902 resultados para Património cultural e paisagístico
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Esta dissertação se construiu a partir do diálogo entre a Antropologia e a Arqueologia, na busca de compreender os usos e significados que o patrimônio arqueológico assume no âmbito das relações sociais contemporâneas, em específico, aqueles construídos segundo a lógica de povos e comunidades tradicionais. Entendido como categoria etnográfica, o patrimônio permite vislumbrar significados que os quilombolas pertencentes às comunidades Taperinha, Nova Ipixuna, Sauá- Mirim, Benevides e Alegre Vamos, no município de São Domingos do Capim (PA), elaboram em torno do sítio arqueológico Aproaga. Na luta pela titulação definitiva do seu território os quilombolas se autodefinem Povos do Aproaga, nesse contexto, a consciência cultural possibilita a construção da identidade coletiva. Em torno das ruínas históricas do engenho colonial, a memória social quando os Pretos d’antes foram escravos restitui e fortalece no presente as referências culturais e fronteiras étnicas em consonância ao sentimento de pertencimento ao Aproaga. Assim, a arqueologia pública e etnográfica possibilita compreender as dinâmicas e relações sociais do presente e suas fruições com o passado, os significados da cultura material, bem como, as dimensões étnicas que o patrimônio pode vir a assumir no contexto de direitos territoriais de comunidades descendentes e/ou de origem. Porquanto, a territorialidade quilombola construída pelos Povos do Aproaga implica pensar de maneira crítica sobre as políticas do patrimônio na Amazônia, e mais amplamente a reflexividade da pesquisa tendo em vista uma práxis descolonial da ciência.
The purpose of this study revolves around understanding the mechanisms of control over the management of documentary heritage. Was used as a methodological procedure the theoretical research. hus, from the analysis of documentary heritage as a category of cultural heritage, was used as theoretical and methodological substantiations Federal Constitution of 1988, the Law of Archives, the Fiscal Responsibility Law, as well as texts of authors that study about the concept and management of cultural heritage in order to obtain a theoretical study on the subject treated. It was found, with the analysis of legal and scientiic texts, the absence of preventive inspection by the public administrators in relation to the documentary heritage. hus, it was realized the need for efective supervision of acts performed towards preservation and management of public documents. Based on the assumption that the “Tribunal de Contas” is the public agency responsible for enforcement of accounting standards, iscal, budgetary and environmental, it is concluded that to it also would attribute the power to enforce compliance with rules concerning the protection and management of heritage archival documents.
O turismo e a paisagem natural e cultural do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Núcleo Santa Virgínia
Tourism represents a socio-economic activity to generate local and regional development and at the same time contribute to the valuation and conservation of natural and cultural landscape. From this premise, we believe that the study area - PESM – Núcleo Santa Virginia and surroundings - has a great tourism potential, which can be further explored through public policies that value and at the same time assist the conservation of the natural and cultural landscape of the region. Therefore, this project, which arises from a research project conducted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in partnership with the Forestry Institute (IF), analyzes the possibilities and limitations of the attractions and tourist activities in areas of intensive, extensive use and around this area. Through literature research and application of semi-structured questionnaires to the main agents of local tourism important information for the characterization of tourism activities in the study area were obtained, as well as to identify gaps in planning instruments and management about PESM - Núcleo Santa Virginia. Through this diagnosis, we intend to provide support for the development of tourism in Núcleo Santa Virginia and its surrounding area, seeking to conserve natural and cultural heritage and improving the quality of life of local people
This work analyzes the importance of public policies in the process of urban-environmental preservation of the Alvares Machado city at state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, where priority was given to questions related to cultural heritage. Adopting the concept of territory as base to understand the complexities in the city, this work clarifies and contextualizes the historical heritage legislation through the Master Plan and the City Statute. The work also focuses on the contribution of the geographer toward studies related to urban-environmental planning.
This article comprises of a reflection on the challenges of the school heritage conservation in Brazil. First, it analyses the place for school heritage thin in a much more ample field of cultural heritage. Then, it points out problematic questions assumed in the debate on heritage in the education area and examines the consequent sense of the school converted in “place of memory”. The text defends the indispensability of the insertion of the school heritage in the public, political and specialized debate in the field of conservation as a condition for the development of education heritage in the country.
This article discusses the preservation of cultural heritage, particularly the historical and architectural, in small municipalities in São Paulo State, in particular the Central Administrative Region. It pointed out that urban planning and master plans may represent an opportunity for such municipalities definitely incorporate preservation, locally. It also presents a small survey of considerations of national heritage at the municipal level and by CONDEPHAAT and IPHAN.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
No Brasil, ações institucionais de preservação de bens imóveis tem foco principal na arquitetura erudita, colocando em segundo plano de importância a arquitetura produzida por indivíduos com formação escassa e empírica. Este trabalho contribui para o reconhecimento da arquitetura popular (vernácula) como patrimônio cultural. Trabalha-se na criação de acervo fotográfico de edificações e equipamentos urbanos produzidos durante o período colonial, nos municípios de Tiradentes, Mariana, Ouro Preto e Diamantina (Minas Gerais). São realizadas visitas in loco para reconhecimento e seleção de objetos a serem fotografados. O registro fotográfico é realizado com câmera digital reflex de objetiva simples, privilegiando-se objetos cuja deterioração permite a observação de materiais e técnicas construtivas. Como resultado parcial da pesquisa, foram produzidas 4.522 imagens, documentando o abandono de edificações residenciais e chafarizes setecentistas e oitocentistas, bem como a descaracterização de exemplares de edificações coloniais populares habitadas, cujas paredes de adobe e pau-a-pique são substituídas por alvenaria de tijolos pelos moradores. Tornam-se necessárias ações para o reconhecimento – no âmbito do Poder Público e das comunidades locais – da relevância histórica da arquitetura popular, entendida como produto articulado e coerente de contribuições das culturas distintas que formaram essa região do Brasil.
O isolamento do Continente face às ilhas foi uma das razões determinantes para a implementação de um canal regional na Madeira. No contexto dos media, o “regional” e o “local” foram assumidos como espaços de ampla importância, pela sua singularidade e necessidade de absorver e transmitir informação. A chegada da televisão à Madeira propiciou um momento de mudança na sociedade insular que, a partir de então, podia acompanhar o seu quotidiano através de imagens e de sons. Em 1972, a RTP Madeira deu os primeiros passos com uma programação totalmente assegurada pela RTP, tendo apenas iniciado em 1976 a sua produção regional com o programa Dentro do Espaço e de Tempo. Com a chegada dos anos 80 e 90, a televisão regional experimentou uma fase de aprendizagem e de profissionalização, onde se destacam Maria Virgínia Aguiar e Armindo Abreu, que, enquanto diretores do Centro, foram responsáveis por um grande número de produções que aproximaram a RTP Madeira dos seus telespectadores. Já na entrada do novo milénio, assiste-se no canal a uma grande intensificação da produção própria, norteada pelo serviço público, uma missão que na fase final da primeira década do Século XXI acaba por ver-se comprometida por um horário de exibição entre as 19 e as 23 horas, imposto pelo XIX Governo Constitucional, e num cenário de indecisão quanto ao futuro da estação regional. Com “A RTP Madeira: um marco cultural entre 1972 e 2012” poderemos acompanhar o percurso do Centro Regional da Madeira, através dos seus programas e agentes. Perante nós ecoam vozes e perpassam memórias que desejamos ajudar a perpetuar.
The incursion into the historical area from Fortaleza´s downtown presents reminiscences of a heritage collection that can be recognized as city built heritage, in architectural and urban aspects. The neighborhood has in its urban tracing a synthesis of the various phases from the Brazilian architecture materialized in its tracing and built goods. This composition mainly covers the eclectic production, passing the time of art déco, including the period of modern production. This paper aims to identify the existing heritage collection. This study aims to identify the existing net assets, the temporality and spatiality that allow to recreate the neighborhood´s form urbain history. Based on the theoretical and methodological support of the urban morphology urban of authors such as Aldo Rossi (1966), Gordon Cullen (1971), José Lamas (1990), Kevin Lynch (1960), and Philippe Panerai (1999) was allowed on a predefined route, to build part of urban memory of Fortaleza. The historical and morphological study runs through a sequenced analysis developed on the articulated subsets, formed by the network neighborhood squares: Praça José de Alencar, Praça Capistrano de Abreu (Lagoinha), Praça Clóvis Beviláquia, Praça do Carmo, Praça Murilo Borges (BNB), Praça Coração de Jesus, Parque das Crianças, Praça do Riacho Pajeú, Praça dos Voluntários (Polícia), Praça do Ferreira, Praça Waldemar Falcão (Correios), Praça General Tibúrcio (Leões), Praça Figueira de Melo, Bosque Dom Delgado (Pajeú), Praça Cristo Redentor, Praça Caio Prado (Sé), Praça dos Mártires (Passeio Público), e Praça Castro Carreira (Estação). Separated the neighborhood based on this square system because it is perceived that there is in these public spaces a path which includes a portion of the urban history of Fortaleza. In addition to this there is a higher concentration of goods in its area in relation to others sectors of the neighborhood, where the loss of the characterization is an imperative of the urban set. In order to find this network of public spaces contained in the study area were proposed two routes based on the city limits of 1875 established by Adolfo Herbster (Fortaleza´s city plan).The path starts by known boulevards (Imperador, Duque de Caxias and Dom Manuel avenues) and the seafront. The study is grounded in the literature review, document and empirical theme, consisting of an overlay of maps, drawings and photographic collection that ratify this net assets as both architectural urban nowadays. Among the results, it was observed that before a current context of loss of locus of the concept of historical-cultural agglomerated, the squares express the strongholds of equity ambience that perhaps stand in urban morphology of the capital from Ceará.
The study proposes to present a discussion about the value of cachaça as a cultural heritage and its relation with the touristic activities in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Based on a discussion originated from historic studies related to the touristic sector, especially when it comes to gastronomy, cachaça is defined not only as an important instrument to the construction of identities, but, also, as an element able to weave social, political and economic relations. Therefore, a touristic product that can provide new destinations. The research was made through five alembics located on the East and Seridó regions of Rio Grande do Norte. To define the focus, it is necessary to refine this selection, especially when dealing with historical facts and memories from these establishment owners. Thus, it becomes necessary to consider the alembic trajectory, periods of larger productions and insertion in the touristic market. Through documental data collection and observations made in field tours, the research has a qualitative approach with descriptive and exploratory goal, methodology that allows us to approach issues around articulations among heritage, identity and tourism. "It was concluded that the state of Rio Grande do Norte has many tourist routes where handmade cachaça produced in the State can be inserted in any of these routes due to its potential searched in the research, as well as, it is possible to work in other perspective when it comes to ways of protecting this patrimony and strategies of incentive of the activity for the development and appreciation of local economy.