good acceptance among them and it was positively evaluated by teachers, in addition to promoting a greater understanding of research.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
The teaching of Science is one great challenge not only for educators but also for researchers in our country. In a globalized world where the social foundations, cultural and economic depend fundamentally on science and technology, science education is a basic requirement for the exercise of citizenship. Multiple initiatives have been taken to improve the quality of teaching of science practiced in our schools: the ReAction Program is the result of a set of actions developed by a public educational policy that invests in improving the Teaching of Science the elementary school. In this work, we present a history of this program and the search on the contribution and the actions developed, the collaborative research with a group of teachers-multiplier, and the evaluation of the teaching of science, measured from notes, frequency and speech teacher.
The main intention of this paper is to present how a Research Group in Mathematics Education – known as GHOEM, “Oral History and Math Education” Research Group – is taking Oral History into account in Mathematics Education researches, sometimes challenging and expanding this specific methodological approach in order to better answer questions in Math Education field. The composition of such group, as frequently occurs in a research community, is dynamic. So, the works taken into consideration in this paper were those written by researchers which were GHOEM members at the time they published their results.