978 resultados para Permanent Defence Force Other Ranks Representative Association


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Anemia ferropénica, enfermedad común en niños afecta su desarrollo psicomotriz y cognitivo, se ha asociado a una disminución en su rendimiento escolar. OBJETIVO GENERAL Determinar la asociación entre la anemia ferropénica y rendimiento escolar en niños de 2º a 7º año de educación básica de la escuela “12 de Octubre” del cantón el Tambo, 2015. DISEÑO METODOLÓGICO Estudio tipo analítico transversal, a una población de 92 escolares de 2º a 7º año de educación básica, matriculados en el año lectivo 2015 – 2016. Previo a su inclusión representantes de los escolares firmaron consentimiento informado, luego llenaron un formulario que determinó variables como edad, sexo, año escolar, lugar de residencia. Un análisis sanguíneo permitió establecer la presencia de la variable anemia ferropénica; y la variable rendimiento escolar fue tomada de los libros de registro de calificaciones. Recolectada la información se ingresó al ordenador para un análisis ulterior en los programas Microsoft Office Excel 2010 y SPSS V22. RESULTADOS De los 92 escolares investigados, el 53,3% fueron mujeres y el 46.7% hombres. El promedio de edad fue de 9,38 (DS 2,10). El mayor número según grupo de edad fue entre 10 y 11 años con el 43,48%. Se presentó anemia por deficiencia de hierro en 25% de los escolares, la relación con el rendimiento escolar fue no significativa (RP 0,6 IC 95 0,14-2,51, valor de p=0,51)


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The Australian Army recently adopted the British concept of hospital exercise (HOSPEX) as a means of evaluating the capabilities of its deployable NATO Role 2E hospital, the 2nd General Health Battalion. The Australian approach to HOSPEX differs from the original UK model. This article describes the reasons why the Australian Army needed to adopt the HOSPEX concept, how it was adapted to suit local circumstances and how the concept may evolve to meet the needs of the wider Australian Defence Force and our allies.


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Vegetation series, defined as the sequence of stages in a sucession, and know as sigmetum (synassociation), describes the set of plant communities or stages that can be found in similar tesselar spaces as a result of the sucession process. This establishes the concept of vegetation series; a climatophilous series is one that depends on the climate, whereas an edaphoxerophilous series depends on the dryness of the soil, and is found on crests, spurs, ledges and limestone and siliceous rock fields. Edaphohygrophilous series are located in valleys, dry water courses and river terraces, and depend on the water present in the soil, which may become temporarily flooded and thus condition the temporihygrophilous series; they represent the transition between the clearly edaphohygrophilous and climatophilous series. The vegetation permaseries represents the perennial communities of permatesselae or similar permatesselar complexes, as occurs in polar territories, hyperdesert, high-mountain peaks, and non-stratified communities lacking in serial communities. The edaphoxerophilous series may include -in addition to the series head- permaseries (permanent communities) and other habitats, such as annual and crevice habitats. A territory behaves undergoes soil-loss phenomena it may become an edaphoseries, if the loss of the soil factor produces a situation of rocky crest. Thus the edaphoseries may act as dynamic transitional stage between the climatophilous series and the permaseries.

Proposal for a Council Regulation (EC) concerning the export of certain ECSC and EC steel products from certain third countries to the European Communities; Proposal for a Council Decision on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Bulgaria, of the other part, which entered into force on 1 February 1995, concerning the export of certain steel products from the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Communities; Proposal for a Council Decision on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Czech Republic, of the other part, which entered into force on 1 February 1995, concerning the export of certain steel products from the Czech Republic to the European Communities; Proposal for a Council Decision on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and Romania, of the other part, which entered into force on 1 February 1995, concerning the export of certain steel products from Romania to the European Communities; Proposal for a Council Decision on the position to be taken by the Community within the Association Council established by the Europe Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and the Slovak Republic, of the other part, which entered into force on 1 February 1995, concerning the export of certain steel products from the Slovak Republic to the European Communities (presented by the Commission). COM (95) 574 final, 27 November 1995


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