989 resultados para Perramon, Josep M.- Intervius


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Neurons obtained directly from human somatic cells hold great promise for disease modeling and drug screening. Available protocols rely on overexpression of transcription factors using integrative vectors and are often slow, complex, and inefficient. We report a fast and efficient approach for generating induced neural cells (iNCs) directly from human hematopoietic cells using Sendai virus. Upon SOX2 and c-MYC expression, CD133-positive cord blood cells rapidly adopt a neuroepithelial morphology and exhibit high expansion capacity. Under defined neurogenic culture conditions, they express mature neuronal markers and fire spontaneous action potentials that can be modulated with neurotransmitters. SOX2 and c-MYC are also sufficient to convert peripheral blood mononuclear cells into iNCs. However, the conversion process is less efficient and resulting iNCs have limited expansion capacity and electrophysiological activity upon differentiation. Our study demonstrates rapid and efficient generation of iNCs from hematopoietic cells while underscoring the impact of target cells on conversion efficiency.


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Colorectal cancer is one of the most frequent neoplasms and an important cause of mortality in the developed world. Mendelian syndromes account for about 5% of the total burden of CRC, being Lynch syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis the most common forms. Lynch syndrome tumors develop mainly as a consequence of defective DNA mismatch repair associated with germline mutations in MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2. A significant proportion of variants identified by screening these genes correspond to missense or noncoding changes without a clear pathogenic consequence, and they are designated as "variants of uncertain significance'', being the c.1852_1853delinsGC (p.K618A) variant in the MLH1 gene a clear example. The implication of this variant as a low-penetrance risk variant for CRC was assessed in the present study by performing a case-control study within a large cohort from the COGENT consortium-COST Action BM1206 including 18,723 individuals (8,055 colorectal cancer cases and 10,668 controls) and a case-only genotype-phenotype correlation with several clinical and pathological characteristics restricted to the Epicolon cohort. Our results showed no involvement of this variant as a low-penetrance variant for colorectal cancer genetic susceptibility and no association with any clinical and pathological characteristics including family history for this neoplasm or Lynch syndrome.


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We report an experimental study on confined systems formed by butyloxybenzylidene octylaniline liquid crystal (4O.8) + gamma-alumina nanoparticles. The effects of the confinement in the thermal and dielectric properties of the liquid crystal under different densities of nanoparticles is analyzed by means of high resolution Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry (MDSC) and broadband dielectric spectroscopy. First, a drastic depression of the N-I and SmA-N transition temperatures is observed with confinement, the more concentration of nanoparticles the deeper this depression is, driving the nematic range closer to the room temperature. An interesting experimental law is found for both transition temperatures. Second, the change in shape of the heat capacity peaks is quantified by means of the full width half maximum (FWHM). Third, the confinement does not noticeably affect the molecular dynamics. Finally, the combination of nanoparticles and the external applied electric field tends to favor the alignment of the molecules in metallic cells. All these results indicate that the confinement of liquid crystals by means of gamma-alumina nanoparticles could be optimum for liquid crystal-based electrooptic devices.


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166 p. : il. col.


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In the present work, the nematic glassy state of the non-symmetric LC dimer -(4-cyanobiphenyl-4-yloxy)--(1-pyrenimine-benzylidene-4-oxy) undecane is studied by means of calorimetric and dielectric measurements. The most striking result of the work is the presence of two different glass transition temperatures: one due to the freezing of the flip-flop motions of the bulkier unit of the dimer and the other, at a lower temperature, related to the freezing of the flip-flop and precessional motions of the cyanobiphenyl unit. This result shows the fact that glass transition is the consequence of the freezing of one or more coupled dynamic disorders and not of the disordered phase itself. In order to avoid crystallization when the bulk sample is cooled down, the LC dimer has been confined via the dispersion of -alumina nanoparticles, in several concentrations.


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Purpose Encouraging office workers to 'sit less and move more' encompasses two public health priorities. However, there is little evidence on the effectiveness of workplace interventions for reducing sitting, even less about the longer term effects of such interventions and still less on dual-focused interventions. This study assessed the short and mid-term impacts of a workplace web-based intervention (Walk@WorkSpain, W@WS; 2010-11) on self-reported sitting time, step counts and physical risk factors (waist circumference, BMI, blood pressure) for chronic disease. Methods Employees at six Spanish university campuses (n=264; 42 +/- 10 years; 171 female) were randomly assigned by worksite and campus to an Intervention (used W@WS; n=129; 87 female) or a Comparison group (maintained normal behavior; n=135; 84 female). This phased, 19-week program aimed to decrease occupational sitting time through increased incidental movement and short walks. A linear mixed model assessed changes in outcome measures between the baseline, ramping (8 weeks), maintenance (11 weeks) and follow-up (two months) phases for Intervention versus Comparison groups. Results A significant 2 (group) x 2 (program phases) interaction was found for self-reported occupational sitting (F[3]=7.97, p=0.046), daily step counts (F[3]=15.68, p=0.0013) and waist circumference (F[3]=11.67, p=0.0086). The Intervention group decreased minutes of daily occupational sitting while also increasing step counts from baseline (446 +/- 126; 8,862 +/- 2,475) through ramping (+425 +/- 120; 9,345 +/- 2,435), maintenance (+422 +/- 123; 9,638 +/- 3,131) and follow-up (+414 +/- 129; 9,786 +/- 3,205). In the Comparison group, compared to baseline (404 +/- 106), sitting time remained unchanged through ramping and maintenance, but decreased at follow-up (-388 +/- 120), while step counts diminished across all phases. The Intervention group significantly reduced waist circumference by 2.1cms from baseline to follow-up while the Comparison group reduced waist circumference by 1.3cms over the same period. Conclusions W@WSis a feasible and effective evidence-based intervention that can be successfully deployed with sedentary employees to elicit sustained changes on "sitting less and moving more".


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A modernidade caracteriza-se por um período em que ocorreram profundas revoluções em curtos intervalos de tempo. Nela, o mundo analógico foi substituído, gradativamente, pelo digital e o mundo material passou a dividir espaço com a realidade virtual. Inicialmente representada pelo mito prometeico, a modernidade foi tomada pelo impulso fáustico que hoje se traduz no desejo de recriar a condição humana. Os tecnoprofetas da Inteligência Artificial anunciam para breve as maravilhas da pós-humanidade e se ocupam com criação de máquinas espirituais que, acreditam eles, libertarão o homem de sua condição orgânica. Ciente de que a sociedade se organiza em torno da ótica tecnocientífica e de que as inovações alteram significativamente o modo como a maioria dos seres humanos se relaciona com o tempo, com o espaço e com a vida, este estudo discute o modelo de desenvolvimento tecnológico, por entender que ele não mais constitui assunto de domínio exclusivamente técnico, mas, também, de interesse político. Ademais, com vistas a problematizar o que dá sentido à técnica, faz-se uma crítica ao modelo atual, no qual ela, a técnica, subordinada à razão intrumental, funciona como instrumento de alienação e discute as condições necessárias a sua democratização. O estudo começa examinando dois fenômenos considerados determinantes na configuração do cenário atual: o capitalismo cognitivo e a reificação-tecnológica, entendidos como construções monopolizadas pela ótica capital-tecnocientífica. A seguir, faz-se uma análise sobre as noções de técnica, tecnologia e razão técnica e discute-se o impacto do desenvolvimento tecnológico no ato médico. A medicina representa uma atividade de grande valor social para o bem estar humano, embora, nas últimas décadas, venha enfrentando uma quebra no vínculo de confiança entre médicos e pacientes, além de uma crise na identidade desse profissional que hoje enfrenta dificuldades para preservar sua autonomia, face ao mercado das novas tecnologias e estratégias de gestão. Nesse contexto, surgem novas questões a serem elaboradas e a serem respondidas por diferentes atores e áreas de conhecimento da sociedade que desejem contribuir com reflexões e propostas que façam frente aos problemas específicos de nosso tempo. O trabalho sugere, ainda, que noções como Vontade - no sentido arendtiano, ou como o Olhar atento - Josep Esquiról e como Habilidade artesanal - Richard Sennett, podem nos ajudar a compreender as incumbências de uma re-orientação ética, se quisermos construir um diálogo com a razão tecnocientífica em prol da liberdade humana.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first aim is to obtain a valid and reliable instrument for the holistic analysis of sporting events, and the second is to test a causal model in which future intentions depend on spectators’ perceptions of quality, satisfaction, and value of these events. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 493 spectators of a professional basketball team in the Spanish ACB league responded to a survey to measure the overall performance of the sporting event service. Exploratory factor analysis and further confirmatory factor analysis using structural equation models provides the methodology for testing the reliability and validity of the instrument. Findings – The scales have adequate reliability and validity indices. The path model explains 35.8 percent of the variance in future intentions, 54.0 percent in perceived value, and 49.5 percent in spectators’ satisfaction. Quality proves a better predictor of perceived value than satisfaction. Both perceived value and satisfaction have a similar weight in predicting spectators’ future intentions. The data indicate that quality has an effect on spectators’ future intentions, by altering their perceptions of value and satisfaction. Research limitations/implications – The research findings are somewhat limited, due to the sample consisting entirely of spectators of a single team in the Spanish ACB league. Practical implications – Managers can use these findings to develop loyalty strategies by creating service value and increasing spectators’ satisfaction through quality improvements. Originality/value – This study contributes to the literature on service quality by providing an overall measure to assess service in professional sporting events in a Latin-American context.


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En esta comunicación presentamos el sistema tutorial inteligente, al que hemos llamado AGENTGEOM, y analizamos cómo interactúa con un alumno en la resolución de un problema que compara áreas de superficies planas. En esta interacción, el alumno llega a apropiarse de habilidades estratégicas y argumentativas en la resolución de problemas. Observaremos que estas apropiaciones son consecuencia de las formas de comunicación alumno-AGENTGEOM, en las que se combinan construcciones gráficas y sentencias escritas que siguen las normas del lenguaje matemático, y la emisión de mensajes escritos en lenguaje natural.


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Distinguiremos tres contribuciones de la Teoría Antropológica de lo didáctico a la formación del profesorado de secundaria: la manera de plantear el problema de la formación y delimitar el ámbito empírico en el que éste debe situarse y abordarse; la propuesta y experimentación de dispositivos de formación; y, finalmente, la puesta en evidencia de fenómenos que inciden en el desarrollo de esta formación dificultándola o facilitándola. Los resultados obtenidos durante estos últimos años con experiencias concretas de formación del profesorado de matemáticas de secundaria ponen de manifiesto algunas dolencias que no parecen poder remediarse sin una cooperación estrecha entre la propia formación, la investigación en didáctica de las matemáticas y este ente todavía desdibujado que es la profesión de profesor de matemáticas.


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Este trabajo se estructura en torno a la evolución (no histórica)del problema de la Educación Matemática. Una vez constatado el fracaso de la respuesta pedagógica a dicho problema, surge la Didáctica de las Matemáticas que lo aborda tomando en consideración, de manera integrada, "lo matemático" y "lo pedagógico", lo que provoca una doble ruptura: con la Pedagogía y con los modelos epistemológicos ingenuos, transparentes e incuestionables del conociminento matemático. En la segunda parte del trabajo se esquematizan muy brevemente las respuestas que proporcionan a dicho problema los dos principales Programas de Investigación en Didáctica de las Matemáticas: el Programa Cognitivo y el Programa Epistemológico.


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En este trabajo pretendemos mostrar que la presunta alternativa entre geometría sintética y geometría analítica es, en realidad, una falsa alternativa fruto de un análisis epistemológico superficial. Proponemos una forma de conectar, en la enseñanza de la geometría en secundaria, las técnicas sintéticas con las analíticas a fin de poner de manifiesto su complementariedad.


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La comunidad arbustiva Chamaeropo-Rhamnetum lycioidis withanietosum frutescentis es probablemente la clímax de esta pequeña isla litoral. Se describe también una subasociación nitrófila, pobre y degradada subas. lycietosum intricati.


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Se comentan la estructura y la ecología de los prados de Festuca paniculata subsp. spadicea planta que en los Pirineos halla su óptimo en las solanas de los pisos montano superior y subalpino, sobre terrenos calizos.


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Revisión y breve comentario de las diferentes asociaciones y subasociaciones del orden Molinietalia caeruleae reconocidas hasta ahora en los Pirineos catalanes. Se hace referencia a 10 asociaciones distintas, correspondientes a las alianzas Filipendulion (1 asociación), Calthion palustris (3 asociaciones), Juncion acutiflori (2) y Molinion caeruleae (4), dos de las cuales -Carici (pallescentis)-Molinietum y Epipactidi-Molinietum- se proponen aquí como nuevas. Una tabla sintética en la que figuran, para cada especie, los tantos por ciento de presencia y los coeficientes dc recubrimiento, resume la composición floristica de las d¡versas comunidades.